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tv   U.S. House of Representatives U.S. House of Representatives  CSPAN  April 29, 2024 8:49pm-9:00pm EDT

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the criticism of the state of israel and anti-semitism and those conversations will be hot and challenging on capitol hill. host: katherine tully-mcmanus. congress reporter with politico. >> c-span's washington journal. our live form involving you in politics and public policy from washington, d.c. and across the country. tuesday morning we talk about the history of student activism in the u.s. with history professor angus johnson. and then we will discuss addiction in the u.s. and policy approaches to address the public health issue. washington journal. join the conversation tuesday morning 7:00 eastern on c-span, c-span now, or
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tuesday, nasa administrator bill nelson testified about the agency's 2020 five budget request. watch coverage of the comttee hearing starting at 10:00 a.m. eastern on c-span three, c-span now, or >> c-span is your unfiltered view of government. we are funded by these television companies and more, including comcast. >> you think this is just a community center? it is way more than that. >> comcast is partnering with community centers so students from low income families can get the tools they need to be ready for anything. >> comcast supports c-span as a puic service, along with these other television providers, giving you a front row seat to democracy. >> c-span has been delivering
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unfiltered congressional coverage for 45 years. here is a highlight for me key moment. >> i stand here with my colleagues from the arizona delegation senate and house and with close friends of congresswoman gabrielle giffords to remember of that tragic event that took place three years ago today. january 8, 2011 at 10:10 a.m., in just 19 seconds, 19 people, including congress when -- congresswoman giffords and myself were shot at a corner in tucson, arizona. this event was democracy in action. a member of this body, a people's house, was meeting one-on-one with her constituents.
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six wonderful people died that day, including my friend gabe zimmerman, my go to guy on the congresswoman staff. >> c-span, powered by cable. gentleman from new jersey seek recognition?om new jersey seek >> mr. speaker, i rise, along with my colleagues, to convey our deepest sorrow of the passing of our good friend, six term new jersey congressman donald payne jr. of the 10th congressional district. we're grateful for his public service and offer our prayers and condolences to his wife and their children. like his father before him, and i served with him as a great man, donald payne sr., donald jr. was a dedicated public servant who tirelessly and tenaciously worked to improve the lives of new jersey families, especially the poor. he was a kind and compassionate lawmaker who cared deeply for
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his people, his district, the state, and the country, and especially those in need, especially the sick. as a diabetic, he fought to lower the cost of insulin. he wrote the removing barriers to colorectal screening act and compassion act to provide full coverage for p.a.d. to help reduce amputations. his test for lead act was designed to protect children from lead contaminated drinking water in schools and he wrote the homeland security interoperable act that became law in 2015. as chairman and ranking member of the house railroads, pipelines and hazardous material subcommittee, he helped lead the charge to improve america's infrastructure and played a key role in securing the gateway project and was a powerful ally of amtrak. donald payne served two terms on the new york city council, including as his president, and beginning in 2005, three terms assets ex-county free holder,
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which we now call commissioner. donald payne jr. will be deeply missed. i'd like to yield to my good friend and colleague, mr. pallone, for any comments he would have. mr. pallone: thank you, chris. chris really laid out all the great accomplishments of don payne in terms of what he accomplished here, which was so much as a member of congress. but i just want to talk a little bit about the man. i think that many of us know don for his trademark bow tie, his big smile, and his friendly demeanor. more than a member of new jersey's congressional delegation, he was a part of our family, and he affectionately called me uncle frank. he used his time here to improve the lives and health of new jerseyans and americans with so many things that chris smith mentioned, but don was always struggling with health issues from the day he came here.
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i don't know many of you knew that. but it never stopped him from his work from voting. so many times in the past year, we had very close votes, and he would always show up if there was any way possible. and also, doing special orders, he had the record for most special orders in several years. if you look over there in seat number one where democrats would sit if they wanted to line up for special orders, you'd see the flowers and the morning cloak. he was always the first one to come down. and i think a lot of you maybe didn't realize how uncomfortable he was when he was sick. but he always took the time to ask how you were doing. if i would go up to him and say donald, how are you feeling today, he would say fine, just move on, but say how are you doing, frank? how do you feel? how is the family? he just made you feel like he was your friend. and it didn't matter whether you were democrat or republican or where you were from.
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so i do want to join chris in mentioning his wife beatrice and children, he had triplets, donald iii, jack, and yvonne who want to honor his legacy and service to our state and our country. but i just want to say in closing to don, uncle frank says goodbye. but you will certainly not be forgotten by any of us. and with that i yield back to chris smith. mr. smith: i would ask everyone to join us in a moment of silent prayer for our deceased colleague.
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>> c-span is your unfiltered view of government. we are funded by these television companies and more, including charter communications. >> charter is recognized as one of the best internet providers, and we are just getting started, building new infrastructure to reach those who need it most. >> charter communications supports c-span as a public service, along with these other television providers, giving you a front row seat to democracy. >> since 1979 in partnership
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with the cable industry, c-span has provided complete coverage of the halls of congress, from the house and senate floors to congressional hearings, party briefings, and committee meetings. c-span gives you a front row seat to how issues are debated and decided, with no commentary, no interruptions, and completely unfiltered. c-span. your unfiltered view of government. c-span has been delivering unfiltered congressional coverage for 45 years. here is a highlight from a key moment. >> i stand here with my colleagues from the arizona delegation, both senate and house, and with very close friends of congresswoman gabrielle giffords to remember a tragic event that took place three years ago today.
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on january 8, 2011 at 10:10 a.m., in just 19.6 seconds, 19 people, including congresswoman giffords and myself, were shot in tucson, arizona. this event was democracy in action. a member of this body, the people's house, was meeting one-on-one with her constituents. six wonderful people died that day, including my friend gabe zimmerman, my go to guy on t congresswoman's staff. >> c-span. powered by cable. >> c-span's washington journal. our form involving you to discuss the latest issues in
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government, politics, and public policy from washington dc to across the country. tuesday morning, the history of student activism in the u.s. and the current protests taking place on college campuses. his own journey to addiction and recovery and policy approaches to address this public health issue. c-span's washington journal, joining the conversation live at 7:00 eastern on c-span, c-span now or online at congressional leaders join military officials for a ceremony at the u.s. capitol to honor the late colonel, a korean war veteran who died april 8 at the age of 97. the colonel was the last surviving veteran of the war to have receive the medal of honor for his actions during combat and earn was placed in the u.s. capitol


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