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tv   U.S. House of Representatives U.S. House of Representatives  CSPAN  April 30, 2024 10:00am-11:11am EDT

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appropriations subcommittee. you can see that on c-span2. you can follow along on the app at c-span now, and as well as and then later on, if you're interested, a hearing taking a look at intellectual property, particularly when digital replicas are made using the system of artificial intelligence. that will be for the subcommittee on intellectual property. you can follow that at c-span3. the app is available to you as well. and as always, you can follow at the website at that's it for our program today. it's time to take you to the house of representatives. the speaker pro tempore: the house will be in order. the chair lays before the house a communication from the speaker. th clerk: the speaker's rooms, washington, d. april 30, 2024.
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i heby appoint the hono hon mar. miller to act as spker pro tempore on this day. signed, mike johnson, speaker of the house of representatives. the speaker o tempo: the prayer will be offered -- the prayer will be offered by chaplain kibben. chaplain kibben: would you pray wi me. eternal god, as we grieve the loss of one of our own, we medita on your unfailing name. ase mourn the death of ngressman donald pne jr., we give thanks that forever and ever you are our god. our guide even tthe end. lead us in these days to give proper accounting to the faithfulness of your servant. following i his father's footsteps, the young representative payne forged his owpath. breaking ground on which you established his path of faithful service. thank y for raising up this devoted servant fromewark, new
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jersey, to serve in the nation's pital. for equipping the garden state parkway fair collector, to ultimaly serve as a tenured congressman. boti but with a large andith a nerous spirit. grant congrsman payne jr. rest from his labors and ernal respite from his earthly journey. may his wife, his children find healing in the solace of your presence and certainty in your ovision in theutpourg of the love and support of his friends and colleagues. in you, o ld, do we each live and move and have our being. and in your holy name we pray. amen. the speaker pro tempore: the chair has examin the jrnal of the last day's proceedings and announces to the house the approval thereof. pursuant to clause 1 of rule 1, the journal stands approved. the pledge of allegiance will be led by the gentlewoman from
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mrs. fischbach: i pledgeh. allegiance to the flag of the united stateof ameca and to the repu for which it stands, one nation under g, indivisibl with liberty d justicfor all. the speaker pro tempore: the chairill entertainp to 15 requests for one-minute speeches on each side of the ai for what purpose does the gentleman from michigan seek recognition? >> madam speaker, animous consent to revise and extd. the spker pro tpore: wiout objection, the gentlem is cognized for one minute. >> thank you, madam speaker. i rise today to recognize the guard's efforts to better support military families and their children in southwest michigan. one of the unique challenges military families case face is where to gethildcare, especially durin weekend
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drills. withhis in mind, the 110th wing's efforts to support families led to the establishment ofheecond air natial guard childcare facility program. mr. huizenga: panering with the augusta child development center, the program provides childcare for ove 20 children of military members during gular and rescheduled drills. since the sta of the program the base has seenn increase in productivity and positivity th has allowed them to strenhen their missn readiness retention, and talent management. it's wonderful to see the 110th wing develop and lead this innovative approach to improve the lives of military families not only in southwest michigan but across the nation. and as the month of the militar child comeso a close, i want to thank all of our service members and applaud the micgan air national guardeadership and commitment to supporting their military families w that i yield bac the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from new york seek recognion?
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>> i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. revise and extend my remarks. the speakepro tempore: without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. lawler: today i rise to recognize antny j.scala jr. his unwavering commitment to excellence was evident in every facet of s life. from his distinguished ceer in electrical constructio to his dedication -- dedated service so many advisory boards, inuding as a long time member of t board of trustees at manhattanollege, my alma matter. his expertise andeadersp left an indelible mark. heas a proud jasper. beyond his professional eners, his true joy emanated from his montsith family, passion for boatg, and craftsmanship as a builder. his love knew no bounds. evident in his role as a devoted husband, a father, grandfather, ands a good friend.
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as we honor anthony's memor let us remember his kindness, generosity, and steaast dedication to his loved ones and community. though he may have left us, his spirit lives on in the heart of all those who knew h. may we car forward his compassion and service as we say farewell to a beloved friend. i will miss anthony as i know so i yield back.ill, too. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from virginia seek recognition? the house for oneute.o address the speaker pro tempore: without objection, the gentleman from virginia is recognized for one minute. mr. good: madam speaker, i rise today t recognize the service of former amherst county sheriff w. vier jr. completel almost 40 years of service in law enforcement includi eight years as a sheriff of the amherst county. he led many successful public safety initiatives, including
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expanding the k9 program, using drone technology, and ensuring there were school resrce officers in eve school to protect our students. through his diligence and dedication to public service, he worked tirelessly to create a safe county for all the residents. i thankim for his extensive career of service in law enforcemt and wish him the very bestn his retirement. he's an example of the courage and bravery demonstrated by each member of law enforcement who selflessly wks every day to keep our community safe. i'm honored to represent those like the sherifferving in law enforcement in virnia's fifth district, i thank them for their continued commitmentnd sacrifice. i yield bac what purpose does there: for gentlewoman from minnesota seek recognition? mi fish back: madam speaker -- mrs. fischbach: madam speaker by direction o the committ on rules i call up house resolution 1173 and ask for its immedia consideration. the speaker pr tempore: the clerk will report the resolution. the cler house calendar number
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73. house resolution 1173. resolved, that upon adoption of this resolution it shall be in order to consider in the house of this section 2 all points of order agains consideration of each suchill are waived. nature of a substitutents in the commended by the committee on natural resources now printed in each such bill shall be considered as adopted. each such bill, as amended, shall be considered as read. all points of order against provisions in ea such bill, as amend, are waived. the previous question shall be coidered as ordered on each such bill, aamended, and on any further amendment thero, to final pas without intervening motion except, one, hour of debate equally divided and controlled by the chair and nking minority member of the committee natural resources or their respective designs, and two, one motion to recommit. section 2. the bills referred to in the first section of this resolution are as follows, a, the bill, secretary of the interior and
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the secretary of agriculture from prohibiting the use of lead ammunition or tackle on certain federal land or water under the jurisdiction of the secretary of the interior and the secretary of agriculture, and for other purposes. b, the bill, h.r. 2925, to amend thomnibus budget reconciliation act of 19 to provide for security of tenure for e of mining claims for ancillary activities, and for other purposes. c, the bill, h.r. 3195, to rescind public lanorder 7917, to reinstate mineral lses and permits in the superior national forest, to ensure time review of minplans of operations, and for her puoses. section 3. upon adoption of this resolution it shall be in order to consider in the house the bill, h.r. 764, require the secretary of the interior to reissue regulaons removing the gray wolf from th list of endangered and reatened wildlife under the
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endangered species act of 1973. alpoints of order against consideration of the bill are waived. the bill shall be considered as read. all points oorder against provisions in e bill are waived. the previous question shall be considered as ordered on the bill and on any amendment thereto to final passage without inening motion excep one, one hour of debate equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of thcommittee on natural resources or their respective designees, and two, one tion trecommit. section 4. upondoption of ts resolution it shall be in order tconsider in the house the bill, h.r. 3397, to require the director of the bureau of landanagement to withdraw a rule of the bureau of landanagemenrelating to conservation and landscape health. all points of order against consideration of thel are waived. in lieu of the amendment in the nature of a substitute commended by the committee on natural reurces now printed in the bill, an amendment in the nature of a substitute consisting of the text orules committee print 118-32 shall b considered as adopted.
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the bill, as amended, shall be considered as read. all points of order against provisions in the ll, as amended, are waived. the previous questn shall be considered as ordered on the bill, as amended, and on any fuher amendment thereto, to final passage without intervening moti except, one one hour of debate equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the mmittee on natural resources or their resptive designees, and two, one motion to recommit. section 5. on adoption of this resolution it shalle in order to ider in the house the bill, h.r. 6285, to ratify and approve all authorizatio, permits, verications, extensions, biological onions, incidental take statements, a any other approvals or ords issued pursuanto federal law necessary for the establishment and admistration of the coastal plain oil and gas purposes.rogram, and for other all points of order against consideratio the bill are waived. the amendment in the nature of a substitute recommendedy the
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committee on natural resources now printed in the bill, modified by the amendment printed in part a of the report ofhe committee on rules accompanying this resolution, shl be considered as adopt. the bill, as amended, shall be considered as read. all points of order against provisions in the bill, as amended, are wved. the previous questioshall consided as dered on the bill, amended, and on any further amendment thereto, to final passage without intervening motion except, one, one hour of debate equally divided and controlled by the chair and rankg minority meer of committee on natural resources or their respective designees, two, the further amendment printed in part b of the report of the committee on rules, if oered by the membedesignated in the report, which shall be in order without interventi of any point of order, shall be considered aread, shall be separately debatable for the time specified in the repo equally divided and controlled by the proponent and an opponent, and shalt be subject to a demand for a division of the question, and three, one motion to recommit. section 6. upon adoption of this resotion it shall be in order to consider
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in the house the bill, h.r. 6090, to provide for the consideration of a definition of antisemitism setorth by the international hocaust remembrance alliance for the enforcement of federal antidiscrimination laws concerning education programs activities, and for other purposes. all points of order agait consideration of the bill are waived. the bill shall be consered as readall points of order against provions in the ll are waived. the previous question shall be considered as ordered on the bill and on any amendment theto to final passage without intervening motion except, one, one hour of debate equally divided and controlled by the air anranking minority member of e committee on the judiciary or their respective designees, and two, onmotion to recommit( the speaker pro tempe: the gentlewoman from minnesota is recognized for one hour. mrs. fischbach:adam speaker, for the purses of debate only, i yield the customary 30 minutes to the gentlewoman from new mexico, pending which i yield myself such time as i may
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consume. during consideration othis resolution all time yielded i for theurpose of debate only. i ask unanimous consent that all members may have five gislative days to revise and extend their remar. the spr pro tempore: without objection. mrs. fischba thank you, madam speaker. debate the rule providing for consideratn of six bills to support our natural resources, puiclands, and odoor recreation. the rul provides one hour of debate equally divided and corolled by the committee on natural resources and provide each bill one motion to recommit the rule further provides for consideration of the anti-semitic awareness act under a closed rule. with one hour of debate equally divide and controlle by the committee on judiciary. an one motion to recommit. first and foremost house republicans stand with israel. and are horrified by the incrse in harassment on
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college campuses towards israel and its allies. for years jewish clege students have faced increasg anti-semitism. since october 7 thereas been an over300% increase -- over 300% increase on inciden on campuses. students are supposed to be but it has been made abundantly clear that the leaders of these institutions are not going to do anything to stop it. instead, they are allowed -- allowing lge-scale harassment to reign, forcing jewish students to stay home. since these institutions refuse to protect theirtudents, it is time f congress to take action. h.r. 690 clearlyefines anti-semitism according to the internationalolocaust remembrance alliance's work -- working definition. this will empower uversities to take clear steps to keep
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jewish students safe and respond to hosti, hateful speech not protted under the first amendmt. additionally, the bills under it protects domesti ergy production, reverses the biden mineral production in my home state of minnesota and delists the gray wolf from the endangered species list. i am proud to sta i suppo of these today. the gray wolf is an e.s. success story. its numbers in most of the country are thriving. to the point where they have become a menace across mu of northern minnesota. the oy reason it has not bee delisted is because there are a handful of actist groups and judges that would like to keep it listed forever rather than pushing for the radil environmental activism, we should be celebrating the fact that the e.s.a. achieved its goal and gratefully turned management and conservation earths -- efforts back to the ates. moimg, america is home -- madam speaker, america is home to
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wealth of natural rources, but this administration and my colleagues on the other side of the ais continue to wage war on domestic production. from energy in alaska to minerals i minnesota, the bills under this rule empower our domestic produrs. h.r. 6285 revses biden's decision to ban oil and gas development in the national petroleum reserve in aska. supporting energy independence and good paying jobs, lower fuel prices and economic security that comes with it. h.r. 3397 will ensure rural economies across the west maintain access to public lands for grazing, energy and meral developmen recreation and timber production. h.r. 615 upholds state wildlife management authority to protect agains baseless claims that traditional lead fishing tackle d ammunition should be stricted. h.r. 2925 would ensure
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responsible mineral developme can contie on federal lands. it unlocks mining projects across western states, returning to t past 100 years of precedence and removing uncertainty created by the rosemont decisiofrom the ninth circuit. and h.r. 3195 helps the united ates mt the rise in deplanne for criticalinute -- demand for critical minerals from across the world by unlockg access to critical minerals in minnesota. the biden administration is leaving america at a disaantage while adversaries ke china wk to expand their obal influence. we cannot let this happen. we can be both good stewas of our public lands and take advantage of the many resources they provide thank you, i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewon from minnesota reserves. the gentlewoman from new mexico is recognized. ms. leger fernandez: madam speaker, i thank the gentlelady from minnesota, ms. finish back, for the cust -- -- mrs.
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fischbach, for the customary 30 minutes. i yield myself such time as i may consume. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. ms. leger fernandez:merica was blessedy our creator with natural beauty and an abundance of natural resources, from grazing to farmlands, to minerals, fossil fue, solar andind. so we cou fee our families and fuel our progress. but we owe the american people children and grandchildren a du to protect those resources so they are available for future genera and amecans are not lt withublic lands that have been degraded, mines that have been depleted,nd profits shipped off to foreign corporations. we owe a duty to tho who love the forests and rers in minnesota or the ranland i the southwest to protect i a allow its use for recreation grazing and extran. the natural resources bills that republicans have made in order
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with this re fai to protect america's blessed creation for future generations. the bills would eliminate environmental protections and increase mining corporaons' ability toake public lands from the american public for free. t me repeat that. beuse americans may not know that right nowinin corporations, those big profitable mining corporation, guess what, they do not pay a dime in royalties when they take america's gold, silver, copper or precious minerals. that takes me to h.r. 2924. the mining regulatory crity ac the 1872 mining law that we operate under now is old. it needs updating. it gives awayur public resources for free. in the arid west it allows mining companies to use as much ecious water as they want. and doesn't require those big corporations t fully clean up
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after themselves. last week i visited the watershed, a vital resource for northern new mexico communities and a river that flows to texas. in that watershed, a foreign company had mined, polluted and bain ded -- and abandoned the people and the river that i visited. we need to protect this type of land, these kinds of water resources. but h.r. 2925 would aually make it harder to protect this and other watersheds. it favors e biggest mining favors foreign corporations. we all know there is a long history of bad acts exploiting, misusing and abusing their mining claims. h.r. 2925 would give away our federal lands t these b actors. under the republicans' proposal, corporations with the money could put four sticks in the ground, pay a fee, and then
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claim that land for mining without even proving the existence of minerals. e republican prosal would also loosen restrictions so the corporations, even those based in countries like china or russia, could more easy exploit american natural resource for free. why would republicans wk on a bipartisan basis to b china fr mining american dataith tiktok, but then be ok with china mining american natural resources for free? in the rulesommittee i introduc an amendment to prohibit our adverries like china from taking our public lands and minerals. sadly, ery republican on the rules committee voted against making in order these amendments to prevent foreign adversaries from accessing these valuabl american resources. i also introduced an amendment that would require mining corporations to make sure our waterways are not contaminated.
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republicans blocked that too. our current 150ear-old mining laws are not equped for today's environmental challenges. t republicans' response is to make it easier, not harder, for these greedy mining corporations to take what they want and leave their messes behind. as if that wasn't enough, this rule also makes in order what w should call the no public use on puic lands act. this bill wldverturn a new bureau of land management rule that finally recognizes conservation in public ld management as a value on par with other uses. the b.l.m. rule does not change their exiing land management processes. b.l.m. will continue to allow grazing, drilling and other extraction on managed lands. what it does do is allow b.l.m. to also include the important goal of conservation of the public lands as they consider
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new applications for americans' public lands the. i -- lands. i might remind my republican colleagues that th are turning their back on a great legacy, a great republican legacy, from th clean water act,he e.p.a. and the words of that great republican preside, rooselt, who said, i quote, conservatn is a great moral issue, for it involves the patriic duty o ensuring the safety and continuance of the nation, closed quote. this patriotic goal of conservation and preservation is vital so our grandchildren can one day see the beauty that the west holds and farmers and ranranchers agree. they and other sterds of our land actively engage with the biden administration on the development of ts rule. congsshould listen the science and the stewards of this land on this issue. instead of trying to dictate what isest for the west from d.c. should also continue president biden's polyf
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ensuring our energy indepdence and security, all for a growing american iustry.i must also poie biden.l.m. rule explicitly events foreign entities from holding conservation or mitigation leases. something that i might remind our rublicans, they were unwilling to do wi regards to mining. the rule also allows a bill that ignos science andould prevent regulation of lead-based tackle and aunition. di't we learn our lesson with lead and gas -- leaded gasoline ants harmful effect on people and t environment? apparently not. lead is poison. we all haveeard and sometimes seen theeath of bald eagles and other magnificent birds who have consumed even the smallest amount of lead buckshot or fragmented lead ammo. lead finds its way ont hunters' and anglers' tabs too.
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one study found there were lead fragmentsn 34% of ground ensonn burgers -- venison burgers. do you want yr children to consum lead? every year i make tomales for christmas and we use wild game, deer, elk and antele, that's been hunted in new mexico. we are grateful for lead-free ammunition because we don'tant to poison oursees or our environment. this will also make -- this rule also makes inrder undoing protecting the alaska national wildlife refuge. in recent years, we've seen record amots of oil and gas production in the united states. are the top producer of oil in the world right now. we can do that while also preserving the beautif lands that make our america the beautiful,he -- the right song
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to sing. finall i want to address the sue of anti-semitism in college campuses and across the cotry. not just -- but also since october 7. t me be clear. ti-semitism and hate in any form is simply unacceptable anywhe in our country. is hatred across the united states should be a wake-up call for our democracy. however, las fall house republicans proposed a 25% budget cut to the office that is activelynvestigatingncidents if you care aboutnti-semitism, why do you take ay the resources from the oic tt is prosecuting those kinds of claims? well, yesterday we got an answer why. myepublican rules committee
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colleague, representative massie, was very honest, describing what this bill really is about. when he said, and i quote, everybody's introducedt this point a bill to deal with something along these lines since october 7 none of them actually get to anything real. continui the quote, i think it's a political ping pong game, course. we, meaning republicans, get to serve every time. and a lot of them, meanings resotions like ts, are just political traps. i cl them sticky traps. designed to split the democrat party and get them stuck in the sticky trap. i want to thank mr. massie f his refreshing honesty and ndor. but if we wanted to actually do something rea we could. rather than doing a sticky trap, we could take up my colleague, congresswoman manning's,
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bipartisan bill, h.r. 7921. the countering anti-semitism act, which would designate a senior official at the department of education to counter anti-semitism on college campuses, among many other solutions that are alsoased on biden's policies regarding attacking anti-semitism. if we want to dea wh anti-semitism on college campus, i suggest a bill with real solutions is a good pce to start. i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from new mexico reserves. the gentlewoman from mnesota is recognized. mrs. fisbach: thk you, madam speaker. and i yield four minutes to the >> it's good to kw that my democratic colleague would rather chiren in the congo ne forobalt than to create american jobs here and put in place environmental safeguards. but thank you for putting that madam speaker, tay i rise in
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suort of the rule to bring my anti-semitism awareness act to the floor. i want to thank chairman burgess, chairman jordan, leader scalise and speaker johnson for their support, f consideration of this bill, and their leadership in combating anti-semitm on clege campuses. mr. lawler: what's happeng on college campus righ now is horrifying. we've seen folks at these encampments telling jews to go back to poland, as if they weren't kicked out of their homes, murdered inold blood d sent to death camps less than a century ago. the leader of the protest at combia called for dea to zionists. there was a sion at george washington -- sign at george washington calling for a final solution, which was the name of hitler plan to exterminate jews. ... people shouting they are hamas and calling for the burning of tel aviv to the ground. they chantor anti-dda and from the anniversary to the sea. these are not peaceful ptests
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expressing their constitutiol right to free speech. these are illegal encampments where demonstrators engage in harassment and urge violence against jewish students, jewish americans, the u.s. government, the israeli government, and more. i unequivocally condemn the college administrators that haven'tcted to quell these encampmes a who have enabled their campuses to become unsafe environments for jewish students at the federal level we must give the department of education the tools to identifynd prosecute any anti-semiti hate crimes committed and hold college administrators curveball for refusing to address anti-semitism on tir campuses. this legislation defines anti-semitism usi the i.r.a. workin definition. so there can be no confusioor interpretation when it comes to the act discrimination and violation of title 6 of the
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civil rights act. itas broad bipartisan support in the house and the senate. 59 co-sponsors inhe house, including over a dozen democrats. so this is not about dividing democrats. this has bad biparsan if there are people in your conference that embrace anti-semitism, thas not our fault. that's something you should be rooting out. when people engage in harassment or bullying of jewh individuals where they justify the killing of jews where use blood libel or hold jews collectivelyesponsible for the actions of -- of the israeli govement, that i anti-semitic. there is no question about it. it's unfortunate that we need to clarify these actions are anti-semitic, butt makes this bill that much more neceary. what is happeni at columbia, yale, ucla, and so many other
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schools is reprehensible and alarming. but it cannot be discouraging. we must act so that the anti-semitism on college campuses stops immediately. our country's an anti-discrimination laws must work for all of us, including jewishtudents. my colleags are tripping all over themselves becse of electoral politics. they are worri about votes in michigan and minnesota. and trying to placate a pro-hamas eleme of their party. people who a parroting hamas talking points. literally when i was at columbia university last wednesday with speaker johnson, hamas endorsed the protestors on t cams grounds. saying they are the future if thosere the future leaders of america, god help us. mrs. fischbach: i yield additional0 seconds.
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mr. lawler: we should be very clear. charlottesville was wrong. january 6 was wrong. taking over a courthouse in portland was wrong. burning down a police station in minneapolis was wrong. breaking in and seizing controla university is wrong. let's call it all out and stop being a bunch of cowards. anti-semitis needs to be rooted out. any member who votes against this bill should hang their head in shame. mrs. fischbach: i areciate my colleague's words. i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoma from in is recognized. mission leger fernandez: how dare the party of -- ms. leger fernandez: how dare the party of dona trump and marjorie taylor greene lecture democratsf anti-semitism. the leader of the replican
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party donald trump dines in holocaust denis and there were fine people on both sides at a ray where white supremacists chanted jew also not replace us. greene aeared on stage a white nationalist rally alongside a holocaust denier. she tweeted out anti-semitic videos and tal about jewish space lasers. i would like to enter into the record from unanimous the article from "politico"itled donald trump dined with locaus denier. would like unanimous consent to enter into the aicle trump defends white naonalist protestors, some very fine people on both sides of the aisle. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. unanimousonsent to enter into the record house g.o.p. erlooks internal anti-semitism points at democrats. the speaker pro tempore: witht objection. ms. leger fernandez: i'd like to enter into t record actuall
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my objection to this absurd attack on democrats for pointing t that in thi bil it has the title of anti-semitism, but we need to address anti-semitism instead what are we doing?s. we are debating codifying a definition that numerous jewish organizations, iluding jewish on, the jewish council for public affairs, among others oppose. the reason these organizations pose it is because we cannot equate criticism of israeli policies with anti-semitism. they are two very diffent things. and we need to remember that we are actually bound to protect free speech.
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even and more importantly, when it is speech with which we do not agree. yesterday, for example, the rules hearing committee for this bill, representative called prime minister nanyahu work in gaza, remarkable. he praised it. i personally don't think it's remarkable that over 35,000 people, most of them children and women, are dead. i don't think it's remarkable that over 1 hostages are still not home. netanyahu is being protested in his own country. for these and many other things. i don't think it's remarkable that 27 kids have alreaddied of mnutrition, and that famine for 1.1 million gazas. saying none of this anti-semitic. i'm catholic.
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with safari -- sephardim heritage, i think my love that comes fr the teaching and my spiritualties calls upon me to talk about these things. that is not anti-semitic. that's the wry that these andthersalk about today.clu if we really want to move forward on combatg anti-semism, let's fund the office that investigates and takes actions against tse their students. to protect let's move forward with coresswoman manage's bipartisan bl, h.r. 7921, the countering anti-semitism act. madampeaker, if we defeat the previous question i will offer an amendment to the rul to bring up h.r. 17, a bill to help
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and pay disparities for women in theorkforce andtrengthen our economy. madam speaker, rising costs are affecting american families and the american worker. but instead of helping families put more money in their pock tote save for retirement, send their kids to college, or simply put food on the table house republicans are focused on helping big oil and big mining corporations. my colleagues constantly talk about the economic hardship americans face, but instead of bringing legislation to actually address that, nearly every bill inhi rule would create a corporate giveaway at the expense of our public lands. we see where their real priorities are with the biggest corporations, foign corporations, even chinese corporations. but house democrats are focused on the american people. that's why we must bring up h.r. 17, the paycheck fairness act, to address the wage gap r
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womenn this country and make sure famies aren't cheated out of dollars and the paycheck that ey deserve. madam speaker, i ask unimous consent to insert the text of my amendment into the record along with any extraneous material immeel prior to the vote on the previouquestion. objeion.ker pro tempore: without ms. leger fernandez: madam speaker,o discuss our proposal, i yld three minutes to the gentlewoman from connecticut, the ranng member of the appropriations committee, ms. delauro. the speaker pro tempo: the gentlewoman is recognized. spear.lauro: thank you, madam i thahe gentlelady for yielding time. paycheck tpaycheck. living they struggle with the high cost of living and wages that are not rising fast enough to keep up. t instead of addressing the real challenges that face american families, my republican
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colleagues are wasting time with messaging bills. the gentleman may recall, the gentleman on the other side of the aisle, may recall in a recentontinuing resolution, he voted against $ billion in aid to israel. the gentlema from new york voted for -- against a billion dollar incase in aid to israel. we defeathe previous question, i will bring up h.r. 17, the paycheck fairness act to their are paid fairly for on average, a woman still earns only 84 cents for every dlar th a man makes. accordg to the american association of university women, and the disparity is even worse r women o color. the pay gap exists in every state regardless of geography, occupation, education, or work patterns. this is n just a problem for a
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few years out of a woman's career, it is a systemic disadvantage that compounds over a lifetime. thisap can put women hundreds of thousands of dollars behind in earnings over their career. and in tu severely reduce the amnt theyeceive from social security, pensions, or investments after their working years are over. that puts more rainn working familind our safety net as a ole to support them in their older years. unequal pay n just an issue of fairness. it is a major economic burden on families across the country. america is in a ct of living crisis for many reasons. families are living paycheck to paycheck. they can't pay their bil. they can't put food on the table. they can't get the health care they need for themselves and their families. this cost oliving issue, if you continue to deal with --
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unequal -- unequal payment for adds to economic the i pay gap ests because of loopholes of the this fixes those loopholes by protecting employees agait retaliation r discussing wages or salaries, removes obstacles to lawsuits that challenge systemic discrimination. in short, itives the equal pay act the teeth it nds to get the job done. at the e of the day it is really this simple. men and women inheame job derve t same way. it's true in the house of representatives, not true pretty much everywher else in this country f we truly believe that, should act on it, take the cost of living head on today. urge my colleagueso oppose the previous question and rule. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady's te has expired. ms. leger fernandez: i reserve. the speaker pr tempore: the from new mexico the gentlewoman from minnesota
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is recognized. mrs. fischbach: madam speaker, i am disturbed by my colleagues that are shameless enough to argu in favor of anti-semitism. it is not covered by the first amendment. it is hateful. universities have been rewarding bad behavior and punishing the ones being attacked who now don't feel safe enough to go to ass. this cannot be the norm. i am disappointed in the universities who are standing by and allowing this. and equally disappointed in my colleagues who don't seet as a problem. opping ai-semitism is not a messaging tactic like the other side implies. stopping anti-semitism is something weust do. and i yield three minutes to the gentleman from ohio. >> thank you very much. what's really sad for me is that on both sides of the aisle we have issues. mr. miller: some of my
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colleagues on my side of the sle have russian disinformation, and for the other side of the aisle, that seems that there is a lot of hasisinfoation. i truly don't undetand why it's so hard that we just can't ll itut. i digress. madam speaker, i rise in suppo of anti-mitism awareness act. requiring the department of edation to use international holocaust remembrance alliance workin definition of anti-semitism when enfcing federal an-discrimination laws will help to protect jewish students across the country from violence and hate as we see it exploding every single day within our country. .. it has spread like wildfire and its rearing itsing -- it's aring its ugly head after hamas' attack on israel. faculty members call hamas' assat exhilarating. when i saw a sign at the columbia protest, if you want to callt a prost, a signhat
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said, free palestine, and then rit next to it, it said, final solution. what does the final solution mean? i ask my colleagues across the aisle, i understand it's rhetorical. but you all know what final solution means, and me being just one of two jewish republics in the house and in the senate, that means t end and that's why that's in thisle definition of t ihra, to be abundantly clear. the abhorrent behavior underscoreshe clear need for federal policy to protect jewish students on these unfriendly campuses. usage of the ihra definition is in the context a key step in calling out anti-semitism where it is and ensuring anti-semitic hate crimes on college campuse are properly iestigated and prosecuted. college campuses should be safe havens for learning, not nests of hatred. i urge my colleagues to say enough is enough. and to support the anti-semitism awareness act. and i'll ask my colleagues on the other side of the aisle just
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one more time. when you see a sign and you're jewish in this country on a college campus and youay that being an zionist is not being an anti-semit you see final soluon, i think you have a hard tim accepting, especially wh my family, almost 2/3 of them were annihilated at auscitz and we come that country and my daughter's going to grow up in this world and look at a sign that says, final lution? i speak for myself, spike for no one -- i speak for no one else, it's abhorrent and you all need to condemn this type of behavior and rhetoric that's consume our country. enou is enough. please, just be a human and put your political and politic affiliation aside for a second. thank you, madam speaker. i yieldack. the speaker pro tempore: i would like to remind members on both des not to address the speak -- to address the speaker and not to address each other. mrs. fischbach: i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from minnesota reserves. the gentleman from new mexico is recognized.
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msleger fernandez: madam speaker, i jus want to make the record clear. democrats and president biden haveepeatedly and constantly and not just since october 7 condemne anti-semitism and taken actual actions to actually address it. and that is the problem with what we are hearing. as their own rules comttee member has said, these are about sticky bills. they are not about getting solutions. but we must remember that most of the bills on the rules today -- on the rule today are actually talking about our natul resources. and how republicans want to turn the clock back on the progress that americans have been demanding for decades to protect our natural beauty, but also to protect our natural resources for americans. i want to tk a little bit about mining reform. 1872 mining law. that says it all. that law is wayoo old and
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needs fixing. t how do we mak suree go about fixing it? the republicans' proposal is just give more of it away. corporations, for big greedy corporations, to take that land, to take those natural resources. what do democra propose? we propose responsible mining minerals to be extracted without destroying o environnt. my good friend and ranking meer, former chair of the house natural resources, introduced the clean energy mirals reform act, the clean energy minals reform act of which i'm a co-spsor. th kind of bill would require annual rental payments f public land, treating mine operators the same way we treat oil and gas, or any other ones. let's make them pay for our resources. they belong to us. imagine if that like $300 billio of profits that' going to those foreign corporations
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went to americans instead. we set a royalty ratef not less than 5% and not greater than 8% based on gross income. we would make sure that there would be a reclamationund so when the mining companies go in there and do their mess, that there would be a way for us to clean it up. i can tell you, new mexico is littered, colorado, all the intermountain west, with these abandoned mines that leach aci into our rivers and streams and make it so that we cannot hike and camp on those lan. i have picked up tho rocks air and water, create sulfuric acid and they leave piles of them. those are the things that we must be doing, w must be givg the right to protect our public lands. protect the waters of minnesota. to protect the waters of this great country. so, with that i reserve.
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the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from newexico reserv. the gentlewoman from minnesota is recognized. mrs. fischch: madam speaker, i would like to yield two minutes to my colleague from new jersey. >> i thank mrs. fischbach from the rules committee, for yielding me time. madam speaker, i rise today in suort of the rule and in support of h.r. 6090. mr. kean: the anti-semitism awareness act introduced by mr. lawler from new york. on october 7, 2023, hamas launched a brutal surprise attack on the state of israel. in which 100 isrli citizens lost their lives. this represented the most significant attack on israel since the yom kippur war. after those attacks there was a massive increase and an outpouring of hatred toward the state of israel and an increase in anti-semitism.
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let's look at the facts. current data from the anti-defamation league from october 7, 2023, until the end of last year, there were more than 5,204 anti-semitic dents tracked by the a.d.l more than the whole of 2022 in more than two months. unfortunately thereas been no greater breeding ground for ti-semitism than onampuses of our nation's colleges and universities. jewish parents across my district and across this country are concerned for their children away at college. jewish students should feel safe on college campuse the anti-mitic actions across -- on colle campuses across this country and a muted respon from university administrators is absolutely unacceptable. whe i respect the right to free speech as guaranteed by the first amendment, the situation on campuses across theountry
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has simply gotten out of control. unfortunately the biden administrati has not taken the steps needed to adequately protect jewish students and i'm glad that we, as congress, are taking this important sp. if colges and universities are not willing to take the steps anti-semitism and to protect their own students, we must ensure that there are consequences. i urg adoion of the rule and passage of this bill and i yield back the balance of my time. mrs. fischbach: madam speak, i'm prepared to close. the speaker pro tempore: e gentlewoman frominnesota reserves. the gentlewon from new mexico is recognized. ms. leger fernandez: madam speaker, the bills,he natural resources bills that we are dealing with here today, as i pointed out, are a great gift to big mining corporations, overturn decades of work by
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local organizations, by the public in these areas who want to see their lands protected. and what's interesting is republicans are putting forward thes bills even though the american public and their own constituents are not interested in seeing what they're doing. so while republicans are helping out the big mining corporation -- their big mining corporation friends, their constituentsant i'd like to submit to the record the article, i ask unanimou consent toubmit into the record the article analysis, public comments overwhelmingly support b.l.m. plic lands rule. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. ms. leger fernandez: that analysis found that t biden administration's public lands rule received 92% supportive public commands. 92% of the 150,000 americans who commented on this rule agreed that the b.l.m. is moving in the right direction by protecting our public lands.
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many of them were farmers, ranchers and stewards of the land. in fact, one farmer said to me, i recnize -- said to me, i recognize how important it is to allow our land t recover so that we can use it inhe future for grazing. i'd also ask unanimous consent to submit into the record the following article. the 2023 conservation poll from colorado college. this survey found that 82% of vote across eight western states support the conservation of our public lands and waters. let's listen to the people on the ground. whe republicans want to mine minnesota, cstituents actually want t protect the area from copper mining. i request unamous consent to suit into theord the article, the campaign t save the boundary waters 2022
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post-election poll. the speaker o tempore: without objectn. ms. leger fernandez: the pol found over 70% of minnesotans suort proposed legislaon to permanently protect the boundary waters from risks associated with the sulfite ore copper mining. the boundary waters are one of the most visited national recreational areas in the united states. i look forward to going and looking at those lak and those risks and those forests -- rivers and those forests and how those canoes glide alongheir surfaces. minnesans know what that beauty looks like. and they want to make sure that the mining that is proposed by the trudministration, and i might remind people that the trump administration overturned actions by obama so the could
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give two leases to a chilean billionaire. a chilean billionaire who happened, it so happens, was a landlord of the president's daughter. these kinds of dealings with foreig corporaons we must say no to. why would minnetans want to take their precious natural resources and have them leased so a chilean billionaire can ke even more money? we are urging our republican colleagues to listen to their constituents, to listen to the people w are speaking on these issu. and to vote against these rules and to vote against these bills. with that, i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from newexico reserves. the gentlewoman from minnesota is recognized. mrs. fischba: madam speaker, reserve. i am prepared to cse. the speaker pro tempore: the ms. leger fernandez: i'm
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prepared to close. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from new mexico is recognized. ms. leger fernandez: i'm prepared to close. madam speaker, the bills my republican colagues have proposed today threaten to place to mak sure that we are responsible in our use of natural resources. worked to reverse so many of the help the rich get richer.ust for too long what we have seen in america is the rich keep getting richer and it appears that republicans, certain republicans, but most definitely former president trump, favored the richest corporations. in turn, isk my colleagues to think about what is our role re in congress. i want to remind my colleagues of these powerful words from the conference of bisps.
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i quote, we show our respect for the creator by our stewardship of creation. care for the earth is n jus an earth day slogan, it is a requiremen of our faith. we are called to protect people and the planet, living our fai in relationship with allf god's creation. it is possible to protect the planet and still be a leader in energy and the last tee years the biden administration has invested over $18 billion towards federal, state, local and tribal land scriengs efforts -- conservation efforts in all 50 states. contrary to what my colleagues claim, the u.s. has had a record number of oil andas production we produced an average of 19on. million barrels of crude oil, millions more than comg out of russia and saudi arabia.
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but regulations are important. they prevent catastrophic environmental disasters like the 137 oil slls tt occurre during the sec year of the trump administration. and remember, therel be no morellek toun no -- for this more elk t hunt, for this mo breathaking lake -- no mor brth taking lakes and noore oil and minerals to drill if we do not listen to the experts about protecting our lands and ters. wildlife protections and mining regulations are in place to make sure future generations of american can enjoy the same beautiful landscapes and profit off of americans' resources. and finally, i nd to remind everybody, we all condemned the october 7, we aave condemned hamas. it is a terrorist organization. ...
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we have taken up these resolutions over and over again. once again our rublican colleague has spoken the truth whene has said these are sticky rolutions, simply intended to divide the democrats. let's not work on division. let's mom together in love and a belief in each of our individual strengths to push back against the tred that we see and to do it in a manner that was n partisan but tt uplifts our moraty, that uplifts r empathy for all. that addresses allhe forms of hatred that we see. with that, madam speaker, i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from new mexico yields. the gentman frominnesota is recognized. mrs. fischbach: madam speaker, house republicans trust the
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american people to be good stewards of the land. the a regulions in placender this administration is insulting and economically unsound. while china and our adversaries are bolstering tir capabilies, the biden administrations tying our hands behind our backs of the th bills counter federal government overreach. empower producers, and protect our lands. i am proud to stand inupport of these bills today. the gray wolf should be taken off the endangered species list. the american pple should be permitted to access the wealth of resources thi land provides. and they should be trusted to manage theirands at the state level without the feder government breathing down their neck at every turn. and finally, universities are failing keep their jewish studen safe. so cgress is taking tion. to all those inhe jish
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community know that the house republicans support you and condemn the failed actions of universiti to intervene. i am hopeful that h.r. 6090 clarifies the definition o anti-semitism so these universities finally run out of excuses for their inaion. stopping anti-semitism is something we must do. i support the rule and underlying legislation and i encourage my colleagues to do the same. i yield back the balance of my time. d move the previous question on t resolution. the speaker o tempore: the question is on ordering the previous question on the resolution. those in favor say aye. those opped, no. in the onion of the chair, the ayes have it. ms. leger fernandez: request a recorded vote -- request the yeas and nay the eaker prtempore: the yeas and nays are requested. those favorite a -- favg a vote by the yeas and nays will rise. a sufficient number having arisen, the yeas and nays are
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ordered. pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, further proceedings on this question are postponed. pursuant to clause 12-a of rule 1, the chair declares e house inricies . several bills reversing biden administration environmental that would include removing the guy wolf from the endangered species list. watch live coverage of the house when members return here on c-span. >> c-span is your unfiltered you have a of government. we're funded by these television companies and more.
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including wow. >> the world has changed. today a fast reliable internet connection is something no one can live without. so wow! is there for our customers with speed, reliability, value and choice. now more than ever, it all starts with great internet. >> wow! >> wow! supports c-span as a public service along with these other television providers, ging you a front row seat to democracy. ut standing for president biden among black voters in swing states. mr. biden's support from black voters is experiencing significant attrition and much of it coming from black men who trail donald trump and a handful of battleground states, including georgia. an april survey shows him eight
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points down in the swing state where he beat mr. trump four years ago. the economy is their top concern. 29% say the economy is on the right track. that is usa today. wall street journal took a recent poll amongst weak state voters. this is what they found -- among this is what thd among black voters. mr. biden is winning of blacks and 40% hispanic voters0% of the voters under the age of 30. though support levels are almost identical to the backing h had in the journal's february poll and are farr than what he won in 2020. nationwide, he carried 91% of black voters and 61% of voters under the age of 30. a large pole of the electorate that year. that shows some of the data but
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as far as you being a black voter and tell us your presidential choice, you can call us on the line that best represents you. if you are a republican, (202) 748-8001. a democrat, (202) 748-8000. if you are an independent, (202) 748-8002. texas your thoughts at (202) 748-8003 -- text us your thoughts at (202) 748-8003. you can post on and at @cspanwj on x. to the tour the vice president took yesterday to atlanta, this is from the olanta journal-constitution. kamala harris kicks off the tour with the atlanta visit. the visit by the vice president comes as polls indicate she and president biden have work to do to shore up support among black georgians as they run for a second term. part of that visit, which you can see on our website,, the vice president
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talking about the administration, the benefits they fought for for black voters in economic matters. they also talked about fighting against discrimination. here are part of her statements from yesterday. [video] >> the work we have a doing is focused on all these areas. also understanding the context in which we exist, which is long-standing disparities. understanding in spite of those in certain parts of our country who want to attack dei, you cannot invest in the strength of our nation if you don't pay attention to diversity, equity and inclusion. [applause] we are paying attention to the fact that an order for any family or individual to have economic well-being, much less the opportunity to create wealth, we need to take into
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account the history. for example, the ability of black folks to own a home. let's go far back. we can go further bless go far back enough to member the g.i. bill. that was a promise by her nation to invest in who we called the greatest generation. who fought in that war. there was a policy that said let us reward them for fighting for our nation and all we hold sacred. give them access to loans for homeownership. the reality however, a well-intentioned -- of the well-intentioned plan is it was not well-intentioned for a lot of people. black veteran sinnott receive an equal measure -- black veterans did not receive an equal measure of those loans. public policy was about settling
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investment on -- certain folks and black folks in particular, veterans, did not receive the benefits. look at the disparity even created by that. host: a portion from yesterday. you can see it on the website and the app. the atlanta kernel constitution highlighting the visit us her 12 since she took office -- 12th since she took office. this adding the vice president talking to mostly black business leaders and she wanted to ensure the policies were reaching them. shirely in south carolina. caller: my choice for 2024 is joe biden. if i live to see may 19, i will be 90 years old. i have never voted for a republican.
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i definitely would not vote for donald trump. i don't see how anybody can vote for donald trump with all this garbage he's got going on. i am keeping it real. host: specifically why give president biden another term? why do you think he deserves it? caller: he is for the poor and less fortunate. the people that can't help themselves. but donald trump ain't for nobody but the rich people. i don't see how anybody can vote for him. especially with all this garbage he's got going on. i'm keeping it real, because what i want to say you will cut me off. host: howard in indiana on the democrats line. caller: good morning. i fully support joe biden. i think he has been an outstanding president. i think we lose sigf


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