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tv   Washington Journal Open Phones  CSPAN  May 6, 2024 2:09pm-2:29pm EDT

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download the free c-span now app or wherever you get your podcast and on our website, >> c-span is your unfiltered view of the government. >> charter is recognized as one of the best internet providers. and we're just getting started. building hundreds of thousands of miles of new infrastructure for those who need it most. >> charter communications supports c-span as a public service along with these other television providers, giving you a front row seat to democracy. >> it's abc news releasing a poll yesterday asking a variety of questions related to this year's election but one of those a list of those top issues that voters thought were important to
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consider and who they trust better to handle those situations. ipsos poll. 80% say that was the most important thing. 46% say they trust former president trump to handle those issues better than president biden. following that, inflation. most of those giving support to the former president as far as who they trust to handle those issues better. when it comes to issues such as democracy, protecting democracy is how they categorized it, 76% of those saying that is important to them, fourth on the list. an even tie to both the former president and president biden on handling those issues. thanks along the lines of health care also on there, with president biden leading that
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group of people who trust president biden to handle those issues. abortion access last on the list, 57% saying that, 41% saying they trust president biden to handle that issue better than former president trump. there's more there, and we will go through them. we want to know about those top issues for you, maybe something on the list or something not on the list. you can call and let us know. democrats, (202) 748-8000. republicans, (202) 748-8001. independents, (202) 748-8002. if you want to text us those important issues, the things you hold dear as far as election day, you can do that on social media sites, and also on x at @cspanwj. several of you posting on facebook this morning. this is gregory martinez, saying
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jobs, the economy, crime, the border, and inflation. diane says her issues are democracy and women's rights. from brenda on facebook, it centers on the former president, saying keeping him out of the white house, keep the maga republicans out of congress. another viewer saying all are important when it comes to the current president and the issue important for him, centering on president biden, saying he must go. you can call us on the lines to let us know what is important to you. you could also text and post on our social media sites. some of the other issues include immigration. 69% of those respondents saying that was a top issue for them, with those giving the former president more trust when it
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comes to handling that issue. they issue of gun violence, 66% of respondents, and the former president with a slight advantage. last, dealing with the issues of israel and hamas. 48% of those respondents there saying that was an issue for them, and then giving former president trump a slight advantage. this is scott and california, democrats line. you are up with the idea of the issues that are important to you. caller: good morning, pedro. misogyny, that is what is most important to me this election. i want to share with all of our female voters out there and some of our more radical, more right, congresswoman that misogyny does not mean that he is good with a
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foot rub. host: ok. thomas on our independent line, thomas joins us from honolulu this morning on issues that are important to you. caller: yes, i agree with the polling respondents' top issues, but my, just more with respect to how c-span will cover the election between now and november. i called about a year ago, and my request was that you folks considered doing more regular analysis of how your callers get their news. the hosts sometimes ask them, many in directly, but the vast majority of the time it is my impression that you just that people say what they want a new get a lot of this -- just total
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opposite, and there is no discussion about how we form our opinions, where we get our information. host: we occasionally ask that question, and we do let people talk at length on what is important to them, despite where they get their information from. back to the question, you said you agree with the list. what do you agree most with? caller: well, democracy and economy. again, do have democracy functioning optimally, people have to have a shared concept of truth. and we have heard this for years now, post-truth, post fact, and everybody has their own opinion, their own facts, and that alone will destroy democracy, regardless of how people rank it. when you have 50% thinking biden is protecting democracy in 50% thinking trump, that is a problem. my request, may be many times between now and november, just focus the conversation and have
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experts come on and talk about how -- talk about the psychological reasons we believe what we believe. host: you can look at our website for more, protecting democracy, as the caller brings up. the poll saying when it comes to who handles that issue better, it was an even split between the current president joe biden and the former president donald trump in handling those issues. joanne, independent line, illinois. hi. caller: hi, i would like to say that i really feel that our president has the wrong viewpoints, and i do not think he has our economy and everything else where it should be, sir. i honestly feel that he is doing
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our country more harm than he is good. he wants the world government to come into play, and i don't want that. host: as far as the top issue, if you had to boil it done, what would that be? the economy? if that is the case, why is that? caller: one world government is top on my list. i do not want that to occur, and biden is for that, sir. i have no idea what the other man is for or against. host: ok. joe in new york, democrats line. caller: good morning, and thank you for taking my call. what is on my mind is whether or not the person who is running for the presidency is a decent person or an indecent person. victor franco put it this way, there are only two races, decent and indecent. other people have said, if you
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want somebody to be a leader of a country, he must be capable and honest. and for that reason, i think that from my perspective decent and indecency are high on the list. do you trust a man? is he honest? is he capable? or is he the type of guy who goes after somebody's personality? page 6 on the newspaper. that is the first thing.and what is really up there on my list is the abortion aspect. the idea of old people telling women what to do with their bodies is reprehensible. and i appreciate the opportunity to speak with you guys, and thank you very much. host: that was high on the list of joe there. abortion access second to bottom on the list from abc news and ipsos, over 2000 people responding to this poll and
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asked questions about that top issue there. abcnews online. this was released yesterday. you can pick something on the list. we have been showing it to you. there are other things to consider, too. add that to the mix. call the line that best represents you. sharon in new york, republican line. hi. caller: good morning. thanks for taking my call. the most important thing for me is democracy and women's rights, because my daughter is 16 years old. when she gets to my age -- i do not think it is up to a politician to tell a woman what to do with their body. we are competent to know what is needed and what we need to do or not. this is a private issue.
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that is a big concern to me. and another thing is about democracy. we have to try not to be too opinionated when you hear things . [inaudible] before we decide something is correct or incorrect. host: shay ann in florida on our line for independents. caller: thank you for taking my call. i have been triggered a view times from your other callers, and i want to point out that nobody repealed abortion rights in this country. what they did was they kicked it back to the states, where it belonged. host: ok, is that a top issue for you then? caller: no, the top issue is the total absence of the equal application of the law in this country. also, how is it that they
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mandated these shots that were untested and unproven and nobody is talking about that? host: let's go back to the first one, the equal application of law --what do you mean by that? caller: well, just look around. i cannot believe that there are all these sham prosecutions going on over a candidate when i thought it was -- you know, it is astounding to me how far we have fallen from a constitutional republic. host: that call from florida, her top issues there. so of you posting on facebook. this is rodney, more concerned with the will of the people not having a voice. he adds that the government will continue to feed their own needs over the wants of the people. gary from facebook posting, america first because we have
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been placed at last for too many years. again, you can call in and let us know your thoughts. more available to you there on the website and on facebook and x feed. you can call in on the lines, too, to tell us about the top issues of importance to you as you consider your vote this election year. democrats line, paul in indiana. hello. caller: hello. my main issue this election is democracy, and i do not want to vote for a person who wanted to overthrow the federal government and not make our votes heard. and i am talking about don trump. host: ok. this is butch in illinois, republican line. hi. caller: hello. yeah, my concerns are,
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naturally, the economy. i was kind of watching, and i did not see anything on there about education. i think we need to get back to teaching all our children, like so many other countries do with math and science and all that kind of stuff. you know, i just do not understand how we keep -- how our president keeps spending money on paying off education and different stuff like that when there's so many african-american people that are homeless or struggling, and we're putting illegal immigrants, spending all this money on them. just seems that this country has got to be unfair to the people who live here. host: i am looking through the list right now, education not on
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this list, at least that was the pull from yesterday. does that surprise you? caller: no, i missed it, i am sorry. host: no, does it surprise you that something like that did not make the list? caller: absolutely, absolutely. these children -- you know, we got china. there really educating our children. i am 67 years old and my kids are in their 40's come up but i got grandkids, you know. naturally, i live in a small town were none of this affects us, but it seems like we got to get our children educated. i always believed in colleges and there are also trade schools. there's other ways to make money, but just seems like our president is spending money on too many different things. and as far as these children that are protesting on this
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colleges, i mean, i just do not understand what is going on with this country. host: ok. butch, i apologize, but we got your thoughts out. he mentioned a couple things. just to show you where they rank, that last one, the protests which centers around what is going on with israel and hamas, that is last on the list that was released yesterday. but immigration, which he also talked about, specifically the u.s.-mexico border, that falls about midway, 69% of respondents saying that was the top issue for them, with people giving, as far as trust on how to handle that issue, giving priority to former president trump on that versus current president biden when it comes to issues of immigration. in cedar rapids, iowa, we will hear from josh. hello. caller: yeah, hello, good
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morning. i just wanted to say, as far as concerns, israel and hamas, to me, seems to be something that people do not consider as a major issue. i do not think the united states can continue to fight proxy wars in the east china sea and israel and the ukraine. i think that is a very big mistake, something the previous administration did a little bit better job of. although trump, obviously, i feel like he could have done a better job. and also the current administration, the border is currently in crisis and something needs to be done. so those for me are really important topics. host: ok. josh there in iowa.
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an adjacent issue he brings up, he brought up what is going on with israel and hamas, but there is also a category here, the u.s. growth. in that issue of trust, current president joe biden at 34% versus the former president donald trump at 31%. if that is a category to you, u.s. world standing, and you want to find out what that is, you can do that, too, on the phone lines or texas or post on the social sites. kathleen in ohio, democrats line. caller: hi, thanks again for "washington journal." you guys are awesome. anyway, my biggest issue is biden's history with standing up for israel with unbridled support no matter what.
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one presidency after -- i was hesitant to work on his campaign. i am 72 and have worked on dem campaigns since i was 16. i will not be working for his campaign this time. i have questions about whether i will be a noncommitted vote, since i definitely do not want trump, so i am conflicted. but his stance on israel since he was a senator has been unbridled support, unbridled support of israel that has caused that constant expansion and building of illegal settlements in the west bank. and that is what has exacerbated this condition, the conditions for the palestinians, for decades now. i do not respect biden on that at all. he uses a lot of words but does not stand by them, does not care about the palestinians at all. so i want to ask you guys to have -- last night on


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