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tv   House GOP Leaders Hold News Conference  CSPAN  May 8, 2024 6:33am-7:00am EDT

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>> good morning, everyone. under the failed for a left democrat leadership of joe biden, our country is unrecognizable and the american people know it. once aclipped colleges and universities have turned into chaos. falling to brainwashed group think, canceling commencements. instead of protecting jewish student, joe biden has pandered
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todd pro-hamas wing of the democrat party and campus leadership has followed suit, negotiating with these terrorists and submitting to their demands, following joe biden's pattern of appeasement. this has turned the democrat party into the party of pro-hamas, a party that defends calls for death to america, heard across american campuses. as we laid out last week, house republicans under the leadership of speaker mike johnson are taking action. as part of this conference-wide investigation we have two major hear this is week, the oversight committee is bringing mayor bowzer and d.c. chief of police before congress for answers regarding the anti-semitic mob at t.w.'s -- at g.w.'s campus and the education and work force committee will address anti-semitism in k-12 schools. these schools must be held accountable. house republicans will use every tool available to end this scourge of anti-semitism that is doe destroying american education. shifting to the house floor this
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week, house republicans are continuing to lead and deliver for the american people, bringing legislation which protects america's consumers' rights from their right to choose their home appliances to combating the f.t.c.'s burdensome regular liengs crypto. we are joined today by our colleague and friend, debbie lesko, to discuss her bill the hands off our home appliances act which protects americans from joe biden's failed for a-left anti-american energy agenda. debbie. mrs. lesko: thank you. thank you, speaker johnson, leader ask lease, whip emmer and chairwoman stefanik. i am grateful for this opportunity to highlight my bill, the hands off our home appliances act. this bill prohibits the u.s. department of energy from prescribing any new or amended energy efficiency standards for a product -- for products that are not technologically feasible and economically justified. i am saddened that we even need
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a bill like this. however, as we have experienced under this administration, the department of energy has unleashed an avalanche of new regulations for household products including stoves, dish washers, washing machine, showers, toilet, water heat, air conditioners, heat pumps and furnaces. no government bureaucrat should ever scheme to take away american's appliances in the name of a radical environmental agenda. yes that is -- yet, that is exactly what we have seen under the biden administration. i was proud to lead the house republican effort to protect our gas stoves. and i am proud again to lead this effort to protect our home appliances. my constituents in the north and
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northwest valley of maricopa county, arizona, do not want this government interference in their homes and lives. i know that millions of americans around the country feel the same way. i urge all of my colleagues, both republicans and democrats, to support this bill. protecting our freedoms and consumer choice should not with a -- should not be a partisan issue. republicans and democrats should come together to pass this commonsense legislation and tell president biden to take his hands off our home appliances. thank you. >> chairman gits ler's tenure at the f.t.c. has been characterized by inconsistency and incompetence. the securities and exchange commission staff accounting
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bulletin 121 is just one example of chair gits ler's egregious -- gins ler's egregious attempts at authority and his bias toward the digital asset system. more than two years ago they disguised this illegal rule as guidance, circumventing congress and public input, to prevent banks from safeguarding consumer-owned digital assets. however this rule isn't just overreaching and illegal, it violates the s.e.c.'s statutory mission. first it introduces more unnecessary and avoidable concentration risk into the digital ecosystem, making our markets less fair, less orderly and less efficient. second, it weakens investor protections by barring americans from using the established banking infrastructure to
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custody their digital assets, leaving the assets more vulnerable if a custodian becomes insolvent. third, it hampers global competitiveness, as foreign banks have the ability to compete in crypto markets while our banks cannot. the statutory mission is to protect investors, facilitate capital formation and maintain fair, orderly, and efficient markets. chairman gentzler is violating all three of these with his illegal rule. late they are week, house republicans, we're going to do our job to provide oversight and accountability to the s.e.c. by passing congressman mike flood's resolution so that this illegal and harmful rule ceases to be in effect. i hope that our colleagues on the other side of the aisle will join us as we work to ensure the digital asset ecosystem can thrive right here in the united states. and i turn it over to our
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leader, steve scalise. mr. scalise: thank you, whip. last week you saw the house pass overwhelmingly a bill to stand up to the anti-semitism we're seeing on college campuses across america. if only those college presidents would do their jobs in protecting their students, jewish students that are threatened every day. right now as finals are approaching you've got some schools that are actually canceling in-person classrooms and in-person finals because the schools don't want to protect their students from anti-semitism. it's disgraceful. and we've called on those heads of universities to step down who aren't doing their jobs. you saw a few days ago here on this stage the speaker leading an effort that six of our different standing committees are participating in, to ultimately go into and dig into the money, the billions and billions of dollars of taxpayer money that these universities are receiving. some with requirements like
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title vi that ensure that they protect their students and these universities are not meeting the legal obligations as they're taking those billions of dollars. we're going to be digging into that. you're seeing it this week with the oversight committee. bringing in mayor bowzer to -- wowser to hold her accountable for the fact that when george washington was under siege from one of these mobs as yao seeing on one of these campus, they called in the place and the mayor's administration told the police not to go and help out. that's the job of police. police want to do that job. want to keep people safe. when you've lot elected leaders telling the police not to keep students safe, you're going to see this house republican majority take action to hold those leaders accountable. you'll see that from every standing committee that has jurisdiction. we'll be following the money. we're going to be bringing in more heads of universities.
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this isn't going to end and i'm sure the speaker is going to talk about this more too. this house came together. to support and aid package for israel. our dear allies in the middle east who is under attack since october 7. they're out there right now fighting a terrorist organization, hamas. and we passed and aid package currently being held up by the biden administration. it is time for the biden administration to stop holding up that aid to israel. congress came together in a poirn way to pass that much-needed relief so that they can go and root out a terrorist organization who killed israelis. who killed americans who still have about 130 hostages. that they're holding. and the biden administration is going to hold up the aid to israel? we're going to continue to speak out against that as well. the person leading that charge to speak out and hold the administration accountable is our speaker, mike johnson.
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mr. johnson: thank you, leader scalise and all my colleagues, thank you all for being here. it's a big day on capitol hill. i've passed the six-month mark serving as speaker of the house. part of the job of the speaker is to go all around the country and meet with americans and hear from americans and engage -- and gauge what their greatest concerns are. in the last six months we have calculated it, over the weekend, i've been to over 100 cities and more than half he the states. doesn't matter where i am, out west or manhattan or the deep south or the midwest, it doesn't matter, the concerns are the same. the people of this country are deeply concerned about the border ka it's a people of the open border orchestrated by the biden administration. they're deeply concerning at the rising cost of living. about rising crime around the country. they're very deeply concerned. about the weakness that we're projecting on the world stage that is encouraging our adversaries to act so
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provocatively and ramp up hot wars around the globe. you know what the other thing is that they're concerned about? they're deeply concerned about the institutions of government itself. that we're trying to keep steady hands on the wheel here, keep the legislative branch moving and operating in the best interest of the people. and that's a heavy task when we have divided government as we do and the smallest majority in u.s. history, famously, as everybody knows. but one of the things that's also in jeopardy right now is our judicial branch. and it's our system of government itself. and i don't think we can say often enough here how much that has been abused under this administration and with local prosecutor, state prosecutors, and at the federal level, who are using our judicial system to go after political opponents. the most obvious example of that, and i think the most egregious one in history is what is being done to donald trump right now this is another week where cable tv has a split screen image.
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on one side, turn on any news station, you see the partisan prosecutors and double standard d.o.j. going after president trump. on the other side, college campuses being wrecked by anti-semitic mobs. in manhattan, in the new york case, it's play-by-play on all the stations. that case should never have been brought. if there's ever been an example of lawfare, everybody can look at that and see. the trial is being orchestrated by democrat supporters of president biden who are trying to make a name for themselves. they're open about that. they used it in their campaign pledges. we've got a democrat district attorney. a biden donor judge whose daughter is a democratic political consultant and has clients that use the case in their solicitation emails to raise money. and now we've learned there's an assistant deform a. who was recently a top man at the d.o.j. and received over $10,000 in payments from the democratic national committee. this is all wrong. it doesn't matter what political party you're in, you have to look at this.
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if you look at this objectively you know, you know deep down that this is wrong. and think about all this in the context of new york. assaults in new york are at the highest level ever. crime is through the roof. the d.a. has decided to bring an 8-year-old bookkeeping charge that rests on the testimony of a long-proven liar and perjurer. and the judge, a well-known democrat is pursuing an indefensible gag order on president trump. just think about that. think about the magnitude of that. he's trying to override president trump's constitutional right to defend himself against the constant smeers of his political opponents in an election year. but not just any election year. the election year that most everyone understands is the most fateful one of our lifetimes. you cannot call yourself a serious judge and threat on a presidential candidate with jail time when he defends his reputation in public in the middle of a campaign. i think everybody of good conscience understands that.
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then we had the classified documents case where president trump is being treated completely differently from president biden. again, this is something that is just obvious, that everybody can see. biden, of course, willfully retained the disclosed classified material. but because he is, quote, an elderly man with a poor memory, unquote, it was decided that d.o.j. would not be bringing charges. what the american people see, and i mean this is across the country, this isn't just red state, but blue states as well, they see an incredible double standard. it's blatantly on display. it's the weaponization of our justice system. every single person of good conscience and commonsense can see that clearly. it's disturbing to them. why, because in our system, in a constitutional republic, if the people do in the believe that the justice system is fair, that you really do have equal justy under law, they throw their hands up and say what is there to believe in? it's critical. it's a foundational component of maintaining a republic.
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they are jeopardizing this for political purposes. now we're learning the prosecutors in the jack smith case have been engaimged in evidence tampering in the raid at mar-a-lago. here's the point. the entire case turns on what happened with those documents. and jack smith admitted things were not as they should be with the boxes. it raises serious questions. these cases are coordinated political attack, plain and kimple. er that clear attempt to keep donald trump in the courtroom and off the campaign trail. that's what this is. it's an election interference. it's borderline criminal conspiracy. and the american people see right through it. president trump has done nothing wrong here and he continues to be the target of endless lawfare. it has to stop. you're going to see the united states congress address this in every possible way we can. we need accountability, at the end of the day it's bigger than president trump. it's about the people's faith in our system of justice. and we're going to get to the bottom of it. all these cases immediate to be dropped because they're a threat to our entire system.
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on these other issue, while these sham trials go on up and down the east coast, across america, got college students wondering whether their careers, or about graduation and after graduation, are going to be even possible because now they're interrupting their lives again. same kids, same state of the unions who many of them had their high school commencement ceremonies canceled because of covid and now they're getting their college graduations canceled. they don't know if they'd have that opportunity at all. ceremonies across the country are being thrown into turmoil because you have weak administrators who have allowed protesters to take over campus and disenfranchised students who are trying to do the right thing. columbia's announcement that they're canceling graduation is a disgrace. these administrators have failed to do their duty to keep students safe. and there should be repercussions. we have called for the
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resignations of these administrators or they should be fiempled this week we're going to crack down on anti-semitism, we have several committees looking into the origins of that in higher education, higher education and k-12 schools. the oversight committee will be looking at encampments at george washington university here and we'll ask mayor bowser, if she shows up for the hearing, why d.c. has been so slow to respond to requests from the school. with regard to israel, and then i'll take questions. just when we thought it was only university presidents caving to the absurd demands of pro-hamas student, the president himself has now reportedly halted ammunition shipments to we can see right through it. if it is true, the president is trying to placate the pro-hamas section of his party. house democrats engaged in a
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sham impeachment of trump over politicizing military aid. this is the report on the ground in israel i got this morning. a shipload of munitions and precision weapons used to help protect civilians in raw file -- rafah is being withheld. i have been assured personally recently reaffirmed that there would be no delay and assistance. this is not the will of congress, it is an attempt to hold and without facing accountability, undermining what congress intended. if the president wanted to defeat hamas, he would not be preventing it from happening and we will try to get to the bottom of that. with that i will take a few questions.
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>> will you do what marjorie taylor greene is asking, fund special counsel investigation? >> there's been a lot of discussion for a long time about the abuse of special counsel's and this tradition goes back 25 years, janet reno i believe originated the idea and the problem we have, congress has an oversight responsibility and we have to make sure the justice system is maintained well and that is our job. the problem that many of us see with special counsel statute is it goes outside the regular appropriations process. there is discussion about what is the most effective way for congress to take the reins and ensure the special counsel's are not abusing the law themselves?
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discussions are not new. we are looking intently because the problem has reached a crescendo. i think there are serious questions and americans want to know what we can ensure -- we can do to ensure the law is filed. >> are you committed to running a gun first beaker or -- running again as speaker? >> i intend to lead the conference in the future. the most important thing we have to do right now is govern the country well, show americans we will and are doing and my job is to keep and grow the house majority in november. that is my singular focus.
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we have plans for the next congress and we have been outlining a lot of that. right now it is all hands on deck and steering the ship and i'm honored to be able to do that and i expect i will be doing that in the future. i spoke with former president trump this weekend and the leaders of our party are united in the cause because our mission is to save the country and in my view if we do not grow the house majority and retake the senate and the republican party in the white house, i think we are facing a very serious threat to our republic.
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>> why are you continuing to talk with marjorie taylor greene when she is trying to oust you as speaker? >> i hear suggestions and ideas
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from members. my door has been open since day one. there is nothing unusual about this. i have heard her ideas just like i have every day from the last six months heard others. i reminded congress everyone has the same opportunity. it is not a negotiation. my job is to every day improve the process and procedures, policy preferences, legislation, to get everybody together. it takes a lot of time and patience and a time like this but i am committed to it. we will continue to do that. i take her ideas and thomas massie's ideas equally and we assess them on their own valley -- value and where we can make improvements, we do. nothing more than that is going on. >> [indiscernible]
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on antisemitism? >> ladies, that was it.
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[captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2024] host: good morning. president biden gave a speech yesterday. he condemned a


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