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tv   U.S. House of Representatives Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green Motion to Remove...  CSPAN  May 8, 2024 7:29pm-7:47pm EDT

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so i'm asking our congress this mother's day, as a congressional caucus member and many of us in this chamber, we know we love our mothers but we can do more through action to really protect them and uplift them, to make sure they're not only surviving in our country but they're thriving. if we take care of our mothers, i know our children will be taken care of and our neighborhoods and communities will be taken care of. with that, mr. speaker, i yield. the speaker pro tempore: does the gentlelady have a motion? ms. tlaib: yes. i move the house do now adjourn. the speaker pro tempore: the question is on the motion to adjourn. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. the ayes have it. the motion is adopted. accordingly, the house stands adjourned until 12:30 p.m. on friday, may 10, 2024.
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also during today's session, members voted to table representative marjorie taylor greene's motion to remove mike johnson as house speaker. democrats joined republicans in blocking the resolution. as always watch live coverage of the u.s. house here on c-span. >> i seek recognition to give notice of my intent to raise the question of the privileges of the house. as follows. as declaring the office of speaker of the house of representatives to be vacant.
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this is the uni party for the american people watching. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady will suspend. order. order. the gentlewoman from georgia is recognized. ms. greene: whereas the house republican conference elected mike johnson on october 25, 2023, after 3 1/2 weeks of trying to decide on a new speaker of the house. >> mr. speaker, mr. speaker, the house is not in order. the speaker pro tempore: the house will be in order. the gentlewoman from georgia is recognized. ms. greene: whereas mike johnson sent the republican conference a letter making promises as to what type of speaker he would be and outlining his plans going forward. mike johnson put forth seven
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tenants that would guide the conversation under his speakership. restore trust by ensuring total transparency. transparency, open processes and regular order. >> order. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman will suspend. the house will be in order. the gentlewoman from georgia is recognized. ms. greene: two, advance a comprehensive policy agenda supported by conference consensus. three, promote individual members and thus the whole team by working to understand and emphasize each member's unique strengths, district dynamics and challenges and individual goals and directives. four, engage members in productive working groups to formulate solutions in key policy areas and enhance our internal communications and team building. five, effectively message to
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persuasively perform the republican base and the american people of our policy agenda why we're pursuing it and how it will ensure liberty, opportunity, and security for all americans. six, build and utilize internal coalitions in the internal ecosphere including think tanks and oral lied organizations that would contribute to our efforts. seven, develop and grow our majority by building on our resources and expanding -- to advance our agenda. speaker johnson has not lived up to a single one of his self-approved tenets and allowed
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one day rather than 72 hours to review a 1,000-plus page bill to which no amendments could be offered. rather than ensure total transparency, open processes and regular order. whereas speaker johnson worked with democrats to plows appropriations text, ndaa text and other legislative items rather than with republicans to understand and emphasize each member's unique strengths and engage with them. whereas speaker johnson relied on majority democrat support to pass a two part omnibus spending bill rather than advancing a policy agenda supported by conference consensus. whereas on december 1, 2023, speaker johnson failed to protect the republican majority when he allowed multiple votes to remove another republican from the house of representatives. it was unprecedented for a member to be removed from
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congress by a 2/3 vote prior to conviction of a crime. to this day, the republican expelled from the house under speaker johnson has not been convicted of a crime. meanwhile, a democrat now holds that seat. whereas speaker johnson supported fully funding the climate agenda, foreign wars, and biden's border crisis rather than ensuring liberty, opportunity, and security for all americans. whereas speaker johnson relied on democrat votes on at least two occasions with the first transgression occurring march 22, 2024, with the house passage of h.res. 1102, part 2 of the johnson-schumer omnibus. and the second transgression occurring april 20, 2024, with house passage of h.r. 8035, the
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$61 billion ukraine funding bill. on both occasions, the majority of the majority -- the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady will suspend. ms. greene: on both occasions the majority of the majority, 112 republicans voted against the measures whereas only 101 voted in favor. whereas before kevin mccarthy was ousted as speaker our conference passed seven appropriation bills which were some of the strongest conservative bills passed in decades. speaker johnson refused to continue this important process. he instead led us to another c.r. on january 18, 2024, and got it passed with the support of 207 democrats.
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>> mr. speaker, the house is not in order. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady is recognized. ms. greene: and only 107 republicans. while 106 republicans voted against it. whereas speaker johnson passed a third c.r., this time calling it a process c.r., as if that made continuing nancy pelosi's budget yet again any different from the previous c.r.'s. whereas with little to no communication with our conference speaker johnson passed the first minibus omni bill march 6 and passed a minibus bill on the 2 2nd. whereas a two-part omnibus split in two minibuses were crammed in our throats and passed with suspension of the rules with only one day to review it. whereas speaker johnson's
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omnibus did nothing to stop biden's deadly border invasion, it fully funded it. speaker johnson did nothing to stop the energy killing clean new deal climate agenda, he fully funded it and did nothing to stop the weaponized department of justice and f.b.i., he fully funded them. he did nothing to stop the transagenda on kids, he fully funded it. he did nothing to stop full-term abortions, he fully funded them. he did nothing to stop the filling for forever foreign wars, he funded them. whereas the rules committee passed h.res. 116 60, the rule providing for consideration of the $95 billion foreign funding package by a vote of 9-3, notably all democrat members of the committee voted to advance the measure to the floor while -- while three republicans
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opposed it. it is unprecedented for members of the minority party to advance a resolution out of the rules committee. since 1995, there have been a few instances of rules advancing out of committee with minority support. however, h.res. 1160 is the only instance where this was done to bypass opposition from the members of the majority party. whereas the last instance, an appropriations measure which passed the house failed to include a majority of the majority, was on final passage of the fiscal year 2015 department of homeland security house appropriations bill during the 114th congress. in the months following this failure, speaker boehner announced his resignation. whereas, on january 26, 2024
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dear colleague, speaker johnson called the senate supplementals and border security legislation dead on arrival in the house. likewise, january 2024 speaker johnson took a trip to the u.s.-mexico border where he said, if president biden wants a supplemental spending bill focused on national security, it better begin by defending america's national security. whereas, in the months following his border trip, speaker johnson introduced a $95 billion foreign aid supplemental with no border security attached. whereas, excuses like this is just how you have to govern in divided government are pathetic, weak, and unacceptable, even with our razor thin republican majority, we could have at least secured the border with it being the number one issue in the country, and the issue that is actually causing biden to trail president trump in poll after poll.
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whereas speaker johnson's capitulation on his promise to secure the border came on the hills of laken riley being raped and murdered and others raped by monsters and our own border patrol and national guard being run over by hoards of military aged illegals. while great legislation like h.r. 2 and the laken riley act are only messaging bills unless we fight to enforce them in our government funding bills. whereas, while serving on the house judiciary committee, mike johnson was a strong defender of individual liberties and was the chair of the subcommittee on the constitution of civil government. despite his defending the civil liberties april 12, 2024, mike johnson cast the deciding vote against requiring a warrant for u.s. persons queries of fisa
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section 702 data. whereas, our conference could have taken out funding for abortion and the transagenda on kids if our own speaker would have allowed us to offer amendments instead. >> order. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady will suspend. house will be in order. members will kindly take their conversations outside the chamber. the gentlewoman is recognized. ms. greene: instead mike johnson worked with chuck schumer and gave joe biden and the democrats everything they wanted, no different from how hakeem jeffries would have done. whereas speaker johnson fully funded special counsel witch-hunt against president trump, our republican nominee. house republicans could have
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used our power of the purse to stop this but speaker johnson didn't even let us try. whereas joe biden's weaponized d.o.j. is arresting a new january 6 election protester every single day and putting nonviolent political enemies including veterans, mothers, fathers, and grandparents in jail for years and the fifth january 6 defendant has now committed suicide. whereas, our pro-life christian conservative speaker mike johnson fully funded the department of justice. as it is prosecuting and convicting peaceful pro-life activists facing 11 years in jail. again, refusing to allow republicans to offer amendments to stop these injustices. whereas, actions are the only thing that matter and words are
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meaningless without following through on them. by passing the democrats agenda and handcuffing the republicans' ability and influence legislation, our elected republican speaker mike johnson has aided and abetted the democrats and the biden administration in destroying our country. whereas, removing this uni party speaker will not give the speaker's gavel to the democrats, which would only happen if republicans actually vote for hakeem jeffries. the speaker pro tempore: house will be in order. the gentlewoman will suspend.
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the gentlewoman is recognized. ms. greene: in fact, minority leader jeffries, nancy pelosi, and other high ranking democrats have publicly stated they will save mike johnson from a vote to vacate him. in a recent interview, minority leader hakeem jeffries said, even though we're in the minority, we effectively have been governing as if we were in the majority. >> speaker, the house is not in order. ms. greene: whereas, our country is nearly $35 trillion in debt and about $40 billion are added to the debt every day. our border is overrun by illegal invaders and terrorists from over 160 countries. our people are being killed by the hundreds every single day by fentanyl and mike johnson refuses to do anything about it.
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whereas, mike johnson isily equipped to handle the rigors of the job of speaker of the house and has allowed a uniparty, one who fuels foreign wars, tramples on civil liberties, and decreases our disastrous national debt to take complete control of the house of representatives. whereas speaker johnson's tenure is defined by one self-serving characteristic when given a choice of advancing republican priorities or aligning with the democrats to preserve his own personal power, johnson regularly chooses to ally himself with democrats. now therefore be it resolved that the office of the speaker of the house of representatives is -- the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman will suspend. the house will be in order. the gentlewoman is recognized. ms. greene: resolved, that the office of the speaker o


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