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tv   Former Rep. Kevin Mc Carthy at Milken Institute Conference  CSPAN  May 9, 2024 11:33pm-11:59pm EDT

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are in georgia, not by hiding and traveling by night, but they go out in the full light of day, disguised as master and slave, with ellen posing as the master and william playing the role of the slave, so that story group three from the beginning. sunday night on c-span's "q&a." you can listen to all of our podcasts on our free c-span now app. c-span is your unfiltered view of government. funded by these television companies and more, including charter indications . -- communications. >> charter is proud to be recognized as one of the best internet providers, and we are just getting started, building 100,000 miles of new infrastructure to reach those who need it most. >> charter cmunications
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supports c-span as a public service, along with these other television providers, giving you a front row seat to democracy. >> next, a conversation with kevin mccarthy on the state of u.s. politics and congress. he also talks about the upcoming election, including his support of former president trump and his thoughts on the potential running mate. this is part of an event hosted by the milken institute in california and is about 20 minutes. ♪ ♪ ♪ there is a message summer is subliminal message thanks good morning everyone thanks so much for being at this session. conversation with the former
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speaker still addressing by the foreign amity mr. speaker kevin mccarthy. it's a great pleasure to be here for there's a lot going on spoke it straight into it. so the speaker, it's been a little over six months since you were ousted i think the technical term is vacated since the chair it was vacated the speakership was vacated. as you have watched the various shenanigans and fights and everything else that's been going on since you left, much as it was before you left, click some dates yes, some people don't. [laughter] i loved every minute of every time i was in office good days, and bad days, the sad part is, it is much more broken now. the motion to vacate has always been there. it's never thought to be used this way except the past couple times. allow eight people to do it one
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did it for his own personal protection based upon his own life. there is no consequences for it. then there is a freefall and that is what we are reviewing structure to take behavior you adapt to it or leave and now you're watching a lot of people retire from congress. my concern is the world in which we live in. death is good had the wall next four years i look at these numbers 79, 79, and nine. you know what that is? seventy-nine years since we had a great war. 789 years since you used a nuclear weapon. nine countries with nuclear weapons. there were to be 20 or 30 today. we now assume having been a generation that was not here during world war ii this stuff just happens. it doesn't just happen in the td looks like the 1930s give the axis of evil back together. you've got a weakness inside
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washington. you have an isolation list working inside the republican party pretty got a democratic party moving away from israel. you have got a populism growing. there is no principle behind it. that is a perfect storm for someone to make some big stupid. the 79 years would not have lasted had it not been for america and the leadership. we face the soviet union, it collapsed. we had a standup down the cuba missile crisis we've been through. we have had reagan. we need stability and i am fearful in the world of technology and no longer news stations you can watch and get your news from whatever philosophy you have. you don't get news that is tearing down part of a system designed for compromise we do not reward it. that is the fear.
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>> mike johnson is pretty turbulent time and now faces a new challenge. he surprised about buick seo and came out in support of that bill,. >> ascetical? >> the financing for ukraine. israel, taiwan and tiktok. it's significant opposition traditional funding for ukraine and the house caucus. cox always voted against it. >> why do you think that happened? why was he convinced by the administration by what he saw? some people said why did he turn around from having opposed ukraine aid through said enough to collect and help push the records to build three to botsford overwhelmingly the majority of congress he would overridden had he not done it. the challenger be if you look
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back. we did something that was right but what it took so long? you waited to long as russia gained you waited six months after october 7 to tell the world we are behind israel. what should have transpired right after israel happened you should bran the israel aid. note we are telling the world we will provide israel money but we have to cut somewhere else. we do not treat any other foreign policy foreign aid that way that leaves a doubt and then and thebiggest issue going is te border. we shouldn't run the israel aid right off the bat. take ukraine. if you look at the world defining compromise a lot of republicans want ukraine for it i want ukraine aid but it's really important to the president and the democrats. then you take border security very important to the republicans. democrats don't want it but the democrats will privately tell you please push beyond the so we can solve it.
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>> was a former president trump's intervention on the border that led to republicans dropping their support for measures on border enforcement that they previously supported? >> timing is everything. but what would happen and october i had a deal ready to both the president because cap the country open i took ukraine finding out to hold it. they knew that was why they did out to have it. they knew that would give me leverage. that was in october. so and then what happened was the house is the majority of its own place republicans have majority protect the debt ceiling. you can out the senate republicans in the minority sick goat negotiated deal and think you're going to get a good deal. you cannot get a good deal if you bring all four leaders together because everybody said no. when he went to negotiate the debt ceiling it is the speaker going directly with the president. hakim and schumer were never going to vote for 2 trillion cuts in welfare reform.
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but they have to if the president agrees to it. why do i know that? i've been on the other side of that. that is your party. what should have happened is the speaker of the house should've gone and negotiate directly with the president. you would've got all five spaces because you say i will give you ukraine if we get this border. you have the power when it comes to the floor. and if you do not use the power of the speakership you say what why did he change his mind quite smirky overwhelm on the skin rope at the senate bill that sat there. that is what transpired part you were going to get a discharge petition. or you had to take this because the ukraine measure doesn't pass. no good deed goes unpunished and speaker johnson now finds himself bessette's place of the same forces that beset you. marjorie taylor gruber to calm the hateful eight, the crazy eight. she was not one of those. it was matt gaetz. there's been various talk about
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more efforts to vacate the speakership to vacate mike johnson seems to be unlikely. what's your view? >> two things. i don't know anyone thanks the only success and gates and thanks he has is the ethics complaint has not been dealt with yet. hate paid the 17 that this was being investigated that's going to stop is willing to risk the house fort democrats would long he was successful. this is different this will not be successful. democrats will protect mike the vote will never happen. it will get called, it will get tabled and that will be it. anyone can bring it up at any time i'm not for a motion to vacate. we should not have. i think he is fine to the end because the other point will beat most people question if not him, who? the other people after me that could do the job got knocked
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out. might get selected after all the transpiring people do not want to go through that now before the election i did the democrats because of government slows down it's also a reflection on biden. >> so he doesn't get a dozen face a challenge before the election for after the election? let's say it republicans win again a narrow majority run talk about the election in a minute. got a big advantage in the senate looks at the houses once again if it's going to win is going to be a pretty narrow margin do you think johnson survives then? >> winning solves a lot of problems you got to win a lot of seats if i look today he'll have a tough time. >> let's move on. let's talk about the election more broadly. a lot of people still remember vividly january 6. remember your position on january 6 we all got these reports about you calling trumpsusing colorful language tt the president to get these people out of there.
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it did seemed like you were pretty unhappy understandably given the position you are in. but now you are happy to support trump are going to endorse him and campaigned for him? >> yes. it's not a hard decision. i laid out the beginning the beginning the foreign policy is worse based upon the decision of this president. five embassies had to be evacuated. afghanistan is what is set us back for the newtek two decades he's push people to china and disrupted he eliminated and created this. he's trying to buy an election by forgiving loans. he's trying to give everything away in the process. and no disrespect, but i have a hard time believing if i was going to appoint that ceo of a major corporation that he could pass the test. i'm really look into the future what is the best this is the
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options i have is not a hard decision. if the election was today at trump would win and not that isbecause who i support. in the last election but it led i never doubt that i never set up biden one by 4800090018 votes. he had plus 10 favorability rating for. >> that's of those key states yes did six key states. today his favorability rate is minus 20 trumps ratings are exactly the same. if you look at biden support with hispanics and black americans 21% drop, 40% drop. if you look at under 30 key demographics he's actually losing control. if you look at trumps numbers you talk about the senate performance and senate republicans trumps over performing senate republicans. ava looked up biden's performance with democrat senate he is underperforming.
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on top of all of that i believe a reelection is a report card on the job you have done an open seat is inspirational. what is going to happen and thee next four years. plus third party candidates. i believe third party candidates running in a race that has an incumbent play that way everywhere? seven colleges university, or waituntil chicago the democratic convention. 1968 all over again. the swing stage of michigan wisconsin exactly as you say biden's approval ratings are historic lows overall approval
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rating terrible. all the policy issues immigration, the economy, inflation, foreign policy, biden is way way down with the exception of abortion we can talk about it or leave it. despite that the race is close. the national margin is pretty well tied. trump has advantage in the swing states but does not tell you something about the republican? any other republican surely it would be 10 or 15 points ahead of this president yet somehow. >> of yet another democrat. typically a former presidents bill clinton is going to be her, george bush, obama even go down to al gore they are all too old to be present or younger than two people who are running for president. think the country like >>'s 1960s elected people in her
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40s the senate is having reauthorizing fa bill right now. it's going to go out in a couple of days. i going to extend extend the age shoot fly a plane that got knocked out to 65. i out of congress and 59 result i can wait in a decade still run for the senate be young. it is a subliminal. >> you would be. >> there's something frustrating. why is that? i'm sorry no disrespect to anyone over the age of 78 here but why do we have these two old men one is going to be 86 if he serves at another trip and what's going to be what 82 or 83? why are we in this situation? >> this about defending democracy, they vent everything to deny democracy the next
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election. they have their part in court were no one can say what law he broke but sensationalism and you go home at night to all you hear about is biden is speaking. the new strategies let's not have them talk as much. you cannot believe this is happening. then you deny him to be on the ballots up or you go after his money. they lose the argument of generate sixth. i think the last two presidential elections we have not voted for hubley wanted to win. we voted against who we wanted to win. when you do that you cannot govern as well because you want elections to be about ideas. now the senate is a different matter it's advantage to republicans they've lost the last two cycles but they're going to win this time. why? because you have mansion not running pretty pick that up, right? we could pick up montana for the doing a really good job. the house, he said that the
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republicans are going to lose. right now they have all advantage to gain seats. and remember this other i've been a leader for five or so i became leader, nancy became speaker. those two cycles i only one in the year biden won the presidency was the first time since 1994 note republican come but for congress lost and won by 82 million votes deals that we lose 15 cd got the number eight the party rocked me beat 15 democrats less likely want to get up but if you look at this cycle don't to redistrict new york the only got one seat they want to do wisconsin, they cannot do it they did north carolina but the three democrats are not in running for reelection it's three more seats for republicans. they re- drew down in louisiana just got thrown out. alabama, they got one. but look almost beat or initiate she's ring first then it republicans all pick up that seat.
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and those two cycles are not sworn in as speaker we had a five seat majority in those two cycles do you know how many seats republicans lost for congress in california? zero wheat beat five democrats. pelosi lost her speakership from her own home say say abortion was a big issue. abortion was a big issue wide we gain five seats and with abortion on the ballot though states are so far it left they know there's something we can do about it. they could play in florida. it could play in some these other states. but the election is going to get the economy inflation is back and they are ignoring it is going to be about the border. massachusetts is not a republican there's not one republican vent for massachusetts but massachusetts has a state of emergency about is the board is not the northern border of the southern border number one issue in new york is the border. the democrats think it is okay. chris a couple questions first let you talk about the
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third-party rfk junior interesting polling he seems to draw some significant votes from biden but he draws a little from trump. first of all, or is he going to get on the ballot that's a big question he's only in michigan right now trying to get on elsewhere. secondly what could be his impact on the election? >> member ross perot? big impact what did clinton get 43% of or something? interesting about kennedy, it kennedy had an individual raise of biden because it would beat him. because it's a place to go he pulls from biden but he also pulls from trump because of anti- vaccine little populism in there as well. it is going to be state-by-state. think overall he will pull more from biden than it trump. trump. right now it's kind of even. >> it's a close race. final question trump is going to
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pick as vice president nominee again. if the call comes to go down tomorrow lago, will you be answering him? and if not you. [laughter] i think we might make some news there. if not you, who should he pick who would he pick? >> okay vice president's normally don't matter that people into a certain age they begin to matter if biden wins mathematically since were all brilliant here there is a higher probability he does not carry out the next term just because at the age he is in living in america that vice president is pretty much going to be president. don't underestimate trump. he wants to when he picked pens last time, two months prior he had endorsed against him of the primate he was a week when it came to evangelicals. you want to put somebody before it used to be can you in a state?
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not there. nikki haley would be ideal at the time prior because it was conjugating and site trump republican so that gives him a place to go. i do not think that materializes now. tim scott would add a lot to people talk about marco rubio but i don't think they know or constitution you can't come from the same state. >> one of them could move to be fair. >> you've got to give up your senate seat to run for vp then if you don't when >> dick cheney did in 2000, right? is he is not elective time researching to be the vp so help them. i would keep my eye on north dakota governor. trump really likes him. he is successful in business, he admires that. it's not going to upstage you. stable. i look at the governor of arkansas she is sharp. she is young pickwick sarah
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huckabee sanders. >> yes. i think trump is going to play this like a parentheses going to play it out too. he's going to make you join truth he's going to make you follow and whoever thanks in the lead is going to make great television struggling to pay attention today he announces. >> on that note rather than you are fired let's say you are hired with thank you very much. ♪ >> washington journal. our forum involving you to discuss the latest issues in government, politics, and public policy from washington on across the country. friday morning we talk about the recent protest on college campuses and the potential
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