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tv   2024 Campaign Trail National Issues Go Local Michigans U.S. Senate Race  CSPAN  May 10, 2024 7:30pm-8:02pm EDT

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spent $1.6 trillion for energy and infrastructure programs with reporter benjamin s. for our spotlight on podcast segment, jessica lovington talks about her law and politics podcast and other news of the day. c-span's washington journal. join the conversation live at 7 a.m. eastern saturday morning on c-span, c-span now or online at ♪ announcer: saturday, former president donald trump sakto voters at a campaign rally in new jers. live coverage starts at 5 p.m. stern on c-span, c-span now, and online at ♪ announcer: this week, 2024
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campaign trail takes a look at some of the ads touching on national issues across the country. former president trump hosted potential running mates and his mar-a-lago estate and attended the miami grand prix. robert f kennedy junior pushed to gain ballot access across the country. plus, some as vice president harris' campaign stops in detroit and pennsylvania. first a look at the results from tuesday's primary in indiana where president biden was uncontested in the democratic presidential primary. on the republican side, former president donald trump had 78.3% of the presidential primary vote. nikki haley, who dropped out in march, had nearly 22%. down the hoosier state ballot, retiring u.s. senator mike brown won the republican primary for
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governor. the nonpartisan cook political report -- the state senator brown leaves open also has two primary winners. gop congressmen jim banks and democrat valeriecr. the indianapolis star notes representative banks is favorite to win. it democrat has not one statewide office since 2012. one from indiana's primary, in the seventh district, the current dean of iiana's congressional delegation, democrat andre carson, easily won his primary. the candidate whwothe gop primary however died in march. republicans in the district will soon meet to choose another candidate. this is the detroit news political editor here to talk about the senate race in michigan. debbie s. as retiring, has served four terms in congress. on the democratic side, who was running to replace her -- is
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running to replace her? >> alyssa s. is serving the mid-michigan district. she is facing off against a businessman from the dearborn area in wayne county and mr. harper, the actor known for his roles in "the good doctor" and the "csi" series who lives in detroit and has a coffee shop in detroit and has maintained residence in detroit for the last several years. harper has got the name id and the ability to raise money. although he is not anywhere near where alyssa is. she is essentially crushing all opponents right now in the fundraising game. >> who is running on the republican side? >> we've got an interesting race
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between former u.s. congressman mike rogers, who also used to represent mid-michigan. the same district essentially. then you have former congressman -- a former congressman, a libertarian streaking republican who left the republican party at one point during the trump years, declared himself an independent. he's not coming back, seeking the republican nomination. then you have sandy p. a wealthy businessman from the suburbs of detroit who is self financing the campaign. he ran before back in 2018 and lost a republican primary to john james, after john james was endorsed by donald trump. james got the trump such in the end -- touch in the end and that helped him.
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mike rogers has got the advantage now. trump has given him a very early endorsement. how trump has operated in cycles, in senate campaigns and races and should -- races in michigan in general. he's got votes and baggage from being in washington for a long time that sandy will try to use against him. he's got a very different record than your average republican. he made it basically his mission to take out mike rogers. they have diabolically different views on international affairs and various foreign policy and national security, and so, you're going to see kind of a bloodbath here, i think.
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this primary changed a little bit last week. former congressman peter meyer withdrew from the race on the deadline to withdraw on friday. he was going to bring a different constituency to the race, with west michigan republicans. he's from the meyer family, some good financial backing. the meyer supermarket chain family. he is out. now this is kind of a three-man race essentially. >> when it the primary for each party? what is the impact of that on the general election? >> we have a primary the first two days of august. there's a little bit of separation, not a ton. obviously some states have spring primaries. some have september primaries. which is always interesting.
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but michigan sets it up so there's a lot of campaigning in the summertime. we will see a very active july. also colliding with the republican national convention in mid july. in lake michigan, milwaukee. there's going to be an intense ad war that will start pretty soon here in michigan. in michigan, we have no reason absentee voting. you can start voting five weeks out. the last week in june, absentee ballots will start arriving in mailboxes. probably upwards of a million republican voters, a million democratic voters, permanent absentee voters who want to vote absentee every single cycle. then you will have also for the first time early in person voting, that begins nine days
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before the election, so people will be able to start voting in person. so we are going to have a lot of ballots. upwards of 60% cast before the primary election day. that will just frontload the campaigning. we will see a lot of mail in various mailboxes across the state. the people who have voted in partisan primaries in the past. >> turning to the general election, what are republicans' chances of picking up the senate seat? >> it is still 50-50. you have got the presidential election carrying weight. if there is a narrow presidential election like back in 2016 when trump won, even joe biden's victory was a few
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percentage points back in 2020. if we have a narrow race at the top of the ticket, going down to the next one on the ballot, that makes this a pretty close race as well. you can tell based on the amount of advertising the senate campaigns are preparing for the fall, they are preparing for michigan to be one of the battlegrounds in the senate. >> how much money are people spending right now? the committee's, the campaign committees? >> the democratic senate campaign has already pre-bought several millions of dollars, reservations for september and october. the tv -- the tv ads will start
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to hit pretty hard in the fall after august. that is going to be expected in the presidential race. we have pretty competitive congressional races as well in michigan. the seventh congressional district, in mid-michigan around lansing. the outskirts of detroit's suburbs. this is one of the most competitive seats in america. upwards of $20 million spent in that alone back in 2020. i would expect that race, the meyer loss to the republican primary. they voted to impeach trump. the loss to hillary s. the first democrat since
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watergate to win a seat in congress representing grand rapids. she's a highly vulnerable democrat as well. then in the suburbs of detroit, john james. now he's a congressman. he is going to be facing a challenge there. there are six or seven democrats running in a primary with a chance to face off against john james. that is how this race is going to be. the county has people recall, it is ground zero trump country. if he can run up the score, that helps john james win and republicans hold on to a pretty key seat they barely won in 2022. >> thank you for the update on what's happening in michigan.
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>> thanks for having me. >> one of the democrats in the michigan senate race, hill harper, this week posted this tiktok video from a local rapper and supporter of his campaign to his account on x. ♪ >> [indiscernible] ♪ >> meanwhile, t first debate
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in the michigan u.s. senat race is slated for may 30 at the policy conference in northern michigan. it is expected national and international issues wl part of the debate, as the republican candida the rays have already centered issues surrounding the israel-hamas war and some of their campaign rhetoric. gop hopeful and former congressman justin a. whose family is palestinian-american reiterated his skepticism of u.s. military support for israel in a post to x this week. his two publican rivals and others across the country have also made a part of their campaigns. next, an ad from michigan gop senate hopeful sandy p. and part of your radiohow appearance former congressman mike made talking about the recent spate of campus protests related to the ongoing
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israel-hamas war. >> women, tortured. babies, murdered. grandmothers burned alive. they refused to condemn these horrific acts. [indiscernible] they have no moral compass. you are an embarrassment to michigan and america. you should be ashamed of yourselves. i approve this message. >> i'm pretty hard -- pretty hard on this. if you're a student at that university, chanting antisemitic chants, guess what? no longer welcome at the university. we should not let this become 1930 at which ultimately led to the death of 6 million jews. we need to be tough and we need
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to be tough right now. i'm pretty hard on all this. if you are a student at the university screaming death to erica, time for you to go home. >> another national issue, that of transgender rights, has emerged as a flashpoint in virginia' gubernatorial race this year. the 19th reported all the gop primary candidates were centering the issuin their campaign. next, ads from two of those candidates, chris miller, son of carol miller, and the son of senator shelley moore capito, shared their anti-trans stances. >> she trains at 6 a.m. every morning. she is the captain of her school's team. [indiscernible] but not today. unfortunately, this competition was over before it even began. politicians are destroying
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girls' sports. i'm chris miller. you are darn right i don't want her sharing a locker room with biological males. protecting the integrity of girls' sports is common sense. if we expect our cats to tell the truth, we can't let the woke west redefine it. fairytales are not facts. a boy is not a girl. girls' locker rooms are for girls. i am chris miller. d will stay that way when i am governor. >> onto the presidential race. independent candidate robert f kennedy junior's campaign is week said it was preparing to sue meta, the parent company of facebook, for allegedly blocking a 30 minute campgnocumentary generating buzz from his supporters. the daily beast reported meta said it was a glitch and not an intentional act.
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next, mef the highlights of that campaign video, which asd millions of views on other platforms and earns attention from the likes of x, tesla and spacex owner elon musk. >> he isnuts and clearly -- >> he is nuts and clearly disturbed. he is angry that he is there. his own family hates him. he sounds like he is transmitting from another galaxy. he is so crazy. living in a paranoid fantasy in vanity fair. what is wrong with bobby kennedy? ♪ >> is a walking, talking conspiracy theorist. he's completely divorcedfrom reality . [indiscernible] his big explanation is that it is a virus, his croaking
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voice. it likely is a crack pipe voice. he cranks out whoppers, like to produces -- like taylor swift produces pop songs. i wouldn't vote for that guy either. you must like having three choices on your ballot in november. this guy, this guy, and this guy. i think you've heard some stuff about him the last few years. but what if there's a whole lot more to him than you and you -- than you knew? this pipeline is not going to help the american people.
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our civilization will be judged by future generations. the democratic party wanted to rein in the military. the democratic party fought and select government -- insolent governments. now that has all changed. right now big oil funds the republicans. big pharma and the military contractors make sure to donate to both. who is left, who was right -- who is right? i've been fighting corporate corruption for 40 years. i know how to clean them up. that's why i'm writing -- i'm running for president. that's why i'm running as an independent. >> rfp junior is polling better than any independent candidate since 1992. >> he is a serious breath of fresh air.
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>> do not ignore robert f kennedy junior. >> if you're read and listen to what i've actually said, on election day you think i'm crazy or any of the other disqualifying things that they've said about me, please don't vote for me. but i hope you read and listen to what i've said. and you arrive at the conclusion that together you and i can turn this country around. because i believe that together, we can make the dream stronger, more prosperous, and america controlled by you and not big corporations a reality. ♪ >> former president donald trump, this year's presumptive presidential candidate, spent last week and the miami grand prix, at 3.3 mile formula one race. there, he met with zac brown, the head of mclaren racing and lando noris, the mclaren driver who won the race. afterward, the trunk campaign
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put out the following ad highlighting the reception the former president and once again hopeful received from the crowd at the race. >> welcome to the formula one miami grand prix. trump waived to the crowd and stopped by a garage here at the miami grand prix. >> the people were more passionate, the people that support trump, than -- than the joe biden folks. >> [indiscernible] >> he is welcome here in florida and around the world. >> the former president's race day came after g a fundraiser at his mar-a-lago estate in palmea, florida. on hand thathey were many of his rurepotential vice presidential running mate picks, includg ngresswoman elise stefanik, north dakota governor
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doug burgum, and texas congressman wesley hunt, most of whom spent the following sunday making the sunday talk show rcuit. vice president kamala harris was out t road for the democratic ticket this week, with spsn the swing states of michigan and pennsylvania. next, parts of two of those stops chatting with voters in detroit and on stage with actress sheryl lee ralph of abc's "abbott elementary" in pennsylvania. ♪ [laughter] >> thank you very much. i appreciate it. [laughter] >> [indiscernible] >> thank you. [indistinct chatter] [laughter] >> we are ready for you. >> yes. [laughter]
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>> [indiscernible] >> yeah. >> take a look at the windows we've got. >> oh, i see that. yeah, that's right. >> [indiscernible] >> everyone was waiting. >> i don't mean to interrupt your lunch. >> [indiscernible] [indistinct chatter] >> we opened two years ago. three years. >> i'm here to highlight your business. >> yes. >> [indiscernible] investing in leaders like you who have a vision, we need access to capital, the information.
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to what is necessary to grow. [indiscernible] tell me the kind of support that you need. >> capital, definitely, to set up the infrastructure, for managers. you put a good system together, the right people, so for me it is having the access. some start out with not the best capital and are not able to hire the right people and the right services. >> must write. >> -- that's right. >> for me, it is building the capital. we are looking to hire to pay a little bit above what the average pay is. and mostly get engaged with the community.
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look for candidates all over the country, ideally. [indiscernible] with my partner, that is our goal, bring jobs. i love talking to the youth. things of that nature. capital is important for everybody. >> i want to say something about this woman right here. i know this woman. i love this woman. and i like this woman. [laughter] [applause] but i wanted to be clear, to let you know, i thought it was important to write these things down, but wait a minute. i am putting these on not because i need them. [laughter] but because i look good in them. yes. thank you. [applause] i wrote this down. i said, no matter what you think about class,
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culture, color, or gender, we are about to talk with one of the most capable, influential, bold, and fearless thinkers ever. [applause] >> thank you. >> this human right here is not out to connect some of us. she is here to connect all of us. [applause] and this human being just happens to be a woman. [applause] >> the president and i feel very strongly. this is part of our philosophy in terms of our administration. we have been doing things with t
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he sincere belief that people should not just be able to get by, but should be able to get ahead. you know? [applause] and so, a lot of what we have done, these are all women's issues, and everyone's issues. the work we have done that is -- we have created over 50 million new jobs since we came in. and we came in during the pandemic. [applause] we have created over 850 new manufacturing jobs, manufacturing right here in america. [applause] these jobs are right here. investing in new industries, too. that's been exciting. i think what we have accomplished has been -- and history will show this. historians are saying it, you compare what we've done, even to the eisenhower years, what we've done to invest in
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infrastructure and manufacturing, invest in the american workforce, to address health care, it is a sectional -- it is exceptional. i will cut to the chase. we have an election coming up in 181 days. given how we need to hustle, listen, in the context of everything we have discussed and understanding the complexity and nuance of so many issues, november of 2024 is binary, it is two choices, i would throw up a split screen, on the one hand and on the one side, in joe biden and our administration, you have competence, you have compassion, and we have actually accomplished things on behalf of the american people.
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[applause] on the other side, you have the former president who openly admires dictators and said he will be a dictator on day one. has said essentially that he will weaponize a department of justice against his political enemies. has said he is proud of things like taking constitutional rights from the women of america. and i do believe the course of our country for generations will be impacted by this election. >> one last stop on this campaign trail, from wisconsin, president biden singing happy birthday to a supporter. >> god love you. this is mom, right here. you are his mom?
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>> yes. >> we have a tradition in the biden family. it is actually my wife's tradition. both of their birthdays today. >> awe. >> you have to sing happy birthday. ♪ happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy birthday, dear, happy birthday to you ♪ ♪ you have to let my wife know i did what i was supposed to do. [laughter] [applause] god love you. it is great turning 60, isn't it? >> i don't know. >> you haven't gotten there yet. [laughter] god love you. >> a reminder, this ogm and all of c-span's campaign 2024
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coverage can be found onlit ♪ >> coming up, book tv's author interview program afterwards with a generalist discussing concerns surrounding the weight loss struggles and pick. the u.n. general assembly votes for palestine's bid for membership to the u.n.. and later discussion on the biden administration's tax policy priorities.
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