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tv   Campaign 2024 Fmr. Pres. Trump at Hush Money Trial on Day 16  CSPAN  May 14, 2024 4:20am-4:31am EDT

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personal attorney. >> here's what i see. i see a guy who worked for ten years and here trashing the guy he worked for for ten years, didn't get a job in the white house, and now and now you're behaving just like everyone else who has got fired or didn't get the job they wanted like andy mccabe, like james comey, same kind of selfish motivation after you don't get the thing you want. that's what i see here today and i think that's what the american people -- >> mr. jordan, all i wanted was what i got. to be personal attorney to the president, to enjoy the senior year of my son in high school and waiting for my daughter who is graduating from college to come back to new york. i got exactly what iuote bad
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things if it's that that i can see working for them for 10 maybe 10 weeks it worked for them for 10 years. mr. come to work in the white house? >> never worked in the white house. >> as the point is it? works no syrup or yes wanted to work in the white house. it brought to the dance brickwork to go to the white house. i was offered jobs mr. trump a job when mr. trump wanted me too
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which is working with don at the white house general counsel. >> you work once i'm i brought a lawyer in sui should not go in because there would be no attorney-client privilege and in order to handle some of the matters i talked about it best suited for me not to go in and every president. >> here is what i think. i work for 10 years your trash and value work did not get a job in the white house and now you haven just like everyone else who got fired and did not get the job they want like james had
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a selfish motivation after you dip that is what i see here today that is what i got personal attorney year of my son in high school waiting for my daughter who is going back to new york. >> exactly what you want? >> a receive exactly what i want. >> a gentleman's time has expired. >> "new york times" reporting jury selection started in manhattan and the corruption trial for new jersey senator bob menendez. the jurors will be selected from manhattan, the bronx, one of several new york counties north of the city. senator menendez on his wife and two other new jersey businessmen have pleaded not guilty for their alleged role in international bribery scheme bold bars, cash and mercedes-benz. prosecutors with the u.s. attorney's office for the southern district of new york has said they expect to take as many as six weeks to present their case against the lawmaker. who said he believes he will be exonerated also guilty of running for reelection as it.
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[inaudible] >> is a scam is a terrible thing happening. we have one stay back and pass love jd vance what's going on today. persuading the respected front of the free world will be. politics is no place in this this is all politics. great legal analyst none of this
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is a leak there is nothing illegal. they are person who once it is he is conflicted. check that out. everyone is saying there is no crime. bread of evidence i participated in a bank records hiding a campaign estate the doing great the cap numeral three however four weeks the numbers just came out of the "new york times" we discussed. let me put this as a singly as
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possible there is no crime state or federal with which to link donald trump or anyone else this is a legal basis there is none. there is no crime. again jd vance these american voters who are watching this you speak up against this sham prosecution and save the american people. the federal law under federal law that is why we do have authority for obsolete no action they take no action against me. only when they did ta braggs
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almost eight years ago my presidential campaign he said we go back take a look was turned down and was angry because of what took place. when he saw the grinch use the scan even michael of cnn for five weeks into the trial or that is not for one simple reason. there is no crime.
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matt would president off the campaign trail. it's not hush money. the majority of voters in savannah, michigan say trump cannot get a fair trial. exactly what is having second thoughts. to prove he did not come close to proving
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