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tv   Campaign 2024 Fmr. Pres. Trump at Hush Money Trial Day 17 Morning  CSPAN  May 14, 2024 10:13am-10:26am EDT

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rein in the abuses. the latest is they manipulated documents, they might have tampered with the case and in congress we have oversight responsibility and it is our objective to hold them accountable. these are politically motivate the trials and they are a disgrace. it is election interference. they show how desperate the opposition that president trump has and how desperate they truly are. the american people are not going to let this stand. election day cannot get here soon enough. we will continue to shine a light on this in congress because we have that constitutional responsibility. i came here again on my own to support president trump because i'm one of hundreds of millions of people and one citizen who is deeply concerned about this. [indistinct conversation]
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>> former president trump also spoke outside the courtroom in new york prior to the start of today's session in his hush money trial where his former attorney michael cohen is a star witness. >> mr. trump will you testify? >> i do have a lot of surrogates and they are speaking very beautifully and come from washington and they are highly respected and they think this is the greatest scam they have ever seen and some democrats are embarrassed with what is going on. i want to start by saying on the electric vehicle that biden is putting down everybody's throat he wants to put a tariff on china, which is a suggestion i
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said where have you been for three favre years? under done it a long time ago but they have to do it on other vehicles because china is eating our lunch right now and they went away from what i was doing. they have to do it on much more than look vehicles and get going fast. but it should have been done 3 1/2 years ago. i started it and they started playing games and it was very bad. in michigan the auto have i is doing very poorly because jobs are starting to leave. we are losing -- with the electric vehicle mandate they will all be made in china and mexico, owned by china. the poll just came out, very respected poll and it has us up six in michigan, seven in north carolina, pennsylvania plus two,
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georgia plus five, florida plus anyone, arizona plus two and up other places. so that just came out. that is from the sunday "new york times" poll. i think today i might just quote somebody that frankly has been extremely respectful to me the last few months. he is watching this scam taking place. michael abanotty he said next time you are accused of something, ask yourself would it be ok if only they were allow to weaponize what you were not allowed to respond. he is talking about the gag order. or defend yourself. if year answer is no you too should be angered by trump not being allowed to respond to the various people that are making comments. you asked me questions i'm not allowed to respond.
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they are the easiest questions that could be asked. only he could answer those questions. so here is a couple quotes. mark levin, great man, great legal talent, this is not a trial of donald trump. it is a case of the democratic party versus america. it represents the great was effort to interfere with and steal a federal election in american political history. biden is seeking to clear the field because he can't do it himself so he is weaponizing the document of justice. as you know they have their people in that ram. the d.o.j. is in that room because they want to try to hurt me. the good news is my poll numbers have gone up significantly. newt gingrich this is without depressants in american history and never occurred to president john adams or anybody else that
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you could jab the primary opponent in this case vice president thomas jefferson. this goes back a long way. this has never happened in our country before. there's never been anything like in. andy mccarthy just came out new yorkers should be outrage outra the mockery as the entire country looks on. it is a very bad thing happening in new york. businesses are leafing new york because -- leaving new york because of what happened here and with another crooked judge and he is under investigation as he should be. he is under a big investigation, i hear, right now. jonathan -- the expert, prosecutors deny knowing this as illegal expenses so they say it is a bookkeeping error.
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i paid a lawyer a certain amount of money, we marked it down as a legal expense. i did mark it down as construction of a wall, construction of a building. i didn't mark it down as an electric cost. i took a legal expense and i didn't do it, the bookkeeper did it, did it exactly right. took a legal expense and called it a legal expense. are you allowed to call a legal expense a legal expense? i don't know what else you will call it. he brings it up here, the legal expense. what is the problem? i never thought as an attorney i do see a system like new york is one of the most sophisticated legal bars, to bass itself so badly. this shupblg shouldn't be allowed in the case and we shouldn't allow the case to go forward. it should be ruled in favor of a directed verdict.
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there's an insufficient amount of evidence. no crime has been shown or committed. there's been no crime. this is very excited here. she is a fool. she is not an experienced judge. i will make that short. greg jarrett, the argument is flawed. the federal election commission determined there was no campaign violation. the department of justice agreed, no civil fine or criminal charge rendered. those two entities have exclusive authority over federal elections. the state has no authority and the city has no authority and he never wanted to bring this case. not a local prosecutor such as
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alvin bragg should be involved. and the judge as you know is totally kicked and everybody is talked about it. it is an embarrassment to the new york legal analysts. cnn doesn't think the prosecution has proven us case. senator john kennedy respected gentleman says more about politics than justice. bringing in a fellow criminal trial it has proved to be a felony. there feels to crime. everybody is saying there is no crime. but i have been here almost four weeks in an icebox. they call it the icebox listening to a judge who is totally corrupted and conflicted. highly respected lawyer hush money is not a crime. by the way, congress everybody in congress the n.d.a.'s are very common, unanimous
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disclosure agreements. they are not a climb. cbs morning news there is no evidence in this case is about campaign election violations. there is no evidence but we go back to the federal law. the f.t.c., federal election commission said there's not a problem, there's in case. he can speak for himself. he said this is a sham trial, it is politically motivated to assault the leading candidate of the u.s. president. i won't go through the rest but he is here ands going to talk to you. the speaker of the house is here. we have a lot of great people to talk to you and they won't let them speak here because they make it difficult for them to speak. for some reason i can speak here but i'm the only one that is aloud. the gag orders has to come off so you ask me a question about the people we are talking about
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i'm not allowed to answer. there's never been anything like this in the history of our country. it is a scam. it is selection interference at a level that has never taken place before and if you don't mind i will go into the icebox and sit for a long time. thank you very much. >> mr. trump, what will you testify -- >> how will you make money off of this case? >> they want to come here and tkhrebgt our welfare. my italian grandparents never spoke english.
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