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tv   President Biden Remarks on Jobs the Economy  CSPAN  May 14, 2024 12:39pm-12:48pm EDT

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1, the chair declares the house in recess until 2:00 p.m. today. >> i want to make this clear, what the other guy is saying.
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[applause] >> raise tariffs on chinese solar panels from 25% to 50%. here again, because the chinese government is they're flooding the market. they're driving manufacturing out of business in europe. but we won't let that happen here in america. we're putting 50% tariff on semiconductors made in china. these are those -- all of you know this, the little tiny computer chips, faller than a fingertip, that power everyday lives, everything from smartphones, dishwashers, satellites. look, over time we stopped making them. we invested others overeast. now, thanks to my chips and science act, one of the most significant investments ever in science and technology, we're bringing this back home where it started, in the united states of america. and finally, on health equipment
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like masks and gloves, nurses and doctors wear, every single day, pandemic caught us, we need to have a secure supply here at homes. folks, key sectors of my administration is combines investments in america with tariffs that are strategic and targeted. it's a smart approach, compare that to the what the prior administration did. my predecessor promised to increase exports and boost manufacturing, but he didn't neither. he failed. he signed a trade deal with china. they were supposed to buy more in american goods. instead china imports from america barely budged. now trump and the maga republicans want tariffs on all imports from all countries if re-elected. well, that would drive up costs for families on an average of $1,500 per year each year. simply doesn't get it. for years i've heard many
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republicans and democratic friends say china is not on the rise. china is on the rise. america is falling behind. i've always believed they got it wrong. america is rising. we have the best economy in the world, and since i've come to office, the g.d.p. is up. our trade deficit is down to the lowest level in over a decade. we're standing up against chinese government unfair economic practices now. and at the same time -- [applause] we're standing up for peace and stability across the taiwan straits. i revitalized our partnerships with the pacific allies and india, australia, japan, south korea, the philippines, pacific island nations. i made sure the most advanced technology can't be used by the chinese government under national security. frankly, before it rains, frankly, for all this tough talk on china, it never occurred to my predecessor to do any of that.
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bottom line, i want fair competition, not conflict, and we're in a stronger position to win the competition of the 21st century than anyone else. because we're investing in america again, in american workers. let me close with this. i come from scranton, a town like a lot of working class, middle class neighbors across america. like racine, wisconsin, which i visited last week. once a manufacturing boom town until trickle down economics came along, and they got hollowed out. six years ago my predecessor showed up carrying a golden shovel, promising a new manufacturing complex would be built in racine. he said it would be the eighth wonder of the world. big promises that never came true. he used that to dig a hole and then he fell into it. well, i'm delivering for racine. thanks to the investment in my administration, microsoft is investing billions to build a new data center in racine, creating thousands of good paying jobs, because the view from scranton in towns like it
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are a lot different than mar-a-lago. it's a view where money doesn't determine your worth. everyone is entitled to be treated with dignity and respect. everyone deserves a fair shot. we leave nobody behind. that's the america we're building together. that's why i've never been more optimistic about our future. i'm really going fast because of the rain. that's right, i have to remember who we are. we're the united states of america. [applause] there's nothing beyond our capacity when we do it together. goth bless you all, and better get out of the rain. thank you very, very much. [applause] thank you.
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[applause] reporter: mr. president, you say china --
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>> they want to come here and collect our welfare instead. so notice asylum cases. >> most people come here to make a better life, if not for them, for their kids. my italian grandparents never spoke english. i never had a conversation with them. and yet they made america great. >> this friday, author ann coulter and a columnist debate reason magazine's nick gillespie over the question, should the u.s. should its borders? the debate is moderated by a journalist barry. watch it friday at 9:00 p.m. eastern on c-span and online at if you ever miss any of c-span's coverage, you can find it any time online at videos of key hearings, debates, and other events feature markers that guide you to interesting and newsworthy highlights. these points of interest markers appear on the right-hand side of your screen when you hit play on select videos. this timeline tool makes it easy
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to quickly get an idea of what was debated and decided in washington. scroll through and spend a few minutes on c-span's points of interest. span has been delivering unfiltered congressional coverage for 45 years. here's a highlight from a key moment. >> let it stay with you. this flag is a symbol of our victory in this war. we stand, we fight, and we will win because we are united. ukraine, america, and the entire free world.


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