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tv   U.S. House of Representatives Debate on FAA Reauthorization Bill  CSPAN  May 14, 2024 10:23pm-11:12pm EDT

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wi-fi enabled listings so students from low income families can get the tools they need to be ready for anything. nouncer: comcast supports c-span as a public service along with these other television providers, givi you a front row seat to democracy. announcer: house lawmakers debated a senate bill to allow $105 billion in funding for the federal aviation administration over the next five years, with a focus on changing the certification of aircraft and improving safety on runways. the house is expected to vote on the legislation this week before current faa programs expire friday at midnight. i may consume. the speaker: the gentleman is recognized. mr. graves: i rise today in strong support of passing and concurring with the senate amendment to h.r. 3935, the f.a.a. re-authorization act of 2024. this bill is a bipartisan,
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bicameral comprehensive agreement to re-authorize the federal aviation administration, our nation's aviation safety and infrastructure programs through fiscal year 2028. i want to thank transportation infrastructure committee ranking member rick larson, senate committee science and transportation chair maria cantwell, and ranking member ted cruz for their partnership in crafting a strong final agreement. i would also like to thank the house aviation subcommittee chairman garrett graves, ranking member steve cohen, senate aviation subcommittee chair duckworth and ranking member moran for their supporting in getting this across the finish line. for over a century, the united states has led the world in aviation safety and administration. unfortunately, our gold standard status is being threatened by competition, changes in technology, and influences at the f.a.a. due to process failures and inadequate
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practices. h.r. 3935 is critical to ensuring america remaining the global leader in aviation, and it is vital to our economiering and to millions of american job, and to the millions of passengers that depend on our national aviation system, air space system, every single day. h.r. 3935 also provides the long-term certainty necessary to ensure the safety and prosperity of american aviation industry for decades to come. this bill makes reasonable organizational reforms at the agency, it provides much-needed agility while simultaneously providing safety each step of the way. the f.a.a. is too slow in everything it does, from rule making to aircraft registrations and from certification, simple paperwork. this bill ensures robust investments in infrastructure for airports of all sizes, especially -- with special emphasis place odd then thousands of smaller and general aviation airports that make up
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the bulk of our nation's airport system. further it's a personal point of pride with me that this bill includes the very first ever general aviation title in the f.a.a. re-authorization bill. i've been saying this for year. g.a.a. is the foundation of our aviation, our civil aviation system and it's where many of our pilots, our mechanic, and other hardworking aviation professionals began their careers. it's also responsible for helping meet the critical community needs and thousands of cities and towns all across america. this bill recognizes the importance of g.a.a. and protects the freedom to fly for every american. as previously mentioned, the shortages across the aerospace work force are a growing risk to the future of american aviation. h.r. 3935 addresses work force challenges head on by removing barriers for individuals and veterans interested in pursuing careers in aviation such as through improving aviation work
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force development programs. bottom line, our bill encourages the growth of our aviation work force through targeted and meaningful reforms. what's, many h.r. 3935 maintains american leadership when it comes to development and integration of new and emerging technologies in the air space, such as drones and advanced air mobility, or a.a.m. specifically this bill requires the f.a.a. to move beyond endless testling of pilot programs that go nowhere and move toward integrating innovations such as drones and a.a.m. into the national air space system. as air travel recovers from the covid pandemic, renewed growth in air travel has come with some difficulties for the traveling public. our bipartisan bill includes an entire title dedicated to improving issues each of our offices hear about from constituents almost daily. the flying experience for the traveling pick including individuals with disabilities, and finally and most importantly, this bill recognizes while our aviation system is safe, we have to continue raising the bar for
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safety. the bill is centered around a strong aviation safety title and makes many important reforms that address the close calls and near misses that have unnerved many of us over the past several years. i have every confidence that the provisions we enact here today will make aviation safer, thus ensuring that america continues to be that world's gold standard in aviation safety. one of the most important safety features of this bill is the title for a five-year re-authorization of the national transportation safety board, ntsb. independent federal agency that investigates all civil aviation and other transportation accidents. i believe f.a.a. re-authorization act of 2024 is one though farthest reach, most consequential pieces of legislation the house will consider in the 118th congress. .
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i want to take a moment to point out, the first will help protect general aviation airports from closure. airports are a valuable community resource and our vast national aviation airports are part of what has brought about american leadership in aviation. many of these airports are also grant obligated. meaning that they made assurances to the federal government that they will operate and develop the airport to its fullest potential. too many places, local neglect or hostility threaten the viability of many of these small airports and the community's commitment to these obligations, this is vital to our national interests and our bill includes that will prohibit them from waiving grant obligations if they find it would result in its closure. this bill contains a legislative waiver of grant obligations for
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banning airports in california, this should not be viewed as a unique -- as anything other than a unique exception to the hard and fast rule that congress is enforcing in this bill. moving forward, it will take legislative action to pursue closing an airport and getting a waiver on those grant assurancees one other provision i want to point out. airline refunds. i am concerned that the new department of transportation rule is going to have unintended including increased prices when all the passenger wants is to be rebooked on the next flight home. now that the senate has amended the refund provision to align with the d.o.t. rule it adhere to its six-month implementation
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rule. it should not short circuit the implementation period which is necessary to adopt news systems to adopt regulatory compliance. i look forward to work with them in implementing the important sections in this bill. so to finish, this bill has the support of more than a thousand aviation organizations and companies addressing thousands of members and stakeholder issues and requests that rewe receive. this bill is vital to america's airport infrastructure and economy to the future of american leadership and honor to stand here and urge all of the members in the house to support this transformational bill.
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with that, i would reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from missouri reserves. the gentleman from washington is recognized. mr. larsen: i rise in support of senate amendment to h.r. 3935. a bipartisan bicameral effort done in good faith to create a safer, greener, more innovative and more accessible aviation system. after reviewing member priorities holding six committee hearings and engaging in months of negotiation with the senate, we have reached a pivotal milestone the final passage of the f.a.a. re-authorization act of 2024. i am proud to support this to ensure that american aviation continues to be a powerful economic innovation and supports local communities across the country.
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before i get into the details i provide the, $4 billion, that is how much we boost the annual airport improvement program. and at least $150 million for airport noise and environmentally sustainable projects. $60 million, the new robust annual funding for work force development grants to grow the next generation of a aviation workers and pilots and $12 million set-aside for the willow brown education program to support outreach and educational opportunities to underrepresented communities. zero dollars and how much it will cost families to sit with young children on commercial aircraft. $200 million for new annual grants to increase runway safety and resiliency.
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$350 million to establish groundbreaking reimbursement programs to replace pfas foam with safer alternatives and $20 million to launch to fund capital projects that improve accessibility. the u.s. aviation system is the safest in the world. this bill helps presentence runway are ex occurrings at major airports and alert pilots of danger and fatigue on the work force caused by understaffing, this bill requires the f.a.a. to hire controllers and adopt the staffing model to meet the systems evolving needs and at a time of unprecedented, this
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final bill provides a framework for new entrance to scale safely in our skies. it will issue rulemaking and joint operations and finalized the certification standards and operate rules for power lift advanced mobility. it will help state, local and tribal governments to use drones for infrastructure construction and repair so crews can work safely. the 2024 authorization bill has a greener bill. the bill allows u.s. airports to use funds for alternative fuel infrastructure including for hydrogen and unleaded fuels and mitigates noise on communities like those near payne field in my own district. the re-authorization bill is a jobs bill that will build the
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economy and diversify our aviation work force to recognize how critical it is. and in addition for work force development grants, this bill directs the f.a.a. and department of defense two collaborate the career transition and establishes a task tr force on the f.a.a.'s efforts to support the mental health of the aviation work force of the the bill fosters air safer work force and protect they will from assaults and ramp worker call to action to reduce the congestion and blast zone. moreover after many incidents for passengers in the recent years this sets the passengers back on the right path allowing for safer, accessible and more
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dig nye filed and makes passengers whole and requirement that they provide tax refunds to passengers and harmonize to the rule to allow the refunds to be automatic and reimburg them for males and hotels. furthermore this re-authorization breaks down barriers by improving training for airline personnel and contractors who assist these passengers with boarding or deplaining an aircraft and handling their devices and allow passengers to travel with approved service animals. the f.a.a. re-authorization act cements a greener more greener innovation. i thank my colleagues sterve
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cohen aer ell for their collaboration and the 350 stakeholders representing airlines, airports, disability rights organizations, health care votes so many groups who endorsed and build support since we passed this out of committee last july. i stand here to urge my colleagues to support this bipartisan bicameral legislation. and i reserve. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from washington reserves. the gentleman from missouri. mr. graves: how much time? the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman has 11 1/2 minutes remaining. mr. graves: i yield five minutes to the gentleman from louisiana, also chairman of the aviation subcommittee, mr. graves. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized mr. graves: thank you, madam
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speaker. we passed the bill out of the house in july of last year in a strong bipartisan manner of 351-69 despite the fact we have been in this challenging and polarizing congress and we came together because of the importance of this legislation of recognizing. since 2018 the last time we have done an f.a.a. bill, we have see profound changes. in 2018, there were 100,000 remote drones, remote pilot certificates and today, there are 400,000. in 2018, 38 commercial space launches that were licensed by the f.a.a. this year alone so far in the fishes four months there have been 47.
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in ground stops in the first time in 20 years, we had a national ground stop and weeks ago, we had a fall silt incident where there were three of the nation's largest airports that had a nation ground stop. so we have seen profound changes in the aviation industry over the last six years. this bill brings fundamental solutions into areas like aviation safety that is so critical, ensuring that we have an entire title on innovation looking at advanced mobility and general aviation is appropriate and ensuring we have the work force that's needed, not for yesterday's aviation industry but truly for tomorrow. this bill authorizes the f.a.a. that recognizes newer technologies and move faster and
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more seamlessly and ensure we learn from mistakes and failures and most importantly, mr. speaker, this bill focuses on the passenger experience ensuring that curb-to-curb experience is a good unand over the last six years, we have had one new commercial aircraft ser mr. tiffany: indicated by the f.a.a. it is becoming more come and this mr. williams: bring us out of the 20th century ander allow us to lead. the bill offers an opportunity to compete for the investment opportunities and new forms of aviation and advances the use of drones and new forms of aviation for activities such as infrastructure inspections.
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the bill takes each of the challenges facing aviation in the u.s. and provides forward-looking paths to serve the public today. we take a deep dive into the authorities and processes of the f.a.a. to reorgan streamline them and breaking down the silos that prevent the f.a.a. from utilizing expertise. and first stand-alone title and provide certain to the industry prodding the f.a.a. to allow drones to move beyond research projects in the scaled-up programs. we build upon the nepa forms in the fiscal responsibility act and environmental streamlining reforms in delivering our promise as noted to improve upon the passenger experience. nearly 28% of adults have never stopped foot on a plane. we have to make sure that
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experience is a positive experience and especially for those young families traveling with kids parking in the parking lots, security, checking and bags getting on planes, getting off planes and this bill focuses on that entire experience. i talked about how we have been dealing with this for nearly a year and the legwork took 18 months before that. there are a number of people who put countless hours into this legislation. i thank the people including hunter, lay man, julie, andrew, will, corey, chris and our own aviation staffer. and democrat staffer, adam, liz, alex and michael, staff directors jeff and kathy and also this couldn't have happened
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without steve and rick. and mr. speaker, no one has more expertise in this congress than the aviation guru same graves. this bill is truly transformational. i yield back. . kohn kohn i yield my -- mr. cohen: i yield myself such time as i may consume. i rise in support of senate amendment to h.r. 3935, which re-authorizes the f.a.a. and its related authorities through fiscal year 2028. at long last, after the house passed our bill almost a year ago, the senate caught up with the house. and it passed a bill thursday night. making critical investments in key policy reforms to the aviation system to deliver for the american people and the american economy. from air traffic controller staffing challenges to the modernization of the f.a.a.'s
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legacy safety and technology infrastructure to the integration of new entrance in the u.s. sky, there's no shortage of problems facing the aviation sector. this f.a.a. re-authorization bill takes significant steps to addressing these issues and ensuring the u.s. aviation system remains the safest and most efficient in the world. it will bolster aviation safety, strengthen consumer protections and accessibility and make landmark investments in sustainability, enhance and diversify our aviation workforce and advance american leadership in aerospace. i'm pleased that many might have priorities have made it into this bill -- that many of my priorities have made it into this bill. i worked with senator markey on this on the senate side, airlines will now be required to provide full cash refunds to those situations, if a passenger does not accept alternative compensation. i'm also glad to see the inclusion of my proposals that provide transparency in
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complaints from passengers with disabilities and help passengers who use mobility aid such as wheelchairs. too many times we've seen wheelchairs tossed like some type of rubber baggage, damaging people's wheelchairs and they have disabilities and they have trouble leaving -- even leaving airport. but this will protect those people and have them have access to the skies equal to everybody. this bill additionally directs the f.a.a. to consider real-life conditions in its evacuation standards and initiating rulemaking on seat sizes. we've worked on rulemaking on seat sizes since shuster was the chair of the committee, my friend and a great chairman, and we got it into the bill but we still haven't got the f.a.a. to get a test where they had real situations that were like it is when you fly to see how long it takes to evacuate a plane and to have seat sizes that are safe for the american public. finally, long overdue requirements for aircraft cockpit voice recorders, to record the most recent 25 hours of audio and for critical flight data to be recoverable without
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underwater retrieval to be included. this was included in part of the bill that i received from suggestions of the former ntsb chair, jim hall, a great tennessean and a former ntsb chair. he's been a tireless champion in these requirements and this will provide greater clarity for accident investigations. the challenges facing u.s. aviation system make it clear that we must pass this long-term comprehensive re-authorization. i want to thank my friends and colleague, chairman graves, sam graves who did a great job in bringing this bill together, bringing everybody together, giving everybody the opportunities to be included and to make sure it was successful. and garrett graves who is a big fan of steve larson's and ranking member rick larsen. our partnership is on this body so we can come together and pass
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legislation. it is bipartisan, it is bicameral, it is bicoastal, it's not bisexual. i support the senate amendment to h.r. 3935 and i urge my colleagues to do the same. i yield back the balance of my time. >> i reserve the balance of my time. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. the gentleman from missouri is recognized. >> can i inquire as to the time on both sides, mr. speaker? the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from missouri has 6 1/2 minutes. the gentleman from tennessee has 9 1/2 minutes. mr. graves: thank you, mr. speaker. at this time i'd yield one minute to the gentleman from oklahoma, mr. lucas, who is chairman of the full committee on science and technology. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from oklahoma is recognized for one minute. in mr. lucas: thank you, mr. speaker. i rise today in support of the senate's amendment to this bill. i've worked with my colleagues for over a year on this bill and i'm proud of the agreement that we've come to with our senate counter parts. i want to give a special thanks to ranking member lofgren for
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working with me throughout this process, the research and development title of the bill provides a comprehensive safe framework and integration of emerging tech nothings in the air -- technologies in air travel. by protecting the house's provisions of this bill, we've ensured this is the most robust research and development title we've seen in an f.a.a. bill. this bill includes essential support for the air traffic control academy located at the nautical center in oklahoma city, the center is named after former oklahoma u.s. senator mike maroney, who wrote the federal aviation act that created the f.a.a. senator maroney's legacy is realized every day through the more than 6,000 employees that e sent that are serve the f.a.a.'s mission of training, research and operations for the flying public. the air traffic control academy in the center is responsible for the first few months of training for all air traffic controllers. centralized training at the academy ensures operating in the national air space is seamless, from one end of the country to the other. i'm proud to represent and support the interests of this institution which gives us the safest flying in the world.
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i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. the gentleman reserves. without objection, the gentleman from washington is recognized to control the time. >> thank you very much, mr. chair. at this point i'd like to recognize for one minute the representative from georgia, representative johnson. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. johnson: thank you and i rise in support of the 2024 f.a.a. re-authorization act and i commend transportation committee chair sam graves, ranking member larsen and subcommittee chair and ranking member garrett graves and steve cohen respectively for their hard work and bipartisan effort to get us to this point. one key provision that i championed in this bill promises a more diverse aviation industry through the aviation education program, named in honor of the first african-american woman to
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receive her pilot's license on american soil. this program will provide opportunities for under-represented individuals to access jobs in the aviation industry. and the legislation takes bold steps towards combating aircraft noise, while promoting environmental resilience and sustainability. it will prioritize accountability and accessibility for consumers through provisions ensuring timely departures, fair treatment and compensation. and with 10 new slots at d.c.a. airport, they will have more connectivity and economic expansion and that's why i'll be voting in favor of this legislation. and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. the gentleman from washington reservings. the gentleman from missouri is -- reserves. the gentleman from missouri is recognized. mr. graves: thank you, mr. speaker. at this time i'd yield one minute to the gentleman from utah, mr. owens. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. owens: thank you, mr. chair. i rise in support of h.r. 3935, the f.a.a. re-authorization act
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of 2024. this legislation seeks to strengthen, protect and modernize the american aviation industry, a sector often hund hindered by an agency stuck in the previous century. since 1966, the federal rules increased costs for americans flying through reagan airport. this bill contains a simple but important fix, it adds five new routes while maintaining all existing flights, whether they're within or outside of the perimeter. this legislation is designed not just for one airport or airline but for all of us. it gives more convenience and more opportunities to families traveling into washington, d.c. i thank the negotiators of this bill for working with me over the past year to ensure this type of solution could be part of the final package. i urge my colleagues to support this bipartisan and bicameral agreement and to help d.c.a. fly into the 21st century. thank you and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back. the gentleman from missouri reserves. the gentleman from washington state is recognized.
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mr. larsen: thank you, mr. chair. at this time i'd like to recognize for one minute the representative from nevada, representative titus. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady is recognized for one minute. ms. titus: thank you. i rise in support of this f.a.a. re-authorization bill which will have far-reaching impact on air space in nevada's first district, by including provisions that i led requiring the maximum hiring of air traffic controllers and protecting large outdoor events from unauthorized drone incursions. furthermore, i'm proud to say the bill includes provisions from my air carrier access amendments act, previously led by my good friend, former representative jim langevin. it will protect the rights of disabled passengers by establishing aircraft accessibility standards and setting a timeline for d. ompt t. to -- d.o.t. to investigate and respond to disability-related complaints. i want to thank chairman sam graves, ranking member larsen, and aviation chair garrett graves and ranking member cohen for their hard work on this bill
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and helping me to get these provisions included. thank you and i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlelady yields back. the gentleman from washington reserves. the gentleman from missouri is recognized. mr. graves: thank you, mr. speaker. at this time i would yield one minute to the gentleman from kansas, mr. mann. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from kansas is recognized for one minute. mr. mann: thank you. mr. speaker, the economy of the state of kansas has a strong relationship with aviation. my district alone is home to six commercial airports, 39 general aviation airports and five essential air service communities. after a consult, aviation is the second largest impact on my state's economy. over the past year i've advocated for an f.a.a. re-authorization that's cost effective and invests in programs that are crucial to the aviation industry in kansas and across the country. i've advocated to expand section 65 workforce to include manufacturing and engineering and to reform the current workforce development programs to support the long-term growth and diversification of the pilot profession. most importantly, i've advocated for us to authorize --
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re-authorize an aviation bill that prioritizes safety. in order for the aviation industry to thrive, we need an f.a.a. that adopts long overdue policy changes and regulatory requirements. america has been and should
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creation of task force on human factors and after a near miss what could have been the largest aviation disaster in the history of the country at san francisco international in 2017. we learned a lot from that experience and this piece of legislation helps correct some of the things that almost created that disaster. this task force will help to keep our aviation system safe by better understanding the ways pilots operate and make decisions and help to improve training and outcomes and i
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appreciate the senate working with us for protections for every apparently. i yield back. >> the woman from california yields back. >> through, mr. speaker. activity i yield one minute to the gentleman from new jersey. >> this establishes the legal establishment of the william a. hughes technical center. it's a real big deal for south jersey but it's a real big deal for the united states of america. the technical center will expand. thousands of visitors will come into our country and state and make a real difference. ensures that the center is
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locally controlledded and protected from reorganization. congress must assure that the new law is faith fullyfully executed. the future of aviation, even with the problems we've had is bright for the quiet, and for south jersey. i urge passage of this new law. thank you. california is recognized for one minute. mr. carbajal: thank you. mr. speaker, i rise i express my support for the f.a.a. re-authorization and i thank you for crafting this bipartisan agreement. we can achieve when we work together in good faith to advance the priorities of all our communities of the it will help create a safer and cleaner
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aviation system. additionally, the bill includes many, many of our priorities, providing $4 billion for airport infrastructure, tackling pfas to accomplish a reimbursement program to repa place firefighting foams and reports from federal agencies and to support the western range ensuring the f.a.a. can improve real-time of space launches and re-entries. i urge my colleagues to vote yes. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time the gentleman from missouri is recognized. mr. graves: at this time, i yield one minute to the full committee -- chairman of the resources committee -- any way,
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the gentleman from arkansas, mr. westerman. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. westerman: i rise in support of h.r. 3935 the f.a.a. re-authorization act of 2024. i commend sam graves and ranking member larsen and their dedication to bipartisan, bicameral has been instrumental. in arkansas' 4th congressional district we have small and medium-sized airfields and we are home to a unique and robust agricultural industry and included provisions that specifically address safety and rural communities like mandating tower marking rules and improving radio at somewhere mountain airports and improving infrastructure and work force
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development. the f.a.a. re-authorization act of 2024 is not just about passenger and pilots but comprehensive legislation that will benefit farmers, health care and i urge my colleagues to vote yes. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time the gentleman from missouri reserves. the gentleman from washington is recognized. mr. larsen: i recognize the gentlewoman from washington. >> i in support of the f.a.a. re-authorization. my state is a proud legacy of birth place of authorization and ensure that it continues to be a ion ear in the industry. this invests billions including in my district, the akron and kent state university airport.
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these much needed resources will make our aviation cleaner and greener. i want to highlight the requirements. the consumer protections that will help keep costs down and language that i advocated for the remote tower program in ohio thvment will improve air traffic control that utilize smaller airports. this legislation is a major victory for america's aviation work force and improves starns on the air and on the ground. i yield back. gentlem an has 1 1/2. would it be appropriate if both sides get two extra minutes?
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the speaker pro tempore: sure. without objection. the gentleman is recognized mr. graves: i yield one minute to the gentleman from texas, mr. roy. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for one minute. mr. roy: i thank my friend from missouri and i rise in support of this legislation. and second largest market without a direct flight to reagan national airport. it has about 82,000 active duty and 100,000 military and cybersecurity and something that they have been working on for a long time and important development and for the reasons that i just articulated and give a deal of thanks. to senator cruz and his leadership in the senate to get
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these additional five slots which will provide opportunities for other cities that are in the same situation and won't have a significant impact because they are having the hop. and i'm grateful for their support and i will support the bill. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time the gentleman from missouri reserves. the gentlemanfrom washington state is recognized. mr. larsen: i yield one minute to the gentlelady from michigan. >> for months we have been hard at work crafting the f.a.a. re-authorization act of 2024. i am so excited we are here to pass this critical piece of legislation that includes so many wins for my district back home. this bill is innovative and collaborative and essential. removing air travel forward. thank you to the chairman and
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ranking member and all the members who passed this bill out of committee. my district is home to president ford. it is one of the busiest but its growth is being inhibited by a control tower that doesn't have new necessities and been passed over for replacement. my bill directs the f.a.a. to consider older towers at airports in selecting projects and increasing transopinions dwsh the speaker pro tempore: 30 seconds. >> when using which towers need to be updaded. this will help other airports forge a path forward to meet the
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needs. i thank the chair for working with me and i urge passage of this bill for our airport workers and travelers. the speaker pro tempore: the gentlewoman from missouri is recognized. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman reserves. the gentleman from. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from virginia is recognized. mr. beyer: i rise in firm opposition to h.r. 3935. i'm concerned about the provisions that would aggravate dangerous conditions. it would add two new flights. last month there were a near miss on the busiest runway. all flights are delayed for over
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an hour. you hear they have serious concerns about safety. the house has already spoken and rejected this. i am we should not a back-room deal between senators to reflect special interests. this would rescore the bill and it's painful this is on the bill despite widespread opposition. i could directly harassments our airport. i yield back. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman yields back the balance of his time the gentleman from washington reserves. the gentleman from no -- >> i am ready to close. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman from washington is
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closed. the gentleman from washington has four minutes. pattern pattern i want to close by saying that are the f.a.a. re-authorization act of 2024 wouldn't have been possible without the staff here in the house of representatives that has spent more than a year of negotiating a and and you i won't go through titles but brian, adam, alexander, liz, alex on the subcommittee staff. stanton, ryan, peter, paul, and i also want to republican the avian staff which would not have been done because boightd fer both staffs took the direction
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and play team house of represent tips and be partisan through this entire process. and on the republican, hunter, lani, julie, andrew, will, more key and christopher. >> meg an and and justin and carey goldberg. from the office of legislative council, karen, jordan, robert, and michelle. your efforts have allowed us to craft a bill that we can be proud of.
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this bill is a bipartisan bicameral and ensures youness lip in disain built and job create. i urge fer urge the senate amendment and urge outline of lawmakers debated a bill to allow billion dollars for the faa. over the next five years. with a focus on changing the certification of aircraft and improving safety on runways. the house is expected to vote in the legislation this week before current faa programs expire friday at midnight. >> they want to collect our welfare instead. so no asylum cases. >> most people come here to make a better life, if not for them,
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