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tv   Campaign 2024 Republican Supporters at Fmr. Pres. Trumps Hush Money Trial  CSPAN  May 15, 2024 3:19am-3:34am EDT

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rein in the abuses. the latest is they manipulated documents, they might have tampered with the case and in congress we have oversight responsibility and it is our objective to hold them accountable. these are politically motivate the trials and they are a disgrace. it is election interference. they show how desperate the opposition that president trump has and how desperate they truly are. the american people are not going to let this stand. election day cannot get here soon enough. we will continue to shine a light on this in congress because we have that constitutional responsibility. i came here again on my own to support president trump because i'm one of hundreds of millions of people and one citizen who is deeply concerned aboutramaswamy.
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>> good morning, everyone. i'm governor doug burgum along with our congressman and vivek. we're here to offer observations firsthand. one thing we have all known is that this is a sham trial but we have an opportunity to see it up close and personal.
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you can see it is a scam trial. when you have a judge that is a donor to biden, prosecutors who are supporters of biden, and then you have got relatives of the judge that are benefiting financially directly from this trial, that information. and then you have the star witness is a serial perjurer. you have to ask yourself, what is this all about? the only conclusion it is election interference tying up the president from being out on the campaign trail. and we know from the polls that have come out even from the new york times this week, president trump is leading all over the country. and he conclusion you can draw from that is the american people have already acquitted donald trump because the things that they are concerned about, inflation, crime, the border, the economy, all of these things president trump is leading by huge double digits versus jill
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biden. and the sooner that this scam trial can be concluded the sooner that the president can get back to getting out, campaigning, and talking to the american people about the issues that matter to them. and with that i am going to turn over to the congressman. thank you. >> ladies and gentlemen of america, this trial is a joke. this thing is a farce. we were in there all morning. michael: basically sat there and said yeah, he did legal expenses. the trump organization, not the campaign, paid out money in legal expenses. where is the crime? there is no crime. the only crime that is happening here is this democrat judge in the democrat party prosecuting their political rival right in the middle of a presidential election. the crime here is that the issues facing our nation are not being addressed by the democrats , but they want to go after donald trump. and there is nothing wrong,
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there is nothing wrong here. nothing that has been done poorly by president trump. the only thing that is being done wrong is biden's judge. his daughter is raising money for democrats. and all the fundraising emails come all the fundraising things are about this trial that his daughter is using. he won't recuse himself. this is a travesty of justice. this is immense use of the justices in -- justice system. new york has plenty of issues. you have nypd's finest down here because of this travesty going on. meanwhile the citizens of new york are less safe candid district attorney in new york is not prosecuting real crime. he is going after his cheap political rival in donald trump. america is better than this. unfortunately it is going to take the american people this november to let their voices be heard on this travesty of justice that is occurring and making sure that donald trump is the 47th president of the united
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states. i have never seen anything like it. this is a joke, it is a farce, it is a travesty. we are better than this as americans. unfortunately, the democrat party has lost of their ever loving minds. it is going to take the american people to remind them that justice is supposed to be blind. it is not supposed to be going after political opponents and political rivals. with that i will turn over to my colleague from florida, congressman cory mills. rep. mills: thank you so much. what did we learn here today? what we have learned is that michael cohen, who has no credibility, who has purged himself multiple times, who has zero integrity, has admitted to defrauding the trump organization. he has listed his invoice as being an actual legal precedent, where, in fact, he is now claiming it is something other than that and that he knowingly and fraudulently put that forward. as we talked about, why do they want this trial to continue?
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they wanted to continue because this is a fundraising source for adam schiff, for biden, and to democrat opponents. this is nothing more than election interference at its finest. you are seeing where the weaponization of what was the department of justice, now the department of injustice, has been utilized against the american people and against the president of the united states. i will tell you right now the same way that i stand here steadfast behind our president, i know america stands with him as well. they see this sham indictment, they see this for what it is without any actual substance whatsoever. keep in mind, they keep actually talking about the fec violations. but when you are utilizing personal phones or utilizing a trust, that is not campaign funding. there is no campaign violation. which is why the fec never even pursued this. and so i think the american people see this for what it is. they want to keep president trump off the campaign trail. they are seeing what is happening in the swing states across america. and they are seeing exactly this
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is draining down assets and resources that could be utilized by the president to continue to forge ahead, build a stronger economy, secure our border, and get our nation back on track. this is a sham and that is the only thing this is. michael cohen has no credibility, no integrity, and this is a weaponization against our president. mr. ramaswamy: i want to thank my colleagues for laying out the political backdrop here. this is a politicized persecution that is nakedly apparent. what i want to do is dive a little bit deeper into what we actually learned today in that courtroom. what did we see in their? i learned a lot from being in there in person. the only thing more depressing than the environment of that courtroom is what is actually happening in there. it is straight out of a kafka novel. the prosecution's main strategy appears to be to bore the jurors into submission. sadly, that may appear to be working. now, i would like for anybody,
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anybody here in the press, anybody at home, anybody in the media afterwards, to clearly state what exactly is the crime that donald trump committed? i'll wait. we have not heard a good answer to that question. it has been vague. today you heard michael cohen's testimony, after which i would say it is less clear than ever what that crime actually was. they will say falsified business records. it could have been seven hours today of michael cohen talking about how he falsify business records. ok, so you have a guy who has been a perjurer in the past, now saying he falsify business records. what is the crime donald trump committed? what they might allege is some kind of bookkeeping error or whatever. the real bookkeeping need accounting of his judge merchan's own family member collecting millions of dollars as a democratic operative using
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the existence of this trial as a fundraising play for democrats. this is unconscionable. imagine if the same she was on the other foot. imagine if it was joe biden on trial and you had a republican judge whose won -- son was collecting millions of dollars as a republican operative. what would you all be saying? that is injustice at its worst. let's go even deeper. let's go a layer deeper, actually. the alleged crime here is supposedly -- they try to point to this every day -- that he does not actually use campaign funds. that he used personal phones. let's get this straight. suppose donald trump had used campaign funds to make a personal expense. they would be going after him for that. if they are going to get him going or get him coming. that is the best proof this is a politicized sham. let's go through it piece by piece. if you tell someone to buy you a suit and you want to look good on television because that will affect the voters, they
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prosecute politicians if they use campaign funds to buy a suit. if they say get a haircut, if you use campaign funds to buy a haircut, they will prosecute you for using campaign funds for a personal expense. yet the entire legal theory of this case, the whole case depends on one premise for them to charge as a felony. that donald trump should have used campaign funds to make an allegedly personal payment. yet if he had done that, their case against him would be even stronger. this is garbage. that is the best proof that you have that if they are going to get him going or get him coming, damned if you do, damned if you don't. this is a sham. this is not the united states of america. if this were happening in another country, we would be laughing at them as a sham democracy. i am ashamed as an american citizen to sit here in a courtroom watching the former leader of the free world, and let's be honest, likely next reader of the free world, sitting with the in the indignity in this courtroom and
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a fifth rate lawyer on the stand as a witness, who actually is violating attorney-client privilege left and right and nobody is talking about that. shame. but we will get through it and be stronger. you know who ultimately -- it's not just the jurors, it is everyone of you at home. it is every american who votes this november to say no to the weaponization of justice. you might say i don't agree with everything donald trump has ever said. i may not agree with his policies even, even though they were great policies. but you do agree if you are democrat or republican or gay or straight or white or black or man or woman, that our justice system should be blind to politics. regardless of your last name, regardless of if you are politician or not, you get a fair shake in our legal system. when you have a prosecutor who campaigned on the pledge -- when you have a judge whose kids are
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collecting money from democratic operatives by fundraising off of the trial that judge is presiding over and then telling the president he is subject of a gag order, that is not justice. that is a bastardization of what our country was founded on. and we are here as friends of president trump. that is why we are here today. i hope every american at home who is not able to be in that courtroom is able to see what is actually happening there. and when you do, we will have a landside of historic reproach and this november if every american understands the injustice playing out and that courtroom today. may god bless our country. i pray for our future. let's pray for our country being stronger on the others out of this disgusting sham politician. prosecution. gov. burgum: thank you. in closing, i want to double down on that. we're all here today because of the circus of this trial.
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but i want to say a word to those americans out there who are dealing with biden's inflation, when their paychecks are not helping them get to the end of the month because they are paying more for gas and food, more for their electricity. i want them to know that while this trial is going on, there many of us around the country who are helping campaign for president trump to make sure that the message gets through, and that is why it is showing up in the polls. because president trump is stronger on the border, stronger on crime, stronger on china, stronger on the economy. he's stronger on everything that matters to our citizens today in this country where biden is weak. this fall it is going to be about strength versus weakness. the politicization of the legal system is failing. again, i want to say again, everything this gentleman said here today about the trial is absolutely true. but it is sad that we are here today and not out talking to the american people about the issues that matter to them the most. and with
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