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tv   House Freedom Caucus Remarks at Trump Trial in New York  CSPAN  May 16, 2024 7:32pm-7:50pm EDT

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>> c-span is unfiltered view of rnnt and funded by these television companies and more, including wow! >> the world has changed and fast internetnect cn. wow! is there with speed, reliability it starts with great >> wow! supports c-span as a public service along with these other television providers. giving you a front row seat to democracy. >> congressman matt gaetz and
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other members of the house freedom caucus traveled to new york and claimedh> amounts to election interference. members took issue with the calling them corrupt. congressman bob good and representative adeig and representativeuna so spoke. this is just under 20 minutes. >> hed be here with my colleagues from the house freedom caucus and watch michael cohen get dogalked through the series of lies he has told. no branch of goverthat michael cohen. he lied to investigators and li and lied to
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the united states congress and committees lies for his own benefit. and while we're talking about what we saw in that courtroom going on, we wouldremi if we did not mention this corrupt judge, this judge whose own family is making sixes o of democrats' politics and continues to gaslight the country. this is a made-up crime. no other american in the country would be charged with this type of crime. it's like the mr. potato headf crimes and stick together a bunch of things that didot belong together. observing the injuriy there is great appreciation for the liar that michael cohen and not getting a fair shake. the prosecutors don't have to have a basis for these objections and agreeing with the prosecutors without marrying gu on these objections and
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should be evidence getting in about the depth of michael cohen's lies. we are here supporting president trump, the leader of our movement and party and lead this great country and leader of house freedom caucus. mr. good: we are seeing today what lengths the democrat party will go and rig and steal another election. they tried to 2020. and doing it in02 keep the nominee from campaigning and ruin the nominee financially and we saw the per year you are in chief michael cohene has lied under oath and perjured himself and supposed to believe this is lawfare.
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you have a rr prosecutor and corrupt star witness and corrupt ju whose daughter is one of the leading fundraisers for the democrat party. in is a crooked sham trial to try to hurt the is going to be the president of the united states whether or not they w happen. president trump is going to be re-elected. mr. gaetz: i hand it off to one the past leaders of the house freedom caucus, andy biggs. mr. biggs: if yout to impact an election, bring a candidate, the candidate for the republicans and try to tie h inr again. if you want a sha bring a couple of people in who have no credibilitd put them up as star witnesses and we saw it
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today first happened. that he lied.itted repeatedly he admitted that he did so for his own personal interests. that tells you everyth you know about the lack of credibility of this case and en add to that that you have a judge, you have a judge whose daughter is making hundred thousand bucks at least because she is going around using this trial to raise money for democrats. that is what is happening. that is what is happening. and so i think what is pretty clear to us that this is a sham trial. and being done for political purposes and should not stand in the united states of america. i giv it back to my frien mr. gaetz: my colleague from the house oversight committee,
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merchandis luna. mrs. luna: they are telling people they can't have cameras in the courtroom. if they are being honest about this, why is you guys can't be in the courtroom and see we are seeing. just because of members of congress ando know what is happening in that courtroom. just an update.the esident is d. he is in good spirits. we are here today because we know this is nonsense and should of america.ning in the united furthermore and liedmeers of congress that is contempt of congress. and i want tit saying this. it is byo coincidence -- [indiscernible] calling for his tes is retainered by the judge's daughter as client. it is corrupt lawfare and biden
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and to lose. mr. gaetz: mr. waltz. mr. waltz: i have served all over t africa, the middle east and in south america and this is the type of country, those are the types of countries where they weapon nighsdici. maduro weaponizedt.prim ministen knows t lose gets put in jail. is this what we want. are becomd from the great state of florida, let's talk about the judges. the judges inrida in an effort to stay a political won'a photo with so that the public believes they
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and we have a judge contributing. we have a judge whose daughter is making money and whose family is enriching themselves on what is happening today. any judge worth their salt would have recused tel because they care about the people's perception of justice this isn't justice but politics and political warfare. i never thought i would see it happening in the united states of america. mr. gaetz: my colleague from the state of north carolina, ral norman. mr. norman: this is policecutio. no man should have to go through what president trump is going through. judge's own daughter making millions should not happen. look at the timing of it. before the presidential
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primary. and the whole purpose is to keep him off the can't do what he does best. this is their intent to put him behind bars. they are not going to put an innt man behind bars. and this is a kangaroo court, plain and sime. mrs.boebert: the radical leftm wants president trump to go away and if president trump just went away this would go away as in this race and they knowe is the number one candidate for president of the united states for the024 ection and doing in another interfere well i got news for radical left and weaponized d.o.j.,
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presidentrump is coming back for another four years and we are not going anywhere either. we are going to stand with him as he stands up for you, the has put everything on the anso grateful for nation sitting in that court today theack of contribute from michael cohen who has lied front of all branches of government. an issue, someone who is an admitted liar who h committed tax grad and someone who has a tax -- saying would be better for him that he can'tr prident trump to be locked up behind bars. one who wears a shirt with president trump behind bars. he said today in courtvethat
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thoutcome of this case.ect him this case are pna affects cohen. everything he and wants president trump to suffer and whye has told the lies he has and we are here to counter those as we stand here for ourd president donald j. trump and those stand in and he isn't allowed to speak of. judge whosr is making some $100 million for a campaign against president trump. it is a scam, a sham and a show and we are here to expose it. mr. president, we stand you. mr. gaetz: my andy
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ogles. if start the studio with a hooker wal i bar, that is a joke. we have a convicted felon who has vengeance against the president and a woman who is paid for sex with a vengeance against this is not a prosecution but ae targeted by a woke and corrupt then you can be targeted as well. mr. president, we have your back. mr. gaetz: andiv from. >> we are watching the persecution of a patriot. we are w biden of stice and ain a case of
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judge who has a conflict of interest and michael cohen from the stand admitted to lying look, if you ever wondered if there were justice and the american government was to get to some citizens, you don't have to wonder. e american people are not stupid. there are patriots in this nation who want to know the truth. and we are here to support president trump to do just that. and the last thing i is what a price to be a price that president trump is paying. >> why are we here? we are here because biden can't get the inflation numbers dn or crime numbers down or can't
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get the numbers of ial aliens crossing our borders. what is heoi do? he will take down his political new is he going to do that? they haven't going to do it the biden basement tour again. we saw a couple of days ago, trumpp in new jersey, hundred,000 people showing up. this is the ct they do not want you to see and why we have a court with a corrupt judge and ic placing a gag order on president trump so he c b out here and touching and winning the hards and minds ofí the american people. the american people are not buying it this time and we stand here with president trump and let them know they are trying to silence him. we will not be intimidated and
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ensure that the rule of law is restored once again. mr. gaetz: jng eli crane. mr. crane: thank you for coming out today, i was in that courtroom for two hours and michael cohen admit six times that he lied. that tells you everything you need to know. him and stormy daniels. you know know why president trump is here. why is he re? right there, political persecution. they can't beat him. the polls are showing it right now. t beat him and tried to take him down with the russiano impeach himultiple times and could have retired down to florida and american
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dream. he came back. why? because he seesis happening in this country and one more example of it and o cad vo we represent, they are tired. she is, too. and many people are tired of it and want fight for this country. they want us to m great again -- that's right. they trump is the biggest obstacle in between destroying this country an turning it into a totalitarian state just like this judge. i know president trump isn't going toow it to happen and you are going to seeeer even the ha his guts and they know if it can happen to them, it to th.
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mr. gaetz: thank yous for coming and and thank my colleagues for supporting the president. we are here of our own volition and president trump is not allowed to say. is corrupt judge. these are corrupted witnesses an prosecution that belies of the facts and the law we will keep skipping out against this and we will head ck to washington as house conservatives saying these undemocratic efforts must be stopped and must be defunded and use o aicle one powers to stand against election interference. mr. good: i thank my colleagues in the house freedom caucus. we are here because we have to de him because the gag order put on him. a gag order instead of trying to protect and accused gets the fair trial, the gag order cannot
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defend himself. we are here to defend him and tell the truth a this travesty of justice and this elon interference and collusion between the department of injustice and crooked court in new york city and michael cola nmp gelo or fani willis. we have his back and will be proven innocent. mrbo the news to ask the question what is the crime because everyone is not the crime. theoes not know the crime that is committed.t naonal cable satellite corp. 2024] captioningerrmed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy.
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