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tv   House Speaker Johnson GOP Leadership Discuss Israel Security Assistance  CSPAN  May 17, 2024 1:02am-1:20am EDT

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>> mike johnson and otherepublid their support for israel during the news conference on capitol hill. this occurred shortly before the house went on to pass a bill requiring the delivery of weapons that were already approved by congress. e response to the biden administration's decision to withhold the shipment of 3500 bombs being sent to israel. >> thank you for being here this morning. we are here today to discuss the broad biisor israel that's being actively undermined now by president
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biden and senate leadership were. first i want to address the breaking news this morning. about an hour a learned that president biden has invoked executive privilege to prevent therng the audio recordings of his testimony with robert her. if the american people will not be able to hear why prosecutors felt the president of the united states was an elderly man with a memory and thus shouldn't be charged. think about that for a moment. president biden is apparently idof this country and everyone to hear those takes. they■ obviously confirm what the special counsel has found and would likely cause in hisestimae american people that the president is using all of his power to suppress their release. rather than to defend our closest ally atar, president
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biden using his authority to defend himself politically. on the issue ofay just as president biden defies the will of congress with his use of executive privilege, he's brazenly doing so by withholding congressional he mandated aid. just last month, senator chuck schumer declared from the senate floor, the house must rush to israel's aid as quick as humanly possible. today, senator schumer has done an about-face. yet again, it is president biden and senator schumer himself who are standing in theayttin israes that it desperately needs to the house has tried multiple iverhis much-needed aid to israel. every time now, biden and schumer have
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the biden administration is defying the will of congress and withholding weapohi israel. we want the president to hear th he said not long ago that we have to have ironclad support for israel. well, that'ly proclaimed. his actions are doing exactly the opposite. this is a catastrophic decision with global obligations. it's being done as a political calculation. wille voting on legislation to compelveryf defeo israel as they fight to protect themselves from radical terrorists and defend their very existence as a nation. joe biden is threatening to veto that legislation. chuck schumer is suggesting now that hses bring it to the senate floor. on october 7, hamas, the radical proxies for iran, lit a fire in israel. re is to burning.
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biden and schumer are telling israel that they are only allowed to put o part of the fire. that is simply not going to woisrael needs to finish the jo. america needs to help israel extinguish the flame of terror brought by hamas. it wasn't that long ago when president biden called for the elimination of hamashe's not do. now it's clear that biden and sctheiback on israel. they are carrying water for a an this is not obligated. it's actually very simple. this is a moment where we need e entire world needs moral clarity. you are either with israel or you are not. umer refuses to bring this up for a vote, he will be telling the world that the democrats are no longer willing to stand with our great ally. i don't think that that is a amican people.
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with that, i yield to steveis >> thank mr. speaker. later today, the house will be maki vstoric and important vote. that's whether or not we d th israel. th the biden administration follows through on their promise toiv in many cases israel already paid for. many of the weapons that president biden is holding back right now are weapons that israel paid four months ago. things that they paid for before hamasy invaded israel. right now while they are at war. whent biden completely understands the severity of this war not, the people in israel surely do. the duly elected l in israel understands that they are ey have to eviscerate hamas
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which is a terrorist organization which is funded and supported by iran. now, while president biden is impeding the ability for israel to defen themselves, iran is not holding back. em fe over 300 drones and missiles into israel. hamas is not slowing down. hast hostages. including american citizens. we're -- where is president biden caring about the lives of those american citizens that are being held hostage right now in tunnels under gaza? and he is supporting president biden supporting hamas position against israel. this ising. chuck schumer is going to hold this bill up. i think the public pressure when this bill passes with a an ve today through the house, the public pressure will grow so large that chuck
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schumer will have to take the bill up. if the bill does pass the senate , because the publicinal had enough. this is one of those cases. because this is a time for choosing. as the speaker said. e choice is very clear. there's a war going on between israel and hamas. if you are not supporting israel, you are supporting hamas. a terrorist organization. president biden says he wants to hold back on those armsales. he's holding back on israel's ability to go and fight a war against. the only other person that wants that is s.why would president be that side? today on the house floor, every member of congress is going to have the opportunity to make that choice. this house majority leadership he side has been
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crystal clear from the beginning. we support israel in their right to self-defense. theynderttack from a terrorist organization and they will defend themselves. ave a right to defend themselves. they are going to have our tharight to self-defense. we will have israel's back. wel il happens later today. schumer and he will have to make a decision. hean give a bunch of hot air and rhetoric today. when the bill comes over to the , the's going to be a lot of other people that are going to have a sayher or not he sits on the bill or supports israel. i want to bring up tom emmer. >> one month agosenator schumere stand with israel and its people and the united states will do everything weort israel's defense against iran.
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the following day, he said, the security is ironclad. flash forward to yesterday. k our bill requiring he will president biden to send military aid to israel. where is your support now? was it always just lip? do i need to buy you a new dictionary? last i checked, purposely holding resoue of our most precious allies when they are fighting for their very existence is not an ironclad commitment to their defense. it's aiding and abetting barbaric terrorists whose sole mission is to wipe israel off the face of the planet. mol of the story, when joe biden andemocts tell you that they support israel, do not
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believe them. actions speak much louder than words. their actions have shat they would rather stand in solidarity with terrorists then support our strongest ally in the middle east. meanwhile, the world is iran and its proxies are taking note. the american people and our allies can rest assuredhat house republicans will not let up on our mission to ensure resources it needs to end hamas once and for all. with that, i will turn it over to -- at least a fond. >> thank you. just a brief comment on the brngorng. we continue to see unprecedented and illal warfare against president trump. whether it's them ial in new york city or the weaponized doj. e ardeover 250 years of concert usual executive privilege when he orchestrated an unprecedented rate on
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president trump's home to obtain records that president trump was allowed to have under the presidential now joe biden is hiding behind executive prilege to prevent the american public from hearing classified intelligence for personal financial gain. on israel, the lack of leadership we are seeing from the democraticy jo biden and chuck schumer is disgraceful. they have turned their back on supporting our most precious allies in a time of existential instead, choosing to placate the far left democrat radicals who are now the anti-semitic politicalase their party. schumertimegain blocked our israel aid package and publicly rebuked prime minier netanyahu, the leader of an ally at war. joe biden has done everything in his power to give iran and its terrorist attacks,
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withholding critical aid, pressuring israel to surrender, and continuingenforeign policy of appeasement. at every opportunity, joe has failed to support israel. under joe bversies no longer fear us and our allies cannot rely on us. if joe biden wanted to ensure israel could defend itself, he would. yet he refuses. the american people will judge joe biden for this failure and history will judge joe biden for this failure as well. house republicans will not be deterred. we will put this legislation on for this week. we will put president trump back in the white house, grow ■ majority, take the senate. together, republicans will stand with israel and i exist. i'm proud to turn it over to mike johnson. >> we will take a few questions if you have any. >> have you had any conversations with leader mcconnell regarding this bill?
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how can you further advance this act? >> clearly, senate republicans are in favor of this. as we we have broad bipartisan support i believe in the house. will affirm that again here shortly. but this sh ba partisan issue. it is shameful that it has become that. we have to stand with our osest ally israel. they are one of our closest friends, if not the most important ally that avstragic re other reasons that all of us stand with israel. that has always been our position. this thau right now is a brazen political decision by the president of the united states and leader schumer. they are clearly making this decision to appeal to a small subset, an element in their party that they are trying to appease. they've been appeasing. they've been criticizing israel.
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th appease a radical band of proastersn thei. that's what is happening here. it's affecting the stability of the entire region and it's a great concern to the entire d.that's why we are calling this out. we want everybody to see it for what it i. the president himself and leader schumer within the last several weeks, were saying that we should stand with israel. using the right language. now they are doing a complete about-face because they have new suggests that they should. that's the only possible exultation for this. it's unconscionable for us. >> do you think the full house will approve the contempt resolution to hold garland an attempt -- in contempt? >> we will see how that develops. one issue at a time. >> some democrats have said that this legislation is no longer necessarywhat is your response? >> that'ance
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that's windowdressing. that's to try to give him potil cover. those are things that were already detein aid package. less than three weeks ago. now they are defying the willf congress. this was an overwhelming vote here on the floor. thsupport for israel. we separated each of those votes so that we could see exactly that was a very clear message to the white house, to the senat to the american people. now the president is standing in the way of the will of the this is something that everybody should be calling out. >> you talk about bipartisan support in the house. what about this bill will change democrats? >> we will find out. one of thesonss because we think the american people should be calling their senators over th democrat senators beginning with leader schumer, letting him know what they feel about this.
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i think public opinion is on the side of israel. we know that with the rise of anti-semitism we are seeing in the country and angry mobs on college campuses, and as i said time for the president of the united states to stand out, looked directly into the cameras, and call good good and evil people. we need clarity. we need conviction. we need tency. we are not getting it. that's why all of these problems continue to be exacerbated. we are calling on the president to take that action. we are calling on chuck schumer with this bill on the floor. it's well. thank you for being here. thank you. [inaudible]
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