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tv   Democratic Leader Jeffries Holds News Conference  CSPAN  May 17, 2024 5:28am-5:50am EDT

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merrick garland and contempt of congress. [background noises] up. good afternoon everyone. this is a police police week so let me democratic caucus express our appreciation the men and women of law enforcement who wear the uniform in order to protect and serve communities all across the including tobacco i brooklyn. where the fortis house continuing to find ways to strengthen the the police and the everyoneur view we should honor enforcement who on
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january 6 sacrificed it all. put their lives on the line and at risk order to defend the congress for defend the defend the core values and in our country such aseaceful transfer of power. books that requires the significance in the capitol to honor the men and enforcement. including the capitol capitol police a department. and many others who on that fateful date to put down a violent insurrection. it's timeto honor the men law enforcement. day. including democrats and republicans our staff members and most defended
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the constitution. caucus has pled guilty. to support his reelection? >> i support and requires right to a trial by he is innocent until proven guilty. i think at this moment in time consistent with past democrat rules he has relinquished his ranking member on the appropriationsmittee i want to give him the time and space to be situationtion of innocence that exists without ing into the politics at this moment. i think it would be irresponsible of me too wade into the politics. o work out his legal situation. >> thank you mr. leader. you endorse congressman with that u.s. senate. i wanted to get your reaction also wearing the during the democratic
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primar that connectivity program is set this month is going to impact n the health side >> with respect to the first question angela ran a greatrace. she will be a great united states senator. her efforts in that regard. intivity programortant step led by administration to ensure we are speed low cost internetess to every single zip code in the america. economy is in necessary people to be able to or tell educate themselves and in many instances get access toemedicine. almost every facet of one's life now requires high-speed access. so the affordable connectivity is
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essential in that it is important for my extreme maga republican to their hearts and in their heads a robbery the capacity to come we can continue to fund this incrediblye in every state in america. >> officers are unacceptable, and i of course, to attribute not seen that fbi data to policies party or the other or the other. i think stand shoulder to shoulder with the men and women of the law enforcemeake sure that they are able to do their jobs safely and securely and free of assaults orence.
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at the same period of time it continues to be irresponsible for extreme maga republicans to alw engage in political stunts as trying to find policy solutions to solving half of the american people. on behalf of the american if -- [inaudible] >> it is allly aion of the speaker and the house republican no indication as to why it has taken so long requires memorial recognition and it clearly is the right thing to do ourone, the my the capitol complex a it simply awaits a decision by theave an appropriate sore men know -- ceremony of recognition and have it placed in a location ofs
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congress. [inaudible conversations] >> democrats are divided over israel -- [inaudible] how would you charactsome democrats don't want to -- regardless of what the motives of-- [inaudible] what are the -- the floor today is not a serious effort relationship between the united states and israel,stop. it's not a serious effort. the legislation that the republicans have put on the floor today will defund parts of of defense defund parts of the department and defund parts of the national apparatus. it's not a responsible b serious effort at legislating,s which is why some of the most pro-israel members of the house democratic caucus will be voting respect the situation
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that exists right now in variety of different perspectives across the country a my perspective. that israel has right to defend itself marley against the brutality of hamas as was inflicted on octob 7th. hamas has to be defeated. the hostages need to be safely. we need toian assistance into gaza to make sure weuate and pri vent -- alleviate and preventffering of palestinian civilians who are in harm's way in a theater of fault of their own. we path toward a just and lasting piece moving forward that allows for the reconstruction of the identification oflestinian leadership, the partnerships that can exist in the region including with arab states like jordan robust blueprint for solution.
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with israel living and security side by side with demilitarized palestinian state that allows for digni self-determination amongst the palestinian people. i think values are the country and certainly within the caucus. >> [inaudible] oh they're not for israel, and that's the problem caucus -- [inaudible] >> the situation in t complex one that or months or -- been months or years or decades and in fact, when it comes to t peopling they've confolocaust for centuries. so the notion that my extremega republican colleagues want to reduce working through all of these challenges to political stunts and sound bites is the height of irresponsibility. is anyone surprised on the
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no. the extreme maga repub with nothing but ch and extremism to the congress from the very of 2023 all the way through to this moment, and they cannot p thing that they've been able to do on their own t solve problems for hard working the biden administration or is -- [inaudible] [inaudible] congress.e biden administration -- [inaudible] >> yeah, i haven't taken an a neal, and so i'll commenting until -- >> [inaudible] >> well, i've got to take a look at the leg i do generally believe in transparency that transa participant city is in the best interests of the biden administration has been really transparent in a variety of different ways throughout their term. but in terms of this specific to reserve comment until i get an understanding rationale. >> and democrats -- [inaudible] you have the
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legislation to make changes to the supreme court whether it's term limits -- adding -- [inaudible] >> from the house democratic agenda in the future as a it relates to the supreme court, i think it's our view -- led b ranking members jerry nadler and raskin -- that we do need oversight of supreme court that has in many instances including a woman'wn reproductive healt decisions. and there have been several documented of seemingly corrupt behavior consequence. at a system of checks and and coequal branches of government, it is congress' responsibility to engage in judicial branch. and i certainly think that the first opportunity we have to do just that, we away from oversight but we will engage in it. second row.
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i'm sorry. you. [inaudible conversations] >> second row. were you sur [inaudible] if courtroom? >> i had an opportunity to talk to speaker johnson about the r visit. it extraordinary that so many extreme republicans who are apparently part of the red brigade felt the need to bend knee to the insurrectionist in chief in washington and doing the business of the people. >> [inaudible] right now it's not appropriate would you still endorse himle] >> i have not rescinded the >> [inaudible] you --
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[inaudible] and second -- >>y to meet with the delegation but with look forward do think that we are going to continue evaluate how we can insure that the ukraini have proceeded with is such bravery and courage over the last two decisively defeat russian aggression. of ukraine, but also of the free world truth and a rules-based in the back. >> [inaudible] [no audio] >> the best way forward in terms ofhe dramatic rise in anti-semitism that we are seeing all across the country that
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we commit to tackling not as democrats or rep as americans because we need to to in anti-semitism a other forms of hatred in the united states of america. and do together. in our legislative effort that weest in undertaking and completing is the bill carried by manning. which is the combating anti-semitism act. and it is is bipartisan in a nature -- in is comprehensive and that will also insure that the department of civil right jurisdiction over investigating instances of anti-semitism, racism, islamophobia xenophobia or hatred and discrimination on campuses can be thoroughly
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and when the decision been made, that there should be ur. that is the best path we are not suggest is a democratic approach. this shouldn't be approach. we should work on combating t anti-semitism in a manner, and the combating anti-semitism act is bipartisan bill authored by manning who has a high degree of credibility in this space and is workian colleagues. >> last you make of house republicans' efforts to --k garland? >> it's an unserious everyone. [inaudible conversat
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the speaker pro tempore: witt. the gentleman is recognized. mr. mccaul: madam speaker the
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october 7 massacre
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