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tv   Washington Journal 05172024  CSPAN  May 17, 2024 7:00am-9:00am EDT

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host: the washington journal for may 17 the houses and at 9:00. thursday president biden claimed
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executive privilege to keep his files with robert hurt. the house committees were voting to start the process to hold merrick garland in contempt. your reaction to the shielding of the audio and the response i got from capitol hill. democrats (202) 748-8000, for republicans (202) 748-8001 for independents (202) 748-8002 text your thoughts (202) 748-8003 on facebook and ask at cspanwj. usa today takes a look at yesterday.
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biden invokes executive privilege to seal robert hurt tapes he wanted to keep the recording of the deposition about storing confidential documents. the confrontation creates an election gear flashpoint between republicans who have threatened biden, garland with impeachment. at issue, the recordings of the interview that led him to report that mr. biden is sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with the core memory. the response from the white house yesterday garnered a letter. the absence of a legitimate ne for the recording to chop them
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up and distort them and use them for political purposes. demanding such sensitive law enforcement materials from the executive branch because you want to manipulate them for political gain is inappropriate. looking at the story that he'll follow us with this republicans already have the transcripts. they argue audio recordings will be more revealing. again, several factors also took place on capitol hill and results of the story. if you want to comment on what happened yesterday, for democrats (202) 748-8000, for republicans (202) 748-8001, for independents (202) 748-8002 if
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you want to post on social media you can do that on facebook and ask at cspanwj. the biden white house putting executive privilege on the audio fincen from maryland on the republican line. -- audio from maryland. caller: this would be ideal to tell the whole world and a good footing point. come out with it and let the public see what all of it is saying. why are they hiding it? it makes us believe there is
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more suspicion. what are you hiding? host: what does the audio offer separate from the transcript? caller: it shows physically if he could talk. we are not doctors but we do have common sense and we have elderly people. we know when there is cognitive problems. we can pretty much tell. what i believe is that he is the president of the united states. you have to be at 100% top performance. host: let's hear from our democrats align in maryland, john. caller: the biden administration did the right thing there is nothing on that audiotape.
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the house republicans, all they want to do is waste time. the biden administration is done the right thing there are more important issues and problems we need to focus on and not worry about this case. host: here's part of the justification from the white house from the press conference, . [video clip] >> the letter from the white house counsel laid out the reasons about people using it for political purposes. the white house is concerned it could be politically damage so why not release them? >> the transcripts are already out there. the second piece to note is the
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attorney general made it clear that law enforcement files need to be protected so the president made its determination that the risk of the attorney general. i want to make that's second point clear. the department of justice has provided extensive letters so when it comes to anything further or specifics i would refer you to my colleagues at the white house counsel's office. just to make that second point again, this was taken by determination at the request of the attorney general wanting to make sure the attorney general that law enforcement files must be protected. >> the audio be political be harmful? >> i don't want to dive into the
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specific point you're making i would have to refer to counsel's office on that. there were determinations that the president took seriously on behalf of the attorney general. host: all of this taking place yesterday you can respond (202) 748-8000 for democrats, (202) 748-8001 for republicans (202) 748-8002 for independents. the reaction on house committees to start the process of putting attorney general under contempt. on facebook, if there is nothing there then why not share, what are they hiding? david from facebook said they already have the transcript looks like they are fishing for
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soundbites to put in as. steve, in california on the section from the president regarding audiotapes. [video clip] >> i would like to make two points. can you hear me? caller: i would like to make two points. i remember at the start of the biden administration, president biden said this would be the most open and transparent administration in history. i also remember, the quotation from special counsel hur the reason he was not prosecuting president biden and the reason he did not bring charges is because basically a jury would not convict him because he is a
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dottering old man. that does not excuse biden for possession and leaking documents all the way back to when he was a senator. he should be prosecuted for those crimes because at that time when he took those documents, he was nominal man. he was not senile. host: let's hear from florida on the democrat sign. caller: i will just say this. joe biden was exactly right he will exercise executive privilege. it is awful rich republicans would say what is joe biden hiding?
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there is a lot of stuff that has come out on tromp and you have an adjudicated rapist. host: why not release the audio and why is he right? caller: why not release the audio? the transcripts say with the audio says. they want to chop it up into little pieces and say this is what he is doing. you can make anyone look bad with audio without context. joe biden testified saying what happened. mr. hur is saying he stuck in a prosecutor. host: let's go to falls church, virginia, republican line, this is doug. caller: i'm a big fan of
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c-span. i am an anti-trump republican but i think this smacks of self-interest and i don't think it's appropriate to do what he's doing with executive privilege. particularly when people are talking about a two tiered justice department. i think he genuinely desire deserves a negative attention but with the documents k's there is disparate treatment. i know the claims that trump did not cooperate with investigators but the whole thing smacks of biden, if i remember the timing when this was announced, they announced he was under potential
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investigation right after the midterms and this comes out? how can he claim to be at protector of democracy and talk about transparency and then you do things like this. you played that clip from the white house secretary i have never heard her answer a question directly is the same talking points. it feels like they are stonewalling and there is something there. host: the attorney general before these actions when it comes to the process of holding him in contempt. asking about the decision the put executive privilege on the table. >> we have gone through extraordinary links that a committee get responses said their queries but this is not
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one. to the contrary, this would harm our ability to successfully pursue investigations. there have been a series of unprecedented and unfounded attacks on the justice department. this request, this effort to use contempt is just the most recent. the effort to threaten and defund our investigations and the way in which there are contributions that put our agents and prosecutors at risk. i can only continue to do the right thing and protect this building and his people. host: thus he from yesterday. the reaction on capitol hill a
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last-minute move from president biden he claim that privilege did not dissuade republicans from proceeding even as he attorney general said he could not be prosecuted it was house judiciary passing the measure to hold him in contempt and they did the same in a vote later and bumped the hearing to 8:00 so members could drive to new york to be by the president's side already having an transcripts with president biden. you can respond said the reaction from congress and everything related to the audio. and his interview with the president. (202) 748-8000 for democrats, for republicans (202) 748-8001, for independents (202) 748-8002.
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we will hear from william from ohio. caller: good morning pay show it's a pleasure to you. i am an 89-year-old hillbilly i have no faith and no politician. i have said for years and years you have crooks who line politicians pockets and that is all we have. host: do the actions of the president concern you? caller: i am pleased biden won't release them. why won't trump release all of his nonsense? host: why would do you think he did not release a video? caller: i don't think you should. trump never dead.
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id. if trump is back in there you have a lot to worry about. i used to live in west palm beach and would see his actions. it's a shame that we have nothing but politicians are crooks. host: janet is next on the independent line. caller: first of all, is getting to be the department of injustice. the reason i called, i don't know how many people remember or have watched whenever joe biden, he was on anderson cooper's show
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and biden has said and i wish the republicans would run this. he has said, referring to trump, if a president has to govern by executive order he is not governing. he is his dictator. i wish that would be run and rerun. host: how do you refer to the president's actions from yesterday? caller: he is hiding behind executive privilege. not to release the audio. it seems nothing the democrats, all they are after is power by any means is going to squash the fact that if people actually heard in real time the president's reactions to
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questions and his hesitancy or his mumbling and fumbling, they might have a different opinion of what their president should be. because that is the leader of the free world? i think we deserve more. host: sac from pennsylvania on the democrat sign. caller: good morning pedro. these are not serious people. you have the transcript. you have the tape of hur at the committee hearing what else do you need it for other than political theater? they postponed the meeting to hang out with the convicted person. it breaks my heart as a vet that
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we don't have serious people running this country. look at precedent. they have still not adhere to subpoenas from january 6 and number two, this a political season. of course is going to protect himself at the same time the one thing he said he was going to do and that is keep the justice department separate from the white house. they don't do that sometimes mayors, governors have to protect their law enforcement officers and in order to do that they have to protect -- i forgot what that word is. it sets a precedent for those after him. host: we will hear from michelle
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and alabama on the democrat line. caller: how are you this morning? host: i'm well, thank you. caller: i think they should release the tapes because if the releases transcripts why release the tapes? host: what do the tapes offers the trans don't? caller: the stumbling, the mumbling. host: when they argued they could use it for political gain what you think of that? caller: i think they should use it for political gain. host: michelle and alabama one of the things that took place after the decision find biden. yahoo! news saying the oversight
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committee was certain into chaos after marjorie taylor greene greene made an off hand remark about crockett she got into it right away saying marjorie greene did not understand the hearing. she said i think your fake eyelashes are messing with what your reading james comer called for order and aoc demand that committee take down her words. this took place at 8:00 last night but you can find it on our website. >> i would like to know if the democrats on this committee are employing judge per sean's daughter? >> what to have to do with merrick garland? >> goldman, he is advising. ok.
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>> do you know what we are here for? you are the one talking about >> . i think your eyelashes are affecting your eyesight. >> point of order. mr. chairman if your contacts here is preferable to the ethics committee? there is a order motion. >> i would like to take down miscreants words. that is unacceptable. how dare you talk about the appearance of another person. >> baby girl don't even play.
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we will take your words down. >> ms. green agrees to strike her words. >> i am not apologizing. i am not apologizing. why don't you debate me? >> you don't have enough in politics. >> those are two request to strike. >> oh, they cannot take the words. >> the oversight committee that decided to hold merrick garland
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to contempt. you can see them in our on c-span now. let's hear from robin in michigan on the republican line. caller: i think a lot of people should start waking up and realizing things that are going on. my husband and i have worked for years. we are both disabled and can no longer work and things are not as peachy as people think they are with this president in office. these videos should be released so that everyone can see what trump was talking about from the beginning. when he was in everything was affordable and things are not. a lot of my family is struggling. if people don't start waking up
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it is going to get a lot worse. i know this from experience because i am living it. host: thought was robin in michigan. similar to texas saying instead of dealing with real problems there interested in performing politics. you can text us at (202) 748-8003. cm is next on the democrat sign. -- sam in louisiana. on the democrat side. caller: biden has to do what he has to do, block tapes and block
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whatever is necessary. i don't believe the republicans have to stop him from doing nothing. he has the green light. host: what do you think is the value of him blocking the tapes? caller: sir? host: why should he not release the tapes? caller: if he releases the tapes it would hurt the country. host: that was sam in louisiana. we are quickly approaching our next guest but wanted to point to a story aside from what we've been talking about. the new york times this morning after the 2020 election they falsely claimed biden had stolen the office they displayed a
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startling symbol, an upside down flag. one even at samuel alito. the upside down flag was a loft and showed some brandishing the same symbol a little over a week before the inauguration that was three days away. justice alito said i had no involvement in flying of the flag it was placed by mrs. alito about yard signs. you can see that this morning. this is from ryan in illinois on the independent line. caller: good morning pedro. i am responding out of anger.
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the white house press secretary and comments not releasing this. of course they should release it that would be the clear trees of the matter and people can take from it what they want and republicans can make up what they want it we can all proceed based on everyone understanding the same information and truth. instead, their approach to this and the reason for them taking this approach, is to hide joe biden's status as a feeble, doddering person. it's incredibly disingenuous and i think to favor the republican is transparent.
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there is a line of except a cold bs but this is beyond the pale status of fabrication. host: thank you for calling the suit for as far as those portion and thank you for participating. the house coming in at 9:00 and two members of congress are joining us. joining us next is rep wiley nickel particularly with arms sales to israel and similar conversation with tennessee republican rep wiley nickel who joins later in the program. --rep tim burchett who joins later. a new statue was unveiled the billy graham inside statuary hall. [video clip]
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>> north carolina gives the nation assemble representing one of her dearest treasures. the reverend billy graham. a man of faith. a man of north carolina. the reverend graham was known as a minister to millions, the posture to presidents. a selfless man of god who lived out his calling by preaching and teaching across the world. always returning to his beloved home in the blue ridge mountains of north carolina for respite to return again to his worldwide ministry. i will never forget hearing him preach and carter finley stadium in raleigh. he brought together people from different faiths and races. we acknowledge she is a better
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representation of our state than the statue it replaces which brought memories of a painful history of racism. not that reverend graham was perfect, he would be the first to tell us that. he realized that he had feet of clay and we are imperfect and we have been found wanting but he believed as many of us do, there is redemption. he gave us life delivering that message. the reverend billy graham recognized the responsibility of public servants and out of the united states was so immense that whoever was in that office deserved a presumption of good faith. the power of prayer, the gift of
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his wisdom, friendship and advice. >> our family is honored that our earthly father will be here in this capital. pointing to future generations to our heavenly father and his son and lord jesus christ, thank you. [applause]. our first guest of the morning is representative wiley nickel he serves on the financial services committee. on the house yesterday taking a
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look at weapons sales to israel. how did you vote on it? guest: i voted no because i am sick and tired of my republican colleagues talking about israel they are not doing it -- we need to stand in support israel we want a peaceful middle east but these constant resolutions is meant to divide our party and make israel this partisan political football. host: the legislation says whatever is approved by congress is delivered to israel what's wrong with that? guest: the devil is in the details. there are some good points, i
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fear a donald trump president could pull back into but the focus of congress should be what can we do to protect israel and we should do that in a bipartisan way and that's not what these solutions are about. the message for me was simple, we need to focus on bipartisan work we can do to support israel. host: what are you concerned that if these bombs go over there with effective capabilities? guest: palestinian casualties are unacceptable in the bombs we are talking about are huge bombs. they are not defensive in nature. those who dig into how they can be used to help get rid of hamas which is the goal.
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we need to get rid of hamas. the very specific bombs make giant explosions. host: the biden administration authorizing up alien and other arms to go to israel. where do you think that falls in the decision-making process? guest: president joe biden has been a defender of israel time and time again and that's what we see from the administration. this is a narrow issue and is republicans playing politics. host: this is our destiny if you want to ask him questions (202) 748-8000 for democrats, (202) 748-8001 for republicans for independents (202) 748-8002 if you want to text us your thoughts or questions (202) 748-8003. a lot of things happen
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on capitol hill republicans going to new york city to support donald trump. guest: i think if you want to pass bills they have a majority of one. if they have people in new york they can't move bills on the floor. for the practical issue, the support of donald trump is disgraceful. his beneath the dignity of the speaker of the house to go and stand in this criminal trial and i would hope they had better things to do with their time to help the american people. we have a problem we need to solve in congress. host: this coming after several democrats lined up to support him during calls to remove him from office.
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how did you feel all of that? guest: mike johnson is a far right and we all know that. the thing i want to support and we see in the results and the results in washington are a bipartisan coalition of 200 democrats and 100 republicans every vote we have over and over half that coalition. that was what the vote was about supporting bipartisan government and mike johnson can't do anything by himself. when he works with us we are able to move bills and then see issue below the rhetoric. host: as far as the interview
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tapes they asked the special counsel for executive privilege. guest: i heard some of the hearing and what and ugly site. this is an issue republicans are trying to play off because they have no case against joe biden. impeachment efforts have been a total waste of time. this is an effort to embarrass joe biden. they failed that every meaningful impeachment effort and so they want to embarrass him somehow. host: one of those was mike johnson. i want to play a little bit. [video clip] >> we learn president biden evoked executive privilege to prevent the american people from hearing audio recordings with robert her. if the american people will not be able to hear why prosecutors felt the president of the united states was an robert hur's an
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elderly man with a poor memory. he is apparently afraid for the citizens of this country and everyone to hear those tapes. they obviously confirm with the special counsel has found it would likely cause such alarm that the president is using his power to suppress their release. rather than defend our closest ally or he is using his authority to defend himself politically. host: that's the speaker howdy how do you respond to that? guest: this is the attempt to embarrass joe biden because i failed that impeachment. they had no case for impeachment and nothing against joe biden so
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we see this attempt. this is not serious legislating. this is not something that matters for the american people or help our economy. host: our guest with us for the next 20 minutes and if you want to ask questions for democrats (202) 748-8000, for republicans (202) 748-8001, for independents (202) 748-8002. alex is up first. caller: i am a democrat and i think you are feeling to see the point of all of this. the transcripts are out there and republicans know this but this is the garbage they are selling people. we know this is all distraction and that's why recent polls biden is doing much worse than
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senators and all of the polls, nevada, we know the trump plaza gag order and that's the reason republicans are coming like clowns to talk for this disgraceful man and trying to validate the case which they know he is guilty of including johnson and the vps that come down with matching ties because they are saying now the daughter of the person running this case. that has nothing to do with the case and if that's true clarence thomas should take himself off the cases. if the democratic party doesn't explain this to the people every single day have circuits of biden talking about these points and explain to the people why his proxies have all gone to prison including his cfo you are
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not going to win. you are not going to take back the senate and you will not hold the house. these things don't matter but you have to make the matter. guest: thing for your comments. i just want to point to one thing you said. the picture of all the surrogates standing with matching ties was my moment of sign for the day as i watched thought play out. i agree with this point is a distraction they want to do everything they can to take a away attention to the hush money payments to a point star actress. that is the game you played. i am here in congress to get things done for my constituents and focus on things i can do that make a difference in people's lives.
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there are people who can make partisan, political points about trump and what's going on there i'm trying to focus on things i can do in this congress and a bipartisan way because we have to get things done with the divided government. host: you talked about messaging from president biden and other democrats. guest: there is always more you can do. everyone has different opinions on these issues. i would like to see a democrat response this trial. they have this place where he goes to give press conferences and i would like democrats making their points as long as we have republicans making their points. have folks on our side educating people lawsuit, after lawsuit, indictment after indictment.
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joe biden has not been indicted or charged with a crime but over and over trump has been charged because he has no respect at all for our constitutional democracy. host: what concerns do you have joe biden of winning reelection? guest: he's going to win reelection i feel confident with the people in the work they're doing around them and when they focus on the record and positive record we will see president biden win reelection. i am a parent and i have a nine and 11-year-old. i want someone on tv they can respect and until donald trump we've had someone we could at least respect but he is so far out of the mainstream. i am in congress i'm in a republican district because
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pro-democracy republicans said enough is enough and those of the conversations i have go back to my district is republicans who are sick and tired of it. host: next we hear from washington state on the republican line. you are on sir, go ahead. caller: every time biden turns around he is lying to us about this and that. when they kicked the guys out of kuwait. you know how many americans were left there? you will have to watch your language. do you have a question for our guest? caller: he's saying they would put a gag order on an ex-president.
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it is been a witch hunt. guest: he prove my point here. the way we talk about these issues that my kids could watch and they can listen to what you said there. i didn't get anything other than partisan talking points. i can just tell you, trump against biden i will vote for joe biden. he is someone who cares about our country and wants to do what is right something my kids can look up to. we need a president who will bring our country together. host: eric in albany, new york on the democrats line.
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caller: good morning. i would like to push back on the assumption that biden will win the election. i don't plan on voting for biden because he doesn't oppose a lot of the policy that i want to see implemented in the united states . cornell west has delivered on multiple fronts and i was wondering what your thoughts were on cornell west and if you could go into and look into his policies even if you haven't at this point. if you haven't listened to them talk before. host: what sets him apart from president biden? caller: antiwar.
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i would like to push back on the fact that democrats are joe biden because republicans are playing politics. i am antiwar. host: thank you very much. guest: you have a choice in the selection and that's how democracy works. yesterday, i worked for al gore and traveled all over the country with him. talking in the environment with congressman yesterday and there is a simple choice. you can vote for joe biden or vote for donald trump and any other vote you make for a third party candidate has zero chance of winning. we saw this in 2000 with ralph nader. if you're talking about our
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conduct, war, the environment president core would have been so incredibly different for our country than george w. bush. i would exhort you to look at the choice because there is a huge difference in trump in the way he would destroy alliances around the world. he would hand eastern europe to vladimir putin. you're talking about conflicts around the world there is a huge difference between trump and biden but we have one president building alliances to keep our country safe. i hope you respectfully, reconsider. host: this is from melina and illinois. -- in illinois. caller: this representative is
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highly partisan and will be disappointed when donald trump is our next president. this is the kind of person that even the sham jury in new york should not let on the jury because he will always vote one way and i feel very sorry for his constituents because he only represents the sham. his sulfate, is all marxist. he is a babbling fool. our next president is donald j. trump. guest: the thing about c-span in this program you never know what you're going get. i live in north carolina so i cannot be on a jury in new york.
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i can just make the point again there is a huge difference, a huge choice in the selection and i did not get anything other than partisan ranting. host: when it comes to the election overall, president trump won by a little over 1% will that be a repeat or the margins will change? guest: north carolina is the most important state he could not be president if he doesn't win north carolina. 2016 she lost our state by 16 points and in 2020 he lost by 1.5 points. towards november we continue to move left not as fast as
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virginia but it will come right down to the wire and be about turnout and as you're watching election night north carolina will be the state that makes a final decision. we have an important governor's race. that will be a big issue. we have a republican ban on abortion and defunding of our public schools. those are think voters are focused on and there will be allowed on the line. host: what will those will attract voters to president biden? guest: president biden is traveling to north carolina lot and making the case with a bipartisan thing he's done for our country, infrastructure, chips and protecting the environment. he has a huge record of accomplishment and he will be talking a lot about that.
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donald trump is spending all of his money on lawyers in lawsuit after lawsuit, civil or criminal. joe biden is able to raise money and communicate the message while trump has to continue spending on lawyers. host: let's hear from michael, from florida on the democrats line. caller: the thing that bothers me about what is going on with these elections we don't hear about the issues when one president did an office and what the other president accomplished. all you hear about is the trials and other stuff. i want all voters especially democratic voters to understand this selection will come down to turnout and people registering
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to go to vote. polls don't win elections. votes went elections. don't listen to polls, go vote. thank you. guest: that's it. that is what the selection comes down to who decides to come down and vote on a day where you've had a long day at work are you convinced in their and wait in line to get have your voice heard? when we talk about wealth and income inequality republicans are all about tax codes and i'm doing everything i can to work for working families and the policies we have are so different when it comes to the things that matter if you are out there working hard every day. if you're in the top 1% or a corporate executive republican
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policies are great for you. we are focused on working-class voters. host: former president trump and president biden will now engage in debate. guest: i think it's great the more we can see the differences and focus on issues, the better. i worked for presidential campaigns going back to 1996. i didn't debate prep with joe biden when he was going to be going against sarah palin. to see his present action and one of the most highly rated and most watched debates ever with sarah palin and he did an amazing job. joe biden succeeds from low
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expectations because these big moments and precious them. we will see that again. we will see a president that people can be proud of it and when you get that comparison, i think it will make a huge difference. those debates will be so crucial. everybody's going to be watching and it's an important part of our american position that americans are willing to debate each other. you go to congress and learn about tradition and the things we do this is the first time since the 1800s we had a transition of power where the president did not stand in front of the capital while his successor was sworn in. the lack of these traditions is incredibly dangerous with trump's approach but having a debate is a good thing. i hope they don't allow trump to yell and scream because i doesn't help any want be able to
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say your piece and have the respect of the other party to let them talk. we let them say their piece a lot and that's what we should have more of. host: on the republican line, go ahead you the final call. caller: the guy who wanted no wars, electron. trump. joe biden said this will be the most transparent administration. sorry. the transcripts for the fake impeachment trump gave the audio in the call with roethlisberger he gave the audio and the transcript and if you haven't
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heard, that charge has been overturned by the judge, it's been thrown out. that call was proven to be absolutely true. you are talking about the money and what was raised, this might be a nixon/mcgovern landslide. guest: i didn't hear a question there but i heard from someone who is passionate about his advocacy for his chosen candidate. i don't know where to go there other than to tell you, the issues are start and the choices huge. if you can look me straight in the face and say donald trump is a president you can be proud of
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that your kids can watch. i would be shocked. the point i want to make when we get to this choice. i heard joe biden state of the union. and donald trump went and mocked him the same way he mocked disabled reporters and i want my kids to see a president and be able to respect him. i traveled with joe biden as a staffer was working for him i introduced him to someone and i didn't know about his stuttering. people meet side and said i don't know what is on my schedule but i want to clear some time to meet with this young man and his mother. and the person i had to tell to wait was al gore.
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he didn't do it for partisan purposes or tell anyone about it but he cared about this kid in our country. i want some and can be proud of. when it comes to those issues it is a huge difference. host: thanks for your time. we will get other issues tackling time with representative tim burchett . >> today, what c-span's 2024 campaign trail, a weekly round up of c-span's campaign coverage , combining -- providing one shop stop to it candidates the
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current nonfiction book releases plus bestseller lists and industry news and trends through insider interviews. find out on c-span now, our free mobile app or wherever you get your podcasts. >> the house will be in order. >> c-span celebrates 45 years of covering congress like no other. since 1979, we have been your primary source capitol hill, providing balance, unfiltered view of government, taking you where the policies are debated and decided all the support of america's cable companies. c-span, powered by cable. >> "washington journal" continues. host: tim burchett
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representative tim burchett trip -- representative tim burchett joins us now. talk about the oversight hearing. guest: i told somebody that it was unusual when tim burchett is the adults in the room. it started out with a reference to a young lady's eyelashes and then there was a reference made about someone about their physique, i believe the term was butch body and bleach blonde hair. and he went downhill from there. i guess it was good for ratings if you are a wrestling fan. it was right on par. congress, you always think it is going to be better than this.
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but if you read history in the 1800s, they had fights. host: what do you think about when you are talking about one thing and that happens? guest: it is a good time to keep an eye on the target. i was in the legislature a long time and i remember when a colleague of mine across the aisle got arrested and it was on national news and everything. i remember james woodson was sitting beside me and said what are we going to do? i said i am going to put my vaguely unconstitutional bills unnoticed because nobody is paying attention to what we are supposed to be doing. we were there about merrick garland. host: do you think that was a good mood by the committee? guest: i think it is within our purview. they should not be able to withhold it. i understand the reasoning for
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wanting to withhold it because they know the audio if it was put out would be cut out but it should be in the public venue because it is freedom of information act and we pay for it. i am big on total disclosure. it just seems in washington there are two sets of rules. it is us and them, leadership and then the rest of the country and i just don't buy that. it should be out there. host: now that your committee and the judiciary committee voted to hold in contempt, do you think we will get a vote? guest: i think we will but i don't think the justice department will do anything. they have a history under this administration of not following through with things. they have instructed us. i am a conservative. i am not angry about it. democrats, i get along with everybody.
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the truth of it is that the justice department won't do anything and congress doesn't have the guts to defund these agencies that refused to do their jobs. we are mad at the fbi because of fisa, accusations of spines on americans and what do we do to punish them? would buy them a new building. both parties do this and my colleagues across the aisle do it. you go home and to preach the red meat. then they come up and cut their deals and go home and we are $35 trillion in debt. i don't know what to do to fix it. i call it out. i am kind of a lone wolf. i am a conservative but i'm not angry about it.
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i told jim jordan one time, you got me for free and he said what do you mean. i said i vote more conservative than a lot of your members and you don't even have to invite me to your chicken dinner. host: our guest is with us and if you want to ask us questions, (202) 748-8000 for democrats, (202) 748-8001 for republicans, (202) 748-8002 for independents. yesterday the house passed a bill that would force to send munitions to israel. how did you vote? guest: i voted for it. i did not vote for the original bill but i believe that bill the president withheld stuff that the israelis had bought and they bought it quite some time ago. the bill everybody thinks is the $16 billion and that is how look
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in some bureaucracy i am sure somewhere. i voted against that because the additional money that went to gaza was supposed to be helping kids but i said anyway we can keep it from hamas, that should have made initial news and it didn't. i asked the question, is there anyway we can keep this money we send to the ngos and others out of the hands of terrorists and they said there is no way. so the very first you and shipment we sent into gaza was hijacked -- the very first u.n. shipment we sent into gaza was hijacked. in qatar, and then they are billionaires and you are not getting a straight story out of the media. everybody is one side against the other. you had cnn on one side, which might colleague was just in there who probably watches and then you have fox, which a lot
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of my colleagues watch. now you have others coming in. host: but to the center of the legislation, the president said that some of those that have been caused to kill civilians. guest: it is war. my father fought in the second world war first marine division and he went to okinawa. he went to the 50th anniversary and he didn't go to okinawa because they came over the hill and caught a bunch of japanese in the field and intermixed with them were koreans and okinawans that they were raping them. that was were hardened. that messed with him to the day he died and that was civilians and they get killed in war.
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there were japanese but intermixed with them were innocent civilians and that is the cost of war. it is ugly. it is not like on television. you can have it whole mess of a folks out there and it is a split second decision and a missile has no conscience. one thing the israelis do is they do what i call wake up calls. they will send a noninvasive explosion on top of a building and then they know 10 minutes later it is going to get dropped. host: the israeli government or the administration asked them to spell out plans. you think the united states has a voice given what we give them in a? guest: i do not -- that we give them? guest: i do not.
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it is war. afghanistan, 13 brave americans, one is a staff sergeant and his people live in my neighborhood. they should have not died because once again our rules of engagement. we had a marine and i asked him in a committee and this should have been national committee and he had the suicide bomber in his sites not once but twice and called back to the so-called leadership, the pentagon and state department said don't take the shot. if he had taken the shot he would've taken the guy out. cnn even contradicted what they did. host: we should have a role on that? guest: we give them the weapons and it is their war unless they want americans on the ground in which i'm not convinced that art americans there. there are americans they call
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them contractors or mercenaries or what have you. the newport the american taxpayers just built, you can't tell me something is not going to happen there. host: let's take some calls. leah calls us, democratic line. caller: i am disappointed in the republican party. you seem like a normal guy, chamber it but in this era there are no normal reagan republicans left. it is a cult at this point, misinformed. i just don't have faith in the republican party and i bet if you have a choice right now you would vote for trump because you all have biden derangement syndrome at this point.
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when trump was in office, nothing was wrong. but now that the toast is burnt. it is really disingenuous and no way to be the part of a system of partisanship here in america. it is just disappointing. trump had four years to sort out afghanistan. did he do anything? no because he was waiting for somebody else to fix it. host: thank you. guest: thank you, leah. you are correct. i would vote for donald trump. the president we have in the white house, his mental capacity is just not there. i have had conversation with him and multiple people have and that is not even brought into question. as far as the biden derangement syndrome, i think he has failed at just about everything, the economy, the order, afghanistan.
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as a matter of fact, they always throw the afghanistan thing but the withdraw happened under joe biden and they had plans under trump that were not followed and they were followed differently under biden. we can argue that all day but thank you so much for calling. host: republican line, joseph in new jersey. caller: good morning. i don't know what the last caller was talking about. this country is on its way to a disaster. under trump it was a great economy and the border was secure. i think you are a nice guy and i see you on tv a lot. i know you just said you would vote for trump but you were a little cool. i know you have to be bipartisan, but is always on the republicans to be bipartisan.
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i am watching c-span and watching you talk to dan goldman and the guy from florida. they were trying to take down president trump. they were using the d.a. up in georgia and this is going to turn into a revolution if this is going through what they are doing to president trump. and you are talking to these guys like everything is like 1985. these are irregular at times what they are doing to trump. one more thing, you voted to vacate kevin mccarthy but the sky johnson you didn't do it. in the sky johnson was worse. he was going to do what chip roy wanted but didn't do it. guest: first of all, i was one
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of the eight that vacated the prior speaker and we knew within 100% we would have a republican as speaker. if we would vacate johnson, we would end up with hakeem jeffries or hakeem jeffries light. we had people in districts where biden won 15 points, tough primaries in general elections. as far as president trump goes, he is a friend and i talked to him and he talks to me. we have a very good relationship. i've prayed with him. as far as goldman and moscowitz, they are friends of mine. i don't -- people vote their conscience and do what they've got to do. i just don't think it helps me for my mental capacity to be in a fist fight with somebody all of the time. i can vote against them and cut them on the house floor and then
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walk out of the house floor and we can go eat a hot dog in tennessee. i appreciate what you are saying and i did gird new jersey accents because y'all turned out heavy for president trump come close to 100,000, and i appreciate that. the reality is i work with these folks and i will vote against them. you can check my voting record against anybody in congress brother and i am one of the most conservative members. i just don't feel like it serves me or my purpose and i am a christian and not a very good one but i think that we should all try to get along, even though we don't agree. host: speaker johnson headed to new york to support the former president. what do you think about that? guest: i think it is fine. it is part of the job. everything we do is political. we need to take politics out.
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this is washington, d.c. everything is political. you saw when hunter biden was there and you saw democrats crowding around him and greeting him and meeting him and supporting him. i don't see anything wrong with it. i serve on three committees and everybody is on one and somebody is on two and i have been just to be on three. i think it is because i don't drink and they know i will show up for the committee but the truth is i was very busy and if i had the ability or opportunity i would have gone. host: how did that play out? guest: ic chairman: every morning in the gym and we talk -- i see the chairman every morning the gym and we talk. they ring the bell and i come running. host: robert in texas, independent line. caller: good morning.
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i stayed up last night until 1:30 in the morning watching the oversight meeting. people watching it probably were wondering why people in congress can't control their members and be civil to each other. the meeting started out in just chaos and i believe it ended in chaos. there were amendments and everything else completely suspended, similar to the merrick garland not getting a vote up or down on the supreme court nomination. the rules seem to be bent in wicked ways that don't represent
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the interests of this country. in the idea of the united states versus individual political parties, it seems like the parties are putting us into some kind of civil war. please tell me that house members, comber in particular, white -- comer in particular, why they can't control members. guest: if you look at the member of congress, it is a microcosm of folks you represent. you hear this all the time, why don't we do something about omar or talib and aoc, and it is
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america. that is the way it is. if you look at our history, we have had for slides on the floor of congress, and duels on the streets back in the 1800s. it is work he did now and it is partly because it is instantaneous and we need instant satisfaction, results, answers, and people nerves are frayed and that is what happens. if you don't like it, vote them out. 15% of the population goes to the polls in east tennessee or anywhere else in the country. this is what happens. host: from neil in maryland, independent line. caller: i am registered
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unaffiliated that you can do in maryland but independent. going back to the the biden interview tapes. the political left says releasing the words, you have to understand the perspective. it shows more of biden stumbling but the reality is he didn't release it because he didn't want future people that would be interviewed to know it may be released to the public and i think that is a legitimate decision. guest: it was done by executive order now when robert herr described him as an elderly man
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with a poor memory. that is the president of the united states. i agree it would be used for political reasons. everything i say and do, my opponents are recording and i am sure it inflames a lot of people and you don't have to take what i say out of context to make people mad. that is the world we live in and it is paid for by public funds and is not a national defense issue. i think we ought to release it. host: the president said the absence of the need for recording, which they are chopped up and used for partisan reasons. guest: it is politics. the house speaker used to have a saying, if you didn't want to do the work you shouldn't have hired on. host: you are on the transportation committee and the president decided he would increase tariffs on electric made vehicles. what do you think of that move and what it does for the
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industry overall? guest: the industry overall is not what we are led to believe. less than 5% of vehicles on the road are electric vehicles. it is a controlled mechanism that if you have controlled cars they will shut them down with people they don't like and that will happen right or left in the white house. the reason they are doing this, and i am a car guy and not a big electric car fan, the batteries are made with the so-called rare earth minerals and we can get those minerals in this country but the environmental community which i believe some is being funded by enemies overseas, is stopping that. so 30 years in minnesota for one so-called rare mineral that we could get now. the chinese have a car that i believe sells for $24,000 that
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they think is a competitor with what we have on the road here. the difference is the chinese new slave labor. they don't have a union or any controls whatsoever and they can put anything they want out because the government controls everything, the military and everything. i think it is -- i like a free market but you've got to realize and i am a motorcycle but we would have lost harley davidson if ronald reagan hadn't put the big tariff on the big japanese bikes. then harley davidson got their feet back on the ground and said please take the tariffs off and they became a world leader at that time. it is a mixed bag. i am a free market kind of guy but we are not dealing with a free market. this country and this congress are in bed with the chinese.
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there is always a chinese plant in their district that they need and if we decide that we are truly going to support american products and workers it will continue. it doesn't matter who is in the white house. host: this is tony in missouri, republican line. caller: you are my favorite congressman in the congress. do you have any more information about the ufo hearings or have you gone any further with that? i totally agree with you on biden -- it is hard to watch him talk. guest: thank you so much. the ufo or you ap hearings -- the ufo hearings, they won't
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answer my questions and we are spending tens of millions of dollars on something and the arrogance of them. i have been criticized for calling the pentagon of untoward pins but let's face it, we audit them and a history of the last six audits they have never passed one. they cannot account for half $1 trillion in assets. they tell us these things don't exist, ufos, but we have testimony from some of the best pilots in the world. i am talking to a military pilot and they said it flew within 14 feet of my canopy. talking to a former admiral and these things are shooting around at incredible speeds and at anything we don't have capability of. we are seeing this on film. go watch the tictac videos and
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you can talk to the pilot and they are chasing something and the military and pentagon continue to cover this up. i have a bill introduced yesterday, it is uap transparency act. it just says if it is in there they have to bring it out. they will give you a piece of paper like this and it will be redacted. they don't exist but they won't let us see this. host: this is great in new jersey, democrats lined. -- democrats line. caller: you seem like a very congenial and polite fellow and i am always impressed by that because there is such a lack of civility. why do so many of your colleagues insist on referring
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to it as the democrat party rather than the democratic party? guest: i don't know. that is splitting hairs. nobody seems to care. you are right, there are a lot of he did things and sometimes my humor diffuses it. i take the job very serious. look at the dome on the ca my mother taught at a historicpitol. -- at an historically black college and university. she didn't have electricity into she was in high school. my father fought the communists and taught at the university of tennessee for 40 years peer my beautiful wife -- tennessee for
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40 years. my beautiful wife was a widow and she let me adopt her child and we have a beautiful life. i screw up a lot but i think about those things and that drives me toward being more civil with folks. life is too short, brother. host: representative tim b urchett joining us. thank you. you can call in for a half hour on topics. (202) 748-8000 for democrats, (202) 748-8001 for republicans, (202) 748-8002 for independents. we will take your calls when "washington journal" continues. >> will you solemnly swear that
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in the testimony you're about to give will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help you god. >> watch american history tv is congress investigates as we explore major investigations in our country's history by the u.s. house and senate. each week writers and historians and footage from this and investigating key congressional hearings. this week we looked at the investigation of following the deadly 1990 three siege of the branch davidian compound near waco, texas and what it has meant for the years that followed. watch for saturdays at 7:00 p.m. eastern on c-span 2. >> sunday on qanon day, freeman -- q and a, author of the
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resilient university talks about the role of college presidents, campus protest over the war in gaza and political involvement in higher education. >> people think we have expertise because we all graduated from high school and college. that is not true. there is something called expertise in the world of education and we need to ask questions and make suggestions but never should people have the kind of influence that says you have to do what i tell you to do. >> with his book "the resilient university" sunday night on c-span's q and a. you can listen to all of our podcasts on our free c-span now app. >> the house will be in order. >> this year c-span celebrates 45 years of covering congress
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like no other. since 1979, we have been your primary source for capitol hill, providing unfiltered coverage where policies are debated and decided, all with the support of cable companies. >> "washington journal" continues. host: this is open forum. (202) 748-8000 for democrats, republicans (202) 748-8001, an independents (202) 748-8002. let's start with steve in florida, independent line. \ caller: i would like -- caller: i would like to talk about donald trump and how he has cheated and not only the country but every single wife and girlfriend he has ever had.
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he is an in world individual, and i don't know how with his ethics and the united states government how he can be supported by the christian right and what they stand for as far as the biblical terms, how this man can -- they become followers of this man because he is a teacher, a liar and he is not good for this country. host: charlie in massachusetts, republican line. caller: hey, pedro, a time. i wanted to talk to burchett but i couldn't get through. i am sure you were angry to hear
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him because he tells the truth. maybe you can help meet with this because i have never been able to find out -- maybe you can help me with this because i have never been able to find out. congress has a schedule where they come in a half-day on monday, leave early on fridays, have certain months and weeks that they take off. do you know who is in charge of that? can the speaker of the house modified those rules. does it take 50% of congress or two thirds? who makes the rules of how often they have to show up and put in a full day's work? host: that is a good question and probably the respective heads of both the house and senate, so that would be speaker johnson and senate majority leader schumer calling for that and arranging for that as far as
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when they come in and are on break. i know both sides typically publish their schedules and have them on the respective websites for the house and senate when they are supposed to be in. that gets modified from time to time. this is from new york, robert, independent line. caller: i think the people that want a special counsel audio lilies aren't missing with they should really be asking for. -- audio released are missing what they it should be asking for. they should be asking for the video. host: philadelphia, pennsylvania, at democrats line, we are joined by chris. caller: how are you today?
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host: fine, thank you. go ahead. caller: i wanted to bring attention to the reporter of the independent task force on national security memorandum to israel. there has been a lot of back and forth talk about is this a genocide or not a genocide. i hear a lot of people in the pro-israeli camp are the idf is trying their best to target hamas but human shields are getting in the way. i just think this report of the independent task force is a great example. they took a whole bunch of known bombings that took place and found in the majority of cases the idf is not targeting hamas or anything. i think this report proves quite
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succinctly that the obvious goal in gaza is not to subgroup or eliminate hamas but is to just destroy as much infrastructure as possible to make it impossible for the palestinians to return. that is the report of the independent task force on the application of national security memorandum. host: is this a hired independent -- who is behind the independent task force? caller: the cochairs on it, i think it would be interesting if you got people involved on this to come and talk on c-span but i know that can be difficult with scheduling. host: thomas in tennessee, republican line. caller: thank you for taking my call. i think i bring a perspective that may be different.
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i was former special forces and senior officer in the army. the previous representative sparked my mind but i don't understand why we simply don't use behavioral consequences with countries like china. if we wanted to stop sentinel -- fentanyl, nobody seems to understand that you have to have a contingency and hold people accountable, even if it was unrelated until people are willing to negotiate. as far as israel, the previous caller, i believe most of the listeners don't understand the idea of total warfare. it means societies are fighting each other and when that happens the only way we were able to stop the germans was to restore
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their ability to resist. i think the israelis have come to the point where if they are willing to fight an enemy that is willing to use the populace as a barrier, then at some point the israelis have to have the idea that they are actually willing to destroy some of the populace to preserve their populace. i encourage her listeners to understand what total warfare is and what the israelis are dealing with. host: the washington post reporting that the u.s. military personnel begin moving aid to gaza early friday using the floating peer anchored to the palestinian territory coastline. the central command said truck started moving in using the temporary pier. no troops went on shore but the effort to give aid commodities donated by countries and
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humanitarian organizations. rob is next, independent line. caller: i am calling to complement c-span. your archivist appeared in the new york -- manhattan courtroom to authenticate the tape that c-span had made of a public appearance by donald trump. and i was really impressed. your archivist flew in from washington. i am particularly disappointed in the fact that mr. trump's -- it have the wherewithal are the backbone to simply stipulate to the authenticity of the c-span tape. thank you. host: that is rob on our independent line. our lawyer was called as part of
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the process to talk about the material on the website and the topics of discussion. you can see that on the website if you want to check it out. in north carolina, democrats line, go ahead. caller: going back to the gentleman that served in the armed forces military. what i don't understand is you are talking about china, it is goods in services. you have to abide by sanctions.
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when people are blaming the president, let him do what he has to do. it makes me angry because people don't see what it is for. we are a nation of freedom so we have to watch correctly. understand you had to be careful in your words. host: more from the previous caller this is from a story that appeared a couple weeks ago saying it was executive director of the archives at c-span testifying early on. his time was relatively short, speaking for 20 minutes
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according to coverage of the trial and played an important part in the prosecutor's argument my being asked to authenticate mr. trump admitted into evidence and the producer was watching the video from beginning to end and make sure there is no interruption in the transmission grid that is part of the testimony that took place. if you go to the website there is a statement taking a look and the appear -- appearance by robert browning. here it is if you go to the website. you can find everything in the press center. let's hear from florida. this is jacqueline, a republican line on our open forum. go ahead. caller: for gaza, all the research i have done and for months now, this started in 1948
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and is 77 years old and in that time frame 17 massacres which means they are enacted every four to four and a half years. the reason why israel is intent saying you have to do more damage because if you give them a break in eight cease fire, all hamas does is they have said time and time again they are going to come back and slot the israeli people. no one should be able to do that to another culture. and we as people should stand up for that right. host: john is next in north carolina, independent line. caller: i heard somebody say they couldn't control their members. let me tell you how the democrats control their members, you vote the way we want you to vote or we will run somebody against you the next election and you won't get the dnc money.
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that is how they keep their members. when you see they have a vote, if it is a hundred and 12 a vote 112. nancy pelosi did that and ran it with an iron fist. me and my wife live off of $22,000 a year. these people think everybody makes $100,000 a year every year. that is ridiculous. somebody has to get their hands dirty. i worked and ran a sawmill and i know what hard work is. if we don't get this country is out, we are gone. biden is destroying america. just look at how many people have died from fentanyl and people coming in from everywhere and we don't even know who they are and what they are. i just don't understand.
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it somebody better get their head straightened out. host: this is a recent proclamation from the white house on the anniversary of the supreme court case brown v. board of education saying that it was 70 years ago the supreme court delivered the unanimous decision that outlawed racial segregation in public schools finding that separate but equal is inherently unequal. the decision helped us move closer to realizing the idea that defined us as a nation. president biden spoke with the daughter who was the lead complaint [video clip] . [video clip] -- complaint and. -- complaint. [video clip] any time we talk about feeling underfunded schools there is a problem. public institutions are were most of us got our educations should meet world-class educational institutions. i am not understanding that and
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i want us to get back to the hard work of educating our children. >> [inaudible] >> the president's message, he talked about being pleased to meet everyone and thanking everyone for their sacrifice. he recognized that back when jim crow was still running rampant that the folks were taking a risk when they signed on. any time you pushed back on jim crow and segregation, your life and livelihood and homes, you are taking a risk. >> what was it like to be back at the white house? you were here 10 years ago. >> thank you. >> [inaudible]
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>> first about being back at the white house is always a privilege and an honor. it is the people's house and it feels good to be in one of the symbols of the democracy, the white house. one of the people talked about it should be a national holiday which would enable the country to learn more about it and commemorate it every year. that was a big ask today, other than supporting hbcus and doing everything he is currently doing, we are pleased that this administration is so diverse. we have waited a long time for that. host: there is more if you want to see it at the website. it is on the website that you can see later on today president biden delivering remarks at the african-american museum to mark the 70th anniversary of the
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brown v. board of education. former president trump speaking at the minnesota republican dinner tonight. we will have coverage on that on our website and app. no time set for that event yet. the time is actually set, 7:00 p.m. tonight if you want to check it out later. more information available at the website for those events. rob in michigan, independent line. caller: two quick questions for the moderator. the first one is about a year ago andrew yang was on, a representative of the opportunity for condoleezza rice to run as an independent. he stated he thought she would win 50% of the votes. do you think that would still be true yes or no? the second question is a question that the comment was
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the objective was to circumvent the constitution and those were his words and i expected a follow-up as to supporting the constitution and if you don't like it, change it. your thoughts on those. host: you can look up those events on the website and make opinions for yourself or those various things you brought up. let's go to gym in texas, republican line. caller: is brian lamb still wanting cameras in the supreme court? host: it is the position that is something we would like to see. caller: what would that bring? with the transcripts not be sufficient? what would it bring having the video cameras? host: in our case it highlights and extends things we already do as far as innovation of getting
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camera access to the house and senate and other aspects of washington, d.c. it would be another part of it. caller: you don't think that is the same argument that republicans were making in the judiciary committee yesterday regarding the transcripts versus the recordings of biden? host: to your point, i know the supreme court regularly releases audio of what goes on during the various court cases. they release it to us and we many times turn it around and put it to the viewing public and they do that on a regular basis already. caller: i know and i love listening to the audio of the supreme court, a lot better than reading the transcripts. i just think it helps. host: let's hear from albert in california, independent line. caller: i just -- on the
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presidency, the best man wins and it is a pleasure to hear all the people, the best man wins. as far as the border, build the wall and stop the fentanyl. the enemy is closer than everyone thinks. it is mexico city, cartel, on the corner of my block. everybody have a great day. it is a pleasure to hear you. host: joe in louisiana, new orleans, independent line.
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-- jo in louisiana, new orleans, independent line. caller: i have in mind to call in about the war with israel and hamas. i saw the interview with donald trump's son in mentioned how wonderful -- son-in-law and he mentioned how wonderful it would be if israel was a seaside resort. they are killing everybody and destroying property because israel wants that part of the country a seaside resort? and then yesterday a republican congressman was on and he mentioned the same thing. wouldn't it be wonderful if that part of the country of israel was a seaside resort? you need -- mean to tell me they
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are destroying infrastructure, killing innocent women, children, and men because israel wants to expand and make that part of that country a seaside resort. and i just think that you hear the congressman yesterday even said the palestinians shouldn't even receive relief food and medical attention. they should be completely annihilated. that is because they won't consider palestinians people. they consider them vermin. host: we showed you the story earlier from the new york times in their publication saying it was after the 2020 presidential election that trump supporters
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falsely claimed that president biden stole the election and many had a simple posting an upside down american flag. one was at the residence of supreme court justice samuel alito. the story also including a statement from him saying, i had no involvement in the flying of the flag. it was briefly placed in response to a neighbor's views with personally insulting language on a yard sign. that was on the new york times of their story. noris is in bronx, new york, democrats line. caller: -- morris is in bronx, new york, democrats line.
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caller: [inaudible] host: velma, go ahead. caller: i appreciate the lady who called in from florida earlier who talked about since 1948 there have been 17 massacres and she gave facts and not just opinions and thing she heard. actually, it was beyond 1948. since the very beginning, they shouldn't have to constantly explain to the world that they have the right to exist. all this criticism on netanyahu, they don't know and don't have a
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clue. they have never had to fight for their lives and explain they have a right to exist. it is like the boy scouts trying to advise the marines. i totally support israel. another thing is, i hope that more people will begin to think about and give strong consideration on how they are going to vote on november 5 because if we don't get our border fixed, we have no national security if we don't have border security. host: the house is about to come in and expected to work on legislation centering around law enforcement. it is national law enforcement week in washington, d.c.. that legislation will be taken up in a few minutes. that is it for our program. another addition


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