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tv   U.S. House of Representatives Debate on Deporting Migrants Convicted of...  CSPAN  May 18, 2024 7:40pm-8:01pm EDT

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ukrainians, that has not changed. the spirit of ukrainians cannot be destroyed by a bomb or buried in a mass grave. it cannot be bought with bribe or repressed with ahrit is puret is why ukraine succeed. [applause] >> on wednesday secretary of state antony blinken will ukraine, the ongoing fighting between israel and hamas and the presidents 2025 budget request. coverage of this hearing begins
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at 2:00 p.m. eastern on c-span3, c-span now, the free mobile video app or online at c-sp.o. >> c-span is your unfiltered viovernment funded by these television companies and more including. >> you think this is just a community center? it is more than that. >> comcasts dowsing with community centers so that studts with lowncome -- >> this is about 20 minutes. >> my bill sends a simple but clear message. if an illegal alien assaults law enforcement officers, they will be detained andd. ionsst have consequences.
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that seems like a pretty common sense life lesson that most of us learn at a vear age but it is a lesson unfortunately at biden and secretary mayorkas apparently never ha learned. in less than 3.5 years president biden has released nearly 4.9 million illegal aliens into the united states. thoe include a whole lot. in most s t ev know who these people are. we don't even know where they ing. we don't even know their intentions once they are here, mr. chair. the biden administration's policies are reckless. those policies are dangerous and these policies have very real life consequences particularlyf.
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here are just a couple of examples. in march 2023 an illegal aliene. border patrol agent as the agent attempted to take in the alien into custody, injuring the agent's face and his arms. in november 2022 the fbi arrested two illegal aliens for pushing, dragging and punching a u.s. border patrol agent. now the chaos at the southwest boininto communities, towns ands throughout the united states of america and there is no end in sight. take this example just this past january, just one example. according to the new york post, "as many as 14 migrant were believed to have been involved in a brutal beatdown, a brutal atdo."
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of two nypdff tes square. to make matters worse new york, far less extreme soft on crime policies, many of the attackers were freed without bail. everybody heard me right. freed without bail and given reduced sentences through very weak plea deals. some of the alleged attackers received a taxpayer-funded bus ride straight to california. some of the attackers were arrestedinhile out on bail. the border crisis needs a sanctuary city and a sanctuary state. what a bad combination. are surprised by the results of this completely broken system? i don't think so. this consequences. this is joe biden'smerica.
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the longer joe biden and his admistration go without taking action and taking these bad actors accountable, the longer our american citizens will suffer. that' introduced this bill. that's why it is so importat wen lawlessnesiny. actions must have consequences. this bill takes an important step in ensuring that we have zero tolerance for those in our country who break our laws and assault those who are sworn to pr and to serve our american communities. this b requires the dhs issue a detainer for illegal aliens who are charged with, arrested for or convicted of or admitted to assaulting a law enforcement officer. it also requires dhs to quickly
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take custody of the alien if the alien is not already detained. ri mandatory detention for illegal aliens who assault ps bill not only prevents these dangerous criminals from being loose oer streets, but also speeds up to remove them from the united states of america entirely. the time for standing by and doing nothing must end. we cannot stand as the fabric of our american society into violence and lawlessness. americans are tired of it. bill is not just a common sense solution em illegal aliens from our streets and out of country. it is a f action and a demand for cabability to those ulbreak our laws. it is a reminder that those that do, will face real consequences.
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i urge my colleagues to support this bill and i resve the balance of my time. >> the gentlemanthe gentlelady n is recognized. >>ield myself as much time as i may consume. i rise in opposition to this overly broad and unnecessary legislation. this bill would subjaned immigrant to mandatory immigration detention if they commit an assault on a law enforcement officer. to be clear, that is already current law. ill es far beyond that. it would subject even those individuals with lawful status is like da and temporary protected statu detention if they are merely arrested or charged wi on a law enforcement officer.
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there are no provisions to protect those who are mistakenly arrested and are released without charges. in addition the definition of assault varies widely from jurisdonon nevertheless, this bill adopts the definition of assault used in the local jurisdiction to subject sandatory detention. that means that con tpeople wouk of as an assault like lightly touching an officer could result dention.t and maor furthermore people are mistakenly arrested r pole offe often than we would like to admit. when this bill was introduced it was clearly in response to an incident later this year -- earlier this year in which some recently arrived migrant allegedly assaulted a group of law enforcement officers in times square. that ientrag across the country but our ch of their ire on one
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particular individual left his . the image was plastered all over news and was promoted by former president trump as a symbol of everything that is wrong with the biden administration's approach to immigratthere is only one probl. as it turns out that specific individual who everyone was so quick to diz attack had the charges dropped against him. despite being arrested and initially charged, en present we occurred. we also see this in protests where one person gets let's beviolce is never the answer and should never be used in a political protest. it was wrong for people to assault police right here in the united states capit on january 6 just as it is wrong for peto e else during a protest regardles.
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that is why u.s. law already makes assault a crime and admitting to or being convicted of a serious assaun enforcementy results in immigration consequencesurrent law including mandatory detention and deprecation. this bill does not change that. it does not make anybody safer. it does not fix any problems in the immigration system. instead th deems everyone guilty until proven innocent. it serves only to further the republican agenda to fear mongerg immigrants and keep immigration in the news during an electi yr while at the same time bankrolling the r-prit person companies -- prison c this bill is going nowhere fast just like the similar bill that republicans passed last police week. . the american people are not stupid. they see what republic doing. they want meaningful reforms to
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the system and they know that bills like this will do absolute nothing toward that end. house republicans refused to negotiate on immigration and they failed to do anything that d solve some of these problems we face. onlyrn aund and complain when those problems get worse. this is political theater at its worst and i urge all of my colleagues to join with me to oppose this legislation. i reserve the balance of my time. >> gentleladomton reserves. the gentleman from new jersey is recognized. >> thank you, mr. chair. let me say i agree with my colleague on the other side of the aisle on one thing. one. the american people are not stupid. the american people know, see, hear and feel what is going tm. the american people know that their streets are not a safe. the american people who live in certain cities know that their their schools so that we can
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have -- hse illegals. the american people know that they are paying lots of taxes in so many ways to pay for transportation, to pay for housing, to pay for legal for br all kinds of services to illegals and including in some cases education subsidies. the american people are not stupidare red of it and they are really tired of who come from other countries illegally and let me be clear because i never want this to be morphed into anything else. love in america legal immigration. some of our best citizens are legal immigrants. it is illegal immigration that creates this a what we that break the law once when they come over. then they break a law again by
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committing an illegal act by assaulting someone an cases a p. we have cases here just recently.published may 14, migrs charged in attacks on nypd cops in times square offered a plea deal but they can still stay in the country. they broke the law when they came here. broke the law again by assaulting someone. then they were let out again and they broke the law again. this is not for an election. this is to try to save our country and the american people. they are tired of it. law enforcement is tired of it. asked law enforcement to protect this nation, to protect our people and then we don't back them ups wrg. it is un-american. iss sething else because we are the united states of america and on top of it all
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probably the only country in the world that you can come over here illegal bec open borders. other countries don't allow this. no country can prevail with it but we allow it. currently we allow it unfortunately. they come here. we allow them here. they break the law here and we still givem du process. yes, they should be detained and i will tell you something else, do you know why they need to? they need to be detained because i hope everybody sits with the inspector general for homeland security like i did for about one hour and a half and he will tell you they check the names addresses and locations that you are supposed to find as illegals when they are allowed in the country. they are vacant lots, vacant storefronts, nonexistent addresses because once they are in, we can find themnyre and they are breaking the law sometimes and that's the truth. when they areere and they break the law, they have to be detained so we know where they are.
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then will go through due process and they will come before a judge and iwrong, it we way that it is dealt with always in the united states of america but if they have broken the law once, twice, three times, four times, they should beand then te deported. they don't belong in the unates. debts not what immigration is about. immiation is about standing, coming here, love this country, pledging to the flag, loving americif you asked in my world t would be, if you break the law and you came here illegally, you should be detained and sent back period. you don't have to assault anybody. at the very minimum, for god sake, let's get this done. enough is enough. the american people are smart and the american people are tired. they are tired of it. pathey are tired of being unsaf. they are tired of costing
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so much money in tax dollars. they areirle to take care of their kids, pay their grocery bills, worry about their social security and medicare because we are spending money on this other stuff. it is enoughthey have had it. i've had it. i believe the majority of this congress has had it. with that, i reserve. >> the gentleman from new jersey reserves. recognized. e gelelady from washington reserves. the gentleman from new jersey is recognized. >> reserve. >> the gentlelady from washington is recognized. >> i am prepared to close. mr. chairman, assaulting a law enforcement officer s offense that deserves both criminal and immigration consequences. that is why serious assaults on law enforcementicerare
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already immigration violations that require detention and pr -- deportation. thel day uld do nothing to change that. this legislation would dramatically e the type of conduct that would subject somebody to mandatory detention ludeto i people who may not have even committed a crime at all. that is not a good use of our limited law-enforcement enresources. instead of wasting our time on these, they do nothing advance our immigration system. we should be working torkable it allows americans to reunite with their family and allows americ businesses and universities to attract the best and the brightest, essentially creating a workable process so that people would not be forced to go to theorder as the only way to come to the united states. fact that immigrants are good for thentfor r
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economy. one in four american doctors were born a roughly 45% to fortune 500 companies were founded by immigrants or the children of immigrants. 70% of agricultural workers are immigrants. immigrants feed us, heal us and help ensure that this country remains and economic powerhouse. we could be embracing the positive impacts of immigrants rather than demonizing them. the congressional budget office recently announced that new immigrants will add $1 trillion in previously unexpected revenue to our country's p between 2023 and 2024. the department of health and human services found that over a 15 year period assigned police and refugees contributed nearly $124 billion mor in revenue than they received in services from the government. documented and undocumented immigrants pai tens of millions
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of dollars in taxes each year but iheajority insists on scapegoating and fear mongering anglican -- mongering. it is that the immigration system has the problems but they cannot be solved through arcemt. we have been trying that approach for 30 years and it has felt. the truth is that the immigration system is all connected. people are coming to the border because t been updated in over 30 years and they cannot find any other p to come in. the majority often talks about legal immigrants. let me tell you that the wait time for speresidence to bring r turyong. into this country is one century for legal permanent to bring their families into the country. employers are begging us to modernize the employment-based immigration system because the n high-tech visas were
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set when floppyks height of technology and these companies cannot hire the people they need. the small number of immigration judges that we have are absolutely crushed under a massive backlog of asylum cases so that it is now taking people over eight years to get even a hearing. why doesn't the majority just help us put more money into immigration judges so that we can resolve that backlog? not open legal pathways for people who are trying to come re why doesn't the majority just help us put more money into immigration judges? so we can resolve that backlog? why not open legal pathways for people who are trying to come because i came here. it took navigate
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the immigration system and become a u.s. citize that was several decades ago. now you can't even get through the process. >> next, house speaker mike johnson at a ceremony unvealing billy graham statue at the u.s.. nextri with primaries in west virginia and maryland. the latesgreement for two presidential dedates and an in-depth look in pennsylvania's senate rac. >> congress returns next week r legislative business and votes. their final workwk fore the memorial day break. e senator return on monday. senators will nominationsor dtrict and rcuit courts. they willchedule a procedural
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vote on a bill that was blocked earlier this year. the house is back tuesday at noon eastern. lawmakers will conside the bipartisan legislation with the inspector general to conduct. innings and make recommendations toongress to fix any problems. later in the week, members will debate legislation deal, digital assets by the sch■2ommiion and e commodity and futures trading commission. watch live coverage of the houssenate on c-span2. and a reminder to watch all oftn the free video app. an on online at c-span .o >> c-span is yournfiltered view of government. companies and more. included the podcast. >> you think thi no. it is way more than that. >> comcast is partnering with


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