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tv   Fmr. Pres. Trump at Hush Money Trial on Day 19  CSPAN  May 21, 2024 2:21am-2:37am EDT

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he 19th day of his
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ll on the judge to dismiss the charges he is facing. >> pres. trump: [indiscernible] thank you very much. i'veeveryone is talking about it. this is what have, and acting judge -- appointed judge by the deand this is the fourthsoon to be our fifth week not campaigning. it is what happened, it just took place in that court. motion to dismiss this trial will go throughdisaster for our country, it's a disaster for new york city. the judge said where exactly is the quote a line "shakespeare in love," i don't know, it's a mystery. there is no crime. it's unconstitutional for texas to it unconstitut enforce election
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law. this is a witch hunt. is to damage covid joe biden, the worst president in the history of our country, by far, by far -- to damage his political vote food that is all thejudge, a totally conflicted judge who just did something nobody has ever and the press is not happy, i wo of the courthouse. nobody has ever seen anything quite like it. dist no authority to enforce electionhing wrong. ted cruz just said over 200president of the united states been indicted over no crime. no crime. smart woman. "this is a show trial. evidence.molly hemingway, respected by everybody, by the way. is a liberal gentleman critically acclaimed director oliver stone mentioned
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in a while. "it's a new form of using against strength." i never heard if he was liberal -- never had such progressive what is not only the worst presidency in american history, when it comes to domestic our constitution and the rule of law, law and order, which is important to this republic, biden is dismantling it and destroying it. it's the people around his desk beautiful beautiful resolute desk at the oval office. it's a horrible. the country has never been in this position before, we are doing badly in than before and we are not respected in theus and say hey, there are nwe are. bad countries are saying that. are saying the united states is no different than we are. " the hopeless elites have really miscalculated by declaring war on the polls are through
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the roof but i am not even talking about that -- and the polls are the highest they havterrific lawyeknows,, "to dismiss -- it is past time to dismiss his case." there is no false entry. by the way paid a legal expense and market legal expense. ild have said construction. they could have saidfor some other purposes. if are building a building. they called legal fees in legal expense. great paid a money for a legal expense and then the general of the prosecution haslutely no evidence of a another comment from someone at erican spectator, "the judge's animosityand his inability to ensure a fair trial is not lost on the
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this goes on and on. would defy anyone to summarize the underlying situation in which a presidential candidate could be sent to prison for a misdemeanor offense." n a misdemeanor. for a misdemeanor offense crime for which he isn't even even being judged on it. they don't know what to charge me. you know what the crime is? they don' ton behalf of i think 200 million people, they don't want me to beat biden. it's a they have done, and to finish out, a description, cross as --. the cnn panel just "there is no dirtriumph in the alleged conspiracy qr code that is from cnn. not a fan of i understand. "possibly fatally underminprosecution's case.
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this is a disaster." it says here "undermines the prosecution's case." this case should be documented judge. the judge, if they did that they would gain the respect that back. think , one of the two great somebody to be their candidat here for almost five weeks in the freezing cold iceening to this stuff. the cr of the case is that he said the statement. trump didn' would have agreed to be robbed by cohen. he absolutely didn' dropped on the prosecution's case. this is cruising for prosecution credibility." what, new york state is good to be hurt so and they are watching all over the world. businesses are going to be leaving the state. they already are unfortunately. they can't be subject tthisnd
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just created a horrible scar on thhopefully the courts will take care of it. they did not ask cohen about that. have not made him plead guilty to larceny what is taking place. upposed to be talking about certain things. i amyou so what happened. this is cnn mentioning it. which it is larceny, which it is. you know they are talking about it because there was an admittance.i will say that it is the money. you will have to get this one because i gagged from reading a vicious statement by a respected person at cnn. so you will have to read that one yourself. urns out now that trump was -- yeah. thi can't read it because i am not allowecnn legal commentator.
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the misled made because five peopl professionally that the prosecutor should be prosecuted. the district attorney sh because he knew when he s case, all about the life. therefore, he has committed a cri they should turn this around. he knew that this was a fake case. the lies were all over the place. we are not just talking about a small amount. you also have toget the southern district's 28 page book on judge would not allow. by the way, the judge would not allow the southern districtes, a book of 28 pages, i believe, or more oflowed to putin. the expert witness that we have the best there is in election law, brad smith, he is the rolls-royce. ing it back to an american car -- cadillac -- but there is.
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he can't testify. he is notat happened to a highly respected lawyer today costello, wow. i have never seen anything like that. we can't put in an expert witness. we are not allowed to put in an expert witness. as ever heard of it ection law is very complicated, actually. and we are not allowed to have an expert with because the judge wants to rule on it. heno, he needs help. will admit it, brad on the very complex law but we did nothing wrong, i will that right now. he doesn't want him to testify. nothing. travis -- once again, iat one i have a gag order. a whole big thing on the witness today. so i can't talk abut sexton, the exact same thing. tim pallatori who is a very good lawyer, cnn, ureter. it's not only going to credibility, it alsalvin bragg's office's
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credibility. how did they not get ahead of time? how did they put something like this out? e goes on to say things i am not allowed to talk about. canm. we have 15 people i am supposed to be reading about who will i am stuck in a refrigerator all day. the presidenominee, i am down here -- by s acting! you know who in the clubhouse. but hopefully, i tell you, for good -- and i hope the governor and the mayor steps forward, it's like we have an armed camp outside. can't get within three blocks of this we this police. they are in blue, but i'll tell you what you don't see civilians outsve seen last five andy mccarthy, to show he stole the trump organization even as they are structuring a deal blah, blah blah i can't talk about it because, again, i think the case is going very well. we of
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the case. this case should be terminated. be terminated right now. new york state has to bu new york state can't let this let this happen. there were no crimes. we did nothing wrong. i want to get back to campaigning. i am representing millions and am millions hundreds of millions of people. meantime, russia and china are now good friends they want to take over the world. iran is developing a nuclear weapon and that's not going to be an easy situation when theyhave it. north korea is getting frisky and i get along with him veryadministra even know his name. we have a lot of things to soion is hitting new highs -- you see that, getting new we can turn the country around. thank you very much and see you tomorrow. [reporters asking questions]
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