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tv   Washington Journal Alex Ward  CSPAN  May 21, 2024 8:30pm-8:40pm EDT

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on wednesday, the house homeland security committee holds■ing how artificial■f. watch live on c-span 3. c-span now, our free mobile video app orin a c-span's 2024 coverage continues live with the three-day libertarian national convention as theys. highlights include, independence candidate robert-union they will foo -- and then on saturday at:0 p.m. eastern, former presidents had republican nominee speak about trunk. and the matter announces its
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presidential no, ma'am mean live friday at 3:30 p.m. on c-span. now on the video appear. >> and online. us, because we are joined by alexander ward. he is a national securitor polio discuss the death of iran's president. look into the program. guest: thanks for having me. host: wha can you tell us about t iran is, as far as where thfopoli might ? obviously they are dealing with a lot right now with the accidental death of their president. what do we know about how their foreign policy might change as far as their support for hamas and the houthis, etc.? guest:pecting much change.
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same foreign policy of iran in the weeks and months and years ahead. the supreme leader is still in charge, and he is the main person, even though there is not an iranian president. that person is typically number two were subservient to the will of the supreme leader. there's going to be a lot more continuity in the days ahead. host: yo've got an article with ars after iranian president's death," about the fear of blaming the united states. can that guest: united states has been worried about. and also blaming israel fohelic. that has not happened. so, perhaps the one thing everybody fears the most has not happened and will not tss. that would mean if the iranians were to u.s. or israel, that would be them saying, you killed our president. it is hard to believe they can
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walk away from that without some sort of major attac -- major retaliation. one reason the i doing that, even though that is part of their playbook, the fact that thearholding off for the moment. for the moment holding off. they are of having to retaliate, and we know after they'd tried to strike and all of those drones were shot down, and after israel retaliated, israel walked away from all of that. ugh nsions areo escalate this high. host: tell us about mohammed, the vice president, who has now assumed the role of temporary present. guest: the thing to knowut amere very wary of him because he has been one of the masterminds the closer partnership with russia. and especially inms iranians sending drones and other weapons to use in ukraine. again, someone who represents
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more continuity than change. as hardline as raisi was, the pool to pick from our the acting president may not be the future presidentwho knows? this signals you will see the same general question-iranian partnership. we talk about that axis of resistance, that is likely to cont uehost: what is that transition going to be like and the timeline guest: it's going to be a few months before they have the election. i think they ju a morning, although i don't have a date in front of me, effectively there will be some candidates, and then elections. of course we know in iran elections are more fcical than real.
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ultimately wants is who they look at. we are seeing a succession e.isis more than ait host: do we have any idea whide? is there a favorite? guest: as of this mo i think there is one clear favorite. raisis the one who is expected to eventually take over for the supreme leader. he is old. that is the big secession issue coming forward. with raisi gone, who could be sreme leader? i guess is, he has someone in mind. but how you roll that outcome of that's going to be rolled outuld over thelef days, but i think you will see where this front turns out to think we can also safely assume he would likehim tre when his time ends. host: what are we expecting as far as any instability?
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given this transition, this unexpected event? and maybe the younger people who for more freedoms in iran? are we expecting anything from guest: absolutely. there already is instability in iran. because of e protests that have been happening and the crackdown on people seeking their own rights, especially women in iran. at this point you can expect them to make their voices heard. maybe ask for a more moderate candidate. i don't know if the people of anind, but they most certainly would not like to see more continuity. under raisi he led the crackdown. the nickname he had was the butcher of tehran. you have to imagine the iranian pe, would not like to see raisi 2.0. c-span's washington journal,
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involving you to discu the latest issues in government, politic and public policy. coming up wednesday democratic strategist simon rosenberg talks aboutdent biden's re-election effort and campaign 202 then from the foundation for nsof democracies discusss the next step for iran. and several other top officials. c-span's washington journal join in the conversation live at 70 eastern on wednesday the morning on c-span, live d at earlier today, secretary of state antony blinken testified about his recent trip to ukraine
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the ongoing war and the president's budget request before the senate foreign relations committee. watch the entire hearing tonight at 9:00 eastern it's also available on c-span or online at >> on wednesday, the house homeland security committee holds a hearing on how artificial intelligence can help defend and secure the united states. watch live at 10:00 a.m. eastern on c-span 3 on app or online at >> c-span now is a free mobile app featuring your unfiltered view of what's happeningn deman. keep up with the day's biggest events with and hearings from the u.s. congress. white house events, the courts,e world of politics all at your
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takes you behind thenes the publishing industry. with best seller's list. download the freepa app or wherever you get your podcast and our our web >> the chair of the house republican conference elise stefanik called for wiping those 7th attack of is face of the earth while in jerusalem. she criticized the bind administration and spoke about her penalty personal relationship with the country and those of jewish faith. she gave the speech before the international criminal court was seeking arrests for this is about 20 minutes


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