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tv   Rep. Elise Stefanik Delivers Remarks Before Israeli Knesset  CSPAN  May 21, 2024 8:40pm-8:59pm EDT

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the publishing industry. with best seller's list. download the freepa app or wherever you get your podcast and our our web >> the chair of the house republican conference elise stefanik called for wiping those 7th attack of is face of the earth while in jerusalem. she criticized the bind administration and spoke about her penalty personal relationship with the country and those of jewish faith. she gave the speech before the international criminal court was seeking arrests for this is about 20 minutes [p
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patriotic duty feels heightened renewed. 226 days ago we witnessed the most brutalttack on the jewish
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people since the holocaust. a bar baker terror attack that claimed 100 to 200 lives. elderly were ripped from their homes, raped behead. ■je together and burned. babies burned alive. atrocitiesty. we must never forget and we must never israeli americans and others were savagely kidnapped and take on the the terror tunnels beneath gaza. there are still over 120ouls held hostage 226 days of captivityncluding americans held by hamas terrorist thugs. let me be very clear, we will not rest until the hostages are
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back home. this period calls to mind the many times force of evil have tried to destroy israel and t jewish people since israel's first days of existence, there have behose who have sought out its destruction. you see, we see elimination in school in 1948 during the 1950's and 1960's, in the 67 war, the 73 war, the successful wars against hamas in gaza and again dark day, october 7, what we are witnessing today is a story of thed versus evil. the force of civilization against force of bar -- barberrism. of humanity versus depravety i want to say something that i've heard the author douglas murray say whichessed
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the last few days. israel c let me go firstment in choosing life, fulfills isaiah's prophesy to fight f its survive value and future in one very tough neighborhood. that the people of israel know this. in the week after october 7th, 360,000 isrs reported for military duty flyinhond the wor. mo americansequivalent of 20 than served inld courageous fighters are but of college age in america. what a striking comparison. youngesding the call of duty, fighting for their families, their people and their homeland while the pro hamas apologists on so-called elite campus across america are ing fa
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and yep side with saying final solution chanting "death to israel" and chanting "death to america." we know what it must look like. but i want you to know something. airtime, those views do not reflect the views of the people. the american people stand firmly behind you. and we are already seeing the see the united states congressi t me repeat, america firmly is behind israel and the jewish people. this goes back to our nation's fo in 1790, america's founding fathereorge washington wrote a letter to the jews of rhode island, religious pluralism.
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he wrote that the united states would bigotry, no sanction and persecution no assistance he further wrote, "may the children of the stock of abraham dwell in the land continue tomef the other americans.ile eryone ? safety under his vre te. and there should be none to mak. may the father of all merceries scatter light and not darkness in our path and make us all in r several vocations useful here. and in his own due to time and in a way every lastingly happy. as long as i serve thee washington's vision of pluralism and freedom. today, this means rushing anti-sem -- anti-semitism at home. and what it means tochieve total victory in the face of
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evil. total victory is something too manythroughout the free world fail to understand. victory starts but only starts with wiping those sp for october 7, off the face of the earth. can be no retrievable dignity for hamas and its backers. when they chose rape, the torture of civilians and mutilation of infants as weapons of trosm, they left no alternative to this just war. whhal zealot lobbed missiles they removed any doubt as to their hideous intentions. chance of "death to america" are no hollow slogans. they are a promise that what happened on october 7, could nap the united states. unless hamas and its jihad iist
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accoli are eliminated. this is not israel's fight alone. it is also our fight, the west's fight. in truth, total victory is about more than respond of responding. it's about restoring a way of jesh state so it no longer faces threats of annihilation whether from iran, hezbollah, iran and a other. it is the united states' high nonor and high responsibility to support israel's effort. i have been clear at home. and i will be clear here. there is no excuse for an american to blockade to israel. aid that was duelly passed there is no excuse to ease angsts on iran pague a $6 billion to the world's leading hide while our friends fight for
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their lives. no excuse. full i'm proud to have sponsored or backed every com bd states congress, every single one. it senior member on the house armed services committe committee, we have helped security billions of dollars for the iron dome, david sling, the iron beam,ing technology. counter u.a.f. sms and developing. and inhe sup me mental aid package. it's why i led calls te house te corrupt i.c.c. and it's why for years, i've been a leading promo innocent and partner to president trump in his historic support f really independence and security including moving the embassy so place. thereatest stride through
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peace normalization in more than a quarter century. adopting the strategy to aloin u.s. central demand israel. a clang that happened with the i.d.f. joining securities and crucial coordination with british and arab partners that help question the iranian attack and finally president trump's wise decision to call it for what it is. a hive of anti-semitism and to eliminate every dollar of u.s. funding. when the enemy is inside the gates of the united states, america must be the one it by its name and destroy it. president trump understood this. and hashem we wilre to that strategy soon. we know that tne is inside more than just the gates of the united nation. >> the virus, the vile virus of
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th is why a total victory is not just physical self-defense,. as chair of the house republican conference, i'm proud that house republicans have passed bipartisan resolutions in support of call that in the halls of congressri home transparent sit push on american studentses■p a. we senior had bills like the deterrent act so they cannot poise tennessee minds of american students. i i led the charge to expose this moral rot ofm infecting our most elite liar education institutions. whenewish students, faculty members and about anti-semitic attacks
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taking place on their campuses i demand congresso hold colleges and universitying valuable. thet know you all saw that hearing d i want to take you into that moment. myue was the last question of the hearing, the most junior member of the committee yielded me her remaining three minutes. i. i had been going back and forth with t f president of harvard. i wasn't gettingir i wrote down in pencil. and ask how can i ask him to answer correctly? and that question was does calling for the genocide of jews violate your university's code
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of conct bullying and harassment. and one after the other after the order answered, "it depend on the context." and the world heard. let me tell you, it does not depend on the context. [applause] in one week there were over one billion viewswi. it is now well into the multiple billions and there is aeason that it is the most viewed testimony in thery othe united states coverage and that rot at the highest levels of the so-called elite universities. and as i said after the
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rescission nation two down and so many to go. that hearing set off an earthquake. their disgraceful attempt contextualize genocide to jew havel decade, laziness and radical group think at theseer lead institutions across society. we have put expanded this investigation to insure every jewish and israeli student, faculty member and staff member is protected on campus. we're lookinglotions to univers. the failure to protect jewish students. the federal accreditation system. the assault on viewpoint and free speech. the anti-semitism inhabit. theer rose of the economy and d which u.s. taxpayers have been forced to bank rth political indoctrination of students autn.
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the days of uncheckedst be over. we will hold the purveyors of the old hatred accountable. ladies and gentlemen, this has reflud my takes of the battle we're in. i want it's this -- the majority of americanspo by also will. president truman's recognition of israel, dav bengurian said that, america stands with israel. we must not let the ex-dreamism in so-called elite corners conceal the deep abidi love for israel american -- among the american people. they have opened themselves up in this dark air. hard working families.
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small business. farmers, veterans and seniors and student alike. >> there's no mystery to me. i was raised in upstate new york. asnd all-day. girl's pre-school. but have bee welcome into many homes for shabbat dinner. i've celebrated with my friends th of their children attending baby namings. and signing at katuba at a friend's wedding. my love and respect for the people of israel is lifelong and deep. and i've been to israel many times even before i was a member of congress. as a harvard uergraduate, i studied national security policy on a fellowship with defense of democracies. i've been pleased toe been many times since. ma of last year to help lead a delegation
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meeting with prime minister. during each and every visit to israel, i'm remind offend the fundamental fact that share an enduring bond forged over centu both jefferson and lincoln called america in one way or last best hope on it earth.en i come leer to israi sans shared destiny. one embedded in the hope. israel is indeed outpost of western freedoms of civilization. this physical embodt if you will it. it is no dream it's the same ethos that we prize in america. the american with heart work, tt values, you can build a life for yourself, your family and your
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-- community. and the american agree dream. these dreams are precious and we tect and fight for them. we know we have difficulties day ahead to make sure this always remains true. and the prime minister saidust . i am her tell you that israel does not stand alos i am comfort in the end. not just endure but emerge stronger than ever before. israel keep fight. we are with you. god bless israel and god bless the united states of america. thank you for this tremendous honor. [applause]
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>> tonight on c-span we will hear testimony from antony blinken followed by vice president harris speaking at the union convention in philadelphia and a hearing on growing demand for electric power.the united s. ♪ >> c-span's washington journal, they l forum to discuss the latest issues in government and public policy from washington and across the country. president biden's reelection effort, the next steps for our n after the death of their president and several other top officials.
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