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tv   Washington Journal Open Phones  CSPAN  May 22, 2024 11:29am-11:57am EDT

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facebook and on x cspanwj. from the federal reserve a sampling of the participants you
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could still find that out federal here are the findings from that report when it came to matters of inflation. 72% of adults respoed saying they were ok financially similar to those 73% registe in02 but inflation is the top fincial concern. thosein prices they paid in 2023 made their financial situation worse. 19% said price changes made their situation worse 13%o difference. if you wanto give assistance of where you are where you live as far as household spending you can do that on thene lines
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(202) 748-8000 in eastern and central time zones (202) 748-8001 four and central time zones. some of you are already posting saying my income rose much faster than inflation. we go out to eat less, not that we went out to eat out a lot more before. catherine saying that better wit corporate greed. and stephanie holly sayingn't l.
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show you where inflation is versus where was it was at 9.1% in june of 2021 highlighting the recessionth peak point of 9.1% and lowering to 3.4% idea and if it is the way you phone lines available as well as facebook and x. show in new york, good morning. caller: i have enough that it doesn't affect me with however i spend monei'm 78 years old so 'e i had a 14.5% mortgage at one
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time. as far as inflation i know it comes and goes and as far as anyone doing anything about it it has to run its course. the only thing that would run me out of money is to be put in a nursing howhen i see prices go y doesn't go as far as it did. it is changed so much over the years. i grew up when the movie was $.15. you look at a factor of 15 over yo lifetime and it's going in the right direction. is not going to stick around forever. if you ever really want to have to knock inflation down quickly you will need to depress we have to write it out. host: he is sharing his thoughts
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as far as inflation and spending. boris and cleveland it gives us anotpe caller: the thing going on is the cost of going to the sres. it seems like things are going higher and price. apartment nt have gone up in pricing. it's hard to maintain your living expensive when you pay more than what you make it work sometimes. i hope things get better. host: what has increased the most for you? is there a category? ller: grocery expense and gas is probably the biggest problem we have.
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going to walmart, going someplace like that means you are scrimping a little more than usual. host: boris talking about gas prices. thank you for the call and thanks for calling in a giving your thoughts. boris mentioning gas prices. yesterday the associated press reportinen moderating those prices they said they will release barrels out of the reserve sale from a storage site in new jersey and in wille incremented to ensure that gas can flow in from local
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before july the fourth the associated press adding the ve and to lower cost for family onsurs. the language included will keep the government shutdown from happening. gas could be one of the prices that haveinflation. (202) 748-8000astern and central time zone, ( 748-8001 mountain and pacific time zones. moing.aware, this is aleoo caller: yes, how are you doing? host: fine, thanks, you are on. caller: the electric has gone
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up like crazy. the groceries went up like crazy, gasoline is going up again. my car insurance is way up. i can't believe anybody would say they are doing better. host: what kind of differences are you noticing? caller: big differences. host:n the electric side, what has changed? caller: we live in a mobile home and i usually pay one hundred $50 a month and now i paid 225 for electric. thus giving you an example. all of the stuff has gone way up
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and no one is talking about that part. biden is doing a terrible job. from pennsylvania, we have alex. inflation and how it's affected her spending. caller: good morning. i agree that electrical is high. my bill went■y to 220. i am mainly calling because my job is not a grocery store. i am the person who puts the tax up for pricing and it is really horrible. at what point it was supply issues and those are well
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past but trid up. you also hear the corporate profits are at record highs. fo gasoline and food and all of these things that aren't included, this is just corporate greed and whether it is trump or biden and office he does not set the gas prices or the food prices.this is about corporatios getting away wit this. when prices go i put up a price tag and i have seen them go 50% but when they are on sale they go down by a dime. it is fed by corporate greed. host:o ahead, finish your thought. caller: started this work and
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we started up 15 an hour and it's the same now. wages have not gone up. if they dointhey can to not give people raises or over time, they cut hours they treat labor like we are the enemy even though we are a retail business and they need us i work with the wide variety of people, ages and ethnicities and id fothe young people. they live at home or theyiv with roommates because no one can live on their own anymore and many work two, three jobs. it's ugly for regular working people. host: the front page of the u.s.
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a today. they highlight swing states and top metro area of rate hikes. in mor town, a hundred percent in wisconsin, 94% in waco, texas. fayetteville and in burlington, north carolina rent increases like some of you mentioned. talk about rent, food and electricity and how it has affected household spending. people responding to it as well. (202) 748-8000 for easter, and
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central time zones (202) 748-8001oud mountain time zone. caller: i have been struggling. i am 64 years old. host: can you hear me? caller: i am 64 years old i'm going to be 65 and i have been on disability and one of the things in florida and matt district's insurance. it is skyrocketing. it's a matter of buying groceries or paying insurance. i just paid my flood insurance. hurricane season is coming and if you can't afford not to have
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400 to $916 which is almost a thousand dollars, a 50% increase is that through the coe of this year compared to last year? caller: yes it is. i keep getting messages how the is i insurance conditions but i haven't seen any relief and i claim. i have n insurance claim and i pay close other people pay isn't that bad, hurting people in florida.
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instead of matt gaetz showing 'u should worry about the people in his district.we have way more rn district then democrats so he is assured of always getting reelected. host:is dorothy in frida saying insurance issue. robert says wendy government prints mon pces go up. inflation is killing people. you can text us at (202) 748-8003the inok look at prices and what they should be versus what they are.
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my wife's car needed new windshield wipers in my book the brand that was top rated to wipers$3each. i went back for the lower how much should it cost? my prepend to make sense no longer applies. when he talks about food he does what should an entree caused in washington? i thought about 20 bucks at southwesteront the cheeseburger one of the cheapest option on the menu were $25 with the entrees in the 30's and 40's and side dishes around nine dollars each.
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the fact many restaurants charge an extra feeor the staff outside of gratuity. you can tell us stories from where youiv. in connecticut, this is surely. caller: thank you for taking my call. i wanted to let everyone know this is a republican and democrat issue. p ve everyone in corporate america a tax break so they can help us trickle down s bu it never trickle down to regular people. our prices are the result of
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price gouging and when our democratic governors started to say we will check your prices, the jo retailers that most of us go to drop their prices. my grocery store, it's a big chain. to hear that they were going to be inveigated by the authorities they drop those prices down. of course this is price gouging. the inflation issue has nothing to do with the fact that we have
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aroem with getting items like we did during the pandemic and of course, prices to go up, taxes are going to go up and insurance is also price caging. that's where the inflation issue comes fr t experiencing. we don't have extra funds coming in through finces like if you are retired. those on disability can't work to make more money and be able to catch up with the inflation issue. those in florida, i feel for you. we have more republicans here and they don't care whathe can n
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vacation before a storm a you have to wake up so they can know you mean business voting for someone looking out for their own interests. host: she walked around specific retailers but this is been from npr when it comes to reactions that tart is announcing they are cutting prices on 5000 items including milk, butter and pet food. ■+■if you are paying more for certain things, many of you sharing your stories with us this morning. (202) 748-8000 for democrats, i'm sorry (202) 748-8000 for
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eastern/central, (202) 748-8001 mountain/pacific. some of you posting on facebo. mari sd my savings account dwindling down and she may lose her house. if you want to share thoughts ar thoughts feel free to do that. let's hear from ray and pennsylvania. caller: how are you doing pedro? the lady hit the nail right on the head. let's go back to my. if you look for sales they are there in the discounts. you can keep your eye out for that kind of stuff. secondly, then lady hit the nail on the head.
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inflation is some minor part of you mentioned wind shield wipers. what shortage was there go up so high in price? the same thing with rent, insurance. is not a matter of there being a shortage. it's inflation. everyone hears the word inflation and people who sell things from the smallest drugstore to big corporations they love to hear that word because it's an easy out to what they can do when they count you. and then you say why is this price so high and they say inflation and you're supposed to believe that.
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these people are making serious profits. i challenge you on c-span to get someone on there like katie porter who could bring the stuff out and show how these people are ripping everyone off just using the magic word inflation. it is just a magic word. labor was getting an advantage and now they want to come down on labor so you don't make enough money to buy the stuff you want because it was getting out of hand. look at the otter worker strikes , they knew labor was getting t to this labor and raise prices. host: let's hear from charles in new york. caller: hi, are you doing
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today? people have to wake up and realize what's going on here. there is inflation but most of iall of these drugs if their delivering stuff, they think it's just inflation. biotin is causing it. open the borders all of that. is not a good thing. we have to look at the view of everything. host: whated wre yea
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price of gas where you are living? caller: three dollars -- we have to take care of us our own people who live in this country. host: our thoughts on inflation spending. from thomasriedn he said consider the price of food at home, groceries. in the chart the l shows the overall level of prices on the evily of the pandemic while the blue line shows the change)! in prices ovr the same period. grocery prices are up overall but theate at which they are rising is falling.
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the latter number is what they mean when they say inflation is down. many people wish we can get to where prices were but it would be a bad idea. this is a fairly innocent source of confusion. i'm sorry, the paul krugman piece from the new york times. yo thoughts to the mix when you tell us about endi and how inflation is impacting that. (202) 748-8000 eastern/central time zones, (202) 748-8001 mountain/pacific time zones. caller: good morning, i was just going to comment price gouging argument. liev that.
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if you believe t lleges and universities are price gouging because nothing has gonethan health care. we know education has increased because we give away education to certain segments and■h6 exorbitantly high numbers for other people to make up the difference. 't has gone up since the they're not all of a sudden e gouging. host: pat in virginia, caer: inflation has hit house. all ght crunching numbers. host: ok.
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caller: i went from paying $1000 a month to 1400 and i used to put away 9000 and only put away 7000. host: and that is due to what you are seeing with pricing and alexandria? tly the grocery store and utilities. host: us an example of either? caller: i said in the dark but my electric bill is $60. i cook twice a month of my gas bill was $60. i really feel that pinch. host: you are cooking meals for
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a long stretchyou don't have to cook things every day. caller: i cook for an hour twice a month and my gas bill is $60. host: thoughts and alexandria, virginia. this is jeff from massachuset saying our homeowners insurance double. we don't live in a fain or tornado alleye don't have sinkholes ilhe as shareholder a? program, theeder put out a report yesterday taking a snapshot of household sign a 2003 and how economics are affecting them. one thing coming out from that report, inflation was a key concern for you can find that report at
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■ topic of inflation as far as how it is affecting you now. (202) 748-8000 for the eastern/central time zones. (202) 748-8001 for mountain/pacific time caller: thank you for taking my we talkbout how priced things are. we all got a lot of money from the governntthe trump in the bin ti. people started price gouging. thatpens like the one fella said, i wish you would put price early for a lot of places the last two to three years. the stock market, 40,000 points the other day. i tell you, price gouging has a


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