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tv   President Biden Meets with Kenyan President Business Leaders  CSPAN  May 23, 2024 12:37am-12:49am EDT

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president biden: hello, everyone, it is great to be is really important. for both our countries. mr. president, i cannot think of a better way to kick off this weirwhen i visited nairobi as vice president, i said the true strength of kenya was its people. the students, workers, found activists, innovators, entrepreneurs and so many people like you who really do defend and support our democracy. and today as we honor 60 years
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of ties betweenes, it is clear our people are the true strength partnership and the partnership is working well. nowh is it more important than in the realm of innovatio business leaders around this table. from silicon vy to sell a, savannah, our people have brought us forward and pioneered new technologies that transform millions of that. and wenew industries that have generated billions of dollars economically opportunities that lifted up our countries on both ourour peoplee all excited about this, i have not seen my team so excited about a visit and a long time.
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we are launching a new era of , technological cooperation between kenya and america including new exchanges investments and key fields of■; cybersecurity security, artificial semiconductors. my message is very thank you, thank you and we are going to keep it up.
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we are going to see more gicachange in the next teen years -- next 10 years than we have seen in the last 50 and we need your help to seize this we need you to opportunities to bring the public and private sectors together we need you to help us strengthen the supply chains and industries of future, including clean energy and e-commerce as well and we need you to keep investing in the our democracies. we are going to prioritize the technological partnership between our countries. vice president harrisalready building a new public-private partnership to increased
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investments in innovation and oe but for people around the world this irelationship continues to grow as it is i think it benefits not only the united states and kenya but will lead anveenefits literally around the world so thank g here and look forward to working with you and we keep investing in the true strength of our nations ou. with that, mr. president, i turn it over to you. >> ok, thank you very much t and on behalftion and i too iy special way thank you for extending an invitation to me to undertake this state visit. i bring you very warm greetings
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from the people of kenya and our brothers and sisters from across the continent. i visit on the background of 60 years of solid etwe the united states and kenya and specifically, mr. president, on the subject were■vriving today here on the digital space on technology and the spa around invent trade and the relationship we have managed to build over the years. to confirm to you that kenya is a young tech country as you have said correctly, we have spent a lot of time working with ourtecr
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technology investors, we've had twin relationships between seleka and, savannah in -- scylla can, -- savannahin the united states and this meeting is about what we can do together around digital jobs buss osourcing research and development and mr . president one i aspect is the chips act which hopefully we will be able to have a conversation about in the coming dannc it speaks to the wealth of opportunity that exists between kenya and the united states. r young population, talented, educative, innovative and american technology that is cutting edge investment investors hungry for opportunities in our continent
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perfect match for this moment. moment to explore investment opportunities between kenya and to the united states and mr. prt, under your leadership, we believe that as we celebraterelationships betweo countries, we also celebrate the opportunities thomfriendship thn our two and as you have said correcte al intelligence, cybersecurity, and investments that come with it, we are expanding our footprint in the digital space. we are rolling out 100,000c in kenya and connecting every world and every to the fiber
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ck burning -- backbone to make sure that e-commerce, digital jobs and digital learning we can access to every child in kenya. and we are very proudt we are going to work with american companies. lareta raimondo was in kenya and we agreed with her on the kind of investment, the level of investment in the that needs to be fashioned between our sides in my being here today is a confirmation that we are moving from ideas into action, and from opportunities intoestmt. and hopefully, we will be able instments.f some of we have semi-conductive companies hear from kenya, large
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corporate think tanks in kenya, s that space anding the i look forward to consummating some of the discuss this table into concrete investments going into the é>fidy dr. biden are hosti te dinner in
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honor of president williamthurss from the evening, including his rival, notable gas, and presid biden's toast to ent ruto and his wife, rachel. watch thursday night at 11:00 eastern osp now, or before the dinner, you can use our video app or websit to watch guest arrivals in real time starting at 5:00 p.m. >> c-span's washington journal. our form involving you discuss the latest issues in government, politics, and pub■■d across the country. thursday morning, the chair of the house frm caucus discusses the iconflict, trump'y
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trial, and immigration.then ther talks about kenyan president's visit to the u.s. this week and the state of u.s.-africa bera, a member of the foreign affairs and intelligence committee, on the israel-hamas conflict, immigration, and congressional news of dawashing. during the conversationiv at 7:00 eastern thursday morning on c-span, c-span now, or c-span is your unfiltered view of government. ded by these television companies on more, including mediacom. we believe whether you live here or right here, or way out in the middle of anye, should have access to fast,


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