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tv   House Speaker Johnson Meets with Kenyan President  CSPAN  May 23, 2024 3:39pm-3:51pm EDT

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and president biden's toast wife, rachel. tch tonight at 11:00.m. eastern. c-span now or our free video app at ahead of the dinner use our video app or website to watch the guest arrivals in real time starting 5:00 p. eastern.yan pro met yesterday with a bipartisan group of houseers on capitol hil including house speaker mike n. the kenyan president was not invited to address a joint meeting of congress during his state visit. speaker johnson said during their meeting kenya is america's effort torategice two leaders d support bribery laws and curb
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terrorist threats. ■ç >> we have a relationship and they are working wit one off you are institutions in kenya and we have a very good institution and foramilies looking for visas. [inaudible] speaker johnson: well, gratefulo host the president. y recognize or remember, this is, i believe, the first state visit for an african nation since 2008 and of course we regardr closest friend in east africa and very strategic partnership
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we have together with our countries and certainly honor and a couple thoughts i wanted to esident here privately when we visit but we're mourning the loss of many in theect floods there. we can relate to natural disasters here as well, and i know wha that means as a resident of louisiana. we have lots of flooding issues and thosec things an we stand but. we applaud standing up very important and we believe, stility can assist with social stability and that's a important
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principle we together. i know there are a lot of americans excited about further investment in kenya, especially wi the tech sector and some of the things you all are advancing. soreto advance that. so we just want toe just very happy for your visit and the timing, i believe, portant. there's a lot going on around ncern both of our nations and i think the stronger our partnership, the better off all of us are, so we want to advance those ideas on y visit and welcome all of your dignitaries and officials that have come along and appreciate your time in being here and we're really happy to wel y thank you for coming. president ruto: it's a great honor for me to visit the united states and for your ideratn for us to have this conversation in this very official institution.
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as you know, kenya and the united states share c born and we share common values freedom, democracy, and we areas of a solid friendship and kenya, sharing in many areas as you have stated, in the space around peace and security, i think we have common positions working with different countries to see how to absorbl. for example, in the horn of africa, we have challenges in somalia and we have been fighting the al part of the conversation we're going to have i hzr we can
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make sure the throwdown of cleared a vacuum with a hill be filled by al kens need to work together to see how that not calendar based with withdrawal but conditions basedhdrawal. and that is the case also for what we're doing in south sudan. kenya is the alpha state and we're doing heavy lifting for security around that space and hopefully we'll be having a conversation as to how we can strengthen t bond and relationship and partnership between the u.s. and kenya for to be in a position to continue with the security and stability in the region as you
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do elsewhere you also agree the economy is a bigpaing how we can build on investment, on trade, on business, and the spaces arou algoa and will be asking congress to renew the agreement which means means business and access to people not just in kenya but the african continent. having a conversation about seeing the partnephat saved maybe 20 million lives our continent and how that as well can be extended that more people can ace as countries organize do wih
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health. and ofe, working together, how s being leader of free market economy, how we can internationl system where all countries are treated equally and especially as we look at the replenishment of the international development. you know that three weeks ago with the world bank, i convinced them with we had 21 countries of our continentuests they have made is for the united states of america to lead the way in doubling the concessionary financing available and that the world
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bank program on the concessional item so that we can appease 26 countries 52 countries globally to be able tg resources on debt to payment but should be spending on help on education.n,e're looking how to build a stronger bond between kenya and the united states ands working collaboratively which n so we have a freer and safer and much healthier growth for us to live it. >> thank you. thank you. speaker johnson: thank you. andt
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lal biden are hosting a white house state dinner in r of kenyan president william ruto. tonight we'll show highlig from the evening including the kenyanresident's arrival at the northtico, notable guests in attendance and president biden's toast to and , rachel. watch at 11:00 p.m. eastern on c-span, our free mobile video app or online at and ahead oe you can use our video app or website to watch the guest8eme, starting 5. eastern. >> c-span's 2024 coverage continues live with the three day libertarian national convention. beginning friday at 3:30 p.m. eastern, highlights include independent presidential ndate robert f. kennedy jr.
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followed by vice-presidential debates featuring former republican contender and then the former presidentomin donald trump will speak before the delegates and sunday at 9:0s the presidential nominee for the election. libertarian national convention live friday at 3:30 p. on c-span, c-span now and online at >> this memorial day weekend on c-span's q&a, retired u.s. se historian betty coed shares shores from her book "seen" people and places that shaped the united states senate and a collection chronicles of senate history she presented to sens their tuesday caucus lunches between 2009-2023. somef the stories told include
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the influence and power of lyndon johnsonof the first female senator and when mark twain■x worked as a senate staffer. >> he was not yet a famous author but a promising rising author at the time and working on his firsthe was looking for a job that would help pay the promote his writing career. stewart, despite his appearance did give him a job and he became a clerk in stewart's office. at that time it was not unusual e the senate only met a few months out of the year so they often hired reporters and correspondents of clerks for those and was sort of mutual beneficial experience for both of them. but he didn't prove to be a particularly good senate employee. >> betty k with her book "scenes" sunday night on c-span's x&a. podcasts on our free c-span now
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app. nit, 2024 republican presidential rmer president donald trump etwith voters during a campaign stop in the bronx, new york. watch live coverage srtg 6:00 p.m. eastern on c-span. c-span now, our free mobile vio app, at president biden and first lady jill biden held aar ceremony at the white house to welcome kmy william ruto and wife rachel. the two oval office and held a joint press conference in the east room and marked the first state visit to the united states by an african leader since 2008. president biden announced at the news conference he's working with congress to designate kenya as a major nonnato ally, making it the first sub-saharan african country to receive the designation.


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