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tv   White House Hosts Arrival Ceremony for Kenyan President  CSPAN  May 23, 2024 3:50pm-4:30pm EDT

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include the influence and power of lyndon johnson, the story of the first female senator and when mark twain worked as a senate staffer. >> he was not yet a famous author but a promising rising author at the time and working on his first book and he was looking for a job that would help pay the bills to essentially promote his writing career. stewart, despite his appearance did give him a job and he became a clerk in stewart's office. at that time it was not unusual because the senate only met a few months out of the year so they often hired reporters and correspondents of clerks for those and was sort of mutual beneficial experience for both of them. but he didn't prove to be a particularly good senate employee. >> betty koed with her book "scenes" sunday night on c-span's x&a. listen to our q&a and all
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podcasts on our free c-span now app. nit, 2024 republican presidential candidate and rmer president donald trump etwith voters during a campaign stop in the bronx, new york. watch live coverage srtg 6:00 p.m. eastern on c-span. c-span now, our free mobile vio app, or online at president biden and first lady jill biden held an arrival ceremony at the white house to welcome kenya president william ruto and wife rachel. the two presidents met in the oval office and held a joint press conference in the east room and marked the first state visit to the united states by an african leader since 2008. president biden announced at the news conference he's working with congress to designate kenya as a major nonnato ally, making it the first sub-saharan african country to receive the designation. the president announced
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investments in green energy and a plan to reduce its debt burden. the conference took place on the 60th anniversary of dedicated cooperation between the u.s. and kenya.
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>> order. guard. attention!
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>> order! guard! attention!
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attention! >> distinguished guests, please rise remain standing for the president of kenya, and remain standing for the playing of the national anthems of the republic of kenya and the united states. >> present arms! >> distinguished guests, the
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president of the united states and dr. jill biden. ♪♪
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>> distinguished guest, the national anthem of the republic of kenya, followed by the national anthem of the united states.
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>> distinguished guests, the president of the united states. pres. biden: good morning. [applause] president ruto, mrs. ruto, and your three lovely daughters who are here to my left, welcome, welcome, welcome. and all the distinguished guests. on behalf of myself and jill, vice president and the second gentleman, and the american people, it's an honor to welcome you to the white house to celebrate 60 year, 60 years of partnership between kenya and the united states.
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at the stroke of midnight -- [applause] that's worth applause. at the stroke of midnight on december 12, 1963, the world changed. many americans and many people around the world watched with great hope and great anticipation as hundreds of thousands of kenyans came together, raised a new flag, declared their freedom and gave life to a new nation. ladies and gentlemen, that new democracy that new democracy is enduring. it was a moment that forever connected our two nations. for while we may have been divide by distance, we were united by the same democratic values. i saw this during my first trip to kenya as a young senator at the height of the cold war. i watched our governments stand as one to prevail against
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communism. i saw it when i returned years later as vice president and spoke to students committed to upholding the principles of transparency, justice and accountability. that lie at the heart of our democracy. and i see it every day as president. as our two proud democracies continue to draw from the power of the people and the strength of our diversity to write the next chapter in our partnership. together, the united states and kenya are working to deliver on the challenges that matter most to our people's lives. health security. economic security. cyber security. and climate security. mr. president, your bold leadership on this front has been an important and significant -- has been important and significantly impact. 90% of kenya's energy comes from clean energy. 90%.
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[applause] that's worth an applause. over one million homes are powered by wind energy alone. that is worth applause too. [applause] and the historic africa green initiative which you launched last year is poised to create similar results in so many other nations, particularly the continent. across the region, kenya and america are driving a race to the top, with investments that we have and high standards for workers, technology and environment. we're working to ensure debt doesn't leave these critical investments out of reach for low and middle-income countries. around the world, kenya and america are also standing united against the terror of isis and elle shabab perpetrate -- that they continue to perpetrate in east aftera -- east africa.
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the aggression that russia is inflicting on ukraine, the violence that has stopped too many democracies across both our regions. today we launch a new initiative to bring our country, company, and communities closer together, because the past is our proof that we are stronger and the world is safer when kenya and the united states work together. [applause] let me close with this. we stand at an inflection point in history where the decisions we make now will determine the course of our future for decades to come. today, i am as optimistic and hopeful as i was those years ago when kenya patriots raised that new flag high in that midnight sky. because kenya and the united states stand together, committed
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to each other, committed to our people, and committed to building a better world. one of greater opportunity, dignity, security and liberty. for all americans. for all kenya. god bless our partnership and may god bless our troops. thank you, thank you, thank you. [applause] >> distinguished guests, the president of the republic of kenya. [applause] president ruto: thank you. president joe biden, dr. jill biden, madam vice president, distinguished ladies and gentlemen. let me take this opportunity in a very special way to bring you warm greetings from the people, the government, of kenya and
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your brothers and sisters across the african continent. [applause] i want to thank president biden for extending an invitation to me to undertake this state visit, a sign of friendship and partnership and collaboration between two countries that share common values, values of freedom, democracy, rule of law, equality, and inclusivety. we are very proud democratic nation, and today as we celebrate our past, we are optimistic about our future. by undertaking this state visit we will have the opportunity to disdiscuss and to have a
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conversation about building global partnership and leadership around the issues that pose challenges regionally, globally, and in countries like kenya. and many others. challenges of climate change. challenges of insecurity. challenges of around distress. and today we have an opportunity to build synergy, to build partnership, that will not only solve our current problem, but also to build a future that is much more promising, much more prosperous, a fairer, a freer, a healthier, and a much more positive future. i am confident -- [applause] i am confident, mr. president,
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that a partnership between the united states of america and kenya will give us the solution that the world so needs and we will be discussing a range of issues from peace and security in our region, recognizing the heavy lifting kenya is doing in supporting peace and security efforts in the horn of africa, in the great lakes region, i want to say, mr. president, we value the support, the friendship and the collaboration the united states has given kenya and our region to make sure that we undertake our responsibilities in securing our region. [applause] mr. president, we will also be having the opportunity to
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discuss the investment opportunities, trade, and hopefully we will be able to persuade the united states to renew their africa growth and opportunity that give africa the opportunity for access to markets, so that we can create more jobs, we can create more wealth, and we can spread prosperity across our continent. and hopefully also we will conclude on a strategic partnership on our strategic trade and investment partnership that will give us the opportunity in kenya to work with companies in the united states and to build greater synergy around our continent on matters to do with trade, investment, especially as we put together the africa continental
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free trade area with the united states as we discuss the africa leaders summit last year. giving us an opportunity to build greater partnerships between the continent of africa, and the united states. mr. president, i know that our menu of discussion is broad and wide and i am confident that under your leadership, we will be able to build a freer, a healthier, and a much more prosperous kenya, united states, and for people around the world. thank you very much. [applause]
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>> attention! >> distinguished guests, please rise if you are able for the conclusion of the ceremony and departure of the official party. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪
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