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tv   Washington Journal Rep. Ami Bera  CSPAN  May 23, 2024 5:59pm-6:23pm EDT

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caption content and accuracy. visit >> president bidenirst lady jill biden areting a white house state dinner in favor of pre routeo. the kenyan president's a guests in president biden toast. watch the white htate dinner tonight at 11:00 on
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c-span, our free mobile video app or online at c-span. org. on saturday, president biden will be in new york to give the commencement address tocademy at and thirirst as commander in chief. watch a.m. eastern on c-span or online at c-span. org. continues. host:oining us is repiberalet'se international criminal court issuing a warrant of arrest for the israeli prime minister as well as the hamas leader said wd
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put forward legislation to sanction the icc over this move. antony blinken said he would work wh congress to take action against the icc. do y i don't think what ticc did is. we are working towarda ceasefire and iccs actions make it harder. without tse positions, a cease-fire is not possible? guest: i agree. prime minister netanyahu was the leader of israel and the milita hamas which is led by sinwar it makes it
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harder to get them to the table to agreement and we have a crisis and we have to get the cease-fire. host: for a long-term solution can those to be empowered? guest: netanyahu has said some incendiary things and talked about occu gaza i think it's difficult to find a long-term solution which i think has to be a two state solution. he doesn't have any motivation to get that piece. israel come t lawmakers in a jot session. aside a good idea? guest:■ i think it is cynical ad i wouldn't do it duri have seenn
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college camse how divisive this is. in a month otw if we have not averted a humanitarian crisis or gone the hostages back we will have a mess on our hands. host: you are on the intelligence committee. i know you can't tell us what you are learning from intelligence officials, do you believe the israeli prime nister and israeli forces have done enough to protect civilians in gaza? host: i don't agree with how primni netanyahu has prosecuted this word. th of innocent civilian tragedis astronomical. idifficult but again, we have to dove can to protect innocent civilian lives and we have a massive humanitarian
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crisis people withoutlean water, food, medication. e to do everything we can to avert the crisis. host: you were part of a letter biden saying there wasn sufficient evidence to show israel has violated u.s. law by restricting humanitarian aid flows and asking for insurances to comply wh the law. do you agree with president biden pausing weapons? guest: some of these weapons were not to be delivered for years. they are less relevant than the prosecution of the war as it stands today. on the humanitarian aid, we have hing we can to get those border crossings open to get the aid in there.
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now we are reports that some of the settlers are opping these humanitarian aid trucks and notllthem to move into gaza. that is not war. we want to find a solution that keeps israel safe but allows the palestinian people to live in peace and security. what do you think the ramifications of the sideline, norway, spain, ireland moved to recognize a palestinian state. guest: i think israel should his for a long time. they aec the global stage. that's not in israel's long-term national interest. they have the right to secure his people and get hostages back. but the mismanagement of this
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humanitarian crisis is harming israel. guest: what happens when you have countries like norway, spain, ireland moving to recognize in a palestinian state what is that do to u.s. policy? guest: our policy has always been to find a path to a two state solutiand hopefully we caa ent ase-fire. it is remarkable that the arab states would recognize israel. that's remarkable in the middle of the war. but that will come with conditions and an autonomous palestinian state in the recognitn as a jewish state. host: matt is your first caller from boulder, colorado. caller: remind
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everybody -- i hearutinabout hos the pushback i know of. i am 60 years old. i'm not a young kid in college and i've been watching this a long time. what i have seen facts since the 68 war. israel had a we know they can defend themselves. they have in control of the situation since then had the choice to help palestinians or oppress them and they continuously chose to oppress them. because of the generational oppression of the palestinians, hamasezboah take hold.
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hamas were the only people who we will build to schools, mosques, hospitals. nobody else would and of course the palestinians accepted that because they were the only people to help them. guest: thank you for making those points. this is ed when you think about hamas is not a single entity there is the political wing of hamas cease-fe and there is the military who has no motivation to accept a can't get to te without the military wing. long-term, you will have it concentrated war or in autonomous palestinian state. we need new leadership with a
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modernized authority. none of this is going to be easy. we continue to work around the clock with the arab states trying to get a cease-fire and avert a humanitarian crisis. host: the caller mention how hamas was able to gain a foothold in certain areas how have they ruled? guest: before october 7 if you looked up pulling in casa, there was a lot of discontent with hamas. in the publicrom hamas. ith bank and in gaza wanted a different future. they want a future where they can live in peace and prosperity and at the same time, il be reh homeland where they can protect their civilians.
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i don't see how the military wing of hamas has anything to gain by putting down their weapons which is why this is complicated. host: from virginia, democratic callercaller: is russia doing genocide in ukraine? guest: what's happening in is atrocious like kidnapping cre and bringing them back to russia. these aremyind, war crimes and really upsetting. know if it's technically genocide but what the russians are in an unprovoked manner is really atrocious in theld has to stand with the ukrainian people a defeat vladimir putin. host: some have accused israel
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of genocide in gaza what are your thoughts on that? guest: how israel is prosecuting this w. jn califo. i hear a lot of democrats come and ask for hamas to give up the hostages and surrender. when senator schumer asked for netanyahu to be replaced, that's a problem. in essence you want to destroy our relationship with israel for biden to gv■ theercentage of votes he needs to win. if you wanted to get rid of ■h5m if not the way israel is doing it how would you get rid of guest: here is one democrat that says hamas needs to lay down its weapons, return hostages and surrender. i don't think ther a future
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with hamas in gaza. i understand why they are prosecuting this war but there are difft wa i urged them toe a little more tactical. i don't disagree with the caller there is no future with hamas in leadership. host: mark, in new york, a republican. caller: i appreciate your sincerity about israel supporting aid. on that is being promoted by spain is a■- cynical because they are not allowing the basque people to have their own state so how horse and tell israel to do this. yo hamas parading idf soldiers and indicg gng to raps
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is the way they behave. why es states make a clear point about what doing t about the state department's report all of this is for the benefit of hamas. it's distur t american because of american hostages there. i am not i favor of american policy and how it is being handled. second-guessing israel and having them deal with this horrific situation is hurtful to i know you sympathize withld israel. ho. guest: none of us tomorrow hamas
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and there is no future for the paulson people as long as hamas's governing. we support israel's right to support itself and get rid of the military wing of hamas. i don't think the military wing is ever going tour israel doesn't have a choice other than to go after the military wing. i wanted different for israel and the middle east. one where accepts a prosperous future and the only i sethat happening is if the palestinian people have a place they can call home and govern. this is going to be hard to accomplish but we have to try. otherwise, the alternative is a constant state of war and i d -- that's the best position for
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israel. host: is there a fallout from the iranians presidents death? arer guest: we have to pay close attention to who the replacement leader is. another generation of hardliners moderate leaders to take a rent to a eren position. -- iraosition. caller: t divisive discussion i think it's important to recognize the government is trying its best. [no audio] host: it is your turn to ask a question. : the question i would
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ask theny american is why would we people who were behin11gues i don't think e to ge aid to iran or its proxy ps our mission is clear to contain thissis and how to get the hostages release to get the cease-fire. we are negotiating with saudi arabia, the uae, the other zone states to recognize israel and can we future for the middle east? host: kim and carmichael, california. caller: hi, how are you doing today. you said you did not believe it
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was a, what do you believe it is? guest: i think there is a poorly civilian casualties. iree with how they have prosecuted this war but i worry about ther okids in older people who will starve to death which is why we are working overtime. we have to do everything c pre? caller: be when you deprive food i believpo
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palace tiva palestina. guest: deprivation of food and water, that is not were. host: when is it genocide? guest: intentional starvation of individuals, that is no longer war intoips into a different direction. host: maria, an independent. caller: a very simple ying to figure it out and i can't. how did we get so with israel so that netanyahu could come here and say there should be no light between us and
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israel? does the congressman's know and in oil.out a plan with■ some of the is involved with oil and we should have no part in the slaughter of these innocent people. guest: to the second, i am not aware deal in australia. t ofeopolitics that come into play when it comes to petroleum and oil. the united states and israel will be where the first country to recognize israel. harry truman did that in the late 40's, early 50's.
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we have always been fast friends. as friends to say hard truths. find a path forward to a two state solution or a release of the hostages. host: ask your work on the task force of artificial intelligence. hakeem jeffries has appointed you to this task force cavalier experience shape your work on the task force? guest: most of my focus, i'm a in training so thinking about hey i will impact thery o. can it help with, access to care and paperwork burden. those are things a guy can have po
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on the intelligent side, we have be very careful with how we protect data and protect american citizens. host:&> what will come out of ts task force? guest: by th congress we can't write legislation but make suggestions on how they should approach and think about putting up guardrails for ai and how it ought to be used. host: is atisan, wasn't endorsed by both sides of the aisle? guest: it was. e had our initial kharkov we had speaker johnson and leader jeffries. host: melanie in missouri, the democratic caller. we have sheldon and arkansas. -- in arkansas.
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caller: h can they call netanyahu a war criminal for starving people when china has been starving people for year and no o iing them out on it, the same to the north korean dictator. guest: i don't agree with what the icc did. but i disagree with how he has prosecuted this war and not necessarily allowing humanitarian aid to get into gaza. i think the caller is correct if you look at the uigher population and china is atrocious. host: if it comes to the floor, how will you vote? guest:uc let's wait and see what the language of that resolution
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would be. asve said earlier, i don't agree with the icc ruling. host: adriana in maryland. caller: epyou are disgusting every senator like you to chalk this up trmedu see hundreds of people versus 14,000 children dead. this is a genocide. maybe you and the senators need a dictionaryde■■ , this is a genocide. host:spse. guest: againi atrocious. the lost of citizen life. this is a poorly prosecuted war. after the atrocious actions of
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hamas, to set an example would go after hamas. i would like us to have the hostages released in a two state solution. host: in 1000 oaks california. caller: are you talking about prosecuting the war in a different way how would you do that using urban warfare? also hamas withholding humanitarian aid that israel was sending? guest: the early days of the war in they created a buffer zone in the north. this goal should be to protect the civilian population and longer-term with special operators in a targeted way


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