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tv   Campaign 2024 Fmr. Pres. Trump Campaigns in the Bronx  CSPAN  May 23, 2024 6:24pm-6:41pm EDT

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, to set an example would go after hamas. i would like us to have the hostages released in a two state solution. host: in 1000 oaks california. caller: are you talking about prosecuting the war in a different way how would you do that using urban warfare? also hamas withholding humanitarian aid that israel was sending? guest: the early days of the war in they created a buffer zone in the north. this goal should be to protect the civilian population and longer-term with special operators in a targeted way you
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need to track down hamas leadershipa long time. >> former president and presumptive republican nominee donald trump is setho a rally in new york. he's expected to issues. live coverage on c-span. >> ♪ t ain't no doubt i love this land god bless the u.s.a. ♪♪ ♪ from the lakes of minnesota to the hills of tennessee across the plains of texas from sea to shining sea from detroit toon
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and new york to where there's pride in every american heart and it's time and say i'm proud to be anw i'm free and who gave that right to and i gladly stand up next to defend her still todayti love this land god bless the u.s.a. and i'm proud to be an american know i'm free andget e men who died who gave that right to me
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and i gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today if because there ain't no doubt i love this land god blesshe u.s.a. ♪♪ers and ap] mr. trump: hello, everybody. thank you very much. this is this is some turnout. and i wto york's of additions, we have thousands of people outside that can't even get in. they'lt in eventually. we appreciate it. new york's finest. hello, new york .
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hello to all of the incredible tough, strong, hardworking american priots right here in the bronx. [cheers and applause] i'm thrilled to be ban ty i grei spent my life in, the ci helped build and the city that we all love, new york city. [applause] and i'm here tonight to declarew york city around and we are going tourn it around very, very quickly. we're going to bring safety back streets, we're going to bring success back to our scol to bring prosperity back to every neighborhood and every borough of the greatest city in our land. we're going to reduce taxes. we're going to bring busesses and big taxpayers back to new york city. got to bring them back. got to brim back.
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[applause] and we're going to make new york than ever before and that includes right here in the bronx an going to be done and funded starting on january 20, directly from our great and that ok? [cheers andpplause] for myleif i always thought that this city salmon yeumental testament to the power of the american spirit. and the american dream. started as a small, rugged, dutch tradithe tn in whayou see around you was nothing more than wilderness buby the muscle and backbone and genius of the people of new york, we built this towering forest ofn, aluminum, concrete and steel we made this city and state into the capitalmerc
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we turned our hometown into the bustling center of afi glamorous, american culture, and we inspired the entir world. we inspired the world. [cheers and applause] no matter where you went on this planet, everyone knew when you said, i'm a new yorker, it meant you had smarts, you had grit, you hadq
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and now it ise that we are going to give it back. together we are going to make new york again, and ltll make america great again. [cheers and applause] [crowd chantings.a."]
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mr. trump: thank you. i have come tonight to talk about solving problems. the simple fact is, joe biden is not getting the job done for the bronx. he's not getting the job done for new york. and he's not getting the job done for america. he's incompetent, ladies and gentlemen. he's grossly incompetent. i will get the job done, as i did for four s, i will get it done fast. if a new yorker can't save this country, no one can. no one can. get me state -- thank you, everybody. what a crowd. [cheers and applause] this is something.know, we wantt
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small. this is like a love fest. love fest. a love fest. we love you. thank you, though. ank you. wow. [crowd chanting "we trump"] mr. trump: who said we're notg ? wouldn't it be nice, wouldn't it be nice to take back our une'll do a job like nobody has ever done before. and we did for four years was incredible. but we also learned a lot. we'r going to get in there very
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fast with the right people. great people. people that are true. you know the womann the middle of central park, you know that story? it had been n 10 year they conn koch was at his wit's end they couldn't get it finished they built. they couldn't get it opened. people wanted it before their drned d. every day they'd be laying thean copper pipe and every night that same pipe be stolen. and then they'd start all over again t stolen. months and they poured the concrete in small patches. and they too their companies --
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total mess. didn't know what they were doing. and i saw this and i went -- [audio problems] i would pay for it, the amount. the montreal canadiens hockey team in canada. isn't that better than a refrigerator company? they didn't know what we were talking about. canadiens knew. they said you don't want tose copper tubing and gas because the gas is delicate and it
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aks. it's very fragile. it doesn't work. you want to use rubber hose, i that, that's a lot cheaper. water and salt. the salt makes it s the water doesn't freeze. it's called brian. going to putt under the concrete. you're going to pour the concrete over to great. it'll work. it's not going to leak. it'sheaper, faster, and works all the time. when we opened there were no leaks. thereno pblems whatsoever. anyway, i started the project, laid the rubber hose, mixed water and the salt, beautifully together. i was down there where they we they said you've got to do it right. covers the entir rink with concrete in four, literally uric had to see the scene. concrete trucks operated by the teamsters, do we haveny teamsters here? [applause]. you got to make sure that o'br h good man, he endorses trump.
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you think he's going to t teamsters stretched all the way. you had trucks stretching from the rink at 60 street back to harlem. uring concrete.d a half of one contiguous, giant months for far less than the $2 projected. the biggest expense was actually the demolition that is the demolishing of everything that was built so incorrectly sodly,. we opened with a ceremony with all olympic gold medal winners, including the great peggy fleming, dorothy hammel, scott hamilton and all the o every one of them. it was one of the most --
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problems] >> we seeto have lost our signal from the livevent. we willork to resolve the issue and hopeo resume live coverage shortly.e' still having technical issues and we're not able to resolve this problem with our live feed from this event. we hope to have this for you in
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itsntirety later in our program schedule. >> tune in to c-span's live coverage of the 2024 national political convention startg with the republican fur-day event in milwaukee on july 15. next up, catch the democrats as they convene in chicago, kicking ay connected to c-span for an inteupted, unfiltered glimpse of democracy at work. watch the republican and democr national conventions live this summer on c-span, c-span now our free mobile video app, and online at c-span, your unfiltered view of politics. pod cable. >> president biden first lady jill bide reason hosting a whitese state din for the honor of kenyan president
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william ruto. tonight we will show highlights from the evening including the kenyan president's arrival at the north portico, notable guests in attendance, rutowae st at 11:00 eastern on c-span, c-span now, our free mobile video app, or online at >> today, an shores of normandy. >> these are the boys of ponte du hoc. these are the men who took the cliffs. these are the champions w a cone are the the heroes who helped end a war. >> two million sons from 15
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countries jumped into flak-filled blood-soaked surf and met death on an even plain. >> the sons of democracy improvised and mounted their own attacks. at that exact moment on these beaches, the forces of freedom turnedí the tide of the 20th century. >> that road to e. day was hard and long and traveled by weary andia men. history will always record where th began. it began here, with the firsfoof normandy. >> more than 150,000 souls set off toward the tiny sliver of sand uponunmore than the fate of a war. but rather the course of human history.


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