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tv   President Biden Kenyan President Hold Joint News Conference  CSPAN  May 23, 2024 10:29pm-10:59pm EDT

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once] ■d pres. biden: we're going to have a press conference in a little bit. llions then. >> thank you. much. [captions copyright national cable satellite co■. >> president biden and president ruto also held a joint news conference focused on bringing together in financial institutions to mobilize resources for developing nations with large debt and answered questions from reporters, including one regarding a
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support mission aimed at managing civil unrest in haiti. this is abou pres. biden: good tern ease, have a seat. mr. president, six decades ago, when was declairing its independence,from our nation toe said, may the responsibilities of freedom wake the best that is in today, we mark 60rs partnership between our democracies, and we're fulfilling that wishher and we're continuing. i truly believe it hasn both oft only in kenya and america, but around t a positive impact. through our partnership, we're
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continuing to meet our responsibilities in four key areas. first, i'm proud to announce we're working with congress to designate kenya a m non-nato ally. that's a fulfillment of years collaboration, our jointcounrtee degraded isis and elle shabab across east africa, our mutual support ukraine has rallied the world to stand behind the uferl u.n. charter, and our work in haiti is paving the way tose. i want to thank you for kenya's leadership for the support mission in i.our new partner, gl partnership, will bui o this progress. we're going to met new -- meet new challs to strengthen the security of our countries and countr we're keeping our -- keepenning our economic cooperation. both president ruto and i are
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focused on our growing economies, growing them from the middle out bottom up. when that happens everyone wins. e p down. when the middle class does well, the poor have a ladder up d sti. that's true in kenya, it's tru d the world. right now in many country, debt stands in the way of growth too. many nations are forced to make ains between development and debt. between investing in peoplend b. today we're launching what we're the nairobi-washington vision. it will bring together financiam around the world to mobilize resources for countries saturdayled with debt, to open more opportunities for the private sector financing,o promote transparent, sustainable, affordable lending practices. theseig goals. it's going to take time see lasting progress. we'rero $250 million, the united states is, to the world bank in a crisis response
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window. in a few weeks we'll make another $21 billion available to international monetary fund. today i'm proud to announce there'll be $250 billion in new lending capacity for multilateral development thanks to the world bank to me nationsr development and growing es. this is supported by the united states and many other countries as wel next, we're launching a new era of technological cratwee the und kenya. that mean us in partnerships, industry, artificial intelligence, semicond cyber security. new initiatives to expand east africa. through education programs that will bringyaents to the united states to study in the stem fields. i'm proud to announha i'm working with congress to make kenya the first country in afri to receive funding through the chips and science this funding will link their
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supply chains to the united at partners. and spur innovation and extend from silicon valley in california to siliconxk■■ savanh in kenya. which by the way is already a $1 billion tech hub. finally, we're ensuring democracy delivering for our people. that includesiaspora community here in the united states. two years ago, the nation's first black vice president, vice president kamala harris, launched the nation's first presidential advisory council on african diaspora engagement. today we're building on her worg bonds between our people. i want to thank you, mr. the long-awaitinging action to public benefits organization provides historic protections for civil society and n.g.o.'s ac kenya. like you, i believe the future will be won full potential of
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their population including civil i look forward to working together to jump start anti-corn to promote democratic values that bind our nation together. me this. taken together, these are responsibilities kenya a ahead. meet them together. as partners. for security, for prosperity, for unnovation, and most importantly democracy. but i know responsibilities will wake the best inous. i know it will not onlyri presit for being here and knowing we have even bigger dreams and cooperation for our country. president ruto: thank you, mr. pr want to in a very, very sincere president, for inviting me to make thivisit to the united
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states on behalf of the people and government of kea. gratitude for the warm welcome we have received on arrival and the hose american people. my visit provides us, mr. president, with the opportunity to celebrate 60 years of bilateral relations rooted in shared values of freedom, democracy, rule of law, equald . my visit takes pla a a time when democracy is perceived to be rat■? worldwide. the drift to regime indifference to democratic values i believe it is time the u.s., working with kenya, deploys its bi and rallies like-minded democratic countries
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to search out the cause of democracy. during our dss■l we agreed on the significant opportunity for the to us radically its strd strengthen its support for africa, as discussed at the u.s.-africa leadership summit, by enhancing its investment in the instituti o african integration and increasing support forecurity. as we take these historic steps of elevating our partnership to bee effective in addressing global challenges, it important for us to appreciate that many countries in africa,ig with an overwhelming convergence of multiple shock, including disruptive upheaval in europehe and the middle
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cumulative impact is to divert nationales investment in people and economic growth into managing climate influenced crises and sovereign debt. for this reason i have underscored the imperative for our partnership toacilitate recovery from these multiple crises and particularly for of e a leadingvç r comprehensive debt resolution ontrutions to the concessionary financing nd leverage to support unless this is done, ande immediately, the values of freedom, democracy, and the rule law are in great jeopardy.
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peace and security in the horn of africa and the other region, i express optimism that kenya and the u.s. will innovatively design appropriate defense and security to help kenya ander anl to deal with the peace and challenges that are undermining human well being, in and also having a negative impact on democracy. with have found our mutual commitment to the stabilization of haiti through multinational security support mission. the kenya-u.s. cli a energy industrial partnership we have just committed toan encouraging milestone on our collective journeys and built on the paradigm shift we have inaugurated at the africa climate summit in nairobi last
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year. accordingly, africa's potential is a huge opportunity to deploy u.s. technology and investment to catalize unprecedented growth through green industrialization. we also agreed to hasten the renewal of the africa growth and opportunities act to um of our investment and simiy,ree to sustainable green growth by facilitating our strategic trade and investment partnership the renewal. during our discussion, id presit biden and the■s u.sgovernment determination to make our partnership work resolve to spread and deepen the roots of m, democracy, security,
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and prosperity throughout the worlas my visit comes to a closi am confident that our engagement has laid a solid foundation for us to continue the work, the good work we have begun, with stronger faith and greater hope for success because in joe biden, kenya, and africa have a strong and committed friend. pres. biden: thank you, mr. president. you do have a friend. and you know, africa has a billion people, the idea of ignoring it makes no sense at all. first question. michael w mcclasp chi. reporter: thank you, mr. president. two questions, if i may -- pres. biden: no, one. reporter: d level best. on haiti and on israel. your administration went on a worldwide search for security
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forces, bangladeshi, canadian, , to stand up thison for hay hey tee before kenya stood up to lead is that you believe on the one hand that m is so critical and on the other why it is that you have categorically ruled out contributing u.s. forces to this effort? is goal to and on israel -- reporter: one question. i'll answer your question. -- pres. biden: one question. i'll answer your question. the quest haiti. we concluded that for the united states to deploy forces in the hemisphere raises all kinds of questions that can be easily whdisagree with us against theee intres of haiti and the united states.■r out to find a partner,
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or partners, who would leaeffo,e in it, not with american f suppg sure they had what they needed. and so, you i'm very grateful for president ruto's leadership here. multignat -- multinational effort but kenya's willingness matters. you're not the only country but you'redirt. there's going to be u.s. forces not only the ground. we're going toup intelligence and equipment. some equipment has already arand nya is stepping up with police and other countries plan to do as well. the united states is going to support the collective efforts here. going it alone. we're working with congress to provide $300 million to m.s.s.a0 million for equipment assistance. we have receive and bring major contributions from other partners in as well. and agree -
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agree the h deserve better, they deserve peace and security and i thank him for taking on this responsibility. we have his back there all the way. reporter: i do have a question for you, presidentuto. before i do, i do very briefly have a question on t united states has any evidence at allha substantiate the i.c.c. prosersific allegations against israeli leaders that they are using ston a a tactic of war in gaza or exculpatory evidence for that matter. and if you would commit to releasing that information before potential issuance of and president ruto, as a mission is about to lead in haiti is obvious a supportion ae
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fact is that have beennationally funded and trained for some time. nevertheless have obviously failed to keeps. will kenyan force in partnership with the m.s.s. be out front in the fight against these gangs? or will they be a static force behind the h.n.p.? and are you concerned abouttiesn forces? presidentut you very the responsibility of peace and cuerincluding in haiti is a collective responsibility of all nations and all people. who believe in freedom, self-determination, democracy and justice.
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the reason why up this responsibility, because we have been participating in and we have been participating in peacekeeping. over the last 40 years. in 47 countries. including very difficult neighborhoods. like what we're going to face in haiti. we are going to take up that responsibility alongside the haitian police and wee clear modus operandi, how we're going to relate with the situation on the ground that has been agreeds framework. so we are looking forward to this deployment because we believe that the women and children in hti deserve peace. like all other women and children and peopled th world. pres. biden: on the i.c.c., you guys never keep deal, but that's ok.
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we m our position clear. on the i.c.c. we don't recognize their way it. and it's that an equivalence between what israel did and what hamas.
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you are committing to another foreign war. you are committing kenya to haiti, can you explain that? pres. biden: vs a reason why afn has been known as the graveyard of empires. likelihood of anybody uniting afghanistan is highly, highly, hi unliky. number one. number two, there are ways to control isis other than occupying afghan stafnlt it was an unnecessary need. now with regard to haiti. haiti is in a part of the caribbean that's very there's a lot going on in this hemisphere. we can without usion looking like america once again
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stepping over and deciding this is what must be done. haitiansreooking for help as well as the folks in the caribbean looking for help. and so we checked out with a number of other■ one that stepped up was haiti. we committed to whatever quality intelligence and equipment and the like to tai hey tee. it's a you have a first rate capability and you keep your that's an important dynamic. president rut -- president ruto: aagree with president biden kenya's participation in haiti is not so much about what happened in the past.bout what we believe in. the peace and sit humanity. and we don't find that the u.s . because the u.s. cannot commit kenya i am the president of kenya.
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it's me. to make that decision. and if the people of nya to commit their own troops, using their own structures, the proce, parliament has approved, we have e, w have a clear is us, the people of kenya, who make this position in the interest of peace and stability, as a responsible global citizen, and understanding insecurity, instability anywhere,secuty andy pres. biden: and by the way you asked about -- you implies we wet doing anything anywhere else. we're kind of occupied around the worl but we're also engaged in the congo. in that neighborhood. and■? younited states is the largest humanitarian donor providing $bi in
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humanitarian funding just this year. han six million displaced people from the d.r.c. place. engaged reporter: a followup to my question, dr. ruto. do you think kenya istted, you sate it's built onrianm, buu explain the geopolitical goals, how they have not opened because of the bandit problem but you are committing to haiti when this has been one of your major manifestos, talking about security and even the defense secretary talked about the deployment if need be, k make ss areas that are abundant in kenya. why are you committing to haiti
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when we have a problem back home? are you -- it is an irony when you're fighting a fire elsewhere when our own home is on fire. president ruto: i made a commitment to the people of kenya t stamp out insecurity in the region. ie foere are 3,000 military the region, 2,000 police officers, we have renovated theirst 15 schools and reopened 20 closed in the rd that exercise is ong we have made tremendous progress. in making sure that we clear security at home. but that does noke away our responsibility, even as we were employing troops and policemen in our own country in north
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kenya to snuff out the banditry problem, we feel deployed 1,000 troops to the con bause that is our neighborhood. we have 5,000 troops in somalia, because equally, that sour responsibility. and haiti should not be an exception. that's why deploying a thousand security known haiti speaks to the same belief and commitment to peace and security. pres. biden: next question, from april ryan. reporter: mr. president, president biden, presidentuto, thank you. when you talk about haiti, president ruto, you said haiti is a collective responsibility for all nations. for you, mr.sident ruto, do you believe t
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nations can break the back of this militia that has gripped the nation there and also when it comes to congo, thank you, mr bringing up what the united states is doing for the congo, that flag is behind you at morehouse, mr. president, could you tell me what the african union is doing as well when it e president biden: whas question? reporter: your question was haiti. can the united states and kya or the nations collectively break the back of coordinated grip on the nation?. the very way we are doing it. we are not talking about any thousand person army. this is
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deal with this in ath and we multinational approach leading d providing intelligence as wella. esidt ruto: gangs and criminals do not have nationalities. they have no religion. they have no language. their language is, to deal with them [indiscernible] and we are building a coaon of nations beyond kenya and the making contributionso us toree that country and to break the back ofhe the
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criminals that have visited untold suffering in that country the e.u., the african community have seized that are kenya h 1,000 troops in haiti. we nowe 800 not in ha another 800ps -- [indiscernible] >> we are having a meeting of the east african community and my minister, my foreign minister, we had a conversation and shortly we will be in how te oc■ and nairobi process because we believe there is no military solution going on but
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instead be able to give up the necessary momentum and outcomes that will both the e.u east african community know that much. we know that the humanitarian crisis has displaced close to 7 million to thank the united states of america for spepg in with humanitarian support for that region because it is a collaboration of diffent countries in different ways to gain in that situation without committing troops. we are committing -- deploying our infrastructure to the resolution
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let ask nancy from kenya. reporter: africa is leading the way■ in its contribution to the [indiscernible]lopment developi- president ruto: -- president biden: i didn't catch all your question. >> america is asking to lead the way and national development assistance to help developing countries to access financing -- [indiscernible] commitment. the united states has long
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championed financial institutions that provide to countries. and my administration designed new initiatives and providing low-cost taking steps to enhance theirresience t th have the capital tomake sur invest. we heard them and stand with them■>. we work with congress to enable the united states to make available in the coming weeks up to $21 billion in new funding resources, trust fund that the d when you are in debt having to find someone to h out. we believe supporting friends and t happy to do our part. and look, we have doubled our commitment to the idea and i am
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proud the united states the biggest donor and proud to be working along kenya address their investment needs. there is debt and growth and you have to deal with the debt tryio useding organizations to provide that capability so people can that's what it's about. rnle chatter] press conference. thanks everybody.[[captions copl cable satellite corp. 2024] >> thanks everybody, this


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