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tv   President Biden Kenyan President Toasts at State Dinner  CSPAN  May 23, 2024 11:39pm-11:52pm EDT

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♪ ♪ >>■4■ as is custom we will h frd presidentto, highlightinge lastr was honored was 2003.
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no african nation hasne since george w. bush hosted ghana's president in>>elcome to. the white house never looked this good. [applause] >> there's a bright light in the white tonight,e and accommodating. jill and ire you here)9, representing the members of the african diaspora. one just left. you have been very gracious. morning, he was here a while ago. what i would like to do, president ruto, we share
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strong respect for the history we can access together. president carter was the first president to host leaders of kenya at an official breakfast -- excuse me, dinner saidountert said that he called the two nations neighbors and like neighbors -- i've got to get his quote right. shareeighbors he said, we do beliefs in democracy, dignity, and equality and we want to share that with everyone here. e strength and let me end irish toast if you do not mind an irish toast.
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made the road rise to meet you, may the wind always be at your back and the sunshine warm on your face. may the rains fall softly until we main, may god hold you in the palm of his hand. to kenya. enjoy your dinner. >> thank you, thank mr. president.
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i thank you, mr. predent for your invitation for me to undertake this visit. we have received the hospitality of the american people. asthe and generosity of the american people greatlyanappreciation ofr achievements and in keeping this nationa thriving global and it magnifies our experience of the beauty, of the greatness of this land.
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we are proud of the robust on security■i, people to people ties between our two nations and their shared values, which form a very strong bond of friendship between us. we gather here oha nation to fur strengthen friendship, solidarity and mutual endeavors that havedecades. has cap a strong. ur pursuit of friendship, we
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take ai firm stance for democray in a world where troubles have shaken the faith of many. for serity as the he encz of freedom for all of creation --, enterprise and innovation. and for prosperity, for the ultimate good of our nations and our people, so ricy deserve. i e past 60 years which have given people hope, saved lives, increased
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we investment and made the world morewhat we have is nothing short of phenomenal. we can now face a complex and challenging future with great confidence in the knowledge that our collective commitment to oue hold our ground and stay the we will deliver to our people a world in which it is safe to dream, to work and to prosper. madame first lady, you have been so kind. tkwe have shared your home for
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daysnd have been treated with manifest generosity. this is a warm, wonderful, beautiful place and we are blessed to have been privileged it is now my daughter to ask you ladies and raise your glasses join me in a toast to t well-being and long life of president joe biden and first lady, jill biden. for the continue security of the people of the united states and the interrin bonds of and solidarity of kenya and unto the president.
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and bloodsoaked surf and met death on an even plane the sonsd their own attacks and that exact moment on these beaches, the forces of freedom turned the tide of the 20th century. >> it was hard and long and traveled by weary and valiant men. history will always record where that road began. egan here with the first footprints on the beaches of norman more than 150,000 s set off toward this tiny sliver of upon which hung more than the fate of a war. but rather, the cours history. >> we remember those


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