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tv   British Labour Party Leader Responds to General Election Date  CSPAN  May 24, 2024 5:29am-5:39am EDT

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easy. i can't say the same thing for the labor party because i don't know what they offer and in truth, i don't think you know either.
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and with a clear plan and bold action will deliver a secure future for you, your family and our united kingdom. >> thank you.
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thank you. tonight the prime minister has announced the next general election. a moment that will make history. but no matter, it will change for the better. your future, your community. it will change the labor party. but all we ask now humbly is to do exactly the same for our country. and return britain to the service of working people. for that purpose we offer three reasons to change britain.
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look around your country, the sewage in our rivers and people waiting on trolleys, crime virtually unpunished, mortgages, food prices through the roof. a vote to stop the chaos. two, because it's time for change. our offer is to reset
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both our economy and policies so that they once again serve the interest of working people. with a new border security.
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harness great british energy to cut your bills for good. tackle anti-social behavior and get the teachers we need in your children's classroom. but most importantly of all, we do all this with a new spirit of service. country first. party second. a rejection of the politics you'll see in this campaign i have no doubt. as leader of the proud prosecution service. and i helped the police service in northern island to gain the consent of all communities. service of our country is the reason and the only reason why i am standing here now.
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asking for your vote. i believe that commitment to service there is so much pride and potential. so here it is. the future of the country in your hands. on the fourth of july, you have the choice.
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