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tv   Vice President Harris Others at U.S.- Kenya Economic Partnership Forum  CSPAN  May 24, 2024 11:02am-12:31pm EDT

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anxious or disquieted. but with the peace we find in you, would that we be patient in our suffering. content in all uncertainty. as servants of your grace plan, may we keep ourselves fueled and ready, cheerfully expecting your answers to our deepest needs. we will persevere in prayer. praying all the harder in times of stress and hardship for our hope is in you, o god, in you rests our hope and our salvation. by the strength you provide, we are bold to present ourselves and our prayers to you this day. amen. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to section 3-z of house resolution 5, the journal of the last day's proceedings is approved. the chair will lead the house in the pledge of allegiance. i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under god,
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indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. pursuant to section 3-z of house resolution 5, the house stands adjourned until 2 p.m. on tuesday, may 28, 2024.
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vice chair and president of microsoft. we are joined as well by his excellency the prime cabinet secretary and secretary for foreign and diaspora affairs and their respective witnesses to finalize a series of signing agreements. we are joined as well bring the c.e.o. of g42. this letter of intent of $1 billion investment will be led by g42.
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to build a state of the art green data center in okaria, kenya. congratulations on this $1 billion letter of intent. [applause] let's give that
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another round of applause. with this last signature we conclude the m.l.u. and deal signing ceremony. we celebrate the partnerships forum today and bright future ahead and we thank his excellency for being a witness of the power what this partnership can bring and being a critical partner in making this possible. thank you very much. [applause]
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>> in kenya, beauty is everywhere. etched in our golden sun sets and generally kissing the horizon. dancing along our beaches and driving the heart of our vibrant culture. welcome to magical kenya. it takes a lot to protect this paradise. this ecosystem is a treasure irreplaceable and fragile. the heartbeat of our land is stand by those who believe in this magic. >> it is time for humanity to step up and deliver its most bake mandate to protect life on earth and integrity of our planet's vital systems and make the world more liveable.
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>> in the face of the biodiversity crisis kenya leads the way. we harness the power of the sun, wind, water and earth to guide us to a sustainable future. >> the united nations climate convention we have committed to restore and conserve and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. the objective is to grow five billion trees in the next five years and additional 10 billion trees by 2032. >> ken is unwavering in its pursuit of conservation and has welcomed the use of electric vehicles. we invest in the very essence of our nation. for over a century we have regarded kenya's rich
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biodiversity setting aside national parks, reserves, 53 sanctuaries and conservancies. we ensure the survival of our pressures wildlife. it offers an opportunity to raise funds and support conservation efforts ensuring a future for elephants. it is about expanding habitats, expanding connect activity and empourbg communities. >> because of community contributing we have seen many more human conservation.
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>> these moves inspire the diversification of tourism and products supporting women and youth to benefit through the project. marine life is just as important as life on land. conservation along with the preservation of the marine life ensures the well-being of this life. through the ban on single use plastics the implementation of plastic-free parks and kenya ladies the way ensuring responsible practice by tour operators. our conservation areas remain clean. there work on this magnificent land isn't just for kenya. it is for all of humanity.
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eco-regards and travel certificate if i kaegs have sparked a green revolution. kenya boasts over 40 eco-rated accommodation facilities. eco-tourism is thriving with every breath, every man and every action kenya continues to save the future through conservation and sustainable tourism. we are living in the future. >> you have entered the future. a future ripe with potential driven by global partnerships committed to african equality, growth and a better planet for all of always. >> at this time we welcome it the stage senator chris koons of
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delaware. [speaking another language] >> what a wonderful morning this has been of a fantastic visit. the signings are just the next step in an important journey together between the united states and kenya and to the leadership of the chamber, to suzanne clark and american chairman and our incredible and talented ambassador and secretary of commerce, you have laid a wonderful foundation for
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a successful day here. i was thrilled to see my friend part of this development. kenya is a very special place for me because 40 years ago he was a student at the university of nairobi. i just last wind in a reunion of this group of students as we reflected on the impact kenya had on our lives but there is a positive trajectory today that is in large part because of the leadership of president ruto. there is a debate about what is the path forward for development, for hope and for opportunity. and on the continent of this century, the continent of africa, kenya is showing a path that i embrace and celebrate. a path rooted in democracy, transparency and rule of law and free enterprise system.
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because of president ruto and his energy, entrepreneur ship and vision, he is demonstrating what that looks like. i just mentioned to the president he has made very tough choices and he's in the midst of difficult leadership moments. and we in the united states need to recognize that and work with him. you just saw in that video powerful and important choices around conservation and around the preservation of the incredible wild life and open spaces of kenya partnered with putting human development at the center. many here know that kenya has incredible renewable energy resources as just announced with the data center powered completely by geothermal energy. the president has put climate as the center of economic development issues in kenya. we in the congress have our part to play in making the drama of
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the silicon savannah and manufacturing and development of export come true. we must reauthorize the african growth and opportunity act. when i was last in kenya we visited a number of manufacturing facilities within that is specifically now in kenya employing thousands because the apparel industry there has the opportunity to diversify away from china and other east asia manufacturing hbs and to the opportunities provided in the american mark. i have a bipartisan bill to extend that and we must do it for all that would seek to increase their investment in east africa. we must advance the u.s.-kenya negotiations which are a promising start and move forward with a free trade agreement. that would be the foundation on which we could build the next
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chapter of u.s.-kenyan personment i look forward to working with president ruto, president obama and vice president harris in delivering on that vision. thank you so much for today's work. >> introducing the honorable rebecca miano cabinet secretary of the ministry of investments trade, industry at the republic of kenya. >> thank you. thank you very much. my role today is to invite the president of the republic of kenya, but before i do that i will say one or two things. this state visit follows a
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commitment of deepening investment ties between the united states of america and kenya. we will ensure robust participation from the private sector. my ministry is committed to promote a strong business enabling environment and to facilitate trade and investment opportunities in kenya, forecast on key priority sectors, including agriculture, infrastructure, digital economy, and others. and other strategic trade and investment partnerships. we are negotiating high standard commitments in areas that will support and promote trade,
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including the msme and corruption, liberal and environment among others. i have assured, mr. president, that what is now required is the development of execution and to maintain momentum to bring to fruition what has been discussed and agreed during this state visit. i have assured the president that we will focus on implementing each amount every outcome of this visit. we will keep focused and create accountability and consistently report on the progress that we are making. and now, it is my pleasure and
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my honor to present the fifth president of the republic of kenya, who is an ardent supporter of business, trade and investment, mr. president. [applause] >> please join us in welcoming his excellency dr. william s. ruto president of the republic of kenya. pres. ruto: thank you. thank you very much. gina raimondo, u.s. secretary of commerce, the president appear c.e.o. of the u.s. chamber of commerce, business leaders and executives of u.s. corporations, ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of my delegation i thank you for
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the excellent work they have put into the preparation of this breakfast meeting. i'm delighted to have this opportunity to share with you various opportunities to leverage the strongin during and dynamic -- strong, enduring kenya and u.s. relationship and further enhance the partnerships between our business communities. this gathering comes just a month after the summit of 2024 in inside robbie. at -- nairobi. in that summit many of the entrepreneurs i see had a platform to collect and and interact with their counterparts in africa. this want gives us yet another chance to reflect on the outcomes of the nairobi summit and deliver in the way by which we can inject momentum into the
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bilateral trade and mac mac use them. we had a number of government to government and government to business deals and while additional agreements were unveiled earlier in the week during my visit here in atlanta. today i have witnessed the signing of yet another five deals at this event leaving no doubt the direction of our common endeavor and shape of the future we are building together. ladies and gentlemen, i take -- i will take a few minutes to outline the reasons for kenya's strong economic interest in promising collaboration and trade and investment between kenya and u.s. businesses. the aim of my address this morning is to affirm your
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confidence in entering or expanding your operations in or markets and answer the question what can we do for you and what can we do together. our commitment to eradicating unemployment and inequality through the undergives us the opportunity to forecast on effective strategies to deliver rapid and inclusive growth that is enhances productivity of millions of citizens. to do there we will promote strategic investments within the following sectors which are the strategic pillars of our planet. universal healthcare, food security, agriculture processing, affordable housing as seen in the assignment.
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micro, small and medium enterprises and the big space around digital infrastructure. investment to enhance the productivity of gagri creating employment opportunities in the agriculture sector and food sector. as was mentioned by my good friend senator coons. it is a big space for us and we have major capabilitys in that space and we have enhanced our tax incentives to facilitate more companies to set up and expand our access to the market to the u.s. likewise, investment in the universal health coverage strategy includes vaccine and pharmaceutical manufacturing and production of medical commodities and biomedical
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supplies. this enhances or capacity to provide high quality health services to citizens, promote self-sufficiency as we were rudely told by covid-19, export to meet regional demand and create significant employment opportunities. specifically, we have in kenya a special economic zone that will focus on pharmaceutical manufacturing, and i invite companies who want to explore opportunities in that space. aside from that, giving incentives on buying from local manufactured products, you have the benefit of access to the east african market of 300 million people and by extension using the african continental
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area access to 1.4 billion people. if you are looking for market, if you're looking for opportunity, there you are. further, our commitment to enhance or technological system to attract companies and promote the incubation and scale up have silicon african. our digital super highway program which involves laying an extra 100,000 kilometers of fiber optic infrastructure and establishing digital nationwide to create a system to promote the digital service and products. additionally, leveraging on our huge green energy potential that enables kenya to quickly become
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a global leader in the establishment of world class green data infrastructure. you see this morning we signed the deal which we have witnessed between microsoft, eco-cloud and g42 to build a one gig watt data sphere using u.s. technology, capability and kenya's geothermal resources. demonstrating that the world is paying attention and investors like what at the see in kenya. [applause] pres. ruto: kenya's largest company have doubled workforce with 4,000 jobs of american
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clients to highlight the importance of i.t.c. sector. just two weeks ago i was opening one of the largest facilities. that is deploying technology to companies at&t, jetblue and other companies here in the u.s. additionally, kenya leads in e-mobility. yesterday we had a conversation about how we are hosting over 30 companies with them choosing kenya to make great things happen around e-mobility. we are pushing the horizon. the kenyan government, in the next poles framework, we will be eliminating all taxes for companies that will locally manufacture 100,000 two wheeler
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and four wheelers in kenya to provide market and government of kenya will be buying the first 5,000 units of e-enabled portfolio vehicles to facilitate government transportation and inspire companies that want to inspire investment in that. [applause] pres. ruto: our affordable housing program to construct 200,000 units annually over the next five years is a clear investment opportunity which also will not just create jobs but also creates opportunities for companies that can deploy modern technology in building houses affordably, sustainably and cost effectively. kenya is committed to attracting
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a lot of foreign direct investment by creating a stables transparent and predictable business environment continuously enhancing framework, regulatory and providing incentives across the board. our geo strategic position makes us the gateway to east and central africa as well as the entire african continent and nairobi is a strategic choice for international companies, international organizations and n.g.o.'s seeking to establish or expand their footprint in africa. kenya. [applause] >> thank you very much. you may want to know that kenya hosts the only u.n. agency and u.n. headquarters in the global south and it is globally known
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for our well educated and we are proud of them highly skilled and enterprising population including young men and women whose motivation reflects the entrepreneurial spirit of our nation. we spend the highest budget on education, training and skill. and we do not consider it as spending it. we consider it an investment because we have seen the return from our huge very well trained, motivated, creative, innovative human capital. through intensive and consistent investment in modern ever infrastructure to improve transport, communication and
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electrical activity it enforces its unique position as a gateway to east, central and southern africa. it is wise to point out that 92% of or national grid is -- of our in addition grid is powered by global energy and we aim to have 100% clean energy grid by 2032. [applause] pres. ruto: i know whenever i mention this, many people wonder how we have done it. i want to tell you it only happens in kenya. this places kenya in the lead in manufacturing, industrialization and production for the future while being in harmony with nature. recognizing that private sector plays requisite and the role
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private sector plays and is consistent and predictable of the environment including tax benefits for long-term investment so people can decide what they want to do and looking at the great horizon kenya has updated our tax policy guidelines. we are committed to continue this regime and we have agreed that we are going to have a steady tax regime for the next three years. let me also say we are doing this to meet the standards of stability and predictability that is required for any nation. so, minimum three years and in any event until our tax code meets the highest starpbz standards of applicantability. we have reviewed our digital and
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aligning it for cooperation and development commonly known as oecd. it will be processed within six months in which taxpayers can have their claim of future tax liability. we have had a big problem with companies who tell us that our tax refunds has been delayed. so we decided we need what the lawyers call quid pro quo. we need something to make it accomplished so any tax refunds
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verified will be paid within six months or up to six months those refunds with any tax that you are supposed to pay to government without any reference. [applause] pres. ruto: that way, everybody has an incentive to do the right thing. to accelerate the growth of high innovative entrepreneur ship and incubation of next global brands companies are exempt from paying tax on so we can build the next brands of companies. to encourage the growth we have abolished the rule of having a minimum 30% domestic equity. we google told me, mr.
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president, in your regulation we are supposed to have 30% equity for us to set up company in kenya. tell me which company is ready it pay 30% equity on google and there was no company. so we decided to removed the requirement at together because it was not making sense. today understood our new institutional position in considering of the regulatory regime over 100 foreign and local companies are thriving in our economic zone and every other parts of our economy. on these tkphreblg global brands they are growing in our export manufacturing facilities. last year american chamber of
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commerce summit in nairobi we committed to review our economic zones to remove impediments to attracting foreign investment in higher numbers. it is catalyzing invest many, appear creating jobs an nationals wealth. the exports to the u.s. reaced $544 million with brands electric levi and lee and creating over 12,000 jobs in the last that years. we are trying it enhance the economic zone scheme by the ends of this year and i have given very firm instructions to accelerate that un -- endeavor.
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our paper -- partnership has improved the environment to open discussion with investors and american mission of inside r.b.i. and -- nairobi. forums like these are crucial opportunities for us to answer the critical question that implicitly arises when i meet investors, what can i do to you. that is the constant question. it sustain the momentum of our progress the ty lateral -- try lateral business has been launch ed in a mandate and -- and mandate today meet every quarter to address challenges created by investors in kenya and specifically u.s. investors in
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kenya. our readiness to participate in processes like this are what kenya values the 400 u.s. companies away engage with and american chamber of commerce summit and hundreds that have chosen kenya as the deposition nation for regional -- destination to ensure that companies like amazon, apple, citigroup, coca-cola -- i had an opportunity to witness the investment by coca-cola of another $175 million in our countries. dell, del monte, general electric, i.b.m. microsoft, oracle, synergy. do i continue? all of these --
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[applause] pres. ruto: and i have not mentioned them in orders of any priority. these are all of our companies and we have fantastic relationships with them. we want all of them to guarantee maximum investments by working in kenya, working in kenya and working with kenya. and the entire government it make kenya the best place it to do business globally has grown fruit. it is ranked the third most attractive place to do business in africa by the world bank. i appreciate that. [applause] pres. ruto: i appreciate the american chamber of commerce and kenya leadership and u.s. a.m. bossor to kenya, mega -- meg
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whitman. meg whitman is a godsend and she is done sometimes single handedly with her team in nairobi what orders narrowly would be in the realm of miracles. her leadership in establishing and sustaining conversations and dialogue and pursuing implementation through effective collaboration has been outstanding. it has been fascinating to observe her in action. she that is notably introduced a culture in my administration. we have addressed some of the issues i mentioned in my
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statement it conclusion. it feels at least -- it was at least nine. this year she brought another list of nine that i promise that our team willfully address to for the strengthen the business climate. here is an historic opportunities it unlock kenya's vast potential to increase opportunities for trade 20 deliver profit blgt to millions of kenyans for now and generations to come. kenya works and we mean business. >> when it comes to investments we are ready for you.
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together, let's bring your vision to reality and let us build kenya together with your companies. what we can do for you in 2024, that is my statement. thank you very much. god bless you. [applause] >> please join us in welcoming to stage suzanne p. clark president and c.e.o. of the u.s. chamber of commerce for the presentation of the u.s. africa business center's outstanding leaders awards. >> thank you so much, mr. president. kenya works. what can we do for i. and we mean business.
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the chamber works and we mean business and what can we do for you. thank you for those insightful remarks. in recognition of your work to promote solutions and steadfast effort to grow kenya's economy it is my honor to presents to you the u.s.-africa business center's outstanding leaders awards. president ruto is just the fourth ever recipient of this award. we are so grateful for your leadership and we are committed partners. thank you, mr. president. pres. ruto: thank you.
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>> please welcome back suzanne p. clark, president and c.e.o. of the u.s. chamber of commerce. >> ladies and gentlemen, excellencies, excellencies, ladies and gentlemen, we invite you to take your seats as we await the arrival of the vice
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president of the united states who will be joined on stage by his excellency president william ruto and u.s. ambassador to kenya meg whitman. we invite you to take your seats and enjoy this video while they prepare to come back on stage.
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>> please welcome back suzanne p. clark president and c.e.o. of the u.s. chamber of commerce.
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>> i'm trying to decide if i should say good morning or good afternoon. i have lost track of time but thank you so much for everyone for being here today. it is an historic day for the united states and for the u.s. chamber of commerce. we are celebrating the 60th anniversary of u.s.-kenya diplomatic relations and marking the first state visit by an african president since 2008. i think we can all agree that 16 years is far too long but we are hopeful that president ruto's time in washington will usher in a new era of regular state visits by african leaders. we have brought together senior government officials, business partners as we observe world trade month and on the eve of africa day. what better time could there be
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to illustrate the importance of person between the united states and kenya. what better platform to elevate the trade and investment ties between us and demonstrate the bright future for the strategic relationship. to underscore that i want to focus on three ideas. we heard in the video, collaboration, opportunity and innovation. it has long been a part of the work in kenya to bring partners together to advance commercial cooperation from heads of state to private sector leaders look our close friends. we give a voice through the u.s. -- africa business center which has wanted better ties since 2009. we provide a platform for the american business community to work directly with kenyan leaders from convening
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presidential executive roundtable at the u. this. general believe is short after to the 2023 u.s.-kenya bilateral strategic dialogue. we travel the globe leading trade missions for the business summit and kenya conference to convenient a dialogue on the a.f.c. f.t.a. digest pro bowl and numerous delegations much private sector executives including last month to coincide with secretary raimondo's visit. our goal is to deepen american business ties with kenya and the why behind that as you well know is opportunity. east africa led by kenya continues to be one of the engines of growth on the continent and global economy. kenya is home to one of africa's most diversified and fastest growing economies. with a young entrepreneurial
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population and talented workforce it is increasingly a vibrant hub of economic activity. in kenya we see a country of limitless private sector potential if we are willing to seize it and the chamber is working to make than. 24 years ago this week the chamber helped lead the charge for congressional package of the african growth an opportunity act which has been an important corner stone of the partnership. lake many champions in it room including senator chris coons who recently introduced a bill to the senate we support reauthorization. and in 2020 right here in this great hall the kenyan government announced its intention to negotiate a free trade game with the united states. we immediately launched a working group to exchange ideas and seek common ground and we cn of a robust trade and investment
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agreement. as we lord moments ago from president ruto, kenya deeply understands its future is tied to how they trade with countries around the world and at the chamber we know when the u.s. trades and invests with other countries we are not just creating jobs here in the united states but deepening important strategic partnerships and advancing free enterprise around the world. finally i want to touch on innovation because it is that which will shape our future and how the u.s. and kenya will tackle shared challenges. kenya is known for its silicon savannah. it is a reflection of the role as a had been for innovation and role u.s. companies like google and i.b.m. have played and will play there. to foster even greater
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innovation the u.s. chamber is pleased to announce today a green tech business mission we look forward to organizing in partnership with the u.s. government. we want to show case the promise of u.s. green technology and provide a platform for real discussion about projects, innovative solutions an interrogatory best practices. so that is the topic of the next discussion. we are fortunate to hear more about the power of public-private partnerships with three of the top decision makers on u.s.-ken why policy. leading our discussion is the former c.e.o. putting decades of experience to worker business our envoy thigh robe meg whitman. our two feature guests have both worked hard to support the tech ecosystem in africa. vice president camp will maris has spearheaded public private partnerships at home and abroaded a traveled to africa
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last year for a three country tour putting the spotlight on opportunities to invest in african innovation and tkphraoeuzing new initiative to promote digital inclusion. joining her of course is our very special guest of honor president william ruto a successful businessman who made digital storm makes a signatures initiate active of his administration. please join me in giving president ruto, vice president harris and ambassador whitman a worm wac. [applause] -- a warm welcome. >> good morning, and thank you both for joining us. it is really a privilege for the chamber of commerce and our
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audience. madam vice president i will start with you if you don't mind. you have been a leader on africa policy in the biden harris administration. you visited suzanne mentioned ghana, tanzania and we missed you in kenya. vp harris: i will get there. amb whitman: you focused on investing in innovation, young people and women. why did you take that approach and what did you learn that was technically interesting? >> thank you, madam ambassador,ed a present it is good to be with you on the stage. i strongly believe that we are at a moment where we should revisit and upgrade and update the narrative of the relationship between the united states and the continent of africa. when you think about the
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continent, the median age is 19 years old, 19. it is predicted that by 2050 one in four people occupying space on mother earth will be on the continent of africa. so, when i think of it just from that perspective, many could rightly argue that the future is on the continent of africa. [applause] vp harris: yes. i also think -- i will speak very candidly here -- that we have to revisit and revise the narrative around the relationship in a way that appreciates that ours, the role of the united states, should not be one of been -- been never
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lance but of partnership. so it is not is not about aid b investment and understanding the capacity that exists and has been proven to be strong on the continent and, therefore, is worthwhile in terms of an investment. nessing that it will -- understanding that it will yield a great return. when i think of your leadership in kenya it is evidence of the imperative of the united states partnering with kenyans, with the kenyan government, in a way that recognizes the extraordinary opportunity for continued investments and innovation, thinking of what we must do as a global community around addressing climate
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crisis, what we can do we can do through investments that make clear and real what we know to be the broad-based economic growth that occurs every where you invest in women. doing that work through a partnership that also appreciates that it is good for american business to be invested in relationships that contribute to global stability. global stability, of course, results also in global economic stability. for all these reasons i simply believe it is the right thing to do, not to mention, the intertwined history between the continent and our country. if we are going to be at all forward thinking, it's imperative. as vice president, as a devout
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public servant, sadly often our strategy around foreign policy is based on the crisis at the moment. part of how i think of the future and the imperative relationship with african nations is based on a vision that public policy be formed and implemented now based on a vision for the next 10, 20, 50 years. it brings me back to the continent of africa and kenya as an example of vibrant partnership. >> good. thank you very much. doing things before you have a crisis is a lot easier than waiting until afterwards. mr. president, you have been a tremendous champion for tax innovation in kenya and its ability to spur economic development and promote economic activity.
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also advancing gender equality and inclusion. i would love to hear your point of view on the power of technology and what it can do for kenya. for those of you that do not know, kenya was the largest destination for start up capital on the continent in 20 23 ahead of nigeria, south africa, and egypt. that is a remarkable achievement. pres. ruto: thank you very much. and it thank you very much vice president harris for finding time to engage with us in this important american chamber of commerce kenya meeting. speaking about tech technology and opportunities in the technology space, throwing things come to mind. technology is the facility, the instrument that we can use to
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leapfrog africa from where we are to the next to catch up with the rest of the world. we have the youngest population. the population is tech hungry. the population, we have the opportunity to shape it in the direction in which we think it should. that's why a country like kenya is investing 30% of our budget in education, training, knowledge, and skills. we are investing $5 billion every year. i said earlier, this is money we believe is an investment because if there is a single most important asset we have, it is human capital. as my sister kamala said, we are looking at a continent that will have 25% of the world's
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population by 2050, 40% of the world's workforce will be from the african continent. therefore, it is not only about labor. therefore, you need the correct quality of labor. it is also about the market. the biggest market ever will exist in the african continent. therefore, technology is the biggest enabler, the biggest multiplier of what can be done. i see it every day. for example, to kenya from a banking ratio of i think about 20% and tripled it. just using technology. many more canyon -- kenyans including my mother that has not been to school opened an account
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. she knows how. that happened to many people in kenya. we look at technology as an enabler and mechanism through which we can use the biggest resource we have in our young people and also use it to better agriculture, health, education, tax collection, government subsidies. in fact, for kenya, we are moving all government subsidies. we have moved 17,000 governmental services onto a platform where the future is. that is how we can efficiently deliver government services. cost effectively deliver government services. accountable he deliver government services. for accountability, efficiency,
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efficacy, technology enables us to do all that much more efficiently. therefore, met him kamala -- madame kabbalah harris you are focused in the right direction on technology, digital space, young people, women. that is the space that will give us the greatest output as we go into the future. it is, the reason just before you came in that we signed a -- into a billion-dollar investment using american technology from microsoft, capabilities from g 42, capital resources from g 42, and renewable energy from kenya. because, kenya has the extra asset of having tech savvy human capital.
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the 42 will tell you, microsoft will tell you, some of their best human capital comes from kenya. [] applause] ambassador whitman: madame vice president you might be interested to know kenya is home to the only semiconductor technology on the continent and 70% of their engineers are women. pretty remarkable. fantastic. ambassador whitman: i know how hard you have worked on the digital inclusion projects. you will talk about the progress you made building on the trip you made to africa. can you bring us up to speed on what you have accomplished and how you are feeling about the program? vice pres. harris: i will. first i must thank you meg whitman for taking up to the position of being ambassador. i have known the ambassador for
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a long time, i say with a bit of bravado as a proud californian, and your work and your groundbreaking work in technology is extraordinary. this is just the perfect moment that you would step up and serve in this capacity and i thank you for that. thank you. thank you. digital inclusion was at the heart of the idea for this initiative that is focused on the continent and i want to thank a few people that i know are here. brad smith is here. michael knew back is here. it was companies like microsoft, mastercard, foundations, melinda french gates was one of the earliest to contribute as much as $10 million for the women, the digital inclusion focused on women, the ford foundation. essentially, this is how it all happened. the simplified version.
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i got on the phone and called a bunch of people. i called to say, i know that you have some interest based on the work you have done before. can we collaborate? in a focused way that develops some energy around a public/private partnership? the foundation for the work being digital inclusion, understanding all business at this point is technology business and any business, in economy -- an economy that is going to grow, much less be sustainable between now and the future, must integrate, adapt, and adopt technology. in an institutional way. this includes, as you have described, mr. president, your mother. it must be the people, not just the governments and corporations, that understand how technology works. another piece of the focus was something i have long believed.
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if we are focused on strengthening economies, one of the smartest ways to do that is to invest in women. the reality is when you improve the economic conditions of women, you improve the economic condition of families, communities, and all of society benefits. a lot of the work, in terms of the initial design, was to think of it that way. it was also to lay her upon the initiative, what are the current crises we must address in a way that we see economic growth opportunity? the climate crisis being an obvious one. the climate crisis having a direct impact on the agricultural economy. knowing then that we are developing the most extraordinary smart technology to help farmers. and when they have access to technology, when they are able to get online, the services that
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are available will help them with crop management, will help them determine what crop they should plant this season based on satellite technology that can predict the weather. so, they are not bound by tradition. technology that helps farmers determine whether there is too much water in drought conditions used on a specific plant. it too much fertilizer, which we know impacts the climate. all of this is facilitated. these traditions. these traditional ways of either growing or not growing economies can be facilitated, like you said, mr. president, when we look at the inclusion. so, we developed a partnership that is a public and private partnership. i know michael and brad talked earlier about what we are doing specifically. but, the vision is that we can,
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u.s. businesses in particular, can partner with our allies in a way that is investing in infrastructure. that allows these economies to thrive. i will also say that i am a big believer in public private partnerships for two main reasons. one, we in government have this scale. we have the ability to scale. but truly, the private sector has the depth of skill and expertise often. when you combine it with the scaled capacity of government it can have a profound impact on large populations. the second point i will make, especially as vice president, is through these public/private partnerships i can speak with our allies, are potential partners around the globe. i am doing this work in the northern part of central america. i can sit down with leaders and explained that private investment, u.s. investment, will be dependent and reliant on
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rule of law. on democracy. on and adherence and respect for human rights. understand, then, in that way, the power of public/private partnerships especially talking about the relationships around the globe. understanding that increasingly, u.s. business is interdependent with our allies and nations around the world. these partnerships then make a lot of sense. ambassador whitman: let me follow that up quickly. we have just a few more minutes. mr. president, tell us a little bit how you think about the partnerships and how you think about americans and the american companies and how they are helping you to skill, to build out this ecosystem? pres. ruto: vice president harris said a very profound thing about relationships.
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building the correct relationship. we need to recalibrate our engagement. let me start with where we were at the africa climate summit last year. at the africa climate summit last year we pushed to change the narrative around africa. for a long time, it was about the blame game. who caused this? why did this happen? we decided we can't continue to be in the victim's corner. let's get ourselves and project a new narrative. kenya and africa can be part of the solution. [applause] . for a moment, it looked strange. people were wondering, we
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thought we were systems of climate change. how can we be part of the solution? we are saying we have the largest resources of renewable energy. we have the youngest population. we have 60% of the world that can use a smart agriculture. we have natural carbon sinks. we have the largest minerals necessary for electric transition. why is a rich continent in the corner looking weak, defeated, a victim? we decided to change the narrative. for the first time we had a different conversation. since we have tremendous potential, discussing how to move this towards opportunity and investment. that's the conversation. that is point number one. we have work to do on our side.
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our partners, like the u.s. house have wanted to do. aid will not get us anywhere. extracting raw materials from africa won't get us anywhere. it is a balance. we must stop the extraction but also think about outside aid. the place to think is investment. when you are thinking investment , you must think about how to bring both public and private investment. that is why private/public engagement is ultimate. it's necessary. i will give you examples. we have the most modern expressway in nairobi. it was not built using government money. it was built using private sector money in a ppp framework. it's working.
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now i am doing a ppp framework to transmit energy. we are doing transmission lines in kenya. why should the government invest money in a transition line when we can only pay a weighting charge for somebody in the private sector that can invest their money? we are looking at how we can do it with airports, ports, the rest. that way, we can bring huge investment money into our economies without necessarily adding debt or looking for aid. let me give you a perfect example today here. we just signed an investment of $1 billion. it would take me ages to get $1 billion from any government including the american government. vice pres. harris: it would take
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us along too. [laughter] pres. ruto: perhaps, the private sector can do it. they will bring the billion dollars. because it makes business sense to them. they are investing. they will make money. we will use our geothermal. we will employ our young people. they will pay taxes. everybody will win. they will make progress. we must all so -- also as governments, as africa, make ourselves investment ready. so, by eliminating barriers, eliminating roadblocks, making it easy for those that want to invest in our corner to do so. that is why, one more thing. that is why we are having an engagement. to make sure that africa is not unfairly profiled as a risky continent, thereby making
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investors. it is the reason that i must thank president bynum profusely. he agreed with me that we need a reform of the international financial architecture to make it more fair, so that all countries, all continents can have the finances without unnecessary profiling and without making them pay more than they should. believe you me, i think we are having the right conversation. i think we are having the correct conversation. a conversation around having a level playing field so that both public, and especially the private sector, can do what they do best. and, government can facilitate and do what we do best.
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vice pres. harris: thank you. it is my responsibility to get madame vice president to the lunch she is hosting. i want to commend your leadership on the subject. thank you for what you do for africa. if you want to say one last word, a round of applause for the vice president. she has done a remarkable, remarkable job. vice pres. harris: i will emphasize the point that president ruto told me. the capacity we have in public private partnerships is being illustrated around our focus on the continent of africa. let it be an example. as we think about future forward policy, that is where the future is. we in government and do not have -- not only necessarily in the depths of the skill, but we cannot pull together the billions of dollars, to your point, that we can do with these kinds of partnerships that will have exponential, immediate
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impact. i will close with this. president ruto, i think your trip and your visit, this state visit is, history will show, an inflection point in how we are revising and upgrading the narrative about the relationship between the united states and the continent of africa. thank you for that. thank you. thank you very much.
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>> our stories begin right here and we never write them alone. the pages we love to read again and again. some would want to tear out. the stories our dreams. stories are created. stories of strivers and believers. we are inspired by them all. we invite you to write your story with us. your story matters. >> please, welcome the ceo of alpha bank kenya pic.
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>> please turn your attention to this stage. the program was about to resume.
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-- is about to resume. >> welcome the ceo of amgen kenya.
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>> thank you very much. i have, should i say, the fortune of being the last speaker today. my role is to basically give a vote of thanks. for your excellencies, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen. on behalf of the leadership of the u.s. chamber, i extend our heartfelt gratitude for your presence at this landmark u.s. kenya business forum. today event, building on the recent amcham business summit in nairobi marks a significant step forward in the kenya u.s. commercial partnership.
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president ruto, vice president harris, and secretary raimondo, who have spoken just before me, your attendance has caused a deep bond between our nations and commitment to fostering economic prosperity and cooperation. thank you for honoring us with your presence. this morning and this afternoon. to all of our distinguished speakers, thank you for sharing your expertise and lighting the way for enhanced bilateral trade and investment. finally, a very special thank you to our part -- sponsors for the general support. your contributions are vital to forging partnerships that will drive innovation and prosperity for generations. to all of our guests, thank you for your participation. your engagement reaffirms the importance of our collaborative
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investments. tonight we reflect on president ruto's historic visit. let's seize the opportunity to transcend the bonds of friendship and cooperation between kenya and as the united states. together, we can unlock the vast potential within our countries and create a lasting legacy of prosperity. yes, investing in africa is a good idea. however, investing in kenya, that is an even better idea. thank you all. have a wonderful afternoon ahead. [applause] >> on behalf of the u.s. chamber of commerce and our sponsors and partners, we hope you enjoyed the u.s. kenya business forum. please join us in a final thank you to our esteemed speakers and panelists today. with a special appreciation to our honored guests, his
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excellency dr. william s ruto, the president of the republic of kenya. we wish you all a wonderful rest of your day. >> c-span campaig 2020 four cora continues live from the three day libertarian national convention starting today at 3:30 p.m. eaer ghlights include independent presidential candidate robert f. kennedy, jr. followed by a vice presidential debate featuring for that kwok ramaswamy on 8:00 p.m. eastern. then at c-span at 8:00 p.m. eastern, presumptive president donald trump will speak before the delegates and sunday at 9 p.m. eastern the party announces its delegate for the presidential election. the libertarian national convention live today at 3:30 p.m. eastern. c-span now, our free mobile video app and online at
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mark train worked as a senate staffer. >> he was not yet a famous author. he was a promising rising author. he was working on his first book. he was looking for a job that would help pay the bills to essentially promote his writing career. stewart, despite his sinister appearance, did give him a job. he became a clerk in stuart's office. at that time, it wasn't unusual because the senate only met a few months out of the year and they often hired reporters and correspondents as clerks for mutual beneficial experiences for both of them. he did not prove to be a particularly good senate employee. >> betty koed sunday night at 8:00 p.m. eastern on c-span's q&a. listen to c-span's q&a and all our podcasts on our free c-span now app. >>


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