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tv   Washington Journal Open Phones  CSPAN  May 24, 2024 3:40pm-4:30pm EDT

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stress, particularly the courts. the courts stood up in 2020 with all of these election challenges whether they were republican or democratic child -- judges they followed the law. i feel good about that. i am concerned about project 2025 that we keep hearing about that the trump administration would likely populate itself with many folks who would carry out the worst impulses of donald trump, pulling out of nato and i wonder what would happen putting in people who would want to weaponize the department of justice to go after political enemies as i think the former president suggested that he would. i do worry about that and i would like to think that our democracy will hold. i do not have any crystal ball to tell people what that administration would look like and how the country would react. i am concerned going forward because we are so divided that
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there could be civil disorder after the election because a lot of folks do not feel that those results would be legitimate. that is an issue that we must address as a country. so i am fearful of what life could be like after the election. host: the group is our republican legacy. you can find them online atour republican charlie dent a senior advisor. and on start calling in. headlines from the hearing yesterday on capitol hill for the education and workforce committee in the house. this is the chronicle headline. another hearing aimed at higher ed, college presidents fight back. in this headline from fox news. elise stefanik spars with the head of top school overfilling
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grates on anti-semitism. a stunning whistleblower claims that the head of the school, here is that exchange from yesterday. >> the adl released its report card for the universities response to anti-semitism and you are aware that northwestern university is the only university whose grade was downgraded. >> i am aware of that. >> is it true northwestern earned an aft? -- earned an f. >> i have great respect for the adl. >> is it a fact that you earned an f and they called for your resignation. >> i have great respect for the adl. >> it is true you got an f. let me tell you why. i want to hear about your unilateral capitulation to the pro-hamas, anti-israel, anti-semitic encampments.
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let's talk about what has occurred on this encampment. isn't it true that a jewish northwestern student was assaulted? >> i want to question the premise of your question. i am asked -- >> i am asking the questions, you are answering. you are required to answer. >> isn't it true that a jewish northwestern student was assaulted? >> your allegation that a jewish student was assaulted, we are investigating those allocations. >> isn't it true that a jewish student was harassed and stopped to hillel. >> there are allegations and we are investing them. >> isn't it true that a jewish student wearing a yarmulke was spat on? >> how long are these -- all of these are incidents that are being investigated. >> how long are these
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investigations going to take? >> we believe investigations. >> when will the investigations be finalized? >> they will be finalized when the conduct office and the title vi office, which are well on this issue -- >> this is why you ever earned an f. host: just one of the exchanges with the heads of three universities. "the new york times university leaders say a complex summer many officials may be confronting federal investigations, disputes over student discipline, and the prospects the protest will start all over in the fall. in the wake of the protests and the third congressional hearings with the president of universities from around the country we are asking you if these campus protests have impacted your view of higher education. if you say yes, (202) 748-8000.
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if you say no, (202) 748-8001. the line for students and administrators, (202) 748-8002. already looking fr comments from social media. craig on facebk saying "absolutely. e se of anti-semitism on college campuses is shopping. recall the protests during the vietnam war but that was a different matter. something is dangerously wrong in academia with collagen ministries tolerating such behavior." jan facebook says "they have reinforced the notion that college are indoctrination factories and not institutions of higher education." we especially want to hear with you on the phone lines. shannon calls in from south portland, maine on the line for students. good morning. caller:.
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my name is shannon and i'm currently at the university of southern maine. these college protests have affected me. they motivated me to stay in college longer because they are out there doing the good work. out there fighting the cops and counter protesters throwing things at them. it is a shame we do not have anything up here in maine. we have something with bowdoin college and it is nice to see there is support. i would be in new york if i could. i do not have the financial resources to get down there. it is insane to see the administrators so far removed from these students that they are willing to be embattled with people paying their salaries. we are just sitting here in awe waiting for something to happen and we have the president not listening to anybody but people
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listen to benjamin netanyahu as soon as he gives a phone call. it is insanity. host: when you hear someone write on this question that these protests have reinforced the notion that colleges are indoctrination factories, what do you say to that? caller: indoctrination of education and learning how to become a lawyer or educator? if you are afraid to educate yourself on a topic in face the things you are scared to face you should not be in college to begin with. host: when you said at the beginning this is motivating you to stay in college longer, what does that mean? are you going back for a graduate degree? are you graduating this year? caller: i've been messing around and i forgot what i had. i am a veteran so i get tuition assistance and i've been in and out of focus.
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if these kids are sitting here paying top dollars for education i will have to sit my butt in class and get this done. caller: host: where did you serve? caller: marine corps in pensacola. host: what did you study? caller: media studies but i'm change my degree to teaching. host: what you want to teach? caller: history. host: why do you want to teach history? caller: you see these things happen and happen and happen over and over again. you try to put it in current context and people put into context that does not make sense. they will say the founding fathers were about freedom and democracy but they had slaves. these contradictions that keep appearing within our history.
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we keep seeing the same things happen over and over again and do not do anything about it. people say things are wrong. then you get the people in power being like everything is fine. you may be suffering but part of that suffering is the way life is. host: what are today's contradictions? caller: israel, they keep saying it is a war but it is such a lopsided genocide that we have people -- we have aid workers saying we are getting shot out by the idf, we have bombs, where are the hamas jets, the bombs? all i see is the idf carpet bombing apartment buildings. all i see is people getting shot at the border. when they started to get up and get motivated people get upset and they tried to shut them down
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and then when they get shut down we start to see benjamin netanyahu get all kinds of press. he is everywhere. they just invited him to congress. they invited someone who has warrants on him to congress. our congress. and then we have that marjorie taylor greene who spits venom at everybody and anybody they want. then when aoc pipes up a little bit they shut her down. i'm not even in aoc fan. is insanity. host: when you say you want to teach, what age group you want to teach? caller: high schoolers. preferably seniors to give them the boost before they go out into the real world. host: thank you for calling in from maine. maryland.
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good morning. caller: i am glad you had the whole conversation with the last caller. i hope you have one with me as well. every time i call it you cut me off before i can say something. here is the thing. you cannot say anything about benjamin netanyahu or israel or your being anti-semitic. thank god for those college students. fox news has done everything possible to shield snowflake republicans from the reality of life in palestine or in gaza for years. you cannot have 2 million people who cannot define them, they are not citizens of any country,
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they are just there displaced and you keep bringing up we cannot have this terrorism. what do they do? just kill them all off? host: bring me to the college campus protests in your views on higher education? caller: thank you for those students. the students are finally awakening the conscious of the country. for months it was like nothing was going on in israel. fox news was telling us it was just about the 1200 killed in israel and they have the right to wipe out -- it is bad -- right now a lot more people are paying attention. if anybody listens to bernie sanders yesterday in the senate? i am pretty sure republicans cannot counter anything he said. bernie sanders is the conscience
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of america right now. cannot claim to be the world leader, we cannot claim vladimir putin is doing anything wrong if we cannot stand up to benjamin netanyahu. the same man came to this country when barack obama was president and insulted our president. now he is invited to do the same thing. when will republicans stop bringing -- i do not understand this politics. host: that is roland in maryland. this is bobby in st. paul, minnesota. caller: good morning. thank you for taking my call. i realize that in this country we should be able to protests, but peacefully protest. you do not block bridges like the golden gate. you do not block the brooklyn
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bridge. you did not layover railroad tracks. you do not go into a building. prests, the latest ones dealing with israel, have gotten to the point where it isus they crossed the line. if you will protest, what part of no don't you understand? when you peacefully protest it is yes. if you do not come and you occupy an area that you should not beyond or you take over a building that is no. i am 78 years old. one thing i have learned is right and wro. what is going on right now, you do not take over buildings. you do it in an area they ask you to be on.
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then you get -- like in ucla where they put the plywood all around -- i think it was seattle when they took over downtown. host: in ucla, that incident when the counter protesters ended up coming to the protests at ucla, violence erupting and police not getting involved for several hours, that was a big moment in yesterday's house hearing. it was congresswoman ill hanno mark who brought that up -- ilhan omar who brought that up. how do you feel about her? caller: is obviously anti-semitic. there is no question about it. remember before all this broke out she had made comments that
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jews are people -- that jews are evil and nancy pelosi had no backbone at that time to reprimand her by name. nancy pelosi came out with a word salad that we all get together and we should not have this and we should not have that. baloney. omar's daughter got arrested in the columbia college demonstrations. that is what i think of her. host: finisher comment and then i will show viewers the moment from yesterday. finish what you had to say and i also -- and that i will show viewers that moment from yesterday. caller: sheet will get reelected
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because her constituency will reelect her every two years. it is a joke. the only other thing i want to say quickly is why did they keep quoting aoc all the time? he has a 14-year-old mind in a woman's body. host: that is bobby in st. paul. one correction on him talking about omar's daughter, she was among several students at barnard college arrested for protesting in a pro-palestinian encampment at columbia university. that protest at columbia trolling students from various colleges around the country. here is that moment yesterday. >> why did you not immediately send the police that were standing by -- your campus
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police, law enforcement -- to intervene? >> we tried. we notified all of our mutual aid partners and try to get police there as quickly as possible. going back to my original point, the encampment was against policies. >> if i may, the footage from that night reveals that some of the most dramatic attacks were carried out by individuals not affiliated with ucla. not the university students, faculty that were arrested. why have the violent agitators who you know have been identified not been held accountable for assaulting over 150 of your students? you should be ashamed. the fact that you failed your students. you should be ashamed for
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letting a peaceful protest gathering get hijacked by an angry mob. you should be ashamed for allowing such violence to take place on your campus, which will now be weaponized by republicans in this committee. you played right into the hands in laying the ground for attacking institutions of public education, stripping students of their rights, and broader repression of movement. host: congresswoman ilhan omar there and the ucla chairman. we are asking you if the campus protests have impacted your view of higher education. phone lines if you say yes, no comment a special phone line for students that administrators at colleges and universities. also looking throughocl media posts.
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also looking for one from bill in vermont. i am 65 and recently retired. this from diane who says it h not changed my view of higher education. the hammering of colleges university professionals by certain members of congress has sealed my view of what i think of congress. that is the viewpoint of a former university professor. this is roland calling in from detroit. good morning. caller: the protests have changed my view of higher education in that i think one of the messages knowingly or unknowingly the students are sending is these higher educational institutions are antiquated edifices that do not have human being in their best
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interest. these colleges and campuses, they should have been closed a long time ago. they do not do anything but corral students. it is like a slave camp. host: you think close all colleges and universities? caller: pretty much. maybe not all of them but the big ones are making money and they are keeping higher administrators employed. how many associate deans do we need? there is a dean and associate dean. i applaud the students for speaking up. this mass murder that is happening in palestine and the congo and haiti and other places
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is not good. young know what is going on and they know there is a future that they have to try to face and they are trying to stop what they see. i applaud them. host: when you talk about the cost of higher education, the pew research service posting the results of a poll that up in the wake of this conversation talking about this pull. the public has mixed views on the importance of having a college degree and many have doubts about whether the cost is worth it. many adults say whether it is important to have a college degree. some say it is less important to
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have a four year college degree and only -- say the cost of a college degree is worth it. that pull is available from pew research. this is terran in florida. good morning. caller: i am shocked at the students. i cannot believe how dumb they are. it is shocking to me -- if they knew anything about the history it does not belong to the palestinians. it is outrageous. meet the students are willingly believing a lie. israel was the one that was attacked and these are terrorist groups and they need to get them out. somebody needs to make a place. little tiny israel. we have 22 countries surrounding
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th and the students have jumped on thandwagon and they think for hamas too in and murder and kidnapping people and do horrible things -- host: do you think stuntare different from students in the past in terms of what they're willing to believe or protest for? ca i think there is somethingrong. i'm trying to think of my own children. my one granddaughter did the thing on te in the fall of the third reich. she had that in her high school but does both my other children i do not think it was taught to them and they do not seem to understand and see what happened. to me they are willingly believing a lie. they are not talking about killing innocent palestinians. the israeli army is so careful.
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they probably had a greater loss of life in their military because they are so careful not to hurt civilians. you have palestinians that went with israel and they lived there. you have this other group, i think they were led around by yasser arafat many years ago and he tried to take over a couple of countries until he went in there and claimed it was their country. it is not their country never has been. host: this is david in texas. you are next. caller: the recent activity has not changed my mind about the schools. it has only confirmed what i have been thinking about for years. i have been studying marxism, socialism, communism four years. another book on marx which is
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focused on understanding marx in the 19th century without understating considerations. to understand what was going on then you have to look at what was happening. it is the opposite of the present situation where people are making evaluations like the young man from maine. they key is exactly what is wrong with the schools. he talked about how he had lost focus, was not focused on schooling, which i would say it is easy to understand where his thought process came from. he does not have a knowledge of american history, he has an impression. you look back at the study of marxism and when this happened. empirical research versus empirical search and scientific study. he is of the mindset of what
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marx was experiencing prior to darwin when they experienced research based on their experience. someone would walk outside and look at the sun in the morning and the evening and come to the conclusion that the sun is going around the earth. marx and darwin had a lot going on. the scientific method came about. we cannot just rely on what our sensors are showing. this young man has no concept of american history. host: where does your fascination with marxism come from? caller: a lot of different places. it is also a fascination with economics. you have a million people call on your show and they say everybody knows inflation happens when you have too much money chasing after too few goods. that is true but it is not true. if that were so, why since 2008
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when the money supply has gone up unbelievably, not just with the fed but all of the national banks around the world -- host: before we get into an inflation discussion is this something you've always been interested in? caller: no. i am interested in history, world history. i am interested in a lot of things. they are all tied together. if you do not understand economics you cannot understand history. economics is a philosophy. look at all of the different economists and how they disagree. the democrats use what is called keynesian and modern monetary theory, which is a take off of what milton friedman proved to be the case in the 1980's when paula voelker came along and finally halted inflation. milton friedman had been arguing
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that the way he approached control of inflation was one thing -- manage the m2 money flows. host: will leave it there because i have a lot more callers. if you're interested in milton friedman's 10 part series "free to choose" produced with public television is something we aired on c-span's american history tv. you can find in our archives and watch all 10 episodes of "free to choose" at back to the discussions about campus protest and how it impacted your views of higher education. that is our conversation in the first hour of "washington journal." jane has been waiting in the hoosier state. good morning. are you with us? then we will go to walter in new jersey. good morning. caller: good morning.
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people have to understand that everybody that is against policy moves and things of war israel has done are not anti-semitic. some of these people -- you have to differentiate antisemitism from anti-zionism. they are totally different things. host: do you think students understand that? do you think members of congress understand that amid these hearings? do you think people are able to parse that amid these protests that have been happening? caller: not at the point we are here in america because we are only hearing one side. the american congress, senate,
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and congress are bought and paid for by apec. host: in new jersey. -- walter in new jersey. this is memphis, tennessee. your thoughts on the campus protest. caller: my thoughts on the campus protests is they are exercising their first amendment rights, and as far as it being on a college campus of higher education, i believe it is because of higher education that these students are exercising their first amendment rights. now they are at the age where they understand this american experience in democracy. when something that goes against what they have been taught throughout their high school years and into college is not necessarily the democracy they were being taught than they have a right to protest.
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this has been going on -- college students have been protesting this experiment in american democracy since i have been born. to me it is nothing new. it is an ongoing experiment. because of the first amendment rights we are able to protest civily. civil disobedience. it does not change my view. it does not change my view of higher education. if more americans were educated as to how the world affects the world around them -- the world outside this country affects them, they would also be informed about it and be aware. they would also have something to say. i do not think but these kids
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are doing has changed my view of higher education. i think higher education is needed so people are able to better understand. caller: -- host: has it changed your view about college campus leadership and presidents and chancellors and how they view these young adults on their campus? caller: what has been shown to me, the difference about the president or the chancellors or the ones in leadership, what i have come to understand is it is the difference between public and private. most private schools, they are funded by outside sources. they do not receive any federal funds. these public institutions that receive taxpayer funding, i believe they have been more boisterous.
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the chancellors or the president -- it is a political view because congress has been calling them to testify as to why they are not in more control of the kids on the campuses. going back to when i was coming up, especially during the vietnam, the chancellors, that was over their heads. the chancellors and the president knew the children were exercising their constitutional rights. violence is a different thing. i believe most of the violence is because of outside agitators coming in or anti-protesters. that is a thin line. that is a gray area. i do not hold college presidents or chancellors to blame for what the students are doing. host: talk about the politics of
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this. it congress woman from washington yesterday at that hearing saying the have become politicized. here is about a minute from yesterday. >> free speech and the right to protest are foundational to our democracy and upholding these rights without allowing them to be twisted into weapons of hate is no easy task. nowhere is it more difficult that on college campuses, places that help students to think and engage and broaden their mindsets and express their ideas without violence or intimidation. antisemitism, islamophobia, anti-aapi hate, lgbtq hate, all forms of hatred have no place in our society, including on college campuses. the history of protest on college campuses is mirrored in today's history as college
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administrators protecting all of your students and allowing your campuses to remain as communities of free debate is your responsibility. instead of using these hearings for political bullying purposes, which is what the majority seems to do. if you want to be embarrassed about something be embarrassed about the fact that this majority has not been able to govern in this cycle without being saved by democrats. i am interested in hearing and learning about what successful negotiation and de-escalation looks like in the context of protecting students and free speech. host: that was representative jayapal yesterday at a house hearing. the chairwoman of the committee virginia foxx defended the hearing. here is what she had to say. >> those in charge of universities who negotiate with pro-terror protesters are not doing their jobs.
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taxpayer dollars have no business funding universities without principles that align with the principles of rape. each of you refuse to enforce your own rules, preserve campus safety, and protect jewish students. i want to make one thing clear. the purpose of these hearings is not to enact right-wing cancel culture as purported by the left. the purpose is to end anti-semitic violence and harassment on campus. full stop. hearings with college presidents are meant to guide postsecondary education policy going forward that meets the needs and respects the rights of all students. we will certainly keep your answers to our questions in mind as the committee conducts further business. host: education workforce
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committee chairwoman virginia foxx yesterday. we are asking you in the wake of those hearings yesterday, have campus protests impacted your view of higher education? if you say yes (202) 748-8000, if you say no (202) 748-8001. the line for students and professors, (202) 748-8002. also looking for social media this is james writing that his answer is no. tests and demonstrations on college campuses are as old and legendary as our tailgating parties. anyone old enough to remember vietnam, kent state, civil rights, and women's rights protests know what i am talking about. trying to keep the kids from protesting injustice is like try to keep water from running downhill." host: paul in connecticut, you are next. caller: i was getting two
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streams. host: just talk through your phone. caller: has a 16-year-old dropout i went to party at the university of connecticut and i said to my buddy someday i will make it back here. i did. it took me years and i graduated with a political science degree in 2001. it has not changed. the administrators still pander to certain groups. a lot of this is because they pandered to the special interests of alumni. the staff is bloated. the difference between private and public was made by one of your callers. i mentioned to a local station on a talk show, why don't you
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have someone on from university of connecticut? that is not in the area of the university of connecticut. every excuse in the book for not providing a platform for both sides. that is what i struggled for. i tagged along with some jewish fellow students of mine when we went through the pavilion for the huskies were playing. we went through there and held up signs to make the point that we have public rights in a public space and we shall not be interfered with in the psychological environment. if you happen to float something like the book "hitler's pope" is discredited and infamous and
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students were carrying it around expecting everyone to agree with the assertions of attacking a religious leader during world war ii. these things are alive and well. nothing has changed. administrators will play politics. this is public space. all citizens have a right to use public space, whether it is inside the college or not. as far as infiltrators, maybe we should sign a guestbook and determine who the provocateurs are and who is causing the trouble. it is certainly not the peaceful protesters. host: this is chris in california. good morning. caller: good morning and thank you for taking my call and thank you for c-span. the influence of the protests at universities, specifically in the united states has influenced my view. i was more of favor to views
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like mike johnson, speaker of the house, spoke that israel is god's country, like the promised land, which gets into the zionism that i think the president, during the memorial day in israel, said. all we wanted was a nation for ourselves where we could worship god in our own jewish manner, pretty much. my view changed from being more of universities having this more liberal aspect to it and being democrat run and being more accepting of that. the ideological viewpoint put forward by mike johnson conflicts with what i knew as a servicemember in the army.
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the services of the armed forces for the united states should not be used for ideological purposes. the support -- the other aspect that has changed my view is protests have been financed by marxist driven supporters of resistance movements from cuba -- 300 americans were activists there in cuba. the one in new york on october 7 was incited by such activists. with the south africa request of the national criminal court to prosecute against benjamin netanyahu, i am not supportive of hamas as a terrorist organization. i think it is atrocious that the human shield has been reduced by tens of thousands of women and
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children, both known and unknown. there is a devastating characteristic to this matter. i am losing my train of thought. i am sorry. my view has strange -- my view has changed for the students opposition to u.s. manufactured bombs that have been so devastating. they were not smart bombs. i am not familiar with the weaponry of the united states for urban warfare but i heard a representative, i think from maryland state that these bombs should never have been used in an urban warfare environment. looking at google imagery of gaza these homes are like yards. it looks like it could have taken 300 miles of tunnels and dirt and piled these things up around these houses. they are in close proximity to
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each other. it is not like san francisco where it is wall-to-wall concrete for so many miles. it still does not make sense to have a 50 foot crater with a 35 foot diameter dropped on an urban environment to destroy a tunnel. caller: thanks for taking my call. my views have not changed over the years. the schools are indoctrinating our kids for a long time now. the way they are protestingit is showing what is going on. a loof the students, i just do not understand them. do they just hate jewish people? are they just people and that is just the way they are?
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some of them don't know better? they do not know what they are protesting. i will make thisomment. i don't care who you are on this earth. if you are white, if you are black, if you are asian, atever your religious preferences. nobody on this earth deserveso have their doors kicked in and your wife ped in front of you and set your children on fire. nobody deserves that. i don't understand the mindset. they are being indoctrinated. host: you say schools have been indoctrinating kids for a long time. when you think that started? caller: i graduated high school in 1982. when i went to school i did not
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see or if there was to teach the kids, to think for yourself. today it does not seem to be that way. we have these protests. why is that our government doing anything? i don't understand. host: about 10 minutes left in this segment, asking if these campus protests have impacted your view of higher education. charlotte in california. what you think? caller: i think the world needs to stop and read. back in 1972 i had a little club on the campus of cal state and we were shut down because we were learning the truth about
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the middle east and what happened. we did not go from now to october 7. we learned before 1948. this woman that called in from florida is typical of a jewish woman that has zionist views. host: i'm not sure any of our callers have identified their religion. what was your club about when they started at cal state? caller: the cultural club of eric people. another word that has been you -- of arab people. another word that has been used is anti-semitic. most arab tribes are semites. all of my friends are jewish that are against what is going on now. i am so proud of the students. these protests started out very quiet, no problems. their instigators out there that
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have science holding -- they know the occupation is wrong. i own a bible that is almost 2500 years old and the israel state they show on the map also is palestine. in 1948, if you look this up, when the palestinians took in the people after what happened with hitler's, they brought them to their country. today religious rabbis say we should be thanking the palestinian people for what they have done. it is a disgrace that the settlers are allowed to murder, they are given guns. i feel like benjamin netanyahu is a war criminal, absolutely. in 1948 they had what is today considered a terrorist organization but they were called freedom fighters.
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why were they called freedom fighters and what is happening with hamas? there would be no hamas of israel was not so greedy and stole the palestinian land. host: houston, texas. you are next. caller: thank you for taking my call. i am calling on the yes line that it might -- that my views have changed about higher education. i have a bachelors in science of mechanical engineering from a major university in louisiana. i grew up in a time of change of civil rights and immigration and of course the vietnam


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