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tv   Campaign 2024 Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Speaks at Libertarian Party Convention  CSPAN  May 25, 2024 12:31pm-1:19pm EDT

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■#,■ course of human history. >>¢ today we remember those who fell and we honor all who here . ■ñve coverage of the 80th anniversary of d-day thursday, juneh8 6, featuring a speech from president biden from normandy, france. c-span is your unfiltered view of government. we are funded by these television companies and more, inuding mcast. >> you think this is just a community center? it is way more than that. comcast is partneringitcommunite wi-fi enabled center so that students from low income families can get what they need to be ready-span a public service, along with these other roviders,
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giving you a front row seat to democracy. 2024 independent presidential candidate robert f. kennedy, j veio in washington, d.c., despite courting support from libertarian voters mr. kennedy said heilt [applause] jp6í kennedy: can you hear me? i am very happy to be here today. i will speak about the united states constitution and particularly the bill of rights. a lot of people don't realize that the articles of the constitution do not grant
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citizens any rights or freedoms whatsoever. that was a real problemof the f, particularly george pamphlet dug the constitutional convention government. the pamphlet was so convincing that the other framers of the constitutionthat it was too much of a hazard that the constitution was in danger at that point of not being that is when james madison came toghts. the first 10 amendments to the unitedtates constitution. originally, madison felt thatcas obvious to him that the gorn could not exert powers that the constitution have not assigned to it. as everyone in this hall knows, governments do themselves.
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instead they are -- [applause] him that the government couldn't exertow mr. kennedy: they are constantly moving to exert new powers. the patriots vividly remembered the british here in a and every power that a gover takes, it will never voluntarily relinquish. every power that a government abuse to the ultimate extent p delegae constitutional balked at a constitution that only enumerated government powers but nowhere limited then. relinquish. every power the govern -- nowhed
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then. it is the bill of rights that aren't america the as a land of liberty. is the bill of rights is only a document. it doesn't have any magical powers to force government officials to respecti am sorry d again througho o history, our leaders have failed to respect it. [applause] doesn't have any magical powers to force government officials to respect it. i'm sorry to say that again and again, throughout our history, our leaders have faéá t respect it. again and again -- [ applause ] and again, if citee pretext, this has been a
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volunteer, violate our constitutional rights. there's always aea right now, the rights are inconvie we can't afford. it was the red scare in]■ the 1920's. it was john the 1950's. it was■r 1960's. was war on drug in the 10' on tr 2001l a most recently, it was the covid pandemic. may be a brain worm ate that part of my memory. [ laughter ] i don't recall any part of the united states constitution whether it's an exemption for pandemics. [ applause ]
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in fact, there's not one of the amendments of the bill of rights n officials choose to declare a public health emergency. they all say very simply, the government shall not infringe on these rights no matter can takem away at will, then they're not rights at all. they are really just privileges thatnted revoked by an authority. the kind of country that you want to live in? >> n%hi >> every time they suspend rights, then pretend to give thh a dangerous precedent.ive back e never quite as strong as the ones that they obviously, it's not the piece of paper called the bill of rights that protects our freedoms. we have to actually believe in
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it. ourieve it with sufficient loyalty to temps of power. even more imptans have to beliet their rights soeo that they stand up for them even when it means taking a personal risk. after all theonstitution isn't just a legal document. it's also an inspirational document. that's why if you trease yo freedom, you better elect leaders who are inspired■ by it who will leaders who believe in freedoms and hold the bill of rights in reverence. [ applause ]■8 presiden trump or president
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biden pass critical examination. constitution when it really with president trump. i think he had he came into office. he was initially very reluctant to impose lockdowns. we got rolled by bureaucrats. ot fundamental rights disappeared overnight. it all started with the social di media without any government prompting, begins speech at the part of government's official orthodoxy. it's criticato s of any democracy that the free press maintai a■7 posture of fierce skepticism toward go■ve pronouncements and towards --
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[ applause towards larger operaf government and political and economic and corpora■ power. suddenly, america's free press was no longer speaking truth to power. instead, it made itself a vessel for government propaganda. it began suppressing the voices of■g the dissents s powerless. hamilton, madison and adams said first amendment and put the right of free expression into the first amendment because all of the otherdependedon it. a government that has the capacity silence itsti■t for atrocities.
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the consistent theme in all of the presumption that censorship ofecys wrong. it was always the first on the slippery slope towards tyranny and totaltarianism. there's no time when we loo back at history and we say that the people who were censuring speech were the goo guys. [ applause ] they're bad guys. the framers didn't write the first amendment to protect, convenient orte it to protect te kind of feature that nobody wants to hear. [ applause ]
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they wrote it to protect incendiary speech. they wrote it tomation and disinformation even lies. all of those are protected by a. there were no exceptions. the constitution does hav exemptions towards resurrections or financial pandemics. the framers wrote hard times, during the american civil war, the confederate states were sending up agents provocateurs. this was a war that almost --
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for th■@e out, nobody had any idea whether the unitederict after the war was over. it on it. there during that war. it's the equivalent of 7.2 million today. nc■: and northern military knew who these agents were as sothey entered the cities. they began arrestingy can give e speeches. the chief justice the supreme court said you can't do that. that is assault again speech and habeas corpus. he said even the life the nation at stake and hundreds of thousand of lives at stake, you cannotpress our constitution. it is above the moment -- they t for hard times. they didn't write it
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they wrote it, uniteat difficulo matter how difficult they are, they are■[ indomable. the moment thathe white house officials satisfied themselves l accept censorship by end ofbruar and tongs to the rest of the constitution. president trump allowed his health regulators to mandate science-free sial distancing. which undermined our first amendment rights to freedom of assembly. we could no longer peacefully gather. [ applause that was the first two first amf assembly, freedom of speech. they wen
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the first amendment. which is freedom of worship. they closed every church in this country for a year. with no duerocess with no scientific citation. no public hearings, no notice and comment■> no environmental impact statements. all of the process of democracy that i've been suing companies and governments for 40 years because they fgot to do one of those things. all of our constitutional rights were plowed under. they closed all the they kept open the wal-marts and liquor stores. the fifth amendment one shall be deprived a life, liberty of property unless convicted of a crime. if president down 3.3 million businesses. president trump said he s a
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business. he came in and he gavthe keys to all our businesses to a 50-y who never been elected to anything and had no accountability. he closed down 3.3 million businesses in violation of the fifth amendment with the lockdowns, mask mandates. president trump presided over the greatest restriction on individual liberties:z this country has ever known. [ applause ] he didn't stand up for the constitution when mattered. next, president trump beloved operation war speed shut down juryrporation that wasolved in covid
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counter measures. the seventh no american shall be denied right of a tor a jury of his peers in cases of exceeding $25. there is no exception. by the way, the framers knew all about pandemics. there were two pandemics the revolutionary war. one that decimated armies the other that destroyed for a long time, the army of new engld he very time when we di conquered montreal. they in inner city and taken away from the british. they owned it. they had to withdraw because they did not have the troops to defend it because of the smallpox. otherwise, canada today will be part of the united states. all of the framers that.
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between the end war the revolutionary war, the ratificationbill of rights in 1791, there were pandemics in our country. laws in philadelphia, new york, north carolina, south carolina, all the major cities had epidemics, killed tens of thousands of people. almost all of t framers had family members or friends who died in those pandemi not put ac exemption in the united states constitution. they can make anything they want without accountability.
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the trump white house after the, against warrantless searches and seizures with this surve system obliterated our rights to privacy in this country. not come under attack during the covid pandemic was the second amendment. many americans believe that the reason for that is because we have aond amendment. [ applause ]■ incidentally, president trump also assaulted the failed to ded press freedom when he continu of
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julian assange. [ applause ] assange should■aó be -- [ applause ] assange should be celebrated as a hero. [ applause ] for doing exactly what journalists are supposed to do, which to expose government we shouldn't be putting him in prison. we should have■ here in washington d.c. [ applause ]pp it's the se is true for edward
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snowden. who exposed illegal spying by the nsa and congress went ahead and passed legislation because of the findings of edward snowden if he hadn't told us, we he's a hero not a criminal. [ applse i'm going to tell you what i'm going to do. i'm gng tdo what president trump should have done. on my first day in office, i'm going to pardon edward snowden and i'm going to drop charges, all charges against julian assange. [ applause ]
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i'm curious how president trump is going to defend his attacks on the constitution when i meet him on the debating stage. if i get to debate in front of you, he declined. at some he has the courage to stand up there so w about these issues to make sure that these assaulton ouron never, evn again. we need to have a civics lesson or the american people to make sure this is never repeated. [ applause ] when president trump left office, the assault on the constitutionensified.
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president biden violated a freedom so fundamental that james madison didn't put it in the bill of rights. he never imagined that the government could mandate medal procedures to unwilling americans in violation of bodily autonomy. [ applause ] that's what happened during the pandemic.■2 of coercion and information information control. that prevented the fully inform. that wasn't the worse of it(.f e behind the assault of freedom upon which all other freedomse freedom of the press. we now know from the discovery n murphy vs. biden case and my
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case kennedy vs. biden, at 37 hours, after he took the oath of office, president biden was colluding fbi to coerce the social m sites, google, twitter, facebook, youtube, instagram, to open portals to allow the■ to sensor political speech of americans. the fbi opened this portal toe e cdc that the d.h.s. and about ha dozen other agencies. n of federal censorship so it's unprecedented in the american experience. [ applause ] it started with whathey called
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medical misinformation. it misinformation. there's a dialogue facebook and the white house at th saying a lot of this information, including fortuff that they were suppressing is actually accurate. the white house coined a new name, a new word called mal-information. which is information that is factually accurate but it'slesse government authority. and entire censorship complex had grown up which is billion dollars spent that agency, universities, ngo's and tech companies. they started with medical
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misinformation. they widen that political issues including censorship about criticism of waruknt programs. going back to at the fisa act under president george w. bush, republican administrations have taken turns assaulting our constitutional rights and freedom libertarian party.ned [ applause ] well, i valuing personal liberty. when m president, i'm going to protect your right to peek freely. i'm going to protect your right to assemble peacefully. i will protect yourhip. i will protect your right to ar.
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protect your right to a trial before jury. i will protect your privacy against unreasonable searches and seizures. will protect youre property and your right to operate a business. that's not. tw amendments in the bill of rights are 9th and 10th. [ applause ] those amendnts say that just because we've listed all of th name, doesn't mean that those are all the rights that you havethat any po, everything else a right, any■ tn
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to the federal governmen the states. rights. [ applause ] i mentioned before, the constitution is more than a legal document. it's meant to inspire us. it's the most fundamental moral■ truths of human conduct. it reminds us of the essential proposition that only under a system which maximize the freedd intended for us when he gave wi. can we achieveential for creativity, for prosperity, the ultimate elevation human spirit. the constitution embodies the very■4 nation as first invoked in the declaration o independence. let me read you now is most the second paragraph.
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we hold these truths to be self-evident. all men created equal. they are endowed by their eator with certain unalienable righ life, liberty and pursuit of get goosd those words. those words changed the world forever. [ applause ] the bill of rights endowed them with a legal existence and a legal reality. we need to take them further.wis fine for social media platforms. after all they are privatethey . well, that argument falls apart whenz+■k the government is brib, threatening and controllinguz tm to censurepeech.
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[ applause ] apart if they have monopolistic control over do have a legal right to censure. it is legally is it morally acceptable? is it■w it shouldn't■ó in an authoritarian country china or iran, censorship is socially acceptable. people. it's in the air they breathe. in this country, to the extent that we still cherish the spirit of our rights, declaration of independence, we do not take it for granted. stead, we greet censorship outrage. we greet it with indigtionéc. we greet it with contempt. if the day comes when we do not
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our dissent■f into tyranny[ app] what disturbed me most during the pandemic was not what the government was trying to do what it succeeded doing, it was really how the public complied now, except the people in this room. [ applause ] i got to tell you when i was rea dr. fauci, i did aha these old cia programs at
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ultra. these were the mk stands for mind control. they were series of experimentsh operation blue bird and operation artichoke. designed to manipulate human behavior, individual behavior through the use of hypnosis through psychiatric drs, tortur. experiments how to manipulate entire societies in order to impose control from above. i think we're doing all these weird experiments and all came outs. 1973, between 1973nd 1977. one of the famousu experiments that i was able to connect to
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was the [ indiscernible ] experiment. it was pt. it was conducted by a young associate professor at yale university who recruited about 70 people from every life, blacks, whites, teachers, students, labors. he would put the subjectsoom. they had a dial on the table in front of them. they were told that dial was applying a shock an elecicock tn the other room wh was a confederate. he was an actor. he tied to a chair. when the electricity went off, he would scream. he would see what level it was and scream beg and cry. many of the subjects when they were told to do it, the■íb doctr
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would stand behind them with the white lab on. he'd say turn it off, down and it higher. many of the subjects wereey wer. don't make me turn it up more. when he told them to turn it up, they did so anyway. the subjects who he r turned it up to 250 volts where it was marked po millgm people, 60% of people would allow authority to overwhelm and subvert the most closely held values. they all knew it was wrong. they duse they were told to do it. the good news is that 33% of us
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people stood up and walked out . [ applause i■@ think that those with libertarians. those are the in this room.fc■÷ most americans accepted the orthodoxy and we watched this w. we saw families separated andu s relationships of your skept of safety when they e consumed in that orthodoxy. now things are changing. tens of millions of americans are waking up to the fact that they were lied to. to the fact that they were manipulated and they were for al
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promoting it. main in the media. americans have lost all trust in r institutions. about two months ago, the cdc made an official recommendation for the ninth covid 90% of americans a do it. do you is telling you can't go twork unless you submit to that? that's what they did to u two years ago. now, most americansre realizing are losing their faith in those institutions and with to restore faith in those institutions. i'm going to do it by
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telling people you ought to beme in. i'm going to dot the truth andg us good signs and■s changing the corrupt cultures that have put them under the control of■> corporations. the president of the united states is more than just a authority. occupying the bully pulpit. he sor the nation. i want to tell you theinoing tot for america. yes, i'm going to protect every freedom in the bill of rights. i will strive to represent the principle that animates those freedoms. i believe it's the same principle that lies at theea■rt. it's a principle of respect. it is thsp for each individual at full and sovereign being. [ applause ]ut it.
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censorship, for example, is another form of disrespect. i'm gng to decide which kind of information you should and i'm going to protect you from i'm going to protect you of inf. it'sished rights and respect for thel, that's why we uphold equality under the law. no one is to be locked up arbitrarily. no one needs to be happy to tal. no ones ved of their property. no one should b humiliating searches without reasonable suspicion of havi committed a crime. no one should be prevented from worshiping god and the matter
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that they believe. that? i respect your right touw own rp with god. no one is into submitting to unwant medical procedures. no one is required to participate against■dj■b will in scientific experiments. each person is trustedith the responsibility to bear arm this is prior to the constitution. all men are createdqual. it originally applied just to property owners and to white men and to all men and to women. understand that right to include every human my promise to you is that as
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president, i uphold the principle and respect for each human being ase god an equal before the law. that's w campaign, never paints the opponents as monsters. i will never weaponize■5 the justice system. the federal agencies like the i.r.s., fbi, or the secret service. my political adversaries. everyone isqu under the law. no special favors for e big banks, corporations. no more regulations to destroy small businesses. no■ more subsidies. no more corporate■■ welfare. no more surveillance of private citizens. propaganda.
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no more secrecy lies. my first day of office after pardoning snowden andssíp, i'm going to issue an executive order forbidding the national seriy of the intelligence agencies from propagandizing the american people. an executive order against from collaboratinh media or siadi americans. i'm issue an executive order that any federal officiale in its official duties will immediately be let me add that for the sanctity of the sovereign
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individual knows national boundaries. murder is not okay anywhere, any form. that is why i forever wars.& i will end the wars the wars that are bankrupted our nation and ruined abroad. finally, i want to say one about authority. i don't know whattarian philosophy says about it p i believe in a healthy respect for however, authority must be earned. not forced. we must not confuse respect for fear. this has been the mistake forei. i grew up in an around the world were hungry for american leadership. they understood the difference
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between leadership and bullying. that's what republicans and democratstions may fear us toda. but they no longer respect us. why is that? because we've violented our own principles of freedom andw forbl authority because we have supported dictators and corrupt regimes and subverted democracy around just as we have lost respect wer own. we lost respect for american children overwhelmingly say they are not proud to be americans. it was a poll that came out■[ in 2013 in which americans under the age of 35 were the united sf america. 85% said no. poll taken five months ago, 18% said yes.
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last two presidents, this young generation h completely lost faith in our country and they lost hope in their own futures. now is the time toto that hope, that admiration, that do that is toect. return to the founding spirit of air. to return to the spirit that animated the declaration of thef rights. if we're faithful toain our pria nation. regain our prosperity. we'll regain the respect to the world and we'll regain self-respect. we gain self-esteem by doing esteemable things. that means complying our own constitution above all. in the summer of 2020, i traveled -- this was at
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traveled to berlin toak about 1n people from all over europea peaceful demonstration crew came during that convocation. they asked me why i wasn't wearing aask. which nobody was except for the nbc film crew. they said wasn't i scared of dying of covid? ■úo i said to them, there's a lot worse things than dying. they said to me, like what? like living like a slave. [ applause ] like having my children grow up in an america where theill of rights is just an empty piece of paper.
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in of americans that were willing to sacrifice their lives, their jobs,y, their fortunes to give uthis bill upwards of 20,000 of them died to give us. we managed to keep it for two centuries. then, in eight short years, du two presidents, we gave it all away without putting up a fight. thomas jefferson said that the s to be awarded with the blood of every ge don't have to die to preserve r bi o make sacrifices. the sacrifices asked to make -- made in 1776. we're being asked to endure the
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scolng of the public, the defamation of the press, the antipathy of our government. we all need to be able to put self-interest aside if we're going to rights for future generations. all of you for the libertarian party. you disagree with many things. many of you don't agree with me on a lot of stuff, we all agree on one thing. we have to fight without the bill of rights. we have nothing in this country. we all need to be united because there are a lot of people o there that don't understand what america supposed to look like. th convocation do. our public officials have forgotten. it's can only do that by electig leaders the necessity, personal saices
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to preserve the bill of rights. that's the path restoring our natial greatness. that will be my promise to you■q as president of the united states. thank you very much. god bless you. [ applause ] >> tune into live coverage of the national political conventions, starting with the republican event in milwaukee. up, catch the democrats as they convene in chicago. stay connected to c-span for und looks at democracy at work. watch the conventions
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this summer. your unfiltered view of politics. powered byable. >> c-span is your unfiltered view of govwe are funded by thee television companies and more, including buckeye broadband. ♪
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