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tv   President Biden Celebrates Jewish American Heritage Month  CSPAN  May 25, 2024 2:39pm-3:02pm EDT

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so, we would be loosening the remaining together, the stabilizing connections between all communities, all individuals , the safety net to which all victims look to in times of suffering. this is the true risk we face at this perilous moment. now, more than ever, we must collectively demonstrate that international humanitarian lawthe foundational baseline for human conduct during conflict applies to all individuals and applies equally across situations addressed by my office and by the court. this is how we will prove, tangibly, al this, that the lives of >> president biden reacting to the international criminal court seeking arrest warrants for israeli leaders including prime
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minister benjamin netanyahu. the president also icc's allegations that israel's actions the remarks came during an event celebrating tage month at the white house. ♪ z; ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ guests, the president of the united statesice president of the united states. ♪ ♪
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♪ >> have got a wait for the song to end. good evening. it is my honor to be standing here with the president biden and vice president harris. they have both stood strong wit the jewish community time and time again. there is no one fighting harder to combat hate and to unite our country. to all o it os so great to join you eight jewish american heritage month celebration at the white house. [cheering] tonight we have come together to heritage and honor our culture. to reflect on the invaluable contributions of our ancestors y today. but it is also a challenging time for our community.
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it's been a dark and difficult a lot of us are feeling alone afraid and in. there is an epidemic of hate including a crisis of anti-semitism and our country and aroundorld. we see it on our streets our college campuses and our places of worship. i know it is difficult to get help and to feel optimistic right now. and to be honest some days it is really challenging for me too put myself out here and do this work publicly. and i know it is hard for you we keep fighting because we have no choice [cheering] jewish leaders on the lines fighting anti-semitism theirthrough education advocacy and buildingridges wit other communities. it is because of your leadership prejudice and ensure jewish safety. i also want to acknowledge the
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today. [cheering] you have stood up to hate and anti-semitism on college campuses on behalf of our nation thank you clear we have your back. ever since the horrific day of october 7, i have been reaching out to jewis jewish students all across the country just to check in and see how they are feeling. are my message is always the same. we need to find and embrace the jewish joy. joy is what i remember most about growing up have felt in some of my favorite moments as second gentleman. like returning to my jewish summer camp and reliving the memory of being voted on most athletic. or when i attended. [laughter]
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[laughter] >> thyo convention and there you go, next g leaders about how proud they are of being when the vice president my wife the first ever on the door the vice president's residence with our entire family there. i think it's one of the only times i've ever seen my father cry was during that moment. as a same feeling experience especially our young peoe because we cannot live in fear. we cannot be afraid. we must always raise our voices openly and proudly as jews. last year before my to recognize holocaust memory state presidentesident biden pulled me into the oval office. he showed with me his memories of visiting the concentration camp with his children and
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grandchildren. how angry his father was the allies had not bombed the train tracks leading to the concentration camps. then and tte aftermath of october 7 i stood beside the pure evil staunchly proclaimed his support for jewish people and israel. he ironclad commitment to israel's security and that has changed. president biden invited -- and steadfast in their support of israel and the entire jewishcommunity. [applause] i am s leadership. especially during these challenging times. please join me in welcoming president joe] [applause]
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it is an honor to be by the first ever glass of attorney general members ofress and including majority leader chuck schumer will be here soon representative debbie scholz is responsible for this occurring having sponsored us early back when she was 12 years old. all of you here welcome to the white house six celebrate coronary contribution of jewish americans and our nation. look, the story of the jewish people is a story of resilience but absent resilience from pain or persecution to help in the light even darkest times. the story endures jewish pelp to find and expand the single idea that binds us which this nation was built they fought for 1600s. in newport rhode island goes
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back a long way. 1790 america was 14 years old the local jewish to president george washington. the nation of religious freedom not just for juice but for all citizens. bigotry no sanction and assistance. help laid therodwork in the amendment and our constitutio since jews have been in the forefront of helping to recor all americans. jewish artists poets helpion of a liberty for millions of people who look and advocates fought for ázwomen's rights every right we have. my whole career every fight to increase civil rights and civil liberties were led by jewish communities where i come and citizens for all. jewish scientists and engineers and doctors have led breakthroughs in innovation,
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technology. cross government jewish governments probably serve our nation. in a civil service in our nation's highest holiday reception at the white [cheering] it's important firstmindoro made with original wood for the white house building. to make clear history and vibrancy of the jewish life is woven into the very fabric of erica. and it is permanent. it is permanent. but look, today's receptions falls on hard times. the trauma of aftermath of the deadliest day the jewish people have undergo fresh and growing with many of of stone being held hostage right now we are going to get them home. we are going to get them home. [cheering] [applause]
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people were slaughtered massacred a music festival brutally raped mutilated sexually assaulted taken hostage and wounded. the scars and memory of what they endure. someone directly or indirectly family, friends you. they are in harm's way now. on the safety of the jewish people and security of israel's right to exist as a jewish state is ironclad.heering] no really is. round-the-clock to free around the clock to free the remaining hostages. hirsh colbert he is not here with us but he is being held by hamas rachel and jon are with us. stand up. and compassion inspire the entire world. a pledge you i mean it and i know you know, mom that i mean we bring your loved one home paired with got to bring them
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always ensure israel has everything it needs to defend itself from hamas. and all around me just i did when iran last month. we stand with israel and the rest of the butchers of hamas. we want hamas to fit it we work happen and consistent with jewishnity and human life my team also critical humanitarian and palestinian civilians were suffering greatly because o on hamas. it is heartbreaking. but to do this to bring i region together. a two state solution to private security prosperity and israel. and palestinian. [cheering] let me be clear we reject the icc application and arrest warrant against israeli leaders. [cheering] whatever the apply the spk equivalency between israel and hamas. it is clear will do can
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to ensure civilian protection pair but let me be clear contrary toy the justice what is happening is not genocide. we reject that. [applause] we always stand with israel with the threats against its security. compounding the pain and the vicious surge oforld and hear an american well and their streets and the social campuses. it's amazing what is happening. it's and it must stop. it must stop. in america we were's effect and protect fundamental right of free speech to protest peacefully. that is america. there is no place in any campus in america any place in america for for hate speech that of any kind against jews or anyone else. [cheering] nobody it should fear going to aalk down the street waking wearing a symbol of your faith. that is wrong simply wrong. that's by long before october 7 i launched thes first
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strategy to counter anti-semitism.e as a full force of the federal government to crack down on anti- find it. recently secured additional$400 million a largest increase ever and physical security foronsider god coming jewish to be dissenters, jewish schools jewish my department of education for colleges on notice anti- semitism is discrimination prohibited under title vi of the civil rights act. [cheering] the department has investigate discrimination and an address of civilly. that's my special to anti- semitism [applause] deborah, thank you.
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may the jewish people shine their light around the world for generations to come, because we need you badly. god bless you all, and god protect our thank you for being here. [applause] ♪ ♪
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♪zo >> c-span's w washington journal
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inviting you to politics and public policy. from washington and across the country, coming up sunday morning we will take a look at this weekend's libertarian national convention and the role that its voters will play in ca 2024 with the politics reporter. then a political consultant and campaign strategist shares his book beat the incumbent pro to win elections. c-span's washington journal. join the conversation live sunday morning on c-span, c-span now, or online. ♪ >> today, an unprecedented armada normandy. these are the men who took the cliffs.
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ththar helped free a continent. these are the >> 2 million suns from countries jumped into flack-filled skies and a blood-soaked surf and met death on an even plain. improvised and mounted their own attacks. at that exact moment on these ac the forces of freedom turn thecentury. >> the road was long and hard and traveled by weary and valiant menhistory will always record where it began here, with the first here with the first footprints on the beaches of normandy. 150,000 souls set off towardthis sliver of sand upon which hung the fate of a war and the course of human history. >> today we remember those who
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fell and we honor all who fought right here in normandy. announcer: watch all day special corage of nn of d-day first apeech from presentsident biden from normandy, france. announcer: c-span is your unfiltered view of government. >> charter is proud to be recognized as trnet providers. we are just getting started. buildinges of it most. charter c
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