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tv   Secretary of State Blinken Testifies Before House Committee Part 1  CSPAN  May 25, 2024 4:48pm-5:26pm EDT

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address global issues that no country can solve alone such ging the climate, presidential corruption the fentanyl crisis. with the support of congress we can and we are approaching these challenges from a position of strength. because of the actions we have taken the united states a stronger economically, diplomatically than itwas a few years ago. we have made historic investments at home. we have renewed alliances, built new ones seunprecedented alignmentthe
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challenges of our time. we have delivered essentially to uaine. the united states rallied 50 countries around the world to make sure it would not be erased from the map. we have rallied the international community to share the burden. for every dollar we have sent ectively invested three more. now any isan support for ukraine month congress demonstrated to the world that we will not pull back and you passed the budget request by an overwhelming margin. the investment does not come withof strength here at home. far from it. most of it is being spen in the united states building up the defense industrial base supporting go we need to keep up the momentum that requires a state department budget that will fully resource the response to the challenges of this time. of the president's fy 25 budget it does that in two keyways.
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first, it funds the essential missions of our department. it will ensure that the united the part -- partner of choice for countries when they need to solve big problems that also affect our own security and economic well-being. in an era of renewed competition we need to present the strongessst poe needs and advances our security and economic interest. that is why we are requesting $2 billion for a ne to build high-quality sustainable infrastructure around e l investments like these create good jobs here in america. we are requesting resources for the world bank. with $1 billion in u.s. funding we can unlock another $36 billion in capacity to direct to the top priorities of emerging economies. it's an enormous return on investment and es competing with china and around the world. it also includes $1.7 million for organizations shape them in ways that reflect our
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interestin valu. we are asking for $500 million to give more people around the world access to secure internet, xkgiour own economy through the export of technology products in the united states to ensure that we llow democracies remain the leaders and s to key technologies like artificial intelligence. the budget includes funding to that affect the lives and livelihoods of the american pethe world. especially the synthetic drug crisis. it also funds our response to migration, global food insecurity, health and energy security. problems at taking place in other parts of the world but we know s on the far end of the world will come back to bite us if it is effectively including with our engagement. we are asking congress to fully fund the educational and cultural stages. they are one of the best, have for enhancing our values around the world. they support students, researchers, young professionals
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studying at home and abroad. we need to guard against attempts by competitors to spread nf misinformation around the world. critical. it is a critical tool for capturing the threat of information manipulation by china, russia, and others and we urge you to extend the the coming months. to outcompete our rivals we need to invest in the foundation of our strength abroad and the diplomatic corps . the budget makes a strong investment in expanding r overseas presence in the pacific islands and eastern caribbean. we of american diplomacy. we veryve reorganize the department to make sure that we are ready for the challenges of dealing with new technologies, global health, climate, dealing with china. we are making the necessary investments to try to and maintain the most talented workforce possible. we are investing in our people in washington with tr technology. we are honing my agility, innovation, and efficiency.
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last year's enacted budget represented a 5% cut from the year before. that challen our efforts to deliver results to congress and the american people. we are you to support this budget with helps to address the most pressing foreign policy alums of our time and lays the foundation to continue the strong in the years ahead. thank you and i look forward to your questions. >> as you know we have been conducting an investigation into the we will be releasing a report of that . will you commit to appearing before this committee for a hearing on the afghanistan. we have had the top brass of the pentagon do so and i think the goldstar families deserve that as well. >> mr. chairman for the goldstar families, for the president, for me, for everyone involved we grieve with them. the losses they suer including over 20 years in
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afghanistan. we honor their sacrifice. one of the ways we do that is by taking part in oversight, answering questions, giving the american people the answers theyrve. we have engagedin very good faith in this. i think by our count we have facilitated transcribed interviews with 15 current and former -- >> my time is limited. is that a yes? >> i have appeared before this committee five times including one time dedicated solely to anistan but another time taking questions. that is more than any of my >> we look forward to your testimony in september. >> we can have our teams tao? about that. thank you. te foreign relations committee yesterday that you denounced the arrest israel's leaders and committed to working with congress on a bipartisan s to find an appropriate response . i have been working with the speaker and the ranking member and others in the senate on potential proposed legislation todrissue. will you
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commit to working with this committee to find a bipartisan bill that would place meaningful sanctions on th&, international criminal court? >> first let me say again at the decision was totally wrong in any ply between hamas and israel and its leaders were shameful. we commit to engaging on a bipartisan basis and finding an appropriate response. >> i completely agree with you on that. earlier this month the president stated on cnn that if israel conducted a major military operation in rafah at we are not going to provide weapons and artillery . is this still the st what to you plan to withhold? >> first, nobody's done more than president biden and nobody willmore to make sure israel can defend itself. he was there days after the
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attack, the first president to go to israel when it was under attack. in the time after that he made sure we deployed resources and assets to deter any further aggression from other borders which was very much a threat. >> we all know the history of it. i you planning to withhold weapons. >> it is also important to note brought conducted an attack for the first time. >> tively took part for the first time ever in israel's defense andrally the coalition. >> that does not answer my question. >> i am happy do that, mr. chairman. when it comes to rafah we have made known for a long time our concerns about a military assault and the damage that could do to the civilian population absentclear and credible plan to protect it. also to achieve the results that we and israel both want which is to deal effectively and directly with hamas. in that context particularly with regard to 2000 pound bombs which in a dense urban
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environment can do te discussions with israel about that particular weapon in those discussions continue. they e our concerns about a full on military assault in rafah remain. we have other ways dealing with challenge posed that we believe can be more and more durable. >> let me just ask you this. we did no withholding the weapons until he saw the interview on cnn. congress was never notified of this decision. we just marked up a bill out of committee that notification. if you decide to withhold more weapons from israel which i would say was the intent of congress when we passed the supplemental and when i approved these weapons, would you at least give us advance notification. >> we have gone and well above and beyond in previewing for congress -- did anyone in this committee or congress until he saw the president on cnn. that is hardly an adequate native way to notify congress. lastly ukraine.
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we have a really bad situation going on as you know. this is a sanctuary zone that the russians have created. what they are doing is lining up all of their artillery and rockets and missiles across the ukraine border that they then use to attack administration have restricted the arms use so that ukraine cannot defend itself and fire back at russia. that's why it's maated in supplemental the long-range, short range and high mars that your administration el. will you change this policy so ukraine can fight without one hand tied behind its back? >> as you know we have rallied 50 countries over the last two years to come to the defense of ukraine and provide them with the weapons they need to defend themselves against russian aggression. when it cos to enabling and endorsing the attacks outside of ukraine, that is not something we have done but ukraine will have to and will
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make its own decisions and i the equipment that they need. >> congress got them the equipment. thank you for implementing that the congress did not restrictions on the use of these weapons. it is jake sullivan and your administration that has but the on these weapons. i talked to them and they cannot achieve victory with these restrictions that you, not the congress have placed on them. i hope that u that back to the national security advisor and the national security council and change this policy decision that is very dangerous and damaging to the rainian people. my time is expired. i now recognize sherman. >> mr. secretary, thank you for being here and presenting your bungly support. -- did more for america than any other foreigner he
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remains in jail in pakistan. all-americans are dedicated to his release that some not dedicated enough to agree with pakistan for a trade. i would hope that you would urge the administration to make such a trade. i am confident the pakistanis would accept it. obviously they should release him without conditions. it is very hard to ask any other non-american to cooperate with the united states person who did the most for us remains in jail. i howould also directto albania to demonstrate our continued concern for those who fled iran and iraq. this is particularly relevant because the president of iran well summer morning there passing he was personally
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respof tens of thousands of iranians members of those who are in the camp. died in gaza. perhaps half or more are civilians. congress has provided you wi $9.1 billion in humanitarian aid. but there's other things going on around the world. 300,000 died in darfur two new genocide in darfur. where tens of thousands have been killed. g at the rest of sudan, 18 million people face acute food insecurity. 600,000 have died over the last arand now millions of people face food insecu ethiopia. in eastern congo, we le displaced. 1.2 millioncamps in bangladesh. countries have not contributed enough for their food and therefore the world food program has reduced rations by
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30%. the republic of art sock ethnically cleansed and now lives as refugees. can you commit that -- hopefully this is just a yes or no that when you allocate that $9.1 billion of humanitarian aid you will do so on the basis of where is the greatest need rather than which confs publicity. >> yes. >> thank you. people that think the middle east is as bad as not true. iran has a nuclear weapons 9 will ask you about. i want to focus on saudi arabia. they must take the examples from the where the shaw was a friend of the states and every weapon system he had was in the hands of the p,[atollahs by the end of the decade. saudi arabiawill want to nuclear cooperation agreement with the united states. can you commit to us wito congress a nuclear agreth saudi
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arabia that does not include the additional protocol and does not meet the gold standard that we saw in the uae nuclear cooperation agreementy nuclear cooperation agreement that we reach will have to address all of our nonproliferation goals and we want to be sure that of course we have gold standard deals with whoever we reach these agreements. >> thank you. hamas had allied or the palestinian islamic jihad is the better-known. there is also the popular resistance committees. the third-biggest terrorist organizatia. that is been designated a foreign terrorist organizati if you can commit to either designating them as fto or otherwise as a terrorist organization such as a specially designated glob at least
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get back to the committee in 30 tell us why you have not done so? to come back to you. we are always looking to see appropriate designatwe can. >> they are proud participants in the killing of 1200 israelis on october 7 and they have killed americans. they meet more than all the standards. expired. we now recognize mr. smith for five minutes and then we will recess for 10 minu tes on the floor. >> thank you. last friday i chaired my fourth congressional hearing. this within the year on the u.n. relief agency. it's decade-long complicity in the most vicious forms of anti- semitic hate with the focus on the so-called independent u.n. review. i have read the report very carefully. our witnesses including e former general counsel james lindsay, he was the general counsel and he admonished us in do not
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give them money. he used to be that guy. now he is not. the executive director of you and said the colonial review was not independent. the verdict was determined in advance and pointed out all the conflicts of interest ayers. it was very narrowly focused just on october 7. even there it whitewashed. about the only thing to come out of it that to say that it does not fit employee connections or sympathies with s hama islamic jihad. 21 years ago?x in 2003 i offered an amendment that money away to other entities that could be vetted to ensure non-anti-semitism. this year my legislation to was passed by this committeeohibits any u.s. contributions. it made clear, however, that nothing in the act may be construed for humanitarian assistance to any agency or entity as long as y that it does not promote, espouse, or affiliate duals
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that promote violence or terrorism or anti-semitism an does not employ those individuals. in march the bipartisan foreign aid bill made it absolutely clear on the house and senate my question is are these u.s. taxpayercondly the other funds that were already in the pipeline or maybe coming in from other e committee that the biden administration investigation will be in depth, a top to ur administration announced it and when the u.n. they say they do such a narrow they are not going to see much. they know that 12 to 18 but unfortunately it has been a child-abuse factory turning into child soldiers by implicated in them hatred toward the jewish state. so when is your report coming hopefully it will be very comprehensive. >> just a few things
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on this. first of all, we do support the the recommendations in that report. we think those are important. there is a separate investigation going on. is a u.n. internal report on those specific allegations about the participation of employees in the hoic events of october 7. we await those results and we will pull together along with our own hard lookwe are abiding by the law. no other funds >> any plan to the near future? >> no. i will tell you we do have a difference of you because for all of the manifest and deficiencies it is also been playing an absolutely critical and in many ways at least in the near term irreplaceable role in providing assistance for people who desperately need it. nobody else has and in infrastructure nobody else hasway
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to make sure one way or another that that assistance gets to people who desperately need it. we can look at what can be done for the future, but in the near- term i have to tell you we at as essential but we are not and will not provide that funding. >> thank you. i have written after david goldman. when the president of japan was letter asking him to engage. the president. he met with peoplewho have been abducted to north korea. a big concern is what about our own children that have been ? finally the world health assembly is and violating their own rules about submit the pandemic treaty which is rife wi for ratification? >> thank you. on child abduction with you. i applaud what you are doing and your leadership on this. when we have countries that e not abiding or otherwise
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engaging in practices that are keeping children away from their parents this is something we take action on. i always welcome working with you on that. second and very quickly on the pandemic agreement the way things stand right now i do not see that coming to a concluon in the near-term. there is just not consensus on p.m. eastern onpan, c-span now or online at ♪ >> this memorial day weend on c-span's q&a, retired u.s. senate stories from her book shaped of chronicles. between 2009 and 2023. some of the storie told include the influence and power of lyndon johnson. the story of the first female
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senator and when mark twain worked as a sete ser he was not yetauthor. he was a rising author at the time and he his first book and looking for a job that would help pay the bills to essentially promote his writing career. despite his sinister appearance, he gave him a job and he became a clerk in stuart's office. at that time that was not unusual because the senate only met a few months out of the year so they often hired reporters as clerks. it was a mutual beneficial experience but he did not turn out to be particularly good employee. sunday night at 8:00 p.m. eastern you can listen to q&a and all of our podcasts on our free c-span now app. ♪ >> today an unprecedented armada
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giving you a front row seat to democracy. >> up next, a senate appropriations subcommittee hears testimony on the national institutes of health 2025 budget request. during the hearing the
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