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tv   President Biden Delivers Remarks at Memorial Day Ceremony  CSPAN  May 27, 2024 8:10pm-8:58pm EDT

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["hail to the
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plays] >> the secretary of the united accompanied by the secretary ofefchairman -- the pe united states accompanied by the
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secretary of defense and the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff. ["hail chief" plays] distinguished guest timothy miracle chaplain. >> please help men as i pray in. we pause today to observe a day of national reflection. we honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice in service to our as we stand in arlington
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national cemetery we reflect on the significance of this day. thank you for providing service members that have answered the call of service and some have giveeir lives and are now buried here and around the world and nationemit was here iw memorial day was observed. this day was a national remembrance to honor fallen service members that have fought in all conflicts like san juan hill, the trenches o france, anzio, rome, the beaches of normandy, korea, sain, vietnam, iraq, and afghanistan to name a we stayed among these hollowed grounds to pay tribute to those who gave their lives for their freedom. ■:let us remember their sacrifie and courage and unwavering commitment to our nation.
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emember the families they left behind and the countr. let us find solace in the knowledge of the memories of those that live on, not only in marble markers around manylandse hearts of all americans. let us never forget the gaveives for the cause ofe who freedom in the name of honor and duty and sacrifice for god and country. amen. >> please remain standing for the united states air force band and the sing sergeants and the singing of our national anthem. ♪ ["star-spangled banner" playing]
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>> please be seated. distinguished guests, general
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charles q. brown, jr. gen. brown, jr: their words engraved in marble above, words spoken bysirahalincoln ins gettysburg address. "we highly ree se ad shall not have died in vain." we are here to honor our fallen for their ultimate sacrifice and pay tribute to their commitmentt they did not die in vain. mr. president, madam vice president, fellow joint chiefs of staff, spouses, distinguished debt -- distinguished gs, and our goldstar families, welcome to you all. we gather on memorial those whoe
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uniform when they gave their ideals so we can spend each day doing what we love. the ultimate measure of freedom. anour faen our nation lives on. thanks to our fallen, there unwavering commitm tsacrifice, . we stand in arlington national cemetery, the final resting place for over 400,000 of our fallen. every stone marker represent someone who wore therm duty. wh for us they responded, "send me." over one million of our service members have ft perished. when snow fell over the delaware north and south turned against one another, when bombs dropped from the sky over pearl harbor and machine-gun
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fire strafed the beaches of normandy and iwo jima, when the valley froze over, and when terrorist breached our s come our service members said "send me." s forever grateful to those who gave their lives and to the families day. all of the birthdays on celebrated, wedding anniversaries and family milestones on observed. cer games and concerts missed. rvice members who raise their right hand and took an oath to d ideals had a family who sacrificed alongside them. others in father's, husbands and wives -- mothers and fathers, husbands and wives, sons ortheif unyielding, their love enduring. it is up to behind and provide
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comfort and solace in need and e contributions of their loved ones. ■ i to us to further the cause for which our fallen died at uphold the ee on a cloudy wedny 1863, preside. we highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in he continues "it is up to us, the living, to be dedicatetotase us, that from these honored dead ak devotion to the cause for which they gave their last full measure of devotion." thank you for being here this memorial day. to those we lost in service to our nation. may god bless our fallen and may god bless their families and may
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god continue to b t america. thank you. [applause] >> distinguished guests, the united states coast guard band and the singing sergeants chorus will perform american anthem. ♪ [performing "american anthem"]
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■p■>> distinguished gues, the
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honorable lloyd j. austin sec. austin: mr. president, madden vice president -- madam vice president and mr.■k inhofe, chairman brown, i am delighted to be here w. service members, my fellow
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tees and gentlemen, thank you for letting us share this memorial day with you. to our goldstar family members and everyone morning of fallen american hero today, please know we bow our heads in sorrow along with you. we know you live with loss every day day. i had tf rving in the united states army for more than four decades. evermo day i remember those alter the defense of our country, including the battle buddies who served and fought alongside me. we got through, they did not. that pain will never go away. i could tell their stories for for todayopfallen american heroy
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on this memorial■2 day, my thoughts are with the family of u.s.p7rmy staff sergeant stevon booker of apollo, pennsylvania. ÷sent booker was a tank mmah during operation iraqi freedom in 2003. said that sergeant booker looked, sounded like the abrams tank he commanded. he embodied the power and the pride of the united states army. race towards baghdad the sergeants unitmehe rushed ts in the heat of theig, ■/ with hn personal weapon, lying exposed
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on top of his tank current for mile after mile -- his tank turret for mile after mile. sergeant booker was one of the first americans killed in the iraq war. i know firsthand how tough the fighting was that day. ionly fitting the army has named itscombat vehicle the m-10 booker. that name honors staff sergeant booker and private robert booker of nebraska who was positive she was -- he was posthumously awarded the medal of honor for his stunning battlefield work in tunisia during world war ii. america security depends on the work of people like staff sergeant and on the courage and character of her service s. and strength of their families
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and loved ones. we know how much our troops and their families do every day in so many unsung ways. we know the. that goes beyond the dangers of combat. necessity, u.s. military training is challengingour opert our troops in harm's way. we still lose too many of our service memberou their familieso not just sacrifice during wartime. our military families know the long deployments and the painful absences. the pride that never fades and the worry that never our blue st afamiliesl
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e. technology are the envy of the world. end, america's greatest strategicle. t ur fallen heroes, let us always strive to defend the democracy for which they fought and died. duty and we must, ladies and gentlemen, our commander in chief has always stood up for our troops, our military families, and our te it is my honor to introduce the presid ss. [applause]
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presde thank you. you, thank you. please be160 years ago this, ine midst of the civil war, the first american soldiers laid to rest at these hallowed gun. private williamrmworker from ped enlisted just seven weeks before.there was no formal cereo consecrate sanctuary. no fanfare. came at a turning point in the war. fighting shifted east with casualties quickly mounting and the grinding over the next year, william would be joined in death, as he was in life by his brother in arms in stthese hills around use
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transformed from a former slave plantation into a national shrine for those american heroes who died for. who died for us. ao americans, jill, vice president the second gentleman, secretary austin, generaltantly the veterans and service members and families and survivors, we gather at this sacred place, at em moment to remember, to honor the sacrifice of the hundreds of thousands of women andn their lives to this nation. each■c one a link in a chain of honor days. each one bound by common ■ not ta not to a person, not to a president,
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but to an idea unlike any in history. the idea of united states of america. today we bear witness to the price theyevery whitestone acroe hills avery military cemetery and churchyard across america, a father, m son, daughter, spouse, ai neighbor, n american. for everyone who has lost and love someone in service of our country. with a loved one still missing or unaccounted for, i know how hard it can b to reopen chest bhe exact moment you got that phone call, heard the knock on the door, or hd the hand is last breath was taken. the hurt is still real, still
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raw. this week marks nine years since i lost my son beau. same. he did not perish on the he was a cancer victim as a consequence of g q next to a burn pit. living and working bese toxic b. as it is for so many of you, the ev day. his loss is with me still sharp, still clear. so is the pride i feel in his serviceif is my duty, d,duty wad by and the code you live by. it all the grounds around us fallen heroes from -- on the
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grounds arounds heroes from every major conflict. to preserve ournion, to defeat fascism, to form powerful alliances. ergeneration who 80 years ago nt week liberated a comment and save the world. others who stood against communism in korea and men who e anisn and in who signed up to defeat terrorism and protect our homeland after 9/11. decade after d t wars fought for our freedom and the freedom of others. becausfrguaranteed. every generation has to earn it. fight for at. autocracy and democracy, between
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the greed of a few and the of ny. it matters. our democracy is more than just a system of government. s the very soul of america. it is how we have beenrough the. it is why we have always emerged from every challenge stronger than we went in and how we come. just as our faer faith with our country and democracy, we must keep fthith them. i have long said we have many obligation a nation but we only have one truly sacred obligation. ■kto prepare those we sent into ttak them and their families when they come home, and when they do not tooke signed up with 30 bipartisan la sveterans, and their familiee
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benefits and process more claims than ever in our history. and the act i was proudo ve signed has guaranteed one million claims han exposed to toxic materials during their service. one million. for too long after fi these veto fight to get the right health care and the benefits they earned. not anymore. our nation came together to ensure the burden is no longer on them to prove their inewhethc waste, to ensure they protect them, they just have to protect the united states. it is the death was a consequence of the exposure. on this day wee th again to reflect, to remember. above all, to recommit to the future they fought for. freedom,
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democracy, opportunity, any quality. not just for some but for all. america is the only country in the world founded on an idea. an idea that all people are created equal and deserve to be trwe have never fully lived up o m it. every ouraln heroes have brought us closer. today we are not just fortunate heirs of their legacy. ■
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no family members to mourn their loss. just a quiet, the rolling green hills surrounding them. today we join that grief with gratitude. heroes, gratitude to the families left behind. gratitude to the brave souls that continue to uphold flame of liberty across our country and around the world. them, all of them, we stand here.we will never forget. we will ne working to make a more perfect union livedd for. that was theirthat is our promio them. that is our promise always. god bless the■' bless their families and may god protect our troops. you. [applause]
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>> distinguished guests, please stand for the playing of "taps" and the benediction. [aps" playing] ♪ çñ>> almighty godas we prepare
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to conclude this solemn gathering, we lift our hearts in gratitude an reverence. we stand on the shoulders of heroes who paid their lives in service of our great nation. we thank you for their sacrifice , the unwavering commitment to , may their legacy inspire us ad guide our leaders in each branch weight.rnment and the departmeef grantham our wisdom, couge, and discernment as they leave this great nation. way we never forget the passage in john 15 that greater love has no more than this, that he lay
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down his life for his friends. help us to be good stewards of dothey purchase with their blood and as we depart from this sacred place, may your piece always be upon us. may we carry the torch of remembrance, ensuring their sacrifices etched forever in our collecmay this benediction serva reminder of thede by those who rest and honor glory. in your name we pray you bless behind.ho have served in all of may god continue to bless the united states of america. amen. >> please remain standing for the singing of "god bless performed by the united states coast guard band and the singing sergea course. -- and the singing sergeants chorus. ♪ [singing "god blessca"]
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guests, please remain in place as the official pa departs and the colors are retired. ú■d♪
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this memorial day, let us all take a moment to member those who ve and their families.
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announcer: c-span is your fiby these television companies and more, including sparklight. >> the greatest town on earth i, too, and right now, we are all facing our greatest challenge. keep you connected. we are doing ourart, so it's a little easier to do yours. announcer: sparklight suor c-span as a public service, along with these oer television providers, giving you a front row seat to democracy. armada landed on the shores of normandy. >> these are the boys. took the cliffs.
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these are the champions wh these are the heroes who helped wa millions sons from 15 countries met death on an even plain. >> the sons of doccy improvised and mounted their own attacks. at that exact momentthess. the forces of freedom turned the tide of the 20th century. >> that road to v-e day was hard and valiant men. and it began h w footprints on the he and more than 150,000 souls set off towards this tiny sliver
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of sand upon which hung more than the fate of a war. bu, the course of human history. >> today, we remember those who fell and we honor all who fought right here in normandy. announcer: watch c-spaverage ofe 80th anniversary of d-day, speech by president biden from normandy, france. youant (202) 748-8003. put data together fm various sources. ary deaths released in 2019. it war, 4400 pl, wa of 1812, 2200. 498,rihe cil war.
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world war i -- world war ii 405, korean war 50 4000, vietnam war 90,000, highlighting the most recent conflicts. persian gulf 1500, global war on terror, 68,000 plus people. this wason terror,000 plus people. this was was 2019. the purpose of this program is to hear from you concerning your thou o day. if you want to share your thoughts on iyou are an active performer military, (202) if you're a member of a military family, (2) 8-8001. anyone else call 748-8002 up some posting o medit
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comes to honor those perished as yesterday i took my 84-year-old bomb to visit the cemetery where my great grands are buried where they honor my grandma's brother withbomb to visit the cr g bomb to visi the cemetery where where they honor my grandma's brother with ae plaque, saying this is farm country in the heartland where you see the women working. then luis lopez adding thoughts on facebook. rembf those killed and wounded in wars. we need to take care of them. you can share those sentiments. the phone lines or social media.
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text us at (202) 748-8003 stop for -- text us at (202) 748-8003. . what does memorial day mea i amd before i begin i would like you to thank me for my service. host: t foroi caller: i am retired military. i fought under general chad king. i am proud to say i have over 300 per perm kills in a purple heart i received effort oil drum fell on my foot. giving me around deal when it comes to receiving benefits. the agency has refused to cover legalidents that stem from my ptsd. a eks agore and i saw young boy, cannot have been more than
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he was wearing a camouflage jacket. i found this offensive because knowing that young has ever served their country so ga screaming the stolen valor -- then i beat the chi.ho we will . 8whyou? i am in tears own a. -- i am in arizona. i went to let you know my daddy is a korean war veteran. he served in the mines. we are so proud ofservice. he is 92 years old. we could not have this country wit ans.people that are saying d
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things against this country, they need to look up history and no what what role did your dad serve during the korean war? host: what did he tell you about that obviously it was a nighttime job. my daddy, he said korea was not the most pleasant of places to be eng wartime. very hot in the summer and cold st: did he talk about his caller: not that much. he was more happy to get out of that country. danny in arizona sharing the work of his father and remembering him. holiday for today.
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veterans at all of those who have served in military service. ifou wt to share your thoughts on this memorial day and what it means to you, let's hear from rick in iowa. retired military. caller: good morning. i have some pictures from yearsr had took me to the luxembourg cemetery. on memorial day i take a peek. i will tell y the■ rows over 5000 soldiers buried there. general patton is buried there as well. it just struck me, it was
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was beautiful. the crosses in marble. it was terrible at the same time. i wentith him to see where the germans were buried. they have a cemetery not too far , looking at a picture of that as well. we did not have a lot they did not have a lot of money at the end of the wary buried two soldiers to across. i just -- on this day i try to set the poca stuff apart and ber their sacrifice. when had to do their job, they all did it.
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like i said, there was nothing political involved in that. i remember standing there many members of mark memorial day takes on a special meeting for me along with the 50,000 braveolers who did not return from south east asia all those years ago. representative brian mast post to be following. i loved serving my country in the u.s.asrm important, i love the frids served angegana finger in combat but there is no again for some of the friends i lost. announcer: c-span's washington journal,form involving
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you to discuss the latest issues in government, politics and public■,■ policy from washington and across the country. tuesday morning we will talk abpo engagement in the role of the safe community with the movement forward clm lead organizer of the group. and we will discussction and heh care in the u.s. with former gop new york lieutenant governor, r of the committee to reduce infectious deaths. join the conversation live at 7:00 eastern friday morning on c-span, c-span now, or online at >> today, an unprecedented armada landed on the shores of normandy.
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>> these are the boys. these are the men who took the cliffs. these are the champions who helped free a continent. these are the heroes who helped two million sons from 15country met death on an even plain. >> the sons of democracy improvised and mounted their own attacks. at that exact moment on these beaches, the forces of freedom turned the tide of the 20th century. >> that road to v-e day was hard and long, and traveled by weary and valiant men. and history will always record whoad began. it began here, with the first footprints on the beaches of
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>> and more th 1 set off towards this tiny sliver of sand upon which hung more than the fate of a war. but rather, the course of human history. >> today, we remember those who fell and we honor all who fought right here in normandy. announcer: watch c-span's live all-day special coverage of the 80th anniversary of d-day, thursday, june 6 featuring a speechpr normandy, france. >> three of the seven surviving veterans of the world war ii ghostrm were awarded the congressional medal.
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