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tv   Chef Jose Andres on Food Aid in Conflict Disaster Areas  CSPAN  May 27, 2024 10:19pm-11:27pm EDT

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n me like have came great but people that did the impossible in a possible. one thing i learned we obviously i think everybody in central kitchen keeps learning every mission is alearning
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of more experiences. i don't same event in the same that we don't plan of in the in the functionality of the there is good people that they have a plan. you need run an organization. well to be successful. but in the core of who we are, which is the pure showing up after volcano earthquakes. fires, you name it, or even lately homes when you follow acause we are taught to have a plan, the plan of like to go to university, you graduate, you do an mba,you married, or you go to live together and then boom, y weddings. and obama and your grandpa and grandm e. i know. i in business, every business everything has a plan. we are told tolearn, especially in covid that the view will rely on. the plan is only so many plans you can plan happen if something happens that you never for.
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if you are only taught to follow a in the face of the disaster.enwh embrace the complexity of the moment and you embrace that complexity and you adapt and that situation that mayhem is an opportunity for you to come with something nobody thought of every time something happens is not something you freeze something you bring your hands to. your head and you say, oh my god, but this a moment almost in a happiness, of knowing tha're g to rise to the circumstances and you're going to be able to produce when nobody is able to do, which is bringing people hing as food and water of people in need. no. a week from today. moment, the urgency of now is yesterday. this is the kind of lessons we'as an education. we we are on our way to 400 million meals in the most icult circumstances in gaza, we reach almost 34 million meals already, more than 60 kitchens
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more than six kitchens waiting to be opened. more than 1200 truck organization that had no experience in a gaza, the little organization the baby orza been behaving like the bigger than is haitian y because we didn't follow a plan. we adapted theral kitchen. they've been adapting everything, classical. that's why we've been able to respond to the earthqu to the mayhem has been going in armenia, to what is in the south and part of lebanon. what happened and the terrible to the many people living in southern israel, which wehing is happening to the people of gaza that we mainland. we are in chile. llowing our plan is allowing us to make happen. we are that therefore with i tried to transform mayhem into to shareholders. how do you just decide wheryo go? i mean, it sounds like it's a quick decision and quick action but do try to respond to everything? well, we are very small. i mean, some of this negative name is you' who is the ceo, and yet you're going to give a round of
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applause to who are in a hard game. i don't ru organization. i am. began chairman. and then, you know, youi mean, move on. i i'm i'm i'm the now the first voorganization ever had. i was the first one. i was the only one. and i see myself as that. obviously, i see myself a as the wh going i still i feel i know nothing, but i have an instinct of what we should bedoing this. i mean, every time i have an instinct, what we should be doing is the rig but that's why we have great teams that collaborate. and obviously the best idea is the one that usually wins the day because we use pragmatism and we use i don't know if one day will change our kitchen. we havein the world. i prefer before. don't because we are tlearn from the big organizations that amazing men and woman, but sometimes they become so big that they don' what they're supposed to be doing anymore. and i think we need to be in the right being nimble enough that
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we understand who we are, but quick to grow we can respond everywhere. one day we will hopefully say that in every major catastrophe we are. but techni responding to seven, eight and nine catastrophes sometimes and not our people often is onlyo fromorld central kitchen. but because we have a talent to bring the best talent, because our ideasmessage we feed and we bring water and all the team members understand that. and you are that with that simple rule o deemed usually are but successfuthuse whatever it takes to be the input. that's what we need. 260 million meals in ukraine. that's why we put more than 550 restaurants work with us. that's why we had the team of more than 5000 ukrainians eding ukraine. technically, only one person was under chen when in bless me, obviously a big poland. but technically we want very few only one team member wentoutside, but only one team
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member wentide some block a friend and then the mission leader. many places, there's only one or two people. i don't mean is the right way to do it, send too many more people in a warzone either. but we are gather the community y make us successful. that's something we are. so where we respond anywhere there is need, are we able to go everywhere? no. butes in texas. we've been feeding within 6 delivering sandwiches. well we and and and team is a small operation around that quickly in 6 hours because the world has connected and because i don't know if you know but world central is without a doubt the biggest history of mankind is not iz bigger than the biggest government. we we are bigger than the vate company. we're much bigger than un.
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we'he biggest organization in the history of mankind. why? because every person that wants to volunteer and for eating the food businessral kitchen. every restaurant, every food every baseball stadium, every boat, every amphibious other submarine. ll belong to world central kitchen. what happened? they don't know it yet. that's how we think.that's why we never responded some way. we helicopters and two planes and one boatg helicopter, a did the we deliver 80,000 meals a day within days to 14 islands. yes, we did it. we did. the one and a half million meals in ukraine a day. s, we did. are we doing over 350,000 meals gaza in the middle of a war zone? every one of the kitchens with yes, we did. why? because everything belongs to
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us. that's how we're adding to every asset is ours. we take that responsibility to deliver. this way we can be nimble. we don't need to have are because we own all the spiritually. that's what we are able to be so quick. we think like everything belongs can think that way, because he's to use for the service of the peon be nimble, but one day believe that we can spond everywhere, even including why you know, one they claim that we can be ending at we have our disposal in the right reason. i in those this and then you talked a little bit over like a political you probably could run ll but know obviously this work is is the primary and i want to talk a little bit about the work that you're doing in some of these otherces, in particular gaza. i mean president biden announced today that aid into gaza. you've actually worked with airdrops previously. what's your take on what it why the
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us is only now getting involved in well sometimes it takes time to warm up. obviously samantha power a big trip the last few days. we began saying that we had to be that we're doing airdrops. i was myself in an airdrop with jordan. the we did it because we've been working very closely with the hashemite kingdom, with the king andmilitary of jordan, that they've been providing very important aid. warehouse in jordan. i've been in amman myself on i can say that members of what's we've been already three times the first airdrop that i will tell you that in many ways while airdrops is not our invention, they've been done. unfortunately before, to great success. i would say that we've beench pushing for the govern airdrops sometimes is not what we do, but
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others to do that. now, finally the i can show you on my whatsapps and you'll understa finally, the u.s. is going to be joined in jordan and the dutch. and obviously the other the emirates to do more strategic airdropgoing to tell you that also is going to be see that they announce that we have a boat ready to go to the beaches of gaza. i cannot tell you how much more, but we need to be thinking lia is the other way to do it is this march. we do in airdrops. it's smart. it is, but and we thinking about landing on the beaches of gas in the middle of a war zone.i wish we then had to, but we cannot control the circumstances of the war. i wish i could stop the war had that power with my finger and find peace and and give the people of palestine what they deserveease of the hostages. hopefully save for the families. and then one day, israeli and will be forever living in peace and especially palestinian people willeserve like every other free country
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should. bu sure we provide food and water because. because a simple sense is th reasons. is not enough humanitarian aid . that is why we need to be thinking about both. that's why i'm so happy that finally us is joining. i was at the white house not too long ago specifically. also talking about this. i'm very proud. i'm very happy that finally th initiative of king abdullah and and hopefully we know only one massive drop in the drops in the north. we have food in precisely with the idea that we could be dropping in from the air. i'm very happy that is happening but needs to happen everyive weight. people are hungry is there is already aster. the least we can do is making sure that everybody is fed everybody is provided. least we can do for the people of palesti. and you mentioned the boat, i believe it's called. the boat. i believe the boat's name is ca open arms. that's sort of been there and been ready to go with the food, with the water. i mean, what was your thinking as to sort of when to launch this boat?
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remember, but in ukraine, we were the first people to arrive boat. we then had to we had enough food in ukraine. ukraine never needed food. ukraine is a country that exports food. but why we did it because we wanted to learn the situation of why ukraine was be sending the grain. i wanted to learn. we wanted to learn have these good friends is a great people in the mediterranean and bring them to to a safe port and oskar, ws him and like, hey, we need to go to ukraine by boat that we have other sources in case something happened that we can bring food son. and we made it happen. and we did four or five trips. saw that the number of was was never enough. in north. we thought what if wtogether the plan of having a boat? this is not the bosehe boat h ow push for amphibious vehicles and barges that they can be coming from cyprus that hopefully the israelis can check all this
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stuff in cyprus making sure that everything is what they want and then bring it to the beaches again. why are we thinking so inld way? because right now the people of be bold in moments of ideas need to be consider. so will you see? maybe soon the arrival of a boat ts the arrival of the beaches of gaza rigimpossible. but the airdrops ago, many people were saying that this was going to beos if we are not able to open more ways to bring trucks in big quantities into gaza, we need to be c the beach and maybe before, you know, you will see a whole bunch of boats arriving to the beaches of gaza. and i know that usaid said in rece opening of more channels into there are only two crossings maybe that this boat is opening u optimist are you that israel would agree to opening up ghssings to allow food to flow in to starve off the food well, again, they i wish i could
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stop the war. right. but iit's only one person can do but this one person, i thiadministration even one thing is the public message. i do believe behind the doors is been doing a lot of push to make sure that obviously a cease fire will be achieved and obviously moren. i want to believe this has been happening, but the stopped tomorrow if israel will open us north immediately because then we can get the north tracks from the sout from the north and we can be covering all of gaza why is not happening is always politics. if you think about politics, politics i democracy. the world politics should be er language. the only thing we need to be using is u policy, policy and common sense polituse becoming something i run the country or how to run democracy. i'm going to usell the -- to you and you're going to throw all this -- to me.
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but no ideas a to be put on the table to solve the problems of thee. and we are fools because we follow the game ofwhat is the good policies that solve the problems of the have a group of at they are in power. people are able to make sureno israeli any entry point will happen frotherefore, we have a crisis in gaza. ob ceasefire will achieve everything just are moving i direction. so what can we do thing? extra one or two entry points totally can be happening tomorrow. totally. why is not happening? because politics. that's why i don't like politics. at where when i go to do world. my i, i don't se people that have the red or thee. i don't see people that they are christians or muslims or are you see people
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unfortunately i see the better people inorst moments of humanity in the wars, moments of humanity, the best ofy in unbelievable ways shows we only see people helping people. and the world like that all the time. people helping people. be good for you and unfortunately that's s happening. and in every situation i think you would agree with me that can be many truths. at the same very often people are only want their truth to be the know i don't. i want my people people safe. all right. no, no, but my people or or you kill why you kill mine is why you kill more than mine. well, one death is one too many. i came. we need to be bringing in obviousltism, more empathy, more understanding. but what is good for me must be good for you is something we costs. because if now we are going into
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mayhem. and i do believe we can have many truths. ca favor o in gaza should be dying. saying that no more israeli people should be dying if there are missiles fired by hezbollah or gaza is it is more people dying now in our truth. nobody should be dying. but sometimes we don't go is only one third versus the other. and therefore we never find a common ground of peace, of understanding, of working towards a betterthat's the sad reality when you tell me i've been in i've been in gaza and when i speak to people, i don't see these and i spoke to every person, but they don't see hate. i people people that want to live with see. unfortunately, that's not a e hear. but when you are on the ground most of the time you people on both sides that they have compassiyou we we were not supposed to not supposed to be killing them. we're not supposed to live in hungry o you a phrases without telling you who it if an israeli
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palestinian and you will be surprised, you will not be able said phrase. that means this a ness out there more than we think. but this always mayhem. why?because sometimes the voices that control the conversation seems they are highly interested in the man because that's how they keep in the people don't want man. they want peace. what is good for me must be good for you. was that. i know that you were at the white house the other day, and i know that was for a different just a second. but i am just kind of curious after everything you just said, did you have the chance to talk either to biden or to someone in house about some of these concerns with being able to get food into gaza, aboutstration's response to it was that you were able to talk about at all yesterday. yeah, you can ask them. so it is so it is something that you did bring up. at was their response?
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yeah. to it was your sense everybody knows that for me. i'm inore ways than one. but one of the the blessing is in certain moments that they believe they've been important for different reasons. i've been able to do my little contributes to pandemic. the first thing i did was agriculture. and visiting the white house eting with mrs. gavankar trump on her team. why? because america needed all of us to have a good response make sure that nobody will be going hungry. believe i can know that can for the water. i will knock on the door all the rent but again this announcement. i'm very i'm very happy. and yes, america can and should be and will do more i hope is something that will continue unequally with ukraine. i'm not i'm in a war, but i'm t very thrilled what is being
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happening wi lack of support from congress to help people thafiare and defend theirso so i hope thisuestion. you also mentioned ukraine, and i did want to see if you about your operations there. world its third year in ukraine. what is the status of your there in you in ukraine?we we we don't have the same re than hundred. i thinkring the team. we're sharing the team. the numbers with the board we've done on the of 264 million especially the first nine month i thinkimportant because we were first countries were running ukraine with all the people that were leaving ukraine, all the re all the displaced people inside, we began moving in so very, very quickly. we reached the one and a half million. they said before, and obviously
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emergency we gave time to own ukrainian government. the u.n. throu world food program, usa and etc. to when we started kind of moving down. but our work if anything right now is even more important. we're doing still hundreds of thousands of meals a month. we have an amazing team that responds in than 3 hours to any time you see a missile hit that usually, unfortunately, more and more people are dying aine, russia has been increasing the number of espionage. usually the teams are right first responders, feeding the people that their homes, they've been damaged again within 3 hours. we receive photos in the form. so i'm very, very areas very close to the front people or many people that are have family, they don't want to move and i wish but at the same time, if they feel that way, we cannot leave them alone. i'm i'm amazed that we have ukrainian team members that are risking their lives just to keep those people much what world central kitchen is beenbesides supporting
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other, one of the things i'm the proudest that was earlyplanting seeds because they they had a lot of grain in their silos and because the blockade they couldn't export the grain without exporting the grain does way way putin is doing is really beyond what there is doing in ukraine is how much living parts of the world hungryortant and that is why we went by boat to try to bringing awareness to that situation of we began seeds for the farmers because the farmers would not money. the banks will not give them loans and they didn't want t had the silos full and they had more space for the next we said if we put the grain will you take theey say yes. so we did many them, but we did something that i'm very proud. that tens of thousands of families near the war zone, they all have a farm front of their home. they are some of the best farmers in the wor they
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had access because money or because the logistics and s to seeds. so within already for the third giving, not only the big farmers as we did on the first year, buts for their home packs of ten, 12 different seeds is what we call the borsch package where families, they've been able topotatoes that will help them selling some of the extra production some money. this is probably one of the smaller done with the biggestq:achievement. so we are right now delivering the families as we also keep bringing them fresh fruits and e of work we in, in, in beyond other things like buying trucks farmers that they they had no tracks because all of them military. but these making their life in their farms very difficult other few things that we are doing right now. so there is gaza, there's ukraine. i also know that you have op now in chile in response to wildfires.about what you're
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doing there? well i don't follow i follow everything. the simple and very chaotic but very systemthat's y, you know, my nights are usually going through whatsapp and it's fascinating to see and they especially i'm a guy that i'm very visual and i like photos teams are the best is almost like every member journalist very often y places some of the first videos of the world central kitchen happened more than once, and i'm very proud of that tells you how quick we are. so in chile is the same thing as is beinghe same thing happened in japan where i was able to meet with some of japan, just together. you know, the amazing thing happens don't remember even the country and i should but sometimes someth happens and few times we receive a photo of a restaurant or a diner or a food truck far
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away, and a local in central kitchen, sometimes, like painted by hand and i mean, people are quick. you are already here. and then, yous like --, we're quick manot quick enough, which i shouldn'tre unbelievably quick. but this is the way to say, don't bring your guard down. like. s what do we do? this kind of thing? but sometimes these happen and the fascinating thing. do you postman? the costner in this kind pose and of the situation, apocalyptic ended up very much almost like now. that. come on. so your people. postman and s and the mail s the first sign that acy maybe was about to start again. and the
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hope. even kevin costnertm save his life because they were about to kill him and the postman bringing mail, democracy whatever. in a way sometimes most integration is happening like that. like all of a sudden they knew what we do say, you know what i'm going to start feeding something has happened in my town and do like the locavore central kitch we are unaware and we didn't know this happened a fewinating is that world central kitchen is is important but this an idea and shared by many and sometimes that i who's drawing their own logo. wasn't in meals and we are clueless that that's happening. but i'm very proud of what central kitchen has been able to dea that anybody can belong to, even if organization. i think this is the power of hat central kitchen teams are achieving. it's like the bat signal. it's impressiv it's not it's it's a little bit of effort to do the logo. you got to have you know what we wanted the logo with colorsf all these international
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ngos, they are also. look at the colors is the wall is happiness is hope. look at the feet of our social you know we we don't go with everything we we go to tell you how good everything is. if you are behindwe we don't look for dying. we know the situation is bad. are showing you what we are doing and that if you sumore can be done. we will hope, not in darkness, i believe wasn't in many ways. if you take a look on when we ago to the day, what used to be the social media today everybody has always we never did videos of telling you do. we always warehouses like what the -- your warehouse is full sometimes we show you our house and our house is are delivering the food in real time.
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but we alwaysdelivering, traveling to in a helicopter, in a bhorse, always going somewhere. we, in a way, i believe we've been influencing a lot of the social med don't tell me what you will do tomorrow. show me what you're doing today. this is the least we'expect. as you have these teams all over d places. how do you think about making sure that your folks are being kept safe so they can continue to do the work well, this will be a question better for for ther kitchen but is not like i'm keeping the answer. i mean we have good system some parameters in terms of you know we have been members main role is looking forward to ess phase one thing when peoplemayhem or fire or the mayhem of a hurricane or they mayhem of a ado. the members of central kitchen are going towards the
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they are going towards the tornado. we are anorganization. is dangerous. it i mean, you're going to be shot in washington, dc ido happened. and you can i'm not making fun of it is a reality when we go to emergencies is dangerous when we are flying over with our helicopter for one no on the airport to be able to try to reach the people in abaco, he said that when we are in a place that water, it said tre. so he said then you're in much of what we dos why the men and women that obviously you're in boats under a kitchen they they tdangers. do we send anybody to danger?no, we do it controlled. we send anybodown wishes to go somewhere. said that that someone to be nobody went to ukraine, that they didn't want to here that they wish not to go. i will be present the first month of the my daughter
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second daughter who use graduated from me to poland and as i w going to go for my second or third time in the poland that we had already apeople in the border in poland, a beautiful operation and she me and my daughter, look at me. i'm like, i'm not staying in poland. i'm coming with you to la vive. i' ukraine. i'm like, your mom is going to kill me. like, and my daughter like, daddy how do you want me to be of solving the without risking somethinge was my driver she came for four days withi was very proud of that. was right to be bringing my daughter in the place was a warsaw. and inybe yes. why? because i do believe i'm notdaughters, putting them behind walls. i'm going to be protecting my daughters if we believe building longer tawhat is good for my daughters must be good for others. i do believe, is my way to build
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a better world. i don't believe in buildin around. my daughters, we protect them more. i do believe by showing them the world wed helping make a better world is the way i will keep my daughters i do believe is the same for every single team of world central kitchen. i know that we talked a little bit about the white house, bud you an actual question about what you were doing there, which was a part of t for 1.7 billion in new commitments to end hunger erent organizations. you of course have been very involved iff council on sports, fitness and why? oh, hey, look. questions. i took them away. i was trying to be in because you were looking for them. i forgot. i no, i thought. well, we will try and get to a couple of them. but i did yeah. for this white house initiative that was big. now? well, this was huge. that was big. i don't know if you remember but during the pandemic, vice presidentyeah, you know, everything was a stop doing millions of meals all across america india, all
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the places i remember the u.n. we had the entire hotel for us in new york because we were fee york. that's how proud i am of the kitchen. but during yeah, you're going global. no. one, we weren new york. we fed 100 hospitals in the mayhem of the pbut during the pandemic was, if you'll remember, it was because these gatherings were nottown hall and they meant biden. vice president about foodory of presidential elections that at town hall happen about food. i was very proud of that. not for me, for was bold, but i believe was of that was only a very simple a do a white house food conference again? the first one and the last one
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born president out of that conference. so i'm very prohouse. then after that town hall took on that a champion. she made itmy partition and did the white house foodonference last year, which i hope we will see great results in the years. already i is being great results. ference was believing that food can not only see on the department of agriculture because food is agriculture, which i think we need to change the name to the department of food. food is also health. and now you've seen secretary becerra and secretary vilsack working together because food can also be health. health can be better if. food is used in the rightt is bigger than that. food you're in a housing because we have food deserts who can be controlng have markets in places
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that the woly single mothers. they have to be thriving if they have akilometers away. but food is defense. remember the school lunches began because pentagon in 1940 794 requested that government will create the scho so american back then military could be replenish at the end. why i've been been proposing that food is everything. food is a national security issue. 'll remember we run out of baby formula. yeah. how americaand not going to get into i'm not going toperson that is the one to blame. but that happens and nobody sawthe president of united states and every president, the world should havsecurity adviser. i wasy to speak last year on the night of summit, and i spoke to single president. every single general, every single minister of defense. and the message was clear, well you take food seriously or the wars you're going to bethe contrary. if you take food have
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less wars on non you simple yeah you can clap on that one. he was very simple information every time i go i love china. i love chinese people. mean, besides, they have the best food in the world that great people. home. i'm like, --, why then born china? i can no issue withut but then let me give you certain situations here very has percent of the world population. they only have 7% of the farming beha because they're going to feed all the people. well, let's make sure we are ahead and we don't we make that into an opportunity not to have a conflict and war for control ts, of food and water, but angether produce more food so everybody is fed. andes. our food. let me give you one more. everybody is talking about food ways, right? what happen if we wake up tomorrow and the announcement is planet earth has not enough to feed 8 billion people. me and i will make sure
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you word. but you want 2 billion people without food, right now seems is a science fiction movie. but in 2021, i was, you know whatever was a year, we had a conflict in ukraine. we had devastation of three countries with back toand we had rice production. we had passed three countries lost big percentage of their produ best fungus, if the perf happen like baby formula happen, we may be one day not too far away. if countries don't take it seriousl ssue that we will not have food to feed planetmore about fighting food waste, but will bebe fighting for food. i hope our leaders are ahead of that situation and where food can be an alien of peace, not becoming an alien ofjose absolutely
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did. we are running a lit do have one final question, but before i do, i do have toke a moment to thank the organizers of today's event, m leaders, dinah allen, line manager laurie russo and jen judson. today's headliner, event organizer linda roth and club events coordinator cecily scott. martin thank you all, especially for the questions for your and now very quickly, just some upcoming events on be hearing from 17 entrepreneurs on their new bookadvice on how to become a young entrepreneur. i am told this place is also applicable if you are an older entrepreneur and onarch 13th, this one's really important. we're going to be hearing from diane foley. she's theey who was a freelance journalist who was captured and killed by in 2014. about her new book american mother. an people to join us for that. and then jose, i think the last question. well, first of all, i actually have to give you the mug. so we give this to everyone who comes to the club, ambassadors diplomats, celebrities. and i am honored for you to have it. thank you so much for all the amazing work you'vehout the world here in the u.s. of course, for the
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final question world central kitchen, even if we don it, what can we do to help you and help yourefforts? that's very fun do if when i'm in a chairterrible. i'm only good when i have my boots and i'm somewhere. books, especially all cookbooks. and these one from 1826. read tiburon. it's french guy. and i don't quote french people in publi often. i mean, i like french p know, spain, france culinary. don't give water to the enemy. they say have a first edition. the guy died on same year the book was published and his name was not on the cover ofuse he was ashamed what he brough and i'll tell you who you
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are. and he said something, more important that they keep repeating to every president and every membess, everywhere the future of the how they will feed themselves. how can you help that they the day we need your help, we don't need to call you. you will know. unfortunately, you'lleceive the call inside you. you will knowto serve. you need to serve for every hour, every minute, every already. but for what? sandra you will know when you are needed. can. yes, be helping every single moment is used. not to be silent in the comfort of your sofa. thinking about what you believe away from this yourself and show phone or use do the rightweet, !-cially in themes that have to with food. we need immigration reform because this is the way we will keep feeding ameca better in the right way.
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even if you don't care about you don't give a -- about the undocumented,e, but don't give a -- about the documented. i applaud you, but if you to be fed, be smart and support -- immigration ione way you can be bill. i want big companies the well, i want to have a big company. i want i don't mind one a 40,000 restaurant. i don't mind. i'm not a shame. i hope ion't, it's fine. i don't have a problem with big compan a farm bill that seems the onl the big companies. if we give subsidies to everybody why should we better don't give anybody but canada? the little farmers any eight. why the big ones are receiving immigration, the right farm bill. and with things like these, with way puttingolitics and supporting good policies don't suleader that doesn't have a policy plan to improve america.
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if they're playing politics, at them. support people that support is ar happens is is smart politics at the end with the time to every problem we face and there was no gettingms have simple solutions. how we do it. one plate of food at a time. people perfect outside. and chef jose, thank you so much. it was really a thank you again. thank you, guys. >> c-span is your unfiltered view of government. we find by these to vision companies and more, including midco. ♪
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midco supports c-span as a public service along with these other televisionrogiving you a front row seat to democracy. >> have could be the land of the free, the land of opportunity and a nation based on the rule of law. representative andrea salinas posted on memorial day we pay tribute to the brave men and women who made the ultite sacrifice for our freedom. as the daughter of a vietnam vegrateful to these heroes and all those who have served our nati♪ >> today, andy unprecedentedarmada landed on the shores of normandy. >> these are the these ar men who took the cliffs. these are the chamhelped free a continent. elped end a war.
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ies jumped intohe skies at a bloodsoaked surf and met death on an even playing. >> the sons improvised and mounted their own attack. at that exact moment on these beaches, the forces of freedom turned the the 20th century. >> day was hard and long and traveled by wary men -- by weary and valiant men. will always record where that road began. began here with the first footprints on the beaches of normandy. >> than 150,000 souls set off toward this tiny sliver of sand upon whichmore than the fate of a war but rather the course of human history. >> we remember those who fell and we honor all who fought right here in normandy. >> watch c-span's live all day special coverage of the 80th d-day thursday,
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june a speech by president biden from normandy, france. - > next, fuller white house chief of staff mick mulvaney bill beatty and mac make moderately sharetopic -- of its aspects of the job and their memory of the president. hosted by the university of chicago institute of phour 10 minutes. reading up
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