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tv   Washington Journal Open Phones  CSPAN  May 28, 2024 10:02am-10:30am EDT

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souls set off toward this ny sand upon which hung more than the fate of a war, but rather the course of human history. >> todaynd we honor all who fout right>> wifc-span's live all day special coverage of the 80th anniversary of d-day, thursday, june 6, featuring a speech by president biden from normandy, france. ♪ >> the house will be in order. >> this year, c-span celebrates 45 years of covering congres since 1979, we been your primary source for capitol hill, providing balanced, unfiltered coverage of government.e policis are debated and decided with the
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support of america's cable compan powered by cable. e new york time catalyst starting off the series of stories, taking a look at flags flown at the justice's homes. it started with a story concerning a home flying and adverted flag in alexandria, virginia. it was 2021. it shows donald supporters writing atrioting at the capi-'s inauguration three days away. they said in interviews in the coming weeks the justice tald
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about the impact, saying they will rule on two climatic -- concerning january 6. nother story. a look at a flag that was flown at his vacation home. here's the head another productive flag was flown at another alito home. last summer, two years agoerrics flown outside the virginia home ofti■■)o junior, it was the appeal to heaven ich like the inverted u.s. flag was carried by rioters on generally six. it's also the pine tree flag. his dates back to the revolutionary war. it is nowith symbol for support for president trumpihe d the push to remake american government in christian terms.
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that was from the new york times following up with the stories. thmpte letter sent by senate democrats looking for a conversation on the issue to chief justice john roberts. part of the letter reads, "by displaying o permitting the display prominent symbols of the stop the steal campaigts■ homesd an apparent in violation of the code of conduct for justices of the supreme that all nine justices adopted last year he created reasonable doubt as to his impartiality in certain proceedings, therefore requiring his disqualification in those proceedings. you cann e of three lines this morning. wh o. it is (202) 748-8000 for
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s. (202) 748-8001 for republicans. (202) 748-8002 for independents. u could do so at (202) 748-8003. social media sites available to u.s. well at f■6acebk and on x. also late last week that the senate judiciary chair, representative dick durbin discussed the flags concerning justice alito and the concerns of some democrats on capitol [video] >> three courses under the constitution are limited. the american flag upside down as a distress signal. dismissed it as a momentary emotional lapse of his making that decision. now we have the second flag, which is some symbolism on the radical right being flown at his
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vacation residence. is this just a chance indiscretion or conscious declaration of his loyalty? our courts and justicesarmy to r opinions. they don't have the mono an acca control. spect for integrity. this raises a serious questions of the highest court of the land. host: that is senate judiciary chair dick durbin on the topic of a story by the washington post flags, their decision on the reporting of it. is i from the wife of supreme court jtice alito
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■it indicated it was raised in response to a neirhdispute. a report he went to the couple's home to follow up on the flag it wanoadding the post decided noto report on the episode at the time because the flag raising appear to be the workmrs. alito in a di neighbors. it was not clear the■: politicso the spokeswoman. the upside down been a sign of distress for the military and protest by various political factions in the weeks before and after the january 6 attack it was adopted by supporters of the stop the steal movement which embraced president trump's false claims that joe s t election from him. taking look at the same issue and reporting of it.
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you can comment on the reporting or the event itself and the relevance youerned about. (202) 748-8000 for democrats. (202) 748-8001 for republicans. independents, (202) 748-8002. alyssa and hyattsville, maryland hyattsville, maryland. democrats line. caller: justice alito and clarence tmathemselves from anyt involves donald trump. whatever happened to justice is supposed to be blind? i know it does not often happen for american blacks. we have the laws■2ply to other people but then you have certain peopled9the laws -- theo apply. these christians,
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that hold of the bible in one hand and admitted conviction e -- convicted sexual predator who lies -- host: what is this about the fight that impacts the justice's caller: they are not they are out and outiv -- they are stating w■b■
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caller: i'm concerned how politicized the court has become. i don't have anythingrong with any flags that people arepeoplet their house but the supreme court should be held to a different standard. athis is not just my uncle or my
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cousin flying the flag. going on with clarence thomas and his wife and their involvement and effort to stop the steel and stuff like that. it's a little concerning and i wonder if the shoe was on the other foot hououtrage would be from conrv and right-wing people. host: it a concern over of flying the flag and the impact on his ability to do his job? is like■w is related to the truth. we of politicization in the court.
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whether alito is agreeing with these flags were not, the people perceive the court as becoming political. e concerning to people. people held -- they would not be worried about somethey might jut alito. you are a supreme court justice. you know there will be a lot of media attention and speculation about your houses and what kind of flag there they are flying the american flag upside down. if i did that -- i'm a young guy. what happens about calling cap -- find the flag upsidedown, ty
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image of unpatriotic. host: recent opedark c -- by■
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it goes both ways but they are supposed to be idd. it's what you think is done for the american people. it goes beyond that. host: finish your thought. er: i'm saying if you go beyond t rick in boston giving his
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thoughts and you can join in thr democrats, republicans and independents (202) 748-8001. rudy is next. caller: when you arepp conservative or liberal president if opinions don't match what's going on in this country, you've got a right to turn that flag upside down. this country is upside down because of the democratic party. think that's justice. their opinion. it's ee flag upside down don' be
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court justice, what you think of the appropriateness? caller:■othat should have anything to do with the job. he is appointed by a conservative republican show that's what you are. if you think the countries upside down, show it. if that'e ■u■@t, show it. this countries upside down and people nee r it. host: kevin is next in massachusetts, independent lin a whole lot to do about absolutely nothing. flying the flag upside down has been a sign of distress for a long time. i listen to a lot of rio and c-span and fox and cnn, cnbc and
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all of that stuff and i've never heard of stop the steal. because there is a supreme court justice doesn't he speech. i'm glad youroruth bader ginsburg. where were they when she was out about roe v. wade? host: regardless of justice ginsburg or justice alito, what do standard especially if you sit on the court? caller: think the worse that he would be doing with yinge aga misdemeanor thatcç■d they don'tn charge anybody with. you can use the flag an advertisement but you can open the paper today and see there are advertisements with the flag in it. it's not a big deal.
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ok. you are invited to call in and give your thoughts. mocrat leader hakeemed to call jeffries talking about the issue, talking about the actions you'd like to see here he is can i get your reacto samuel alito having flown various flags of a conservative nature outside his residence here? isa supreme court justice? >> wholly inappropriate. samuel alito thomas are totally out of control. these ins detonate■ñe court. definitively needs to recuse himself from any matter pending
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before the united states supreme co the january 6 violent insurrection. he should have no part in it. (e that we confront is that the supreme court has chosen to conduct itself as if the judiciary is above the law. in america, no one is above the law. that court, that includes samuel alito and that includes clarence thomas. if the supreme court does not get its act under control, you can be confident that in the house of representatives partnering with democrats in the united statesenate will enact
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the first opportunity we have to engage in thorough ove■jkig and the consideration of imposing an ethical code of conduct that hor from last week talking about the issue. flags which in several times, a bit of an explainer from the washington examiner saint it was one of the primarag by patriot forces during the revolutionary war, designed washington, secretary read in 1775. it features a pine tree along with the words and appeal to have displayed above. in has deep symbolism as a symbol of new england dating to the revolution, already representing the lucrative shxeipbung< indit took on new in ]? in new hash colonial
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acts of resistance against the british empire. that was one of the flags flown at the vacation home reportedly inew jer one of two of recent causing these reactions from capitol hill and other places. ttg. e er: thank you for taking my call this morning. i have been called in months because i get so frustrated looking at c-span and all the propaganda channels. e each and every time i call in that the news remains weapond against the peoplelet me just se flag situation. you've got trump with 91 indictments. the judge with the hush trial,
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his daughter h she is expecting money from the biden campaign, and you have her father also biden. nothing on■ç c-span, nothing on any other liberal news channel buthost: since you called in regarding -- caller: i think it is. america is turned upside down righno justice system going on with donald trump and you all are going to talk about these flags? they have a right to a freedom of speech. but'■ix2t host: the topic at hand, you elaborate on that, why is it fine? caller: because everybody has a right to freedom of speech. everybody has a right to their freedom of speech, but let's get back to what you think about -2.
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caller: yes. my name is mark. my opinion is simply this. a justice of the supreme court should not be biased. if you fly a flag■
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obligation to remain impartial? and to demonstrate impartiality by refraining from making political statements. justice alito made political statements by flying these flags. he has to know thatthe problem'a therefore if alito as i believe most f3dal jurists would agree, is acting improperly by flying these flags -- host: why does that necessarily disqualify him from doing his io do his job because he has taken
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statement with regard to the insurrection, with regard to tho the second that is in conflict with his sitting on a case involving the insurrection or involving donald trump. particularly the immunity currently decision that is before the court currently and previously, the situation with regard to --. but the supreme court has done with justice is it has put a delay by virtue of its taking the immunity decision from t ap. circuitit has put a delay on thl
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of the insurrection case brought against donald trump in a criminal context. deprived the american people every day that goes by, it is depriving the american■áe of their right to a speedy trinase. host: judith is next in florida, inent ne. caller: good morning. my name is gia. i just want to say veteran of or armed forces. it is absolutepp me what happened on january happene system and with the symbolism that that justice is displaying. it is a slap in the face to the serviceman and women who serve this country. le in this country need to
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understand that they cannot have it both ways. there are many women who get up everyour country and0od
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