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  Fmr. President Trump at New York Hush Money Trial Day 21  CSPAN  May 28, 2024 12:49pm-12:59pm EDT

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promise to be a super compromiser. the shortest life in ti for sure. but democracy requires compromise. we have two chambers in legislative branch, not because we wanted a spare in a sense, created architecture. they made us think twice about things along the be changed there. but thation of democracy is totally dependent upon compromise. you lose the ability to compromise don't have a compromise. you don't winner take all and govern a complex country as this here. >> a group of former lawmakers gathered to discuss possible gridlock and solutions to find common ground. watch the full event tonight at 9:00 eastern on c-span, c-span now, our free mobile video aanr. >> order. covering cgr other.
12:50 pm
>> the house will be in order. since been your source for capitolil 45 years of providing balanced view of government all with the support america's cable company. c-span, 45 years and counting. powered by cable. >> former president trump spoke to reporters before entering a manhattan courtroom for closeg arguments in his hush money trial. after hearing the the counts fae president in the case. mr. trump: thank you very much. make no mistake about it, i'm here because of crooked joe biden, thest president in the history of our country. he's destroying our country. this country is be rapidly. not slowly, rapidly. on the borders, on energy, on inflation, name, afghanistan, everything stroying our country.
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adoy representation. see who is in the courtroom. you'll see where they come from. and if reported accurately, a lot of people will be very upset. this is all election hunting, election interference. it's going after joe biden's political opponents because he can't do it himself. helping out. we have a judge who is confed happens to be corrupt. it's confliction. nobody has ever seen anything like this. can't even be the prospectf an impropriety and it's a shame. "the wall street jou" editorial, the evidence shows why -- [inaudible]
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mr. trump: the missing piece is the missing piece. there is no crime. "wall street, if any is missing and any leg is missing, the stool absolutely collapses. even a cursory view of the evidence shows this case does not have a leg to sta on. this is a case without a leg to stand on. thisonathan. the case against trump shoulden. not guilty. i tonight know these people but they are great legal scholars. every defendant has the fundamental right toe informed of the accusation him. but that was neverde
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let's get away with it. et ay with a trial. he should have done it seven years ago if they were going to it, not in the middle of my presidential election whil lot. they brought it in the middle of the election and hopefully it doesn't workht f them. and the same way what is being misused to srt law which he has no authority or jurisdiction to have a federal lae ed but have absolutely no authority undaunted the federal law i did nothing and in regards to the former commissioner bradley smith the expert they wouldn't allow me to use, commissioner brandon smith's testimony would have established trump did not■ have willful violated laws because of the federal campaign act because they are not campaign expenditures. there's nothing wrong in the end
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of it. many companies are fined on an hourly basis. and trump did not have a bit of legal duty with respect to them and could have intentionally flouted the known legal duties. in other words, he's innocent. e case is about lawfare running amuck p. hope they represent the greatest■uerfere n election. donald trump did nothing wrong. saying it. except we have a judge who is corrupt. we have a judge that is ed you know what the conflict is but i can't say it because i'm under a gade which is another unconstitutional thing.h the presidential candidate leading everybody but i'm not allowed to speak bause i have a gag order. the first. no president is told not to
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speak. but the cover today of "the pose stories. a trial that canis is crazy. happen. it's a very sad day. this is dark day in america. we have a case tha should have been brought and should have been brought in another jurisdiction we asked for and the judge never just to add, we have an electnry everything was perfect. we had the f.t.c. that did nothing. it was fine. and we had a lot of other pe can give you a list of 40 people who would say the exact same thing as these people said. so thank you all very much. we'll seeow it es. this is a very dangerous day for amera, a very sad day.
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[captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2024] ♪ >> today an u armada landed on the shores of normandy >> these a the boys. >> these are the menho tk the cliffs. these are the champions who helped free a continent. these are the heroes who helped end a >> two million sons from 15 countries jumped into flag-filled skies and a an even. >> the sons of democracy improvised and mounted their own
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these bthe forces of freedom turned the tideentury. >> the road to d. day was hard and long and traveled by weary and valiant men. and history will always record where that road began. it began here with the first footprints on normandy. >> and more than:@■y 150,000 sos set off tar sliver of sand upon which hung more but rather the course of human history. tmber those who fell and honor all who fought right■8 normandy. >> watch c-span's live, all special coverage of the 8niversf
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d-dayh from president biden from normandy, france. >> c-span has been delivering unfiltered congressional verage for 45 years. here's a highlight from a key moment. >> to my cues,y friends and most especially my wife and family, deeply and i beg your forgiveness. i w to lead our narrow majority as speaker, and it in me to do a fine job. but i cannot do that job are be the kind of leader i'd like cur. so i must setle tt i hope pde cnt stand for speaker f the house on january 6. but rather, i shall remain as a
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back bencher in this congress that i so dearly love for approximate six months into the 106th congress whereupon i'll vacatey seat and ask my governor to call a special election to take my place. >> c-span, powered by cable. >> former south carolina governor and u.s. ambassador to the united nations, nikki haley, announcedion despite previously running against him inhe 2024 republican presidential primary. her rem about foreign policy as the new chair of the hudson institute, conservative think tank based in washington, d.c. and was her first public appearance since officially suspending her presidential campaign in march.