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tv   Campaign 2024 Trump Campaign Officials Speak Outside New York Courthouse  CSPAN  May 28, 2024 3:32pm-3:38pm EDT

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>> any media questions? >> you won't answer the real questions? >> [indiscernible] michael t.: stay tuned. >> [indiscernible] -- set a redline for rafah -- michael t.: i would say one thing, the president and his campaign are making sure they approach cflict like this not as a politician, but as commander, making sure that his northstar is american security, global securit m yes, israel hat to defend itself, but not that-n casualties one too many. he has been very clear about that and makes decisions with the national security in mind. that is a stark contrast with the present news it's not building making every single decision based on what is in the best -- person sitting in that
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building making everything of decision based on what is in the best for himself. we will communicate the entirety of what voters will be taking to the ballot box. you mentioned young voters, making sure they understand that they have a president who has been fighting to address existential threat that is climate change, making the single largest investment in climate change in our nation's history, making sure they understand they have a president in joe biden who is fighting let the sleep to live in community -- fighting relentlessly to live in communities free of gun violence. we will make sure they bring all of this information to the ballot box and understand the clear choice between joe biden, with things about them, their safety, their interests, day in and day out, vs. donald trump, who is thinking about himself no matter the issue. all right, y'all, thank you so much. campaign also spoke outside the same manhattan courtroom to offer their opinn on the form president's trial as closing arguments were being
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delivered inside. >> six weeks, nobody has said that president trump did anything wrong. we have a highly conflicted judge with an unconstitutional gag order, and everybody sees this case for what it is. "the new york post" this morning th from jonathan turley, "as trump trial comes 'e nothing to." everybody knows this case is complete garbage. this is all politics. if you don't think this is politics, then why did the democrats roll out a retread like robert de niro to change the subject? you can see the look on the biden campaign's staffer's faces. they knew is was a bad idea, they didn't want to be here. in central command told him everything has gone down the tubes for joe biden.
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>> what you have heard from is a desperate and failing and pathetic campaign, who knows they are losing. joe biden's in his campaign outside this criminal crt is a full-blown confession that this trial is a witch hunt that comes from the top, comes from r left district attorneyty, alvin. this case would have been left oflegal scholars on both sides f the aisle can even liberal legao crime, there is no case can but joe biden knew he could use alvin bragg, who is sitting in that courthouse wastinge tax dollars of the hard-working people of this city to go after joe biden's political opposition. and the mpt and highly partisan and crooked judge who is highly conflicted for reasons president trump can't even talk about because this judge impos unconstitutional gag order on the former president of the united states and the leading
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front runner in this election. this is a disgrace. president trump has been locked up in that courtroom for six weeks, but guess what, the american people see through this witch hunt and this scam, and that is why president trump continues to rise in the polls, that is why he pulled a crowd of more than 25,000 in the deep blue bronx, more than 100,000 in deep blue new jersey. everywhere he goes, everyday americans, not elitist, out of touch hollywood actors like robert de niro, who have no idea the real problems that people in this city across tou facing. president trump is backed by the hard-working this country, and i cannot help but laugh when joe biden's spokesperson eckley came out here and said -- accused president trump of being a threat to democracy. joe biden is the real threat to democracy. he is weaponizing our justice system. look at all of you. this is a communist show trial. there are real problems in america, and you are out here covering this?
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because joe biden is weak, pathetic, democracy, not only with this weaponization of our justice this border invasion that is allowing a of illegal aliens into the country. we are heading towards world war iii. those of the issues real americans care about. that is why president trump is going to win this election, andl because he has the truth on his side and he is an innocent man . >> make no mistakes, this is election interference of the highest order. crooked joe biden and his campaign are in complete freak out mode, and that is why they have gone back on their word and now they have gone in bed with a highly conflicted judge, and now they're making a political mockery of this entire thing. the fact remains that president trump will overcome, he will fight these charges up and


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