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tv   Campaign 2024 Former Pres. Trumps Children Speak Outside New York...  CSPAN  May 28, 2024 7:47pm-8:03pm EDT

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spokesperson eckley came out here and said -- accused president trump of being a threat to democracy. joe biden is the real threat to democracy. he is weaponizing our justice system. look at all of you. this is a communist show trial. there are real problems in america, and you are out here covering this? because joe biden is weak, pathetic, a threat to democracy, not only with this weaponization of our justice system, but this border invasion that is allowing a mass of illegal aliens into the country. we are heading towards world war iii. those of the issues real americans care about. that is why president trump is going to win this election, and ultimately he will be vindicated of this sham, crooked trial because he has the truth on his side and he is an innocent man . >> make no mistakes, this is election interference of the highest order. cr■xked joe biden and his campaign are in complete freak
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out me, why they have gone back on their word and now they have gone in bed with a highly conflicted judge, and now th this entire thing. the fact remains that president trump will overcome, he will fight these charges up and down. there is nothing to stop the truth from coming out. thank you. >> thanked him everybody. president trump will speak to the courthouse media when the court adjourd 4:30. [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2024] national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. visit] remarks, they criticize the charges against the former president. >> former president trump's sons and daughter-in-law spoke outside the courthouse as closing arguments were underway. during their 10-minute remarks, they criticized the charges against the former president.
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donald: guys. i think todd blanche summed it up best -- if there is an m.v.p. of liars, it is michael cohen. michael cohen is the embodiment of reasonable doubt, and this entire case hinges on a person was light to every single body he has been in front of. he's light in front of every branch of congress, he has light before his w lied to all of you in the press, and he has lied to that very jury. and yet he is the only person of
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ret this entire case hinges on. we understand that this is a politil persecution. that was evidenced today, today by the biden campaign themselves holding a rally here. they bring in robert de niro, who apparently needs attention been a while since he has cranked out a good movie. ■think abou it, they bring out one actor. remember 2020 when every a-list actor in the road showed up for joe biden, they lined up one by one? now they get one person. dway "the rock" johnson say i regret voting for him, cardi b, all the people who lined up before joe biden understand he has failed the country, failed the citizens of this nation. frankly, he has failed the world. the fact that they are holding a rally acr across the street, tells us
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exactly what we all knew all it is a political persecution, it is a witch hunt. there is reason one of the people sitting at that desk was the number three person in joe biden's doj. i know my father is not allowed col angelo,he has been gagged. the president of the united states is not allowed to exercise his first amendment rights in new york city does that not tell us all about everything we need to know about what we are witnessing? it is a witch hunt, they are using it as a political fundraiser, just like this very judge's daughter has profited from this very case. it is insanity, is an embarrassment, it is an abomination to democracy and a republic. and yet it continues. everyone in this case is conflicted, and it hinges on one liar. convicted, someone who has lost his law license, has been
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disbarred, someone who has served jail time for line before congressional bodies. that's it, that is where we are today in america. this is a■çd it needs to stop because if you think for one second the stops with donald íh you have not been watching what has gone on with the democrat party the last few years. they want power at any and all cost, your rights be damned. that can't happen. this sham prosecution, this abomination has to stop now. >> after watching this trial, do you think the jury will make the right decision? donald: forget about politics for a second. i've been in that courthouse with my father everything with a, women getting front in front of trains, kids getting shot in times square, the degradation of the city, not a single new yorker believes that a 130,000 dollars payment from nine years ago, eight years ago, the entire das office is aligning that courtroom. they are sitting there, they are
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laughing, they are giggling. this was their moment. this is how they embarrassed donald trump this is legal lawfare, all while the state absolutely melts. every single one of you knows this it same state we knew 10 years ago. new york is not the same state we saw five years ago. you have the total degradation of new york city because the only thing that alvin bragg wants to do, only think letitia james once to do is criminally prosecute donald trump, and■ thy are doing it for one reason, they are doing it because they have a political vendetta, they are all funded by george soros. that's what this is, political lawfare, and it has to stop. i watched a seen, and he endures this nonsense everything will they. he sits in that seat, and that's to impeach him in d.c., they tried to impeach him a second time, they went after his supreme court justices, they turned the doj, they turned the
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when that didn't work, guess what they did. they went after his family, they went after me. 110 subpoenas i received. i've never gotten so much as a parking ticket. they went after don, they went after lara, they went after little barron trump as a young kid, they went after tiffany. they tried to make his life help. and then-- his life hell. and then they weaponized every ag and every far left area because biden is incompetent and losing across the pulse. -- polls. in every quantifiable metric our country is going to hell. go after him for $130,000. i want to say sorry to the jury that is in there. this has been a colossal waste of time. i want to say thank you to the nypd. they could be protecting our
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streets. instead they are guarding the courthouse for this sham trial. this has caused new york millions and millions of dollars, and new yorkers are so much better. i can't wait for the day we win. we will. the entire country knows this is nonsense. a poll just came out from "the new york times," even the vast majority of democrats know this case is a sham, and i think we are going to prevail, and i'm proud of the toughest person i've met in my entire life for having the backbone and fortitude to go through this whole mess, as uncomfortable as it has been, and i'm proud to have stood there every single second by his side in that freezing cold courtroom against unspeakable authentic rep to judge and people making a lot of money -- unspeakable odds and a corrupt judge and people making a lot of money in this political witch hunt. he is an inspiration to me every day, and he will be vindicated. thank you very much. lara: well, i don't know what else to say that has been set, but it is pretty obvious aernowy
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clearly see if you didn't already know that this was never a case about seeking justice, this was never a case about prosecuting an actual crime, protecting the citizens of the city of new york. this is a case about politics, pure and and it is such a shame, as someone who used to live in this city, to see the top law enforcement officer in the city of new york, alvin bragg, sitting up in that courtroom, knowing all the resources he pulled together, all the all the taxpayer money in this city that was spent to go into this case went as eric just■ noted, you have crime skyhigh, people being pushed in front of subways, women getting punched in the face in broad spewing our universities right here in new york city. they're not caring about any those kinds, they are not
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pursuing any of those crimes. they care about this, which we know is not a crime. they have not proven anything to be a crime whatsoever, and they will not, because at the end of this, we all know what it is about. and to thehen they realize these people who have wasted five weeks of their time in there, that they have been part of a political game, as new yorkers, i'm pretty sure they're going to be upset about it. this is not the united states of america. this is banana republic type stuff. if they can profit off i4st on e other side, so can we. they cannot succeed we will -- they cannot succeed, they will not succeed. we will continue to fight alongside my father-in-law, the 45th and 47th president. >> [indiscernible]
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>> coming up tonight on c-span, a conversation about improving mental health and well-being through physical activity with assistant health secretary dr. rachel levine and second gentleman doug emhoff and possible solutions. ■at the biden center for diplomacy and engagement in washington, d.c. and■ later, son and daughter-in-law of presumptive presidential nominee, eric and lara trump speaking a the north carolina g.o.p. convention in greensboro. >> c-span is your unfiltered view of sgoft. -- of government. we're funded by these television companies and more.
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>> midco supports c-span as a public service along with these other television providers, giving you a front row seat to democracy. >> w2024 national political convtion,he republicans, then the democrats convene in chicago, august 19. stay connected to c-span for unfiltered glimpse of democracy democratic national committee engine's this summer on c-span, c-span now, and c-span. your unfiltered view of politics, powered by cable.
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c-span has been delivering unfiltered congressional coverage for 45 years. here is a highlight from a key nt. to my colleagues, friends, wife and family, i have hurt you all deep lee and i forgive -- i have hurt you all deeply and i beg your forgiveness. i a fine job, but i cannot do that job or be the kind of leader i would like to be under current circumstances, so i must set the example that i hope president clinton will follow. i will not stand for speaker of the house on january 6, but rather i shall remain in the back bench of this congress that i love, wherein then i will call
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for a special election to take my place. >> c-span. coming up, a conversh with dr. rachel levine and second doug -- second gentleman done emhoff, who discussed ways to destigmatize the issue. this event was hosted by the national press club. [gavel bangs] good afternoon. welcome to the national press club, the place where ws happens. my name is emily wilkins. i am honored to be the 117th president of the national press club and a d.c. correspondent for cnbc.


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