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tv   Commencement Speeches Defense Secretary Delivers Commencement Address at...  CSPAN  May 29, 2024 1:27am-1:46am EDT

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♪ >> c-span's washington journal, our live forum involving you to discuss the latest issues in government, politics and public policyuntry. coming up this morning, the alliance for securing democracy's senior fellow talks fes of foreign interference in and political news of the day. c-span's washington journal join in the conversation live at 7:00 eastern this morning on c-span, c-span now, or online at >>efense secretary lloyd austin delivered the 2foment ad. naval academy in annapolis, maryland. the secretary noted their
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education was just beginning and underscored that navy graduates from the previous year already experienced combat against houthi militiain about 20 minut. sec. austin: good morning, class of 2024. let's try that again. [laughter] good morning, class of 2024 (202! ["good morning, sir"] that's more like it. it's great to see so many distinguished guests, ambassadors, public officials. including governor wes moore. governor, i'm glad i'm not the only army guy here today. [laughter]
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let may also acknowledge a close friend and mentor of mine, admiral mike mullen of the class of 1968. [applause] admiral, congratulations on the naming of the future ddg 144 as uss michael g. mullen. vice admiral davids, friends, midshipmen and above all, the class of 2024. to join you today. it is great to be back at this ceremony for my second year in a row. rting to be a
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habit. i'm just so happy you are eager to bi'm glad we got that out ofe way. for anyone who thinks the second installment cannot be as good as the first, just think of top gun: maverick. [applause] now, you should start getting used to to some new titles. congratulations ensignscond lie. [applause] sounds pretty good, doesn't it? i think so. today, we welcome these outstanding sailors and marines
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to the greatest navy and marine corps on earth. and the most powerful fighting force in history. now, i know between you and yout salutes, so i'm going to keep because i believe a good commencement speaker should be tall -- [laughter] but a good commencement speech should be ort. [applause] the class of 2024 didn't an easy road to get to this day. year, liberty was rare. i am told you used some unconventional tactics to protest. [laughter] more specifically, you threw printers out of windows and off
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bridges. [cheers] i understand that one interbedded member othis class even climbed up the chapel dome to put a printer on top. which is impressive, considering how long it took the class of 2024 to climb. as a former service academy cadet, i understand this sort of thing. which brings me to an important piece of business. for all midshipmen still serving restrictions for minor infractions, you are hereby absolved. [cheers]
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you know, that never gets old. [laughter] i mentioned this is my second consecutive year on the yard but for two guests with me today, stan and nancy martineau, it is their third. stan served in the marine cove for 20 years. and nancy is an air force veteran. they are also the parents of second lieutenant sean martineau of the naval academy class of 2022. and of ensign thomas martineau of the class of 2023. and of christopher and kelly, who will be commissioned today as ensigns.
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that an outstanding military family. (lso is every other family here today. you can feel the pride in the sailors and marines. that's because of of loved ones and sponsors here today. graduates, their values guided you. their encouragement fuel due and their love sustained you. so, your day is also their day. of 2024, please stand up. face your families and give them a round of applause. [applause]
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okay, take seats. this is a great day and a proud day. but it's also a day of reflection and remembrance. i know that two of your own are no lonr with us. so i would ask that we take a moment to luke byrd and midshipman mason halsey. we are all deeply grateful that the byrd and halsey families are here with us today. i want to say a few words about the challenges facing america's newest lieutenants and ensigns.
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you have lived by your class motto " from adversity, victory." during a once in a generation pandemic, that's exactly what you showed. for weeks, you could rarely leave your rooms. so you bonded with your teammates over google meet. your classes were run as well. you still passed fleet chemistry. eventually. [laughter] and i know you were shot gunned into new companies to start your youngster year. years here as a long lesson in grid, adaptability and discipline. and grow as teammates. that is exactly what willém continue to expect of you today and every day.
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has the most capable navy and marine corps in the world. make no mistake, we're going to keep it that way. and you are going to keep it that way. [applause] last year, i told the class2023t the lifeblood of the rules-based international order is sea o rder. over the past year, we have seen how important your mission is. sea power projects american power in principle to the world. our leaders, allies and partners depend on it. our foes and rivals envy
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it. today from the south china sea to the red sea we are seeing new challenges to the open world of rules, rights and responsibilities filled with american leadership after world war ii. at times like these, freedom of navigation rides on the ways of u.s. navy ships. as officers, you will help us increase security and model american values worldwide. our sailors and marines let the u.s. military project power anywhere on earth. so,gd we're depending on you to secure the world's sea lanes for the free flow of ships, commerce and ideas.
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we're depending on you to sail, fly and operate wherever international law awe're dependn old alliances and forge new friendships. and we're depending on you to deter conflict and keep the peace. as admiral harley burke said in 1961, u.s. navy officers must understand not only how to fight a war, but how to use a tremendous power which they operate to sustain a world of liberty and justice. that's your mission and you will be tested. just ask last year's graduates. two members of the class of 2023
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asked me to pass along a message today. both ensigns were aboard the uss carney. they helped defend freedom of navigation in the red sea. they help those in distress at sea. they helped abrade but capabilities of iranian-backed houthi militia and helped shoot down missiles and uav's. carney conducted 51 engagements in six months. the most direct navy engagements with a foe since world war ii. [applause] and the message of those ensigns on the carney to the class of
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2024 is this. "you are ready, believe it. you are ready because as one of those ensigns put it, the academy of the ultimate teambuilding exercise. what comes next is not a drill. you will lead sailors and marines through tension and uncertainty. your teammates will look to you for leadership. for grace under pressure. for calm under fire. and you will be ready. ensigns and lieutenants, long after you leave the yard, you will steer by the values that you learned on the yard. thosell be your northstar. you will uphold your convictions with courage.
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hold yourself accountable. treat others with dignity and respect. and defend our democracy and constitution with honor, courage and commitment. because leadership isn't just about what you do. it's about who you are. now i know that today marks a of formal education. but sailors and marines, your education is just beginning. admiral nimitz was once talking to a young marine. the said today is a special day for me becse just 6i entered the naval academy. said, well, admiral, do you think you will make a
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career of it? and admiral nimitz replied yes, i think i shall. and the admiral added, i'm still learning every day. i'm still trying to do my best. that's what we will ask of you as well. don't think that your education is anywhere close to being over. and i hope you commit yourself today to lifelong learning. you will learn from your peers. from your leaders. from your sailors and marines. from the allies and partners you will serve alongside. and you will need to keep learning and growing. because your mission will only get more complex. and ensigns and lieutenants, your character, judgment and
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integr and courage will let you play a central role in the next chapter of american history. so we are counting on you. know you will all make us proud. we know you will excel. we know you will keep turning adversity into victory. congratulations, class of 2024. may god bless you and your families. may god bless our troops. and may god continue to bless the united states of america. [cheers and applause] >> former presidendold trump
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has endorsed the primary challengero use freedom caucus chair bob good, he is facingohmcguire in the republican primary race, a opposed mr. trump says bob goode isador virginia and bad for the usa. he turned his back on our cribleove and was constantly attacnge until recently when heava warm and "loving" endorsement but it was too late, the damage had be done, i just want to make america grt again and the person that can help me that is navy seal and highly respected legislator john mcguire. goode w one of the republicans who voted out former house speaker kevin mccarthy and later endorsed ron desantis for president. >> tune in to c-span's live coverage of the 2024 national political conventions.
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starting with republican four day event in milwaukee on july 15. next up, catch the democrats in chicago kicking off on august 19. stay connected to c-span for an unfiltered glimpse of democracy at work. the republican and democratic national convention's live this summer on c-span, c-span now, and online at c-span, your unfiltered view of politics power cable -- powered by cable. >> the democratic national committee plans to nominate president biden virtually ahead of the party's national convention august 19. the dncent will not be left off of ohio's general election ballot due to the states august 7 deadline from certifying candidates. the vote by the dnc rules committee is expected june 4 to pass a resolution to allow a virtual roll call.


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