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tv   Washington Journal Open Forum  CSPAN  May 29, 2024 12:16pm-12:33pm EDT

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education in this country. i mentioned this earlier. if we the people, voters, if we don't start paying attention more carefully to what the truth is as opposed to falsehoods, what the facts are as opposed to some of the phony statistics that are cited, how democracy is going down the drain regardless of who wins. i'm with you on that. host: larry sabato, founder and editor in chief of sabato's crystal ball and center for politics darker at the university of virginia. you can find his work at here on c-span, c-span now, a■/d online at we will get straight to your calls starting with adam in maryland, independent. caller: i wish i would've gotten
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on with the other guy because i wanted to ask him if you would have been doing the same activities had the supreme court of missouri versus biden course not given an injunction for the government saying company that still go out and talk with the social media companies until we make the decision about whether or not what the g!overent engages in the facts. that is all i wanted to say. host:al in new jersey, a republican. caller: years ago, before martin king came on the scene, we believed in judging people by the color of the skin, not by their character. now it is the opposite. now we have ditched the idea. we have to get back to judging
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people by the content of their character and not by the color of their skin. we have to judge people by merits, qualities, abilities■c or rob reiner. never mentioned mike who had to
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testify before congress. the gentleman was talking -- the gentleman you just had on . with a democrat. i want to get information. c-span is not given good information anymore. this is ridiculous. bye. host: alexis, wilmington, north carolina, independent line. caller: thank you for taking my call. you can wish me a happy birthday. i am 76 today. host: caller: thank you. i■m want to make sure everyone knows how serious the 2024 election is. e a chance to keep our democracy and allowexist. "washington journal" is a very important medium. people are giving theiruse
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opinions. in autocracy or dictatorship opinions are not accessible unless they are in line with the autocrat. then the only other thing that matters is female autonomy, reproductive rights, gender equality, equal pay. that. thank you very much. arnold is in ohio on the line for republicans. caller: good morning. how are you doing? host: i'm doing ok. caller: good. i would like to say earlier you had -- off class, ok, until heny
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ford came in and created the automobile. ok? that stahe middle class off. then in world war ii we had the industrial revolution. we riveter rosie because the men were at and it gave income to a lot of people that weren't making that kind of money. so, the middle class was formed, xok, by two things. the which it seems they are trying to eliminate, r, ok. created things in america. we made things. that's my comment about the
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middle class. host: on the line for democrats, youngstown, ohio, mike on the air. caller: i feel laborç unions did moreo promotes than anything else. overseas is the worst thing that ever happened to this country and donald trump is the biggest fraud ever. thank you. host: let's look at john kirby responding to reporters' questions about the israeli military opetiin russi an -- in rafah■n■u■@ if this attack crossed a redline for president bin. [video clip] >> can you explain how the attack in rafah did not cross the line the president set and the target -- >> we don't believe a major
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ground operation in rough is warranted. we don't want to see the israelis smash into rafah over territory. ve that. we haven't seen that at this point, but wesely. i wantzo to give this answer by making it clear. regardless, evers.■y lo o is trd every loss of innocent life should be prevented as much as possible. >> has the president seen th images? >> i don't know. he has been kept apprised throughout the weekend on this. >>[indiscernible] -- considered a densely populated area? >>sely populated area. there have been a million or so who have evacuated rafah proper, but they aren't going that far away. the whole area is densely populated. >> how does this not violate the
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redline that the president laid out? >> we don't want toor ground operation. we haven't seen that so far. >>■u how many more charred corps does he have to see before the president considers a change? we don't want to see a single more innocent life taken and i take offense at the question. no civilian casualties is the right number of civilian casualties, and this isn't something we've turned a blind eye to, nor ignored, nor neglected to raise with our israeli counterparts, including, ed,ult of this strike. they are investiga■sting it. let's let them investigate it and see what they come up with. host: john kirby speaking about the strike in rafah. independent. caller: good morning. it's about trump and all these trials he is having, especially
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the one in newz !q york fixing o come to a head. one way or a out i want to say r trump until over. i don't understand how these 't -- want professional run-of-the-mill politicians. ift between trump and biden, a marbles, le'e everything, winner take all, you think they would run joe and kam ala? no, this is going to be rigged one way or another. if they find trump -- trump guilty biden and kamala bump back inhere was a song on the am radio. it meant more to than most
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people. i never heard this song again for decades. i went to many radio stations and have been in many broadcast rooms, more thanbé most, and i remember singing the song out loud on the phone for a dj in 2012, maybe. i asked him, what about the song? they had never heard of it. one day after trump becomes president he is on tv and he pulls a paper out of the inside of his coat pocket and for the first time in 40 to 50 years i d the words to that song i've been looking for. it's called "the snake." it is a jamming little song. i know in myeathe right person. god bless the united states. host: ed is c caller: morning.
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i have to congratulate c-span on its programming. this morning's program with the gentleman talking about the information and foreign involvement, that was fascinating. also, what he mentioned about our publication across the world of what our views. they used to have radio-free europe. i don't know if that even exists anymore. the one thing is i hear people complaining about fox and msnbc and the rest. we have to understand that our news stations are largely entertainment as opposed to real, strong news. in terms of fox and msnbc they are stickley propaganda. they definitely have one over another. fox does have some people who will argue percent for --
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argue percent firstly on the conservative point of view. propaganda goes on. ■i watch sunday shows anymore or any of the political shows, because i will hear it all on c-span anyway. someone will say exactly what it was they agree with. we are a divided nation in the ■o 40% of us, 43%, 40 5%, are one side or the other. that's to say that■, 43% republican, 43% democrat, something of thats form more. then we feed ourselves opposed o really looking deeply into the issues and trying to figure out what seems best in our opinion. or maybe that's just it. we are shallow enough that we are willing to take whatever we are fed by fox, msnbc, or any of the oth networks, cnn,
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whatever. that is whathdiscouraging part . there is good information out there. if people really wanted to get to the foundation of things it's possible. host: all right. and in other news, the associated press is talking about this is the headline. judge denies request to restrict trump statementsrcement and clad records case. that is the case in florida. the judge overseeing trump's classified documents case in florida yesterday denied prosecutors requests to barhe public statements that could endanger law enforcement agents participating in the prosecution. that is u.s. district judge eileen cannon. 5shirley in bloomington, illinois, democrat. hi. about the guy.
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i don't know his but the guy who turned the flag upside down. host: justice alito. caller: yeah. there are a lot of ways to protest what you don't like in this country, but if you are going to do that you should pack up and go to another country. he doesn't belong here if he is going to turn our flag upside down. ng that. thank you. host:■2q7xip■ we are in open fo. our phone lines are democrats, (202) 748-8000. republicans, (202) 748-8001. independents (20 748-8002. you can send us a text, (202) 8-. also in the news isn-harris returned to philadelphia to launch black voter outreach amid tightthey will be in philadelpha
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today. it says this is the race, the white house iup with biden and harris already having made multiple trips to pennsylvania this year. $rodney in miami, republicans.c. you are doing a great job. i have one bone to pick with your earlier guest. he said that steel dossier was true and it was a campaign literature. winn and john durham did the independent prosecutor report he spelled that out. if your guest can go back and read the report heby the clinton administration, the clinton campaign■s■n 2016 to bea campaign document. host: rodne clearly russian disinformation. caller: but it was written by an agent hired by a campaign to be
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oppo research. i h something on my mind. i would appreciate you giving me just a mute. leonard downey junior, form er executive editor of the washington post, he said objectivity is dead. we need to bring in people with diverse viewpoints. we need to bring in more lgbtq people and minorities and tell them to use your life experience, your own opinion, and you write the articles how you want. if you read his stuff, that's where he's going. he says wethere's no way that ye objective. now we are hard-pressed to find a conservative or trump supporter working for the post or the new york times, msnbc, cnn, or according to bolander on the national public radio come he says there is not one


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