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tv   Campaign 2024 President Biden VP Harris Campaign in Philadelphia  CSPAN  May 29, 2024 2:10pm-2:56pm EDT

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there why the gop deploys the theory to destroy social mobility. it sounds dry. but if you read it an easy read. it explains everything why everything is happening the way it is. project 2025 to take over the constitution. the supreme court, how they are holding back trying to get trump in office. and what is the reason that they would not want social mobility? caller: because they want a slave class. they want an underclass, they are attacking thomas kean's, everything. they want to take away public schools where everyone gets a chance for an education, all of that. because they want an underclass. that is why everything -- i mean, birth control, all of that they want women to have children so they have workers. host: and how are you personally doing, diane? caller: how am i doing?
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i am 73, so i was part of that good life where people had a good life. so it's not me. but my children -- [cheers and applause] ♪ >> hello everybody. today i have the distinct honor of being here at the launch of black voters for harris-biden with our president and vice president. i am proud to be supporting this administration because of its agenda and all that has accomplished for our communities. here is what the agenda is important to me. i am a first generation of sudanese american and the first child of two former refugees. [crowd cheering] thank you. i never anticipated being here, it is surreal to be here. i am also an out-of-state student at temple university --
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[applause] so i -- so i understand the plight of having to finance education. that is one of the many reasons why i support president biden and vice president harris for election. they have been relentless about reducing debt for those seeking to better themselves through more knowledge and credentials. [applause] >> thank you. president biden promised to take out student loan debt if he was elected. he has delivered, forgiving debt for nearly 5 million americans. [cheers and applause] my support for the biden-harris administration is based in its commitment to equity, expanding health care, providing student debt and reforming immigration policies. my support for president biden and vice president harris comes from the fact that they are fighting for people like me each and every me.
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. they understand the power of the black vote. the launch of "black voters for biden" is significant because history has shown that unity fosters stress. our voices determine our destiny. it's a great honor to be here. i hope you will join me in working to reelect president biden and vice president harris. if you text "power" to 230230 you can turn our coalition. thank you so much. [cheers and applause] announcer: ladies and gentlemen please welcome the owner of pleasant enterprises robert nix. [applause]
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>> hey billy! [laughter] [applause] i'm not supposed to go off-cue at all. i was slow getting in because i was talking to the president. [applause] we talked about nothing important. we were vibing. good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. it's so great to be here with all of you today too much black voters for biden-harris and invite vice president harris and president biden back to philadelphia. it's truly the owner of a lifetime to have the opportunity to introduce you to our vice president, but first i would like to take a moment to talk about me. not that you care, but -- [laughs] -- i am a small-business owner.
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in the airport concessions business. in 2020, the virus hit. it wouldn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that if you have no airlines, in the airline business you will not function very well financially. but i was fortunate enough that this administration put the ppp group together and put those funds together and allowed me to keep my staff working until we got back on our feet. [applause] that is something you have got to appreciate. if it weren't for the president president biden and vice president harris, citing for small businesses and guiding us through the pandemic after- times, we would have been out of business probably like a lot of people do. fortunately, it wasn't me.
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that is why i support president biden and vice president harris because they have -- one, they have our backs. they have had our backs. [applause] they have our backs. they have our backs. they have our backs. [laughs] and i know one thing, they will always fight for small business, so i will always fight for them. if they need anything from me i am there. if you guys are with him, then we are all with them. well, i have spoken enough about myself, so not to get to what you have been living for, it's my pleasure to introduce you to the first woman vice president in the united states -- [crowd cheering] [chanting "four more years!"]
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[cheers and applause] ♪ [cheers and applause] v.p. harris: good afternoon philadelphia! good afternoon! [cheers and applause] good afternoon, good afternoon. i want to thank robert nix for
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your leadership and for the very kind words and all that you do for our country. incredible leaders here with us today, in particular our young readers. it is so good to see you all. [cheers and applause] i also want to thank the members of the congressional black caucus who are with us this afternoon. [applause] and everyone else, thank you for being here. so, in 2020, black voters in philadelphia and across our nation helps president biden and me with the white house. -- win the white house. [applause] yes you did. and in 2024 with your voice and your power, we will win again. [cheers and applause]
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philadelphia, in joe biden we have a fighter. a leader with skill vision, determination, and compassion. a leader who keeps his promises. as a candidate for president joe biden gave his word that he would fight to address some of the biggest issues facing the black community, and we have delivered. [cheers and applause]in 2020, joe biden and i vowed we would lower the cost of health care like insulin. so far too many years, too many of our zinnias with diabetes had to make the awful decision about either filling their prescription or paying their rent. and black americans are 60% more likely to be diagnosed with
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diabetes. so we capped the cost of insulin for senior at $35 a month. and under joe biden leadership, finally, we talk on big pharma infinitely gave [applause] we also took on the issue of debt which makes so many people feel like they can never get ahead. take, for example, medical debt. we are now making it so that medical debt can no longer be included on your credit score. [applause] so that medical debt cannot impact a person's ability to get a car loan, an apartment lease, or a home loan. [applause]
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in 2020, we promised to forgive student loan debt. [cheers and applause]v.p. harris: can i get a witness? [laughs] and i'll tell you, i have a unique position as vice president to spend a lot of time with our president. and on the subject, i remember sitting in the oval with our president, joe biden, shortly after the u.s. supreme court struck down our initial plan to forgive billions of dollars in student loan debt. [crowd booing] v.p. harris: a different leader, a different kind of leader would have thrown in the towel.
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not joe biden. [applause] not joe biden! and i'm going to tell you what he said that day. i'm going to tell you what he said that day. "this is not over." [cheers and applause] so we kept fighting. and so far, we have forgiven over 150 $5 billion in student loan debt costs over 5 million americans. on average more than $30,000 per person and 70 thousand dollars from our public servants like nurses, firefighters, and teachers. [applause] in 2020, we promised to take on the issue of the epidemic of gun violence. knowing that today, in america gun the number one cause of the death of the children of america. not car accidents. not cancer.
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gun violence. we took on the issue knowing black americans are 10 times as likely to be the victim of gun homicides. and i'll tell you have personally held too many hands of mothers and fathers as i attempted to comfortr their child was killed by gun violence. so, to address this crisis, and of the president's leadership, we passed the first major gun safety lot in nearly 30 yearsp [applause] a bipartisan law to strengthen background checks. i sat in the oval office with the president where he sat on both democrats and republicans and appealed to their better selves. that is why, for the first time in 30 years, it happened as a bipartisan deal. we created the first white house
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office of gun violence prevention, which i lead, and has now invested $1 billion to hire mental health -- [cheers and applause] mental health counselors in public schools to help help heal the mental trauma of gun violence. in philadelphia, and all our work, the president has been guided by a fundamental belief. we work for you. the american people. not the special interests. not the billionaires were the big corporations. but the people. in november, on the victories we have won and everything we fight for every day is on the line. donald trump once asked black americans -- i am going to quote, excuse the language -- "what the hell do you have to lose from a trump presidency?"
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[grumbles of dissapproval} and sadly, we all know too well. when he was president, donald trump tried over and over to get rid of the affordable care act. to health care than from millions of black americans. year after year, he proposed cuts to social security and medicare so that so many of our seniors would be deprived from what they rely on to live with dignity. and then he had picked three members of the u.s. supreme court. the court of thurgood. [crowd booing] with the intention that they would overturn roe v. wade. and as they intended, they did. and today, one in three women and more than half oflack women of reproductive age live in a state with an abortion ban
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a trump abortion ban. if he wins a second term, i promise you he is going to go even further. so all of this is to say who sits in the white house matters. [applause] it matters. it matters for the people of america, and for people around the world. as vice president, i have now met with over 100 50 world leaders, presidents, prime ministers, chancellors kings and i can't tell you how many times one of those leaders has pulled me aside and talked about how much the world relies on us and on joe biden's leadership. his defense of democracy. his commitment to the ideals of freedom and liberty and equality, and his willingness to fight for these ideals.
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and as the people of pennsylvania know, our president is not only know how to fight, he knows how to win. [cheers and applause] we beat donald trump at once and we are going to beat him again! and now it is my honor to introduce our president, joe biden! [cheers and applause] president biden: hello philadelphia! [cheering] [chanting "four more years!"] president biden: thank you. [chanting "four more years!"] president biden: thank you.
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thank you. thank you. it's good. president biden: it's good to be -- it's good to be almost home. i just live down the road for me. thank you kamala for your partnership. it is a partnership. and how about a round of applause for our great vice president? [cheers and applause]if great to see so many friends, including my fellow scrantonian, senator bob casey. where are you? [applause] mayor parker, the today governor chairs of the congressional black caucus, members of the cbc who are here tonight. if i introduced everybody, i would be here all night. but look, i couldn't be here without thinking of our dear friend dwight evans. he is recovering and doing well.
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and join us are so many state and local officials from across the country, including a guy from my father's hometown where he was born baltimore maryland. they call it "bom-more." the governor from the great state of maryland. where are you governor? [cheers and applause] in case you haven't noticed, he looked like he could still play too. [laughter] it's great to be with you gov. civil-rights community leaders folks across the country, but anyone who wonders whether their vote matters, remember this because black america voted in 2020's, -- please have a seat if you can -- have [laughter] [applause] because black americans voted, kamala's vice president of the
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united states. because of you. that is not hyperbole. because you voted, donald trump is a defeated former president. [applause] and with your vote, with your vote in 2024, we will make donald trump a loser again! [cheers and applause] not a lot of philadelphians know this because i got so much help when i was running for the senate in delaware, from philly, black voters placed enormous faith in me. i have tried to do my best to honor that trust, staying true to the values that we shared, with that got me involved as a kid in the first place. everyone is entitled to be treated with dignity and respect, faith and family are everything, and we leave no one behind! [cheers and applause] folks, i know it's natural to want a democracy, to wonder if it actually works for you.
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when justice is denied, how can it be working for you? when promises are broken, how can it be working for you? when you have to be 10 times better than everyone else to get the same shot, how could it be working for you? i get it. i know there is a lot of misinformation out there, so i came today to speak the truth. [applause] the truth about promises made and promises kept. do you remember when the pandemic hit? 20 million people were out of work. when businesses and schools shut down. emergency rooms were overwhelmed. black folks were hit harder than everyone went trump was president, he said this, he took responsibility for none of it. he said "it's none of my responsibility. when i came to office, i promise to do everything to get us through that pandemic and that is what we did. that, folks, was a promise made
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and a promise kept. [applause] i promised to put racial equality at the center of everything i do, because i vowed i would have an administration that looks like america. because you voted, we are invested more than ever into black families and communities. a promise made and a promise kept. we promise we will start to reconnect black and brown and overlooks neighborhoods cut off by highways in the 60's, and decades of disinvestment as a consequence, of it including here in philly. and right now you see all of the construction going on on the high was here. promise made and a promise kept. [cheers and applause] look, i said i would remove every leadpipe in america for every child could drink clean water and avoid brain damage. we are doing that. a a promise made and a promise kept. i promisetake the most significant action on
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environmental justice ever and remove the legacy of pollution in our communities, because every child, every american deserves to breathe clean and fresh air. we are doing it. a promise made and a promise kept. i promised to increase access to affordable high-speed internet because now into that is just as important as it was in the days of -- fdr, how important electricity was generations ago. no child should have to do their homework in mcdonald's when things are shut down, sit in the parking lot with their parent to get it done. a promise made and a promise kept. i promised to protect your health care. i protected and expanded affordable health care act, that was obama care is still obamacare. [applause] saving millions of americans anadditional $800 a year in premiums. folks, the affordable care act is still a big deal. [applause]
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as, quote just explained we debated this and finally got it done, seen it now paying $35 for insulin instead of $800. i am determined to make that apply to every american, not just seniors, in my second term. we are cappin'. the bill lee tactic cap of medical costs for seniors beginning next year total including cancer drugs that cost $14,000 a year. you are paying no more than $2000 a year. a promise made and a promise kept. either way, it not only save people money, it saves the taxpayers, guess what, 160 billion dollars because medicare doesn't have to. it development prices. folks, one of the reasons i got
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started, in delaware, is because of the best hbcu in america. delaware state. [cheers and applause] kamala says there is some school down in washington. [laughter] anyway, hbcus are incredible institutions. they don't have the same endowments as other universities to fund research centers and do so much more. because you voted, i kept my commitment. we are investing $16 billion the most ever in the history of america, $16 billion. [cheers and applause] we will grow america. it american money. a promise made and a promise kept. i am keeping my promises. no way should be in jail merely for using or possessing marijuana. [cheers and applause]
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i pardoned thousands of people incarcerated for the mere possession of marijuana. thousands. a promise made and a promise kept. and for the record, the record should be expunged as well, i might add. [applause] it was not easy to get this done. in fact, obstacles every step of the way, we faced. senate republicans blocked the george floyd justice in policing act, but they didn't stop me from signing an executive order requiring key elements of that bill for federal enforcement. that is banning too close restricting no-knock warrants, police misconduct issues and so much more. [applause] and we did it with the support of the george floyd family and will finally get it all done. [applause] a promise made and a promise kept. i promised we would beat the nra. and we did. [applause] as kamala mentioned, i send the most significant gun safety law in nearly 30 years.
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a promise made and a promise kept. again ben assault weapons of america. [applause] i did it once, i will do it again. the supreme court blocked me from relieving student debt, but it didn't stop me -- so far, i have relieved student debt cook for nearly 5 million americans. a significant number of black borrowers. so you can chase your dreams start a family, by your first home, start a business and so much more. and guess what, it grows the economy. it strengthens the economy. and we are going to keep it going. a promise made and a promise kept. and we are speaking of the courts, because you voted, i was able to keep my commitment to a point in the first black woman on the united states supreme court. [cheers and applause] justice ketanji brown jackson. a promise made and a promise kept. and i appointed more black women to the federal circuit court than any other president in american history combined. every single president combined. [cheers and applause]
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overall, we appointed 200 black judges to the federal bench, and guess what, the next president they will be able to appoint a couple of justices and i will be damned if we are not going to. [cheers and applause] look, if in fact we are able to change some of the justices when they retire, we are going to put in really progressive judges like we always had. tell me that will not change your life, when the justices are already gutting voting rights, overturning roe, decimated affirmative action and so much more. are we going to let that happen? [crowd shouts "no!"] president biden: we can't. we really can't. let's talk about trump's maga lies. i don't have an hour, but will try. he said he sent all the prolific relief checks. the truth is the congressional
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black caucus got that money passed. [applause] it came to all of us with the help of cbc and passed legislation to deliver more checks in the pockets of millions, including black americans. $1400 checks in the american rescue plan act, we passed. $300 a month per child, per family through the child tax credit which, child poverty in half for black families. [applause] i am great to get it reinstated in the second term. folks, trump's continues to lie by saying black unemployment was at a record low on his watch. the fact is a record low unemployment happened on my watch, and we will keep it going. [applause] black small businesses started at a faster rate in 30 years because of what we've done. the racial wealth gap is as low as it has been in 20 years because of our efforts. a promise made and a promise kept. i -- the most significant housing plan in 50 years which
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includes first-time homebuyers' tax credit, building millions of affordable housing to bring rents down. new data shows 40% cut in the gap between home appraisals and the majority -- in the majority white communities versus those in communities of color. even though it was the exact same builder. on either side of i-95 building the same houses, if it's a black community, it is lower in value from the very first day it is built, it ends up being lower than the exact same house across the highway in the white community. we are doing everything we can do right that wrong. we are taking on corporate greed to bring down the price of gas, food and rent. [cheers and applause]eliminated junk fees. instead of getting charged $35 for an overdraft, it's three dollars now, not $35.
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[cheers and applause]the bottom line is we are invested more in black america than any previous administration in history has. we have opened more doors to economic opportunity including access to capital, entrepreneurship and workforce training, so you can build a life of financial freedom and create generational wealth. all, all about being the providers and leaders of the families and communities. another promise made and promise kept. we're just getting started. it's just the first time. we want to keep it going and level the playing field by making the wealthy pay their fair share in tax. i will not increase taxes on anybody making less than $400,000 a year. guess how much the average federal tax rate is for a billionaire -- 8.3%. a .3%. it's outrageous! the billionaires only had to pay 25%, it would raise $400 billion. we would be able to do everything we are doing now and still reduce the debt.
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look, billionaires. their fair share, it not only reduces the deficit, but can provide child care, elder care paid leave, so much more and change the lives of millions, as well as grow our economy. at folks, all progress all freedom of opportunity is at risk. trump is trying to make the country forget just how dark and unsettling things were working with president but we will not forget lying around -- not forget him lying around, actually. [laughter] and lying about how serious the pandemic was saying he had no responsibility for it. and telling americans, just inject a little bleach. remember that? [grumbles of dissapproval} he might have injected a lot of bleach in himself. [laughter] trump -- [laughs]
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trump and his maga extremists want to give power back to big pharma to continue charging exorbitant fees. he is still determined, in his own words, "to terminate the affordable care act," which would deny 3 million black americans health insurance. during his presidency trump enacted a truth trillion dollars tax cut, overwhelmingly benefiting the very wealthy and the biggest corporations and excluded the federal deficit. he racked up more federal debt than any president it in any presidential term in history. tell me about republicans and balancnow he wants to do it again. at the same is determined to cut social security and medicare. [crowd booing] i have a better idea. le wealthy begin to pay for it! [applause] as kamala said, trump brags
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about getting roe v. wade, standing there saying "i did this." while he openly encourages voter suppression. if you elect me in the democratic congress, i will sign into law the voting rights act tomorrow and we will make roe v. wade the law of the land again. [cheers and applause] it's within our power to do this. mag a extremists band -- did you ever think anybody over 30 years old, you would go through a period where the art banning books in america? they are trying to erase black history. it is american history. it is american history. together we makeistory, not erase it for me, the value of diversity, equity, inclusion are the core strength of america. that's what i am proud to have the most diversetration
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in history that taps into the full talents of our country. it starts at the top with the vice president. on memorial day, i proudly stood with a black man, the highest order, the first black secretary of defense. the second black chairman of the joint chiefs of staff. black women had of military units. who are overseeing the most diverse and strongest fighting force in the history of the world. folks, the threat trump poses is good in the second term than in the first. it is true that when he left in 2020, something really snapped in this guy. [laughter] no, i'm serious. that is why january 6 happened, when he unleashed an insurrection. now he's running again that he is clearly unhinged. he calls insurrectionists who stormed the capital "patriots." if reelected, he wants to
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harden, quote, "every one of them." let me ask you. what do you think you would have done on january 6 if black americans had stormed the capitol? think about this? what would've happened if black americans had stormed the capitol? i don't think he would be talking about pardons. this is the same guy who wanted to tear gas you as you peacefully protested george floyd's murder. the same guy who still calls the central park five "guilty," even though they were exonerated. he is that landlord who denies housing applications because of the color of your skin. he is that guy who will not say "black lives matter," and people's neo-nazi third-re ich terms. the same guy who at least birth tourism against barack.
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i love this one. he says he is the greatest president of black people in the history of america including more than abraham lincoln. [crowd booing] i mean, can you fathom that? where in the heck? [laughter] like i said, i think he injected too much of that bleach. [laughter] i think it affected his brain. some allies are so foolish you don't have to say anything about the metal. maya angelou said, when someone shows you who they are -- believe them the first time. you got it kid! [applause] knew that it. i have showing who i am an trump has shown he who he is. today trump is peddling lies and stereotypes for your vote so he can win five south, not for you. i have a message for you, not in
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our house, and not on our watch! [cheers and applause] let me close with this. folks, i know we have a lot more to do. when the full promise of america is not available to every person in this country regardless of race, we've got a lot of work to do. let's not lose sight of how far we have come. the reason is you. the stakes in the selection couldn't be higher. what is at stake is nothing less than the fundamental ideal that defines america, that we are all created equal, endowed by our creator with certain inalienable right and should be treated that way every day of our lives. we have never lived up to it but we have never completely walked away from it either, and i'll be damned if i were let trump be the reason to stop us.
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[cheers and applause]i'll be damned if iwill let donald trump -- i am not going to let donald trump turn a in honesty, decency and treating people with respect. nl be damned if donald trump turn america into a place filled with resentment and hate. folks, america has always been a place where we have worked towards a more perfect union. where those who were included in the past -- excluded in the past are included in the promise of the country today. i still believe that. i am still optimistic, but i need you. my question to you is a simple one, are you with me? [cheers and applause] talk to your family. [cheers and applause]
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[chanting "four more years!"] president biden: spread the word. as the gospel song goes, "we have come too far from where we started nobody told me the road would be i don't believe you brought me this far though to leave me." my fellow americans, i don't think the good lord brought us this far to leave us behind. we just need to remember who we are. we are the united states of america and there is nothing -- nothing beyond our capacity if we act together. god bless you all and may god bless america. thank you. [cheers and applause]♪
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president biden: every time i walk around i hear my grandmother shouting joey, keep the faith. and my grandmother would say no, joey, go spread the faith. [cheers and applause] ♪ announcer: the batted in campaign says it will partner with various organizations throughout the summer to increase outreach to black voters. right now the president is going to a small business event in
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philadelphia with the black chamber of commerce. the looking ahead on june first and second the campaign plans to hold a black church engagement event in arizona to open up new offices around georgia, host a block party's in nevada and hold community hub events at barbershops and hair salons in michigan. ♪ [cheers and applause] ♪ announcer: tune in to c-span's live coverage of the two national political conventions starting with the republican's for the event in milwaukee on july 15. next up, the democrats as they convene in chicago taking off
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on august 19. stay connected to c-span for uninterrupted and an unfiltered glimpse of democracy at work. was the republican and democratic national conventions live this summer on c-span, c-span now, our free mobile app, or online at ♪ c-span your unfiltered view of politics, powered by cable. ♪ on tuesday at a republican primary runoff election in texas's 23rd congressional district, and, tony gonzalez narrowly defeated republican challenger and gun rites activist brandon herrera. he supported a gun-control measure after a shooting in the city of uvalde, which is part of his district. representative gonzales will now go on to face democrat santos limon in november's general election. announcer: next month the supreme court will release decisions on key cases.
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ahead of the announcement, law professors from georgetown and university of pennsylvania will review the cases, which could redefine presidential immunity access to abortion services, and government protection of american. consumers hosted by the center for american progress, what the discussion live today at 3:30 p.m. eastern on c-span, c-span now, our free mobile app, or online at ♪ eric and laura trump the son and daughter of presumptive republican nominee donald trump spoke at the 2024 republican national convention in north carolina. laura trump explained the changes made at the republican national committee since her election as cochair in march prior. to her remarks, a phone call was made to the former president's voice could be heard on speakerphone. this event was motivated by the north caroline thenational committee chair. [chatter] >> folks we adjourned tonight
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by a powerful, dynamic couple that really needs no introduction. north carolina's own in wilmington actually, wrightsville beach- own lara trump, cochair of the rnc, and her husband, eric trump's. [applause]


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