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tv   Campaign 2024 Lara Eric Trump Speak at North Carolina GOP Convention  CSPAN  May 29, 2024 2:55pm-3:32pm EDT

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republican nominee donald trump spoke at the 2024 republican national convention in north carolina. laura trump explained the changes made at the republican national committee since her election as cochair in march prior. to her remarks, a phone call was made to the former president's voice could be heard on speakerphone. this event was motivated by the north caroline the republican national committee chair. [chatter] >> folks, we adjourned tonight by a powerful, dynamic couple that really needs no introduction. north carolina's own in wilmington actually, wrightsville beach- own lara trump, cochair of the husband,'. [applause]
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>> let's get started. lara: wow. i think you guys. it's a nice warm welcome to come home to north carolina too. thank you! [applause] >> when we asked her if she would come, she said, of course i'll come to north carolina. then we got a bonus. we got an extra trump! >> good bonus. jason: eric, when i first met your wife now eight years ago, she came to the north carolina gop headquarters and we went through north carolina and how we were going to win and then we went to an event and at the end i said, you are going to be a star. i was wrong, you are a superstar!
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lara: oh my gosh! that is very nice. yes, we met eight years ago when i was 15. i just want to make it very clear[laughter] i just want to say thank you guys for everybody in here. you might know that my father-in-law in 2016 did the unthinkable when i came here to north carolina and told me, the one state that he had said was our firewall, which is my home state of north carolina, that he needed me to limit for him. and i want to say thank you for win number one in 2016 for donald trump. [applause] delivered that one. and then i had to do it again 2020. and states of north carolina won for donald trump in 2020, of course. and then, i guess, he said well, north carolina wasn't enough,
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why don't we stick you over at the rnc? cochair of the rnc -- i am truly honored to have that title, it's the greatest honor for me. me. i hope everyone has noticed cha. we've been raising massive amounts of money for donald trump and the republican party. but i'm going to tell you one thing i need from you because i think if i don't win this state again, no pressure, jason, i'm out of the family. jason: 100% out of the family. lara■%: are we going to deliver the state of north carolina one more time for donald j. trump? that's all. thank you. jason: amen. so day one, the day before lara became co-chair of the r.n.c., i was watching msnbc. i advise you not to watch msnbcw about politics, she won't raise any money? she had an envelope of $2.7
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million, and had gotten the job two days of before and she goes up onstage as she accepts the job hundreds -- $2.7 million she raised in the first 24 hours. she's been a remarkable job over there. the money the r.n.c. is raising is off the charts. eric: the smallest amount of money -- lara: north carolina has taken over the r.n.c. eric: wonderful job. >> the last time we saw each other was in houston when you were elected to be the co-chair. what are the changes you've been making? lara: you may have noticed last month, in the month of april, donald trump, the campaign and r.n.c. together raised $76 million. and i'll point out, at the same time, guess what joe biden and the democrats raised? $51 million. we beat them by $25 million,
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folks. our average donations $ 29 and speaks volumes and tells you all you need to know. we did a little staffing change, so to speak, at the r.n.c. from the jump. you know, you bring in a new c.e.o. of the company, you want to bring in some new people. we did that. we've gone through every vendor and contract at the r.n.c. because we want the highest and best use of every single one of those dollars donated. we now are, as i can say this as jason pointed out, it's my third campaignif you can believe that. again, i started at 15, so it's amazing. but what i can speak to is the fact that prior to today, we alongside the r.n.c. as the trump campaign but never were we fully integrated one party, one entity and we are that now. there is no daylight between the r.n.c. and the trump campaign. we're one group.
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yeah, it's great. the advantage it gives us is it allowsoney to go farther. we're not paying too people to do the same job, one at the r.n.c. and one at the trump campaign. we have one person at one job and laser focused. we work cohesively together as one unit. that's amazing. the other thing you'll notice if you come to our headquarters in washington, d.c., the bulk of the staff, the bodies actually in the r.n.c. building are dedicated to one cause, election integrity. because i don't think it's a mystery to anyone in here, 2020, we can never allow happen again, right? and if we don't have free, fair and transparent elections, what are we doing here? we can't call oursels the united states of america. michael watney, the chairman and i, thank you to north carolina for giving us michael watney.
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and jason has done an amazing job filling those shoes. we've ledged to haveys and bootn the ground and people in every polling location, not just poll watchers but people working in the polling locations, attorneys in every major polling location across america who can strike at a moment's notice. we can't be reactive but proactive. those are the things we're focused on at the r.n.c. jason: eric, watching the news, looks like your father has been busy. eric: we've been a little busy. we call to the ice box. they're so petrified of the man. we might need to bother him on friday. lara: should we call donald trump? will he pick up for north carolina? let's see. lara: if he knows what's good for him and who his daughter-in-law is, he'll pick
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up for the state of north carolina. eric: let's see if he'll ck up. mr. trump: eric. eric: dad, i'm with a big group of people, don't say anything inappropriate. big fans of north carolina, the entire party. he famous jason and very famous lara trump. and everybody is ready for you to win november 5. mr. trump: hello, everybody. i'd like to just say hello to everybody. i wish i was there. i wish i was there with them but we'll be there a lot. you know, it's a state we did very well in. fantastic people and you have lara that loves it maybe more than anybody because she happened to grow up there and was born there and raised there and she loves it.
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we won it twice and the primaries twice and have nothing but victories there. i want to thank everybody. we're leading in all of the polls, right now every poll. and hopefully that will continue. we have a lot of vicious, horrible people after us. but we're going to win and win i think decisively. nobody can want this guy as president. he's the worst president we've ever had. i can say it strongly because i know and i see. i deal with it. there's never been anybody with the weaponization likad. never happened in this country before. never, ever happened in this country before it. it happens in third world countries. but more importantly, i'll tell you, more importantly what he's done on the border or energy, we were energy independent and then
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begged venezuela for o is going. the people continue to pour through the border. taxes are going up four to five times because if he doesn't do something with the trump tax cuts, we gave you the largest tax cuts in history and now we have a man that wants to raise them three to four times if they don't do something about that because it expires in a matter of months. i just want to say that we're doing well, we're winning and winning big and we want to keep it going and bring it back. we'll bring it back fast. the biggest mob is millions of millions of people have come in our country from jails and mental institutions and they're
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now roaming our country. it's a very difficult situation to be in. the energy we can take care of and lots of things we can take dare of quickly and easily and we'll do that. we have no choice but to deport the criminal elements that came in and we'll have to deport them and deport them fast because that's a bad, bad thing waiting to happen. that's a tragedy or many traged waiting to happen. we're not going to be playing games with it. so i just want to thank all of the people of north carolina, the support has been great. never wavered. on election night when we had that beautiful first election, it was great and again that was supposed to go to hillary and went to us and pretty decisively and the second time it was with us and with us right from the beginning and it stayed that way whereas pennsylvania, georgia, a lot of them were with us and then all of a sudden because there was never so much cheating
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in the history of elections, they used covid to cheat and i want to thank michael wadley who did a fantastic job and whole group has done a fantastic job. e they there, is mr. watley there? eric: no, not■(#< tonight. >> tomorrow. mr. trump: the reason we took him is it stayed steady and he s working that night and watching the election fraud. i said we had the votes. you got to watch the fraud. so anyway, michael did the best job and is now head of the r.n.c. we took north carolina and put him in charge of the r.n.c. along with lara and i want to thank lara and eric and everybody for working so hard but most i want to thank everybody in the room. we'll not let you down. we're going to win and win big and don't let you down.
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eric: tremendous love in this room. i love you, lara loves you and you're going to win north carolina for the third time and we're going to make america great again. mr. trump: thanks, everybody. see [crowd chanting "usa"] eric: i spent two weeks with him in new york as they use legal lawfair to take him out of the race. the democrats don't understand the concept of reverse consequences. he goes into court every single morning and gives a press conference heard by everyone p. they televise it on every channel and comes out at lunch and does the same thing and in the evening before goes home and does another press conference and he goes to harlem and the bronx and meets thousands of people. lara: 25,000 people in the bronx
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yesterday. eric: and then all of a sudden two weeks in, all the democrats are going crazy saying you're giving him the greatest platform in the world in which to campaign. donald trump has done it again, turned a negative into a massive positive. his poll numbers skyrocketed and fundraising never has been better. the entire country saw it with the lawfare and saw it with impeachment one and two and saw it when they tried to take his name off the ballot in do old colorado and saw it when they tried to take his name off the ballot in maine and seen it when they come after him using every single attorney and district attorney in the country, whether it be in georgia or new york city or washington, d.c. or a ton of other places. if you can't win, cheat. that's what biden's motto is. you see the third in charge of the d.o.j. prosecuting him every day. the good news is americans are
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really, really smart and more than this nonsense they try and pull off, the stronger he gets in the polls. i promise you, guys, i never have seen so much love and i said it in the room seconds ago and lara and this, everywhere we go in 2016 people used to whisper we love your father, our neighborhood is voting for him, our church is voting for him. people in this country are no longer whispering. i had a flight attendant on the plane the other day who in the middle of the plane made the greatest scene i ever seen. i don't give a damn if i got fired, we love you and your family and literally screaming, go trump. the passion in this country has never been stronger to save this great republic and save our flag, to save our constitution and save our first amendment which is totally under attack, to save our second amendment which is totally under attack. to save the family unit in this country which is also under attack. and i feel more confident than
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ever especially because lara is in there. they did some great rhino hunting. you know what rhino hunting is, they kick out all the wine as. she did some great rhino hunting and between her and jason and having a family that works tirelessly we'll win this thing on november 5, i promise you. lara: if i could say one to pigy quickly, the idea that everything they throw at donald trump doesn't work andn them. i think it's because what we have going on in this country right now is not republican versus democrat or left versus right, it's good versus evil. there is a spiritual element to everything going on right now. and i believe that donald trump was made for such a time as this because there is no one else who
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not only could take everything they have thrown his way but still be standing, still be fighting, still be facing forward and still be ready to win! that's what we have to remember. jason: we talked a little bit about winning but how? one of the things we talked a lot about, especially at the trump victory and the r.n.c. is early voting and absentee vote by mail. especially in north carolina where we have absentee ballots that will start dropping september 6 and we have 17 days of early voting. how are we prioritizing all this? lara: here's the thing. i think everybody in this room can agree we want to get back to a place we have one day of voting. we have pend we have voter i.d. required all across this country, right? we can get back to that day but
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we have to get through this election right now. we have to play the hand that we are dealt and the hand we are dealt in the state of north carolina. you have early voting and mail-in voting. what donald trump said and what people have encouraged to do as well is any way you can vote and as early as you can vote, get your vote banked. because life happens. you never know what can happen day to day, you might get sick and kids have an issue and something happens at work and you don't want to wait and miss your opportunity to get your vote banked. we have to make it too big to rig in this election cycle. vote early the first day you can and work that day up to election day taking people to your polling locations and take them there and get them engaged and get them voting.
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somebody told my father-in-law, of course we'd like to see the election day voting as a federal holiday, everybody votes on the one day. they said mr. president, people love you so much they want to vote for you the first day they can. absolutely, they should go vote for me. we're doing something else unique at the r.n.c. we have toh dynamite. the democrats have been doing b. look out for an operation headed up by the r.n.c. if they can do it, so can we and we're going to beat them at their own game. i want to encourage everyone in here. we'll he r.n.c. at the tabulation centers
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where the mail-in votes come in and people physically able as poll workers trained by the r.n.c. to handle ballots to work in the polling locations and pulling out all the stops to ensure it's a free, transparent election. bank your vote. you look at states like arizona. remember kerry lake wood probably had won her race had it not been for that one precinct which was a heavily republican precinct having an issue and shut d and the line wraps around the block and how many people didn't vote to her or nevada, a recent election there we had an ice storm and prevented people from voting. get your vote banked and take people from that day all the way to election day to go vote every step of the way and that's how we'll make it too big to rig. jason: it's memorial day weekend and we honor those who have
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fallen. president trump honored and revered our military and the military looked up to him. we're seeing right now across the globe really the destruction of the american pride and the dominance america holds and especially you see russia and ukraine, your dad brought peace through strength and looking forward to that when he's elected. i know you talked to him about that and making sure we're strong on the global front again. eric: before my father ran he'd read arms, 22 million veterans are dying every day. why aren't we taking them and why is the v.a. so broken and putting everybody else ahead of our vets and we're not doing anything to take care of them? then he'd read an article, most of our fighter planes can't take off because they don't have enough parts, they're broken. then he sees "60 minutes" the
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famous clip they go in the icbm seal as and you have -- silos and you have people saying how can our military be broken as it is? he wants to run run and fix problems with the v.a. and want to not see suicide plaguing our vets and create the greatest fighting force in the world and if we ever have to use it, we will absolutely crush any adversary. but i don't want to have to use it and let that be the last very sort. last resort. i'm tired of beingddle east spending trillions and not spending it on our public schools and infrastructure and in the united states of america and getting absolutely nothing out of it other than her people and maim soldiers and everything else. i don't want to fight these long protracted war but i want to fight so viciously we win right away and no one ever misses with the united states of america
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erin. that was the doctrine of peace through strength and reagan said it better than anybody and my father finished it. he was the first president who never brought the united states of america to war and ended a lot of wars. a great statistic in the last 18 months in afghanistan of his see member lost their lives. all of a sudden you have a incompetent president that goes in there and a joint chief who worries more about woke culture than they do about actually war fighting and many in congress saying i want to understand what white privilege is and rename bragg and name it camp liberty and all sorts of nonsense and these worthless exercises that
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don't benefit anything. he wants to rename every military base that's the backbone of the united states and took their eye off the prize and why you havehe russia invade and china licking their chops to go into taiwan and all sorts of problems with iran where every day they're shooting another missile at our greatest allies in the world and our allies aren't being supported and other things are focused on and peoplk they can count on our strength and can't count on us as people who calls up an adversary that says don't think about it, don't try it because america will not take that kindly. right now in the white house we don't have that person who can make that call and i promise you donald trump is. he's made that call before and when he's had to act he's acted very decisively and did that against coal mainy and khomeini
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and al baghdady and people like kim jung un, they respected the united states of america for the first time. obama was looking at north korea from plexiglas eight miles away, my father walks across the d.m.z. shaking lands with this little guy and finally we have relations with a country that otherwise h it's a beautiful thing. we as americans need more of that. i think we're going in knowing these people in a better spot than he was going in in 2016. he wants peace in this world but more than anything he wants respect for america and peace in the world and you better believe the military will be his number one. the military and our vets. kid tell you one other thing without being long winded that's killing him. every single hotel in new york city and every city around the country is being filled with illegal immigrants. yet our veterans are still bridges all across this country and it's not acceptable and i promiseoul chad trump.
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jason: in 2015 donald trump comes down that beautiful escalator and starts talking e what is this? why is this an issue? folks, no one is asking that question anymore. migrant crime across the country, fentanyl, killing across our country. donald trump called it out and you see it today joe biden reversed everything that good president trump did. we're looking forward to having him back. we're looking forward to having a border. lara: can i ask quickly sinceeme active duty military or our law enforcement officers, can we give them a round aapplause? thank you for your service. we're here because of you.
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thank you, god bless you. we're so appreciative. jason: any comment on the southern border and what we can do? lara: the southern border is the number one issue outside of the economy. you look at the primaries and the polling. that was the number one issue for these people in this country. and it's funny because everything that donald trump talked about and people said why is he talking about china? take a look at china right now, los angeles. china is trying to usurp us as the power country of the world and they're trying to attack taiwan. you look at the southern border, this is something we cannot have people coming in here illegally which kamala harris, our border czar, are you kidding me?
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invited these people here and it is so detrimental to our country and attacks every system we have, from our health care system to educational system, you literally have people sleeping in logan airport, in airports in chicago in l.a.x. and a situation is unsustainable and put that aside and this fiscal year alone we've had 300 people on the terror watch list we know of come across that southern border and all it takes is one person with bad intentions and bad plan to do harm to this country. donald trump saw it before it became a problem. joe biden in an effort to pander and dot things, the virtue signaling they do on the other side because they base everything on the democrats side on a motion. we on the conserve pitch republican side base it on cold,
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hard facts. and reality and policies that actually work, right? his attempt to say i'm not donald trump and will reverse all these policies, that one policy alone has been so costly to the future of this country. we better get donald trump back in that white house in 2025t hit have a■o country left. we will not be able to sustain this. i will promise you as you just heard directly on the phone from donald trump himself, not bad for a night here in greensboro, north carolina, hearing from donald trump, he's ready to shut down that border and start deporting people who shouldn't be in this country. jason: lara mentionedill be goit
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to the polls, the economy. you're a businessman and see it every day, the decisions being made in the housend how they're devastating people across our country p. the southern border bothers me the most, the fentanyl problem. the youth lives. what they're taking in the u.s. is unthinkable. when i watched joe biden go out last week and say donald trump gave us 9% inflation and he's bringing that number down, i just have to laugh. the first thing joe biden did in office was the keystone pipeline and did the war on energy. every economist will tell you roughly 60% of all inflation is energy cost and energy cost went through the roof. under my father gas was $1.80 and it hovered there and we had the lowest gas prices and diesel
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prices and lowest heating oil prices and the lowest natural gas prices in the history of our nation and filled up the u.s. strategic petroleum reserve. day one there's a war on energy and day one the inflation starts soaring, the cost of everything. you go to home depot and want to buy a two-by-four, it's $16 and plywood goes to $80. everything goes to the roof and joe biden goes out and■;fq saysw great his economy is. it was interesting because he's doubting the fact he was going to help the lower and middle classes and under his economy the only people that did well were wealthy people who had hard assets where inflation inflate . and who didn't get crushed as the same price didn't go up as their groceries and eggs and fuel and other consumables they
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were otherwise putting in their mouths. he really crushed this country and made it devastating. second of all, you've got one of the strongest dollars you've ever had. what does it do? it sounds like a beautiful thing but it's not a beautiful thing and drives all our manufacturing overseas. so as my father was bringing manufacturing back to this country, because he was actually and deregulating our country and the biggest tax cuts in the history of our nation manufacturing was coming back and we can do it better than anybody else in the world. but now you have a president who does thect costs which are a disaster for manufacturing. massive regulation. and he wants to let my father's tax cuts expire which will drive more and more companies out of the united states. so we've got to get back to a point of common sense and back to a point where we have proper
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inflation. 1.5%, 2% inflation. you can't have it running as high it is. my father talks about inflation being a country buster. argentina is one of them. how many times has it gone bust in a row? there's a hundred other examples of this p. we have to lead the way in terms of our economy and there's nothing more important. he gets it. he's a practical person and this is his wheelhouse and no one will do a better job for our economy. but day number one is drill, baby, drill, as he always says. that will bring down inflation and bring down inflation very quickly and continue to deregulate and continue to be a cheerleader for the united states of america, which we desperately need, telling every country, we're the safest country to invest in, we're the best country to invest in, we can manufacture products better than anybody else in the world. come to the united states of america. you're welcome. and that message is not being touted by the current admist bring it back and do so very, very
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quickly and i think you'll see the greatest economy this country has ever had, starting november 5 whehe will happen very quickly thereafter. jason: it's been fun to be with you this evening. always a pleasure. back in 2016, newlyweds, watching you run around and chasing kids and not just dogs and appreciate everything you do. my daughter thanks you because of lara we have dogs, thank you. lara:■ i'm a crazy dog lady in case nobody knows. upstairs we have our two children and two dogs upstairs in a hotel room. i'm not even joking. just a side note and i want to hear what eric has s our two-year wedding anniversary was election day in 2016, november 8. so thank you guys for giving us the greatest two-year wedding
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anniversary we've ever had and we'll do it again this year. couple days early. eric: we love north carolina. obviously, i married a southern belle and love her very much. if she doesn't win this for us november 5 she might have a little bit of problem marriagewise and familywise. lara: help me out. eric: we're going to win. our family will fight no better than anybody in this room. we're all together and you have so many congressional candidates and so many we love dearly and so many people who are going to kick you know what in the respective districts. but just know that our family will be out there every single day fighting. we'll be fighting communism, and you probably see me on tv doing that every night as we go through the stuff we're going through. you'll see us at every single convention and every single
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campaign stop. we know no other way to do this. we are workers. we'll beat the pavement every day and in every single swing state and in places that people have written us out like the bronx and like harlem and a lot of other places. our family is going to work tirelessly. and the constitution and bring back god and bring back family.e guiding principles of our nation and bring back our economy. we have to get this old, decrepit person out of the white house. he's not representing our country at all. we'll make america great again and we'll start in north carolina. we love you and i love you and even love jason. he's the greatest. i love him in a different way if that makes sense. i promise you guys, thank you on behalf of our family for fighting as hard as you do. we'll make you proud and we're going to win this. you've got the best representation in the entire world to do that.
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lara: before we go, i just want to give a special thank you to this room. as a girl who grew up in southeastern north carolina, first and foremost, it was an honor to be a part of the trump family. and i never in my wildest dreams ever believed that something like that was in my future. so that alone h humbling. and then to be a part of the rsf the united states of america. my second greatest honor ever. and then now to be the co-chair of the r.n.c. and know that i started out at lainie high school and nova middle school in wilmington, north carolina, i truly hope i do you guys proud. thank you, thank you, thank you. i love you all. god bless you guys. let's go win. thank you. [captions copyright national >> we


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