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tv   Washington Journal Open Phones  CSPAN  May 30, 2024 10:00am-10:05am EDT

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view o government provided by these television companies and more. >> the world has changed. today, fast and reliable internet connection is something no one can live without. speed, reliability and choice. with great internet. >> supporting c-span along with other providers, giving you a front row seat to democracy. c-span's cameras are outside the court this morning. whether president's -- presidents are -- the case donald trump versus the u.s. centers on the alleged actions of former president trump to interfere in the 2020 election
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while he was still an auction -- still in office. social media regulations and domestic violence cases. they have until the end of the term to rule on all of the meaning -- the remaining cases. live today in a few minutes, the -- a look at the cost of health care. from the american institute. set to have a second day of deliberations starting at 9:30 a.m. this morning, we want to know from you here in our first hour do you trust the american jury system. you can begin dialing in and we will take your thoughts in a minute. the recent poll that was done
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that ask the same question of americans and they found of all adults, 15% said they trust the american jury system a great little and 12 and eight purse -- 12% said not at all, 8% said not sure. when they ask that same question, a percent of republicans said a great deal while 41% of republicans said a moderate amount, 27% said a little and 13% said not at all. compare that to independence and democrats who are pretty much the same, the majority of those along political lines said that they trust the american jury system a moderate amount. what is your what are your thoughts on that this morning? we want to hear from you.
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the jury deliberated for more than four hours yesterday and that hush money case, they were given instructions by the judge on what they needed to consider in this case. we had from the former president before the jury began those deliberations yesterday. this is what he had to say. [video clip] >> very conflicted and corrupt because of the confliction, very corrupt. mother teresa could not beat these charges. these charges are rigged. the whole thing is rigged. between the borders and faye collections and you have a trial like this with the judge is so conflicted he can't breathe. he has to do his job, it's a disgrace and i mean that. mother teresa cannot beat these charges. we will see how we do. it's a very disgraceful
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situation. every single legal scholar and expert said there's no case, it shouldn't be brought and it certainly wouldn't have been brought seven years ago not in the middle of a presidential election. this judge contributed to joe biden. there's far worse than that but i'm not allowed toag order. far worse than that, one thousand times worse than that. but i can talk about it. it will be talked about but i'm knocking to talk about it. it will be talked about in history books, what's happening here is weaponization to a level no one has seen before ever. host: former president trump outside the courtroom yesterday before the jury began deliberation. this morning we are asking you do you trust the american jury system. why do we have a jerry? that the question and something we want you to talk
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about this morning asfounding fe constitution. the judge in the hush money case gave the jury very specific instructions. these are some of the instructions. your verdict on each count you consider whether guilty or not ilty must unanimous in order to find the defendant guilty however, you need not be unanimous on whether the defendant committed the crime or by acting in concert with another or both. on those instructions the former president took issue. untrue social he wrote it is ridiculous, unconstitutional and the highly conflicted radical left judge is not requiring unanimous decision on the charges against me brought by soros backed d.a.. a third world election for interference hoax is what he has to say. the washington post writing about the former president


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