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tv   Manhattan DA Speaks to Press Following Trump Guilty Verdict  CSPAN  May 31, 2024 4:06am-4:18am EDT

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pouring into our country right now from prisons and from mental institutions, and they are taking over our country. we have a country that is in big trouble, but this was a rigged decision right from day one with uld have never been allowed to try this case ever, and we will fight for our constitution. this is long from over. thank you very much. >> [indiscernible] ■
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>> good evening. first and foremost, i want to thank the jury for in-service. jurors perform a fundamental civic duty. their service is literally the cornerstone of our judicial system. we should all be thankful for the careful attention that this jury paid to the evidence and the law and their time and commitment over these last several weeks. 12 everyday new yorkers, and of course alternates heard testimony from 22 witnesses,
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including former and current employees of the defendant, mediapublishers, custodians of records, and others. they reviewed call logs, text messages, and emails. they heard recordings. they saw checks and invoices, bank statements and calendar appointments. this type of white color prosecution is core to what we do at the manhattan district attorney's office. 1930's district attorney, stewing -- attorney thomas dewey ushered in the modern office. a major part of our practice during the nearly 90 years has been public integrity work,
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including cases involving jurists, local and state electives, public servants, and others. i want to thank this phenomenal prosecution team, embodying the finest traditions of this office, professionalism, integrity, dedication, and service. they are model public servants, and i am proud and humbled to serve side-by-side with them. the 12 everyday jurors vowed to make a decision to based on the evidence and the law, and the evidence and the law alone. their deliberations lead them to a unanimous conclusion beyond a reasonable doubt that the defendant, donald j trump, is
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guilty of 34 counts a full business records in the first degree to conceal a scheme to corrupt the 2016 election. and while this defendant may be unlike any other in american history, we arrived at this trial and ultimately today at this verdict in the same manner as every other case that comes through the court room doors by following the facts and the law and doing so without fear or favor. want to conclude by expressing deep latitude to the nypd and the officers of the office of court administration for securing the courthouse, all of our safety, making sure the courthouse and all of the other matters that are important in their own right continued seamlessly.
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they will continue to be and always have been incredible partners. thank you. >> [indiscernible] do you plan to request a prison sentence? [indiscernible] >> the judge has to scheduling for july 11. we will speak in court and bedtime. he also said emotion schedule. >> [indiscernible] >> i do not. >> [indiscernible]i did my job.
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our facts in the law without fear or favor , and that is what we did here. what i feel is gratitude to work alongside public servants who do that each of the date in matters that you will write about and make depressed, and in lots of matters that you do not. i did my job. we did our job. many voices out there. the only voice that matters is the voice of the jury, and the jury has spoken. >> most people said the prosecution was lawless. how do you feel? >> mr. stein glass, some of you
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probably saw them and speak for a little but the other day, so he has done his job as has this team. i would just say enormous gratitude. i talk about the jurors at the beginning of my remarks. we have a phenomenal system. 12 everyday new yorkers. they listen to the judge's direction. they were careful and attentive, so i feel deep gratitude to work alongside them, to be a part of the system, and i just want to echo that this is what we are doing every single day. during this trial, just this week, an indictment, wage theft, plea■ crimes,
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convictions, all sorts of work being done by phenomenal public servants, so we are reporting today on this consequential matter, but this is what we do every day. we followed the facts on the law without fear or favor. >> if a jail sentence is in the cards, is it [indiscernible] would your office object to staying the sentence? >> i am going to let our words and cords to themselves when we get to the sentencing matter. i will not address hypotheticals. they raise arguments. we will respond. this is an active, ongoing matter. we will continue to do are speaking about this matter about issues like that in court. >> from day one the viability of
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this case has been questioned. can you respond to any of that, as you feel now that you have gotten the conviction? >> my response again is that i did my job, and i think particularly i talk about the history of the office. i started as a prosecutor in 2003 in the public integrity unit. i served also on the look integrity unit in the southern district of new york. these are cases i've done personally and it is a hallmark of this office i am proud to lead.and i do not want to go ine now have a federal court decision ruling on the legal theories. we have estate or decision on the omnibus motions, but most importantly to date we have the
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most important voice of all, and that is the voice of the jurors. donald j. trump is been convicted of 34 counts of falsifying business records. >> you have also been investigating this [indiscernible] >> are you concerned about retribution? >> you went to the supreme court twice. any comment on that?
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