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tv   Campaign 2024 Chase Oliver Accepts Libertarian Presidential Nomination  CSPAN  May 31, 2024 6:10am-6:45am EDT

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and the war on gaza. >> up next, we will have chase
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oliver. could we please have the timer reset? thank you. we have 20th century politicians who been running the 21st century mechanisms of government for my entire adult life and it is time for that to stop. and the people are getting tired of it. rise up because we will not be silent. instead of talking about liberty, we go across the country, reaching out to activists. that is the kind of campaign for president we are running, one that shows the positive, aspirational message of liberty. >> all people are free. >> we support liberty 100%, unfiltered. >> i've gone to ghost in the street while protesting for justice reform.
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my generation is the generation that had the entire real estate market fall out underneath us right as we were getting started. it is my generation trying to raise families with massive runaway inflation. this is not a left versus right issue, this is a right versus wrong issue. we will be putting up bold messages of liberty forward that voters can identify with. we will be exposing the two-party system for who they are. i will fight like hell to make sure that each and every one of you is replaced. we libertarians want to enter the race to be a check on the two-party system and give you somebody honest to vote for. nobody will buy and pay for a libertarian. we don't just blow with the political windith whatever is popular. we stand on principal. take the boot off of our net, support the people. thank you very much. i'm chase oliver, candidate for
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president, and i approve this message. [applause] >> howdy, y'all. i am stephanie berlin, delegate from the great state of iowa. i'm the current secretary for -- executive committee a couple of times, too. in iowa, that is why i'm up here to talk about chase, room. they are watching on tv. the story sounds familiar with all the young activists we have. it is my story. i joined this party at 15, i couldn't drive. i was doorknocking for haley brown and jo jorgensen. they are the ones that brought me here. their message of empathetic liberty for all is what brought me here.
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chase's continued message for empathetic liberty for everyone is what keeps me here. he is the one who will energize the millennial and gen z and alpha vote when they can vote. that is my story, that is why i'm here, that is why i hope that you join me in support for chase oliver. thank you. [applause] >> my name is amber, delegate from chase's home state of georgia. i first learned about the libertarian party in college. someone invited me to a county affiliate meeting and then i attended my first state convention, where i met jason all of these fine georgia delegates behind me. a couple years later in 2022, chase asked me to run his senate campaign with him. i witnessed firsthand the unwavering commitment of liberty that chase has. georgia chases activism, nothing
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short of transformative. i have been by his side as he brought in rank-choice voting, spoke out against cop city, testifying at the statehouse. that is how passionate chase is. in the 2022, chase oliver's bold stances on issues like health care, climate change, economic justice resonated with the voters from all walks of life, landing him in a debate between warnock and walker. we got 84,000 votes in that election. that is 84,000 people who are sick and tired of the two-party system. chase oliver's leadership is not just about winning elections, it's about empowering people to stand up for what they believe in and creating a brighter future for generations to come. as president, chase oliver will continue to be a beacon of hope,
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leading with integrity, compassion. join me in supporting chase oliver for president because together we can build a better tomorrow. [applause] [crowd chanting "chase"] >> i'm my delegate from south carolina. i discovered i was a libertarian at 18 as a college student in 1971, the same year the party was founded. i joined the libertarian party at the age of 26. and i found, over the years, that that is so common, that people discover they are libertarian and join the libertarian party in their teens, 20's, or early 30's. as we approach this presidential election, that is the group we have to focus on.
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those are the people that are looking for a political home. those of the people that know that the democrats and republicans and rfk junior offer nothing to them. they are the people that we reach out to. people come into the party overwhelmingly because they were attracted by a campaign and a candidate. a candidate who spoke about issues they cared about and who was able to effectively communicate that message. the candidate this election who can best when the next generation for liberty is chase oliver. [applause] >> g libertarians. my name is casey and i'm a libertarian.
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like chase oliver, i believe in defend the guard. like chase oliver, i believe in caring for our veterans. like chase oliver, i believe the best way to care for our disabled and falling veterans is to stop making more of them. [applause]
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being antiwar is what brought me to liberty. being antiwar is what brought chase oliver to liberty. an antiwar chase oliver will bring america to liberty. thank you. [applause] >> libertarians. i am kristin alexander, vice chair from indiana. i am also chase oliver's vice presidential preference. i started following chase in march of 2023 when he ca to our state convention. he is the only presidential candidate in my lifetime that i do not disagree with on any issues. you may know some of our successes in indiana. we ranked from 13th to sixth nationally in the last year.
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we were able to achieve the success by working across the lines of party caucus wars. we don't have division in indiana. we work with everybody. we have your back, and you deserve to be represented. chase oliver is the only presidential candidate who will repres party. i wouldn't be up here supporting him if he wasn't. it's my pleasure not to introduce to you next president of the united states of america, chase oliver. [applause] [crowd chanting "chase"] >> thank you very much, libertarian delegates, not just for being here today but all weekend to do the business of our party.
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i appreciate the work you put in. i join you among this body and i want to start by saying thank you to each and everyone of you. working with libertarians on the ground is not something i haven't done before. as i have traveled across the country, being the first libertarian candidate for president to ever campaign in all 50 states -- i have worked on the ground with activists and those who are fighting for things like ballot access all over the country, and it's my pleasure to be in the trenches with you can everyone of you as a candidate for president of nata states. as others have said before, they became libertarians between the ages of 18 and 30 and i want to do a quick survey. how many of you became a libertarian between the ages of 18 and 30? that is the generation we need to reach out to. that is the next generation for liberty. right now, there are millions of young people all over the country who are sick and tired
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of being sick and tired of seeing their grandparents grandparents on the stage. so our ticket, the ticket that we want to run, will be a broad and glaring contrast to the broken two-party system. in fact, my running mate and i, if you combine our ages, we are still younger than donald trump or joe biden. ■uand how are we going to reach out to the next generation of liberty? we are going to do it by opposing the warfare state at home and abroad. [applause] if you were in the hall last night, you saw that i have zero love for the war criminal donald trump or any of the wars that he continues. but i want to make one thing clear. i'm keeping plenty of my power dry to throw right at joseph biden, his criminal ways and his proxy wars, and his warfare state all over the world. so i want to speak loud and
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clear to the millions of students right now who are protesting the warfare stayed in their college campuses around the country. if i'm the nominee, there will be a young person on the stage, and the only person on the stage that says end the genocide, cease fire now, and end the war machine. [crowd chanting "chase"] ladies and gentlemen, we have a golden opportunity in 2024 to grow the foundation of our party. when we grow ourselves up, what can we do? tear the state down brick by brick for every abuse. i ask for your support so i can uny this party behind the principles of liberty and tell millions of american voters just like john told me in 2010 when i wandered into the libertarian tent as an antiwar voter, he said if you oppose the warfare state, welcome home to liberty.
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and that is the choice we will provide two millions and millions of voters all over the country. i ask for your support in the selection, i ask for your support today after this nomination takes place. we will spread this message, building our party, supporting our activists, and supporting a i want to and on this note. we have a war criminal in the white house. and we have had a war criminal in the white house for most of a one of your lives, exporting our values with the barrel of a gun and with a bullet. i say it is time for free trade, voluntary exchange, free markets, free movement, and free people. [applause] when i am your candidate, when someone says what is that libertarian about? i will give you the elevator pitch.
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if you are living your life in peace, not committing force, fraud, violence, your life is your life, your body is your y is your property. it is not mine, and is sure as hell's not the governments. thank you to the delegates. let's keep the convention rolling, let's win this nomination and fight tomorrow for liberty. [applause] [crowd chanting "chase"] >> c-span, if you are back there, will you wave at me? shout out to c-span. [applause] look at these beautiful people sticking with us through six
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rounds of balloting for our presidential candidates and our internal party elections. so much appreciation for them. president. ok, everyone. i think we are ready to proceed to our final round of -- possibly final-round. we will call it a final-round. our secretary is ready to have her screen on display. go. thank you so much, av team. here we go. take a look.
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so sorry. hold on. our av team needs to put it on all of the screens. now we don't have the screen over there. here we go. no. heaven forbid. we are just going to keep on scrolling. sorry. ok, here we go.
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state chairs, pleaswatch your numbers, watch your state. you want us to start over? keep going, madam secretary. we will revisit it after we show the vote totals. thank you. all right. we are almost there. thank you so much. we are going to go to our final, i think, roundup residential vote totals -- presidential vote totals. oh my goodness. there you go. [applause] congratulations to chase oliver, our next presidential candidate. chase oliver, presidential candidate for 2024.
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[applause] paging chase to the stage. he is making his way up here. come on up, chase. everyone has ballots. you can work on your at large ballots in the meantime but we will hear from our presidential candidate while you are voting for
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hx minds, and
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more enemies that in turn lead to more war. this repeats a cycle of more dead soldiers, more broken hearts and minds, and more enemies that will lead us into more warand we must stop it. we must demand peace here and now around the world. members of the libertarian party, i urge you to join me in fighting the war machine. because as i travel the country, speaking to young people on college campuses across the country who are outraged by the genocide in gaza, i will be the only national candidate -- rfk won't come in joe biden vote, donald trump won't -- but i'm saying right now, end the genocide, cease fire now, support peace around the world. no more proxy wars. [applause]
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absolutely free the hostages, too. and i urge those who want the hostages reader to understand that carpet bombing gaza is a great way to have those hostages killed because they are also the collateral damage as well as the women and children that have been killed. after this convention, i will continue to travel around and bring a hopeful and positive message of liberty to both those who consider themselves libertarian and those who do not know they are libertarian yet. that is what happened with john, i met him in 2010. he waved me into the libertarian tent, and the most important thing he said to me w welcome home to liberty. ladies and gentlemen, libertarian party, we can set the world free in our lifetime, but it will take all of us. i just want to quote the late
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dr. mark feldman as he challenged us in our 2016 convention. i need those of you that are be what you want to be libertarians. i need those good-looking on tv libertarians. i need those christian libertarians and the atheist libertarians. i need the jefferson libertarians and the ron paul libertarians. i need the gary johnson libertarians, jo jorgensen the material's, all of the libertarians. absolutely. i want to speak a little bit about policies out be pushinfors country. first and foremost, i got my start inhi activism opposing the war in iraq. i got started in the city of d.c. with my first antiwar protest. if you question whether i can handle the sticks, make no mistake, i have stood feet away from wright police ready to bash our stalls in, and still i
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spit in their face and said no more war. with that, i urgent end to all wars, funding of proxy wars, and i want to bring our troops home. we start that by starting the defend the guard legislation in every state across the country. [applause] i also know the crippling effects of inflation in this country. i know what it means to go to the grocery store with the same amount of money but less and less and up in the shopping cart. that is a reality for millions of american families around the country. i want to fight disinflation by saying no new printing money out of nowhere. end is broken monetary policy. end the fed. support alternative currencies like bitcoin. and with every fiber in my being, opposing cbdc's.
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lastly, i want to talk about the people i want to represent. i want to represent those people who are trying to raise a family in this economy. i want to represent the josh smith's of the world to have children, and they need to know they will have a better world for their children in the future. i want to support the spirit of entrepreneurship in this country, like a guy like lars who said he can start from nothing and make himself into a true american success story. when we free up the markets and voluntary exchange, we will have more successful entrepreneurs in the world. i want to thank libertarian firebrands like jacob thornburg or, who continually reminds us of what our principles are, what our northstar is, and we will continue to head in that direction as a party. i want to think that michael -- of the world to continue to fight about the abuses and send the abuses and send a message out there clearly that we will
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not accept stateismn our lives and the abuses that brings and the death and destruction that comes from the national security state. ladies and gentlemen of the libertarian party, i want to unify this party, so we can be the strongest, most powerful engine of liberty in the 2024 election. and make no mistake, i want to fight for ballot access in each one of your states because i want to make sure that we run awesome libertarian candidates all over the country. [applause] now, you are going to get asked, ok, what is chase all about? give me the elevator pitch. here is the elevator pitch, guys. if you are living your life in peace, free from force, fraud, coercion, theft, or violence, then your life is your life, your body is your body, your business is your business, and your life is your life.
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it is not mine to handle, it is not the government's. i know we have had a long day, and we have had many ballots. i urge you -- we can make it a little longer. i'm actually going to get out of here, but what i want to say in closing, i am fighting for a world. i am fighting to are you fighting to end the wars that kill innocent people all over the world? i am tired of that inflation is forcing people into abject poverty for no reason other than we print trillions of dollars a ■0year to fund those words? are you ready to get rid of inflation in our lives? i needed to get out and support me and my running mate, mike ter
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turmaut. together, we will send a libertarian message loud and clear from that i can think of no more filling examples and people coming together than a guy who marched on the street as an activist for police accountability, and an officer who understands the need for that accountabily. together we are going to send this message out to the millions of both sick and tired of being sick and tired and in particular are those members of generation z right now if we know that they don't want octogenarians their . they want to run their own lives. iywe should create the conditios for that to happen. in the wars, in the abuses, in the excess taxation. hell, end all taxation. because what is taxation? that's right, it's theft.
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we will stop this evening that happens all over the country. but i need your help to do it. thank you very much, libertarians, and let's set the road free in our lifetime! [applause]
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