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tv   Washington Journal 05312024  CSPAN  May 31, 2024 6:59am-10:01am EDT

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that is the voice of the jurors. donald j. trump is been convicted of 34 counts of falsifying business records. >> you have also been investigating this [indiscernible] >> are you concerned about retribution? >> you went to the supreme court twice. any comment on that?
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>> coming up■- on "washington journal," we will get a reaction to trump's guil verdict in hush money case. "washington journal" starts now. ♪
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host: good morning. friday, may 31st, 2024. today, new york jury found former president trump guilty of 34 counts of concealing records in hush money trial. this morning on "washington journal," we are getting your reaction in doing so on phone lines split by political party. democrat, (202)-748-8000. republican, (202)-748-8001. independent, (202)-748-8002. you can also text (202)-748-8003 . if you do, include your name, and where you are from. otherwise, catch up on social media, on x at @cspanwj and on facebook at a
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good friday morning. go ahead and start calling in. we will start from "the daily news," they went with the headline -- guilty. "the new york post," the headline, injustice, the hearing makes donald trump the first felon president after a political hit job. "the new york times," one of the sub headlines, first ex-president to become a felon plans to appeal. here in washington, d.c., starting with "the washington nner headline, guilty on all counts. verdict likely to electrify the base and attract independents, and then "the washington post," trump found guilty. campaign these descriptive martyrdom as one of the sub lines. "the detroit free press," here is the hdl trump guilty on
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all counts. "the arizona daily star," with convicted. and then "the las vegas review journal," guilty, this is long from over, a quote from the former president, who spoke briefly to a large number of reporters gathered at the courthouse on thursday after the guilty counts were read. this was the president from yesterday. [video clip] former president trump: this was a disgrace. this was a rigged trial by conflicted judge who is corrupt. this was a rigged trial, a disgrace, they would not give us a venue change. we were at 5% or 6% in this district, in this area. this was a rigged, disgraceful trial, and the real verdict is going to be november 5 by thepet happens here, and everybody knows what happens here.
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we did not do anything wrong. you have a very innocent man, and it is ok. i'm fighting for our country and constitution. our whole country is being rigged right now. this was don t administration, a political opponent, and i think it is just a disgrace, and we will fight until the end and when because our country has gone to hell. we don't have the same country anymore. we have a divided mass. we are a nation in serious decline with millions pouring into our country right now, from prisons and mental institutions, terrorists, and then taking over our country, we have a country in big trouble, but this is a rigged decision from day one with the conflicted judge who should never have been allowed to try the case, never.
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and we will fight for our constitution. this is long from over. thank you very much. [end video clip] host: plenty more reaction and headlines to go through to show you this morning from papers in the u.s. and around the world, and we would like to hear from you. democrat, (202)-748-8000. republican, (202)-748-8001. independent, (202)-748-8002. colleen in on this topic for all three hours of "the washington journal" today with a brief house pro forma session at 9:30. those never last long. stick with us through the and we will continue the program through 10:00 a.m. eastern. starting in newark, new jersey, like the democrats. robert. caller: i cannot believe i got through. host: your reaction. caller: it is sad, but it is
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well-deserved. he was guilty. it is sad to see how the republicans have responded to what is going on.i hope he getse because he deserves it. he asked for it, hge it. host: you s it is sad to see the publican response. what are you referring to spifally? caller: to it marco rubio was saying that it is a rigged system. there is nothing rigged about that. you d seven men and five women sitting on a jury, an guilty on. that is just how iis if you cannot do the time, do not do the crime. host: that is robertndou were, new jersey, mentioning marco rubio. th ia tweet from yesterday, the bideleists in new york made a mockery of our justice
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system. ameransevers trump over $50 million ncthe travesty, talking about the fundraising by the trump campaign yesterday in the wake of the verdict. it came down at about a little after 5:00 p.m. eastern time, and the reaction has been fast and furious since then. savannah, georgia, richard, republican. good morning. caller: good morning, john. i feel like we have a city run by democrats. we have a judge who is very conflicted. his daughter raised over $93 million, the judges life works for letitia james, so we have more or less a 100% democrat run city in new york, from just it
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sounds like a banana republic to me. i just wish that people would wake up. this will be really bad for our country. i think biden got his you are a convicted felon campaign slogan that will probably backfire, and i just wish -- iould not want biden to go into a 100% red state, city, jury, da, judge, and stand trial. it just seems like this is all going the wrong way, and i wish things were different. i wish america good luck, and also, c-span. i don't know that guy from cnn you hired, but you are turning into a cnn, and i hate that. host: richard, i hope you keep watching and we continue to prove to you that we will do what we always do and hear from folks all day long, allow your reactions, and allow you to express your opinion.
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this is very and billings, independent. good morning. caller: thank you for taking my call. if the foreign government wanted to destroy an enemy country, with they would want to do is to get into the countries media and get people to stop trusting science becausecice is the study ofac so weeed to use artificial intelligence to make t eth a utopia, and there are nine possible planetary tipping points. host: bring me to yesterday's conviction of former president donald tmp. that is what a lot of people are waiting to call in about. caller: yeah, well, that is just one human being, who when they fart --
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host: we will go to maryland, good morning. caer i think this is a great day for america. i inhe should have been convicted, and with althese trump supporters out here, do you think he would've had the same treatnt this man has gotten away for years with all the cases, the definitions, everything, but the case i'm waiting on is the january 6 case because we all know he is guilty. he is a crook, but i will say this. the election coming up, i will say this again, you cannot win with just 20, 20 5% of the base, even with this electoral college we are in, he is not going to win, and he is scared because he is running for president to stay
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out of jail. host: you mentioned the january 6 case, do you think that case will move forward before the election? caller: you know what, john? i will say this, i think the supreme court, i think the only way this country is going to progress, i think the court -- either the supreme court has to get abolished and reformed, or needs to be expanded because donald trump basically said i have my supreme court justices and they are not going to let me or they are not going to try and delay and delay the case, and we will see what happens now. so, people, come out and vote. i don't think he's going to win. host: maryland, from "usa today," one of the sub
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headlines, asking more trials, who knows, pointing to the january 6 case, the federal case that donald trump is facing, that case was delayed when the supreme court agreed to hear the former president's claim that he should be and you. the court expected to roll around the start of july and it could mean a trial before election day, perhaps in the middle of the fall campaign season. we do not know at this point. don in california, republican. good morning. caller: good morning. i was result because republican. one thing about donald trump, he doesn't accept responsibility for anything. it is just disgusting when they don't look at the facts. when donald trump signs his name on fraudulent checks that he then uses tax deductions to get
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the company, come on, look at the facts and question them. i'm sorry, these republicans who have especially falling in -- fallen into donald trump and then call americans communists, i'm tired of them dividing them. i will blame you, the media, especially c-span. al capone, a murderer, was convicted of tax evasion. you sit there and have al capone on an interview and talk about how he is innocent? not one reporter has said, you are found guilty. period. you, they media, you keep promoting him, especially c-span, you show his trump rallies. he is a convicted felon. are you going to keep showing his rallies? why are you promoting a criminal? host: the presumed republican nominee for president this cycle , do you think there is any weight -- way he will not be
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seen? you think there should be a media blackout for the person who is one of the major parties in this country and nominated in the run for president? caller: he can announce it, but you are promoting a felon, a criminal. thinab host: that is don in california. these are images of some of the checks that don referred to, some of the evidence introduced into trial. uncle cohen paid via check, nine of which carry donald trump's distinctive signature on it, key evidence in that case, 34 counts , 34 convictions, and there were no cameras in the courtroom to see what happened, but reporters in the courtroom describe the scene. this firm "the washington post," jurors looked solemn as they piled into the jury box to reveal their verdict. all eyes were on the foreman as
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he rose from the seat to deliver their foundations -- findings held by cal. -- held by the court. trump watched them, his hands resting on his lap. the judge thanked the jurors for their work, saying they had a very stressful and difficult cast, and he told them that they were free to discuss the case but did not have to. he filed out of the courtroom a short time later, walking one final time in front of donald trump. they look forward not directly at him, the jury deliberated for 11 hours across two days with time spent hearing testimony and instructions from the judge, on thursday. host: tom, florida, independent. caller: good morning, c-span. i wanted to say this isn't about america, this is about the republican party. i listened the other day to all these banana republicans, and
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there is a law and theory that their candidate for the white house could have gotten on the stand and testified and told the truth. he was too scared and weak. he would have had to have lied if he went on the stand. that is who they are supporting, and i would like to see one comment about the supreme court, it took them one month to make their verdict about the immunity claim, which they rejected. it has been over a month, are these appeals courts judges smarter than the supreme court judges? they can make their verdict and still get their checks from charles koch. thank you. host: robert, texas, democrat. caller: yes, i think it was a good day yesterday when trump was found guilty because anytime he then sits there and goes through 60 courts, and for three
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years, he is still saying the election was stolen from him. host: anything else you would like to add? caller: yes, when it comes to politicians, believing things that trump says, and he is only looking out for trump. it is about when he, power, and putin. -- it is all about money, power, and putin. host: tweets coming yesterday evening, including from chuck schumer, saying that nobody is above the law and the verdict speaks for itself. hake jeffries, america is built on a rule of law, the jury has carefully rendered a decision. it requires the verdict to be respected. mitch mcconnell, saying the chargers never should have been brought in the first place. i expected to be overturned upon appeal. jim jordan, thchair of the
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judiciary committee in the house, it is aravesty of justice. he said the manhattan kaar court shows what happens when our justice system is weaponized bipartis prosecutors in front of a biased judge with an unfair process. trying to keep president trump off the campaign trail. archery taylorreen -- marjorie taylor greene® posting and upsie down american flag. this is elizabeth, seduces, republican. caller: good morning -- this is elizabeth, massachusetts, republican. good morning. caller: good morning. i spent most of my life in oklahoma, colorado and the west as an educator, and i have never voted for trump. my parents, who are republicans, have never voted for trump, but that isn't my biggest concern.
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i'm glad he was convicted because i think people have an instinct, not that anybody should be convicted on instinct, but when somebody is not telling you the truth, andr country for the gentleman talking about election interferenceotand how y put into this, and the conviction will divide us further. i wish there was a lot more programming about just political science, our country, how things are supposed to work because i'm terrified that the people that are still following mr. trump, especially our republican leaders, just repeating these fallacies, if he had been in another jurisdiction, he would
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have gotten a better trial. well, i mean, you are in your own town where everybody knows you. one would there isn't a better place to be. either way, there will always be, if this had happened, he would have been innocent. if this had been a different judge, he would have been innocent. it is ludicrous. it is a jury. i wish you could undo this cultlike following of this man, which seems to be based on sports like instinct of winning and losing as opposed to really looking at issues and what people are specifically promising you that are running for office, and try to get our country back to where we are not letting foreign entities put stuff all over the internet so that people can just feed their predetermined opinion and get back to where we are having thoughts of discussions --
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thoughtful discussions with each other instead of taking these quitter like statements just to get everybody riled up on your team. : elizabeth in massachusetts.the former presidd trump making statements yesterday. his political strategist tweeting out their statements with more coming from the former president today at 11:00 a.m. eastern, holding a news conference in new york city, and we will show it to you live on c-span, and the free c-span now video app. lynn in virginia, democrat. good morning. you are next. caller: good morning. i agreed with the decision that the jury made, and i celebrated the fact that we had a justice system that worked like it was
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supposed to. the most troubling thing to me is the opposition, the republicans, and their continual , you know, criticism of our justice systems. we have to have a justice system that all americans, immigrants and republicans, believe -- demoats and republicans, believe in, and we need to come together under that. that is what keeps our country free and fair. i also think that the bigger picture regarding trump is his mental state. it is obvious in the way he spoke after court that the man is delusional, and should he be placed behind bars for whatever
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amount of time? i think we need to have professionals, psychiatrists, evaluate him. host: you think you will serve time behind bars? obviously, up to four years is what these charges could bring, but a lot of expectations given his past, the fact that these were not violent crimes but financial, he is likely to not see time behind bars. caller: well, i don't believe he will spend four years for a recount behind bars, that i think some sort of prison confinement is in order. host: why is that? why do think he needs to be in jail? caller: well, because, i think it would give some professionals
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time to evaluate him psychologically. i think that is donald trump's biggest problem. he is delusional. and a normal man just does not do that. host: "the washington post," with a little more on the question of if donald trump would go to jail, noting that he ■1headed previously been convicd of a crime, and the financial aspect, they also note that other options for the judge in the case include sentencing the former president's probation, each means he would need approval from a parole officer to travel to campaign for president. he could also be fined or anted additional discharge, with the requirement to stay out of further legal trouble.
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so there are various options for the sentencing hearing for july now. this is kevin, connecticut, independent. caller: good morning. my thoughts go up to the state connecticut. i would like to say that trump had a fair trial. this judge bent over backwards . he is not going to see no il time. he could have flapped his mouth in the witness box, but he did not. and no bones against trump. the jurors came wh the decision. we have menendez, if he isound guilty, that guyhod lose his job and all of that. we have hadoliticians in the past, and the way that fox news
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is portraying the court trial as a hack job is unbelievable. host: five women, seven men made up the jury of 12 that convicted former president donald trump. in "the washington post," in praise of the jurors, saying that they are a vivid reminder that in this stress test to democracy, ordinary people still matter and they still wield significant clout. they had the capacity to digest complicated documents and consider the complexity of human nature and remained unbound by titles and grandiosity. they can be brave, and it took a level of courage to sit in this jury box at times. these men and women did not emerge from the court each day like the defendant did, and they did not talk about any frustration they felt or inconveniences which was they had to reckon.
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if they were cold and uncomfortable in the courtroom, as trump proclaimed to be, dated their job swiftly, and they rendered their verdict, and they asked for little in return. mike, texas, republican. good morning. caller: good morning. how are you? host: i'm doing well. caller: yes, i was wondering about the trial. it was just a sham trial, just all politics, and, also, if biden were on the next term, if he has already led in 50 million people in, how many more could he let in? that is all i had. host: you said this is a sham trial, this was one of four cases moving forward against the former president. do you think they are all shams?
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caller: yes, i do. it is all politics. they are afraid of him. host: that is mike in texas. robert, california, independent. caller: hello. trump does not know how to act in the court of law. when you are in a courthouse, you were not supposed to say nothing. and the judge should have put him in the jail somewhere, and the juries did their job, all 12 of them. trump picked those juries, and he says this is a scam? trump is a scam. the american people ought to go vote on whatever day it is, a better make sure to put down the right person to be the president because right now, america is
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coming up 7:38 on the east coast spending all three hours getting your reaction to yesterday's convictions on 34former presidet convicted felon. it was brought by da bragg and he made comments in the wake of the jury's decision. [video clip] >> i w to thank the jury for their service. it is a fundamental and their services the cornerstone of our judicial system. we should all be thankful for the careful attention that the jury paid to the evidence and law in a time and commitment over the past several weeks.
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12 every day new yorkers and alternates heard testimony from 22 witnesses including former and current employees, media executives, book publishers, custodians of records and others. they review text messages, emails, recordings, checks, invoices, bank statements. this type of white-collar prosecution is core to what we do at the manhattan district attorney's office. in the 1930's, da thomas dewey ushered in the modern independent prosecutor. for nearly 90 years, dedicated professionals have built upon
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that tradition. a major part of our practice during those 90 years has been public integrityut work. including cases involving the tourists, local and state electives and others. i wanted think this phenomutione finest traditions of this office . professionalism, integrity, dedication and service. they are model public serva nts and i am proud to serve side-by-side with them. the 12 every day jurors failed to make a decision based on evidence and the law and the evidence in the law alone. their deliberations led them to
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a conclusion beyond a reasonable doubt that donald j.■é trump is guilty of 34 counts of falsify business records to conceal his scheme to corrupt the 2016 election. while this defendant may be unlike any other in american history, we arrived at this trial■6 in today's verdict in te same manner as any other case that arrives at the court doors by following the facts and the law and doing so without fear or favor. host: manhattan da alvin bgg. we are getting your rction to donald trump being found guilty on all charges. the lines are y screen as we hear from robert from missouri.
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caller: good morning, it's a wonderful day. donald trump deserves everything he is getting. he is the devil of the country anwhy republicans back him i have no idea. i don't know one democrat that can be p ijail because they haven't ne nothing. that wasn't an insurrection it was a terrorist attack and they know what bin laden did after that. ho: we have julietn arizona, a republican. caller: thank you for taking my call. i would like to say how dumbed down to allow everything to happen, happen.
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d't know how a seven-year-old charges became fedel arges brought by a district attorney. host: what do you mean a federal case this is new york. caller: bragg and his statements study he had a federal charge. you don't have jurisdiction er the federal. everyone can bie what they want to believe. i just prafothis country. people jt want to hate and believe whatever they are tol they don't do any research. how quickly they forgot about the pandemic and fauci. how do ts man make more money th the president?
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his wife works for the who and he wl ke money until he dies and s estate will make money off of covid. they tried to kill us. i grew up in el paso. it's not mexicans as the rest of th countries that are coming. host you mentioned anthony felt she who was said to release a new book next month and the title of the book is on call a doctors journey in public. there is what the cover of the book looks like. we go to joe in poughkeepsie, new york. caller: with all the rhetoric
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coming from trump and his supporters how does the system work? if it's political, it may be where mr. brock started the investigation but after that, it's all citizens that do the investigation, presented to a grand jury. they make a decision as to whether a person should be indicted and go to trial. from that point, it becomatter a decision. citizens like us making decision on what is presented. host: what would you say the trump statement that he would never get a fair trial in new york. you are from poughkeepsie, what would you say? caller: it's nothing but
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political rhetoric. that's all it is. all of the rhetoric, all of the social media out there that mean anything. invariably, when you get into a court of law there are only two things that matter. facts and the law and every time mr. has been in the courtroom whether that be trump university . whether that be the trump foundation, the charitable foundation. whether that be e jean caroll he loses because facts are the only thing that matters. host: this is abigail from the virgin islands. a republican. caller: from the very beginning
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when trump came down the escalator, hillary haddad it out for him. -- hillary had it out for him. he was vindicated when they were blaming him for doing stuff. congress vindicated him. they could not get their way and they just kept going and going. the democrats run the place at this point. they need to find out and show it because if they don't we
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might have a civil war. this is got to stop. we don't operate america. the judge handled the case and did what he had to do but he did not do it on this own. his daughter, with all the money that she collected from donors. now trump is reaping the benefits and they don't like it again. they got more jealous. when this is going to end? if they thought they could bring jesus down from heaven they can't do it, he will come when he wants to come.
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jews and palestinians out of place. they think they can kill jesus all over again by killing the jews. host: abigail and the virgin islands. susan from inverness, florida. >> a little bit of irony is i believe in the state of florida, convicted felons are not allowed to vote. i am wondering if mr. trump is going to move back to new york so he can reregister. but he doesn't want to live in new york because of the taxes. convicted felons are not allowed to vote in florida. host: donald in raleigh, north carolina, a republican. call.r: i would like to save president
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trump should just admit that he lost the election in 2020 and he also needs to ask president biden to give him a pardon. all these republicans support this man. he is so ignorant to be that rich. he has had 4000 cases go to court. i am glad he got convicted and i'd be glad to see him in jail. host: you think joe biden should pardon him? would he pardon him? caller: i'm sorry would because he is a a good man.
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-- host: a little bit of a clarification of donald trump would be able to vote for himself of lord. the associated press picked this up yesterday after the conviction he may be convicted of a felony in florida. but he can still vote as long as he stays out of prison in new york state because florida refers to other of disenfranchise rules so florida only removes the right when they are incarcerated. and questions of whether he would even serve time or be
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given time behind bars ahead of the july sentencing hearing. michael dixon, tennessee, and independent. caller: i was riveted to this child that mr. trump hide. you have to look at the beginning of his term where he said make america great again. he is presenting to this country roe v. wade, it's all the political thing designated for a certain amount of people. the rich. it's all based on what they wanted to do this country. this country is built on the law. it is been presented, it is been passed and he has been convicted
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in this country could go a better way if everyone join together and understand what the law means. a regular citizen would have been convicted and go to jail but he was allowed to leave. he is a candidate should t "allow" is. host: what do you make of the term lawfare and how the legal system is involved in politics? caller: it's a system that should not be ne the purposes y are one-sided. you workornly one person. we know that he is rich and has money. the law should be based on
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everyone, he is not above the law. it should be presented in a way that if peon commits a crime they are convicted. host: michael von what this means for the law. this is the editorial board of the wall street journal writing we don't doubt the sincerity of the manhattan jurors but many jurors would digest this and conclude that while mr. trump is a cad it would not prevent him from serving a second term. what if mr. trump loses the election and vindicated on appeal? many more might complain next year? they accuse the president of using legal cases to knock out political opponents. he has failed to return the favor if democrats felt like
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cheering patient think again. mr. bragg may have been opening a new destabilizing era of politics. host: this is debbie, and bert lee. caller: i used to be debbie from flint and i haven't called in the year. host: welcome back debbie. caller: i wanted to call for my mom. she passed away a year ago this week. host: i'm very sorry about that. caller: she was a never trump er. when big groups would get together at my parents and everybody with talk this out the only thing my mom would say is we need to get him in front of a jury.
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let me tell you.
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n an don trump
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but he coined that word so no one could use it against them. in regards to the courts i am a retired paralegal. for 26 years in county government. a lot of people hired and is democrats and every supervisor i republican. any profession where people move up the ladder and make more money they are bound to jump over to republicans because they look at their paycheck. host: bring me back to the trial. caller: i think the verdict shows the guide. host: this is derek and virginia, a republican. caller: it was a sad day for
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our country yesterday. i think where we are going awry is the justice system. we are supposed to be the party of law, justice. i hate that this has transpired with our candidate. mr. trump did the crimes in the state of new york and he had to stand up for the beyond that, if we truly believe in our justice system we have to understand is the fairness therein. i hate that it transpired this way but justice was served and i truly understand and now i have an obligation to our party but i can't go against my most integral part and that's the truth. i am a god-fearing man and i understand the role politics plays.
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but in this instance i have to go with the justice system. that is a part of whyif we can s therein, we are headed for self-destruction. host: did you accept the testimony of michael:, a big part of the defense that he put that michael: was a convicted liar and the district attorney is building his case on the case of the gloat, greatest liar of all time. call: he said he was a liar and a cheater but my problem is mr. trump getting in bed with
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all of these individuals. if you get back close of the fire you're gonna get burned. the true sets you free. i think he spoke to said that. i can convict and ridicule cohen and everyone involved. my problem is with our candidate in the way he is aligning himself with these issues. host: that was derek speaking of michael cohen. sending a tweet out yesterday after the convictions came down. is an important day for accountability and the rule of law. while it has been a difficult journey the truth always matters. he thought his attorney for all of her guidance and support. one other interesting twitter or x exchangeame from the former
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or of maryland, larry hogan who is running for senate. he sent out a tweet and thi right before the verdict came down. regardless of the r i urged americ respect the verdict outh dangerously divided moment, leaders must not poor fuel on the fire with partisanship. the verdict was not right until after 5:00. amongst the reaction to larry hogan's tweets was the reaction of this political strategist for donald trump. he tweeted out larry hogan with his tweet ended your
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campaign referring to his campaign for senator in maryland. he is a key part of trump's 2024 campaign. this is roderick in florida, a democrat. go ahead roderick. caller: good morning. host: what's your reaction to the verdict? caller: i am a democrat and voted for president biden and i don't agree with the verdict. from the beginning they went after that man from the beginning. as someone who went through the justice system when they went after that man hard like god and that came out. --hard like that.
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under trump i had an apartment for 1200 and now is 2500. the water bills are 300, 400 and inflation is out of control and as a black american i'm looking at it. you have migrants coming in and migrants taking over. in our neighborhoods we are fighting for affordable housing because of foreigners are getting all of affordable housing. host: you said you have been through the justice system, in what way and how did that color what you watch? ? caller: i've been to the justice system myself with police charges putting drug saw me i stood for myself and had to
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go through jury trials. they narrowed it down to six jurors and i had to set up myself during the trial so i could process goals. me being through the justice system on several occasions. you have good police officers out there as well. on this second trial there was one other police who told the truth. i was coming from my sisters house and i did not know what was going on. they stop me and asked me to sit on the ground. host: does that experience give you more sympathy for someone sitting in front of a jury? caller: not saying it gives you sympathy. i know how the court system goes
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and it can be unfair. me standing up for myself during a jury trial. thought whole thing was completely unfair. i'm a democrat for the whole thing was unfair. every body came after that man. anyone can see it's an election year. they could've set this off until after the election. they didn't want this man so look stronger than president biden in president trump is a stronger candidate. they're going after him this way. host: that was roger and fort lauderdale.
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attorney giving his reaction to the trial. [video clip] >> we will prepare -- we were fighting to win the case but a hung jury would have been as close to a win but we were i think that was expected. >> a lot of people were curious what it just like to be at trump attorney? >> i hear former attorneys talk on tv as well. i have found the last seven weeks, i don't want to use cliche is everything i would want out of a client and someone who is really putting their life in your hands. president trump is a persona
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that he has about him this completely wrong. some people are right in some ways too. the hardest thing you can do is go through a criminal trial. i was impressed, especially today at the way he carried and handled himself. >> there were moments where you and trump were sitting next to each other and he would tap you on the arm. clearly, writing your notes. who, ultim charge of the defense strategy? was it you or president trump. >> it was both of us. every decision we made it was as a team. again, every defendant and everyone who has their life on the line will test their lawyer
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and say what about this? what about that? not on d trial. we were on the same page about strategy and what we should be doing. the one thing i love with today, he impressed hopefully everyone who got to see what happened today. the way he handles himself in the courtroom. the way he handled himself throughout the entire trial as somebody who is the republican nominee. not campaigning and sitting in court all day. i was with them the whole time and i have no complaints about them. host: donald trump attorney todd blanche. he would often appear at the impromptu press opps was on cnn
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last night. we are taking your phone calls about yesterday's guilty verdicts from the jurors, 34 counts, 34 convictions. danielle is in brooklyn, maryland. caller: good morning sir, how are you? host: very well. caller: i'm a little frustrated about how people are so stuck on this. they were expecting a guilty verdict which 90% of america was expecting the same thing. we need to move forward there are far more important things i need to be discussed, taken care of other than the spectacle. host: what are more important things? caller: the gentleman that
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inflation. we won't get into what's happening in the middle east but that needs to be addressed as well. taxes, is insane. not to go too far deep, the civil war started with the boston tea party. we pay 40% in taxes. far too much money working where i work and i can't afford anything. thus man who we knew would be guilty. the focus of all the major u.s. papers today and around the world is the trump guilty, the conviction is the headline in usa today --
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here's the front page of the wall street journal -- here is a few papers and front pages from around the world. ■this case is making international headlines and we talking about it for all three hours of today's "washington journal." call in on (202) 748-8000 four democrats, republicans (202) 748-80 independents (202) 748-8002. this is alan waiting in
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arkansas, good morning. caller: good morning. i am fortunate to get to talk to you again on the on it workeouand i been looking forward to this call for a number of days. i am a retired american historys ago. i can hardly belvet's true. i was high school debate guy and i won a nional tournament. i had a brilliant partner. as i'veaito students countless time sp arguing with people. i'm od at it and i have never won an argument in my life.
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that's the truth. all this arguing lead -- needs to stop. you guys are using george washington's namin all the credentials he carries and the weight and his influence. heaid no to these political parties. ii called in as an independent saying it needs to stop. please, for crying out loud, this political diviophone calling that you guys are dng, change it to rions, married or unmarried dferent choices. host: we do that often for spific topics and specifi segments. sometimes it is helpful to let people kno what people identify asefore they call i especially on a day like today. you are talking about the
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political divisions in this country. our things wider, the same or narrowed after yesterday? caller: these divisions are being stubbed. i want to mention george washington and we did -- did this for the first several elections we had. everybody keeps forgetting that. the most votes won the presidency. the next most votes, whoever that was, was vice president. that eliminated the divisions. i've said to so many different people, imagine president trump hillar president. imagine biden as president with trump as vice president. we wouldn't have these divisions. my quick point is the vote totals which you guys don't talk about.
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the whole point of january 6 was to determine whether or not it was lawful for judges to change the election laws where as state laws require the legislature's to change voting laws. that was the issue on january 6. i was watching greta that morning when that all started. i'm surprised you haven't replayed the beginning of that hearing. i have not one time seen you guys reply the start of the hearing where they were going to decide whether it was lawful for the state legislatures to be blocked out and to have judges changing election laws. host: the hearing or the floor proceedings? caller: the january 6 hearing was a three hearing that was planned to decide the legal issue if anyone other than the
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state legislature could change the voting laws. that's what created all the issues and troubles and arguments still to this day. host: if you want to watch any of what we covered on those days are the days before in the days since, we make it all available on our website at you can watch it for yourself and make your own decisions and it's easy enough to find a search bar and it's very helpful. we hope you find it helpful as well. this is freddie in burlington, north carolina, republican. caller: good morning. this is what you call a russian democracy. we have a new law and a new president. when the hush money trial started and the catch and kill
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-- host: was that a question? i think we lost freddie. this is gina in trenton new jersey, democrat, good morning. caller: good morning, thanks for taking my call. i have a hard time watching c-span because i really believe be a better network if there were fact checking. i hear republicans call in and i hear you trying to reorient them occasionally. it goes in semi-different directions and occasionally, they even speak about the verdict in new york. i wanted to say that if anyone were to come into the state of new york and do what donald trump has done, they would be treated as donald trump was treated. i think there is no proof there's been a stolen election and that's been repeated by
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different trump republicans calling in. it's an interesting fact that states like alabama and florida and georgia and idaho and texas can use their arcane state laws to deny a woman's rights. they can use their laws and write new laws constantly to stop their citizens from voting. but god for bid the state of new york actually imposes its own laws on a lifetime criminal. there is all this underlying idea that it's new york, we all know new york, it's full of democrats or full of liberals. what we do new york is what everybody else is doing in texas and georgia and everywhere else. it's hard to say that states have rights to do those things and new york does not have a right to impose its own laws. i think that's a massive amount of hypocrisy.
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i think it's sad. i think he deserved the verdict and he deserves much worse than the verdict. i think a little respect for new york and the fact that it's actually practicing its democracy in the face of our weird political moment deserves some respect. thank you. host: this is ruth marcus in today's washington post with the headline -- dennis in texas, republican, good morning. caller: good morning. the last caller was complaining about republicans. she didn't say anything about trump but she said new york is a right to impose its own laws which is absolutely true but they don't have a right to trample on the constitution. trump never was told until the closing argument what the second crime was he was being accused
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of. they couldn't prepare. that would probably be number one on the list of things that would be repealed. you can't prepare a defense if you don't know what you are charged with. that was during the entire time of the trial. the attorneys were discussing it. i was watching fox and cnn and msnbc. until the closing arguments, right up to the closing arguments because that week after the cross-examination of cohen, the majority of commentators on most of the channels even cnn felt the odds were greatest for a hung jury. they weren't happy about it until the prosecution closed. went to the prosecution closed, i felt like it's almost certain there will be a conviction because they put stuff in there that hadn't en adjudicated. they talked about crimes and awful things he could convicted of that hadn't been mentioned and wntparticulars ane
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or 90 -- or no discuiowhat the law was. host: let me give you this from the lawyer in today's washington times talking about the ssibility for an appeal. he gets into some of atou are talking about. this is one of three potential
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appeals he gets into. caller: there is to supreme court rulings that specifically state that under the conditions, that a unanimous jury is required. the 2020 supreme court ruling but my point is that following the judge giving the instructions which left out so much that following that, there was no way this wasn't going to be a conviction. given that i find they were out for five hours and two of that was getting instruction so they literally convicted him of 34 counts in three hours which works out to like six minutes per count or something. i can't really blame them. the jury instructions allowed them to vote on an undisclosed secondary crime without being unanimous. that's unheard of. joseph stalin and the soviet trial has to be envious of what happened here.
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i wish i could say that's an overstatement but it literally isn't. host: jonathan is in georgia, democrat, good morning. caller: good morning. listening to a lot of the people calling in especially on the republican side and the democratic side, i think one of the quesonves is anyone surprisd that he is guilty? no one on the republican side is saying he didn't do it. the man's been a career criminal most of -- since we've known him. he's talked about cheating people and what he got away with any talked about the fact that he can kill people on fifth avenue. i'm really surprised that basically there is outrage that he's guilty, th there is a guilty verdict when everyone knew he was guilty. there is no one that didn't think he did it. that's number one but number two
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he talks about the other trial. the same outcome. no one thinks that he didn't take those records in florida. no one will be surprised if he's guilty. the judge is a trump judge and sees that there is overwhelming evidence. he moved to the trial until after the election because he will probably be guilty. she is a lawyer and a judge in january 6, they say he's not guilty. georgia, what's the probability? the lawyer out of colorado said we did this. host: do theseases -- the big question after these guilty i'm glad he is not a jew.i don'. i don't hate the man. counts, how many opinions will change? how did we get to places like this? every desk if everybody knows i'm glad he is not a jew. the outcome of these cases, do peoples -- our people's opinions he would've already been put in set whether they will or will a gas chamber. host: this is jerry and not vote for donald trump in november? does it matter whether these broadway, virginia, independent. caller: good morning. casego forward?
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caller: i think they still should go forward because we are a nation of the rule of law. you start thinking about this i'm really confused with this trial. what is theri he was found guilty of? but in front of a jury in he was found guilty of, nobody florida, in d.c., in georgia, knows what they are. all of these places where he they get to pick and choose what will be eventually brought to kind of cre he committed? justice because i don't think he will win the election, he's the verdict doesn't have to be unanimous? going to be found guilty. no one has said he didn't do each juror can s he's guilty this stuff. host: speaking of the election, of a different crime? and convict him? ats the crime? it was the biden harris campaign i ner heard what the crime was. that put out their own statement what was the actual crime? yesterday in the wake of the host: concealing hush-money decision by the new york jury. they said in new york today that we saw that no one is above the payments tan adult film law. donald trump already mistakenly actress. caller: but what s e crime believed he would not pay the that led to that? they jked that up to a felony. consequences for breaking the law for his own personal gain but today's verdict does not change the fact that the they didn't say what t cme he was guilty of. host: elaine in buffalo, new american people a simple reality. there is only one way to keep york, democrat, od morning. nacee ballot box. caller: good morning.
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host: go ahead. caller: years ago, our president convicted felon or not, trump will be the republican nominee for president and a second trump term means chaos ripping away america's freedoms and fomenting was supposed to be in honorable man. he was supposed to be -- we were political violence in the american people will rejected supposed to be proud of him and this in november. young people want to be present and now they don't. donald trump is a dictator. andy is in kentucky, republican, go ahead. caller: good morning. i don't want to in a country where e tells me what i need to do with my l vigilantism is pure vigilantism. this is the best result. i subscribe to the idea that i would rather see a guilty go it shows the law is still working. don't give up in your country, god will work this out. free than one innocent be convicted and that's exactly as farlot what happened. man. not s he an honorable man they have dehumanized a person but he is a kind man. so much to where the people in hes not evil, he's not mean and ie the lord puts them back that area of new york would like into the white house because we to see him dead. need him. thank you very much. this is what happens emotionally host clifton park, new york, with these people. they are just mean, people independent, good morning. people that do these things. caller: good morning.
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you can't dehumanize. i don't hate biden. i really feelery sorry for all i don't like his policies. thhildren who are supporting why don't the people say i don't this convicted felon, sexual like his policies. i don't care what he says or his predator, racist, tax cheater, personality. i don't like bidens personality. i don't hate the man. moral degenerate. how did we get to places like this? i cannot imagine what his children will become. [indiscernible] i'm oraged by the incompetence. trump is using his crimes to monetize on wall strt. these people are stupid [indiscernible] i'm very, very sorry for all these people were still believing in this type of person. you have a good day.
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host: sidney, ohio, republican, good morning. caller: hello? good morning. please allow me -- nancy pelosi and the democrats when she one and the democrats won the congress, set up a fund to pay hush money to women that accuse people of sexual misconduct during the time the minnesota senator had a photo of him supposedly touching someone inappropriately. hurr said biden broke the law but he is an old man that can remember and can't defend himself. so we will let him go.
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cardinal comey said hillary broke the laws but no normal prosecutor would not prosecute her. it seems to me the only people that get prosecuted are republicans. most of these democrats are happy that donald trump has been convicted. and joe biden lies all the time. he lies about the inflation rate , it was not 9%, did not inherit a 9% inflation rate. the media never calls him out on it. there is never any fact checkers about it. how can anyone say that there is no bias against republicans? the only people who get prosecuted are republicans. they always come up with an excuse about democrats and why
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they shouldn't be prosecuted. thank you very much. i will call back again later, goodbye. host: jacksonville, north carolina, democrat, good morning. caller: hi, i wanted to say this -- i am in honorably discharged military veteran and i want to know one thing -- if a person is an american citizen but was not born in this country, they cannot run for the presidency. it's against the law. why should we allow somebody who was convicted of 34 felons run for the presidency? he does not belong in office. i am pissed off especially
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becauswh he got into office, he made remksbout the military, people who were prisoners of war and made the remark that he would prefer people, who weren't persian is war. it's because he was a navy pilot why can you let somebody like donald trump into the white house so he c condemn our constitution, something that us ry veterans fought to preserve? how can you let that man into the office?
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host:■$ coming up on 830 eastern come about halfway through a program this morning, a reminder that there will be a brief pro forma session in the house and when that happens, we will cover it gavel-to-gavel live. then we will be back on the others of that pro forma session. it is usually no more than a couple of minutes and we will take your calls until 10:00 a.m. eastern. the pro forma session is 930 a.m. eastern. until then, your calls, m
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the poor black people in this country have been railroaded for 60 years. they never give these people a shot, the democrats all promise them they will fix their cities. host: you don't think the conviction will be remembered much past the next couple of days? caller: it doesn't matter. ■ñthey've got people on both sis that are extreme. you got people in the middle worried about the basic things. when donald trump's president, i didn't vote for him but when he was president, things were a lot better. gasoline was two dollars, i live in maine and heating oil went up to seven dollars here and this been going on ever since this present been in office. how do all these foreigners come into our country illegally? we don't know who they are in they are getting benefits. how does that benefit us? how does it benefit anybody? they won't let president biden have a press conference. stetzer -- step up to the
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microphone explain why this is happening and maybe i would vote for the guy again. they rush him off the stage and they hold his hand. if he can't do the job, put somebody in there that will. let's have a fair fight. let's talk about some facts instead of everybody go to your corner and grab your blue flag or red flag. let's fix this country and help the american people forgetting about the nonsense. host: this is a re-tweet from jason miller, a longtime advisor to former president donald trump. it's a map of the united states. the red dots over chicago and san francisco, chicago and l.a. and washington, d.c. and new york are the places on theap that trump is guilty has the big! and the rest of that map says
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why can't i have for groceries and trying to make the point that only people in the country's major cities are paying attention to the trump trial. do you believe that's true? caller: the american people are not stupid. it -- if all the same evidence was held in arkansas with mostly republican or right-leaning citizens, it would have been out in five ms. ann not guilty. that's the problem we have here now. i'm talking about both sides, the swamp in washington, they have all the government agencies , they are all politicized now. if you listen to people and their voice and their tone, you can tell off the bat -- i watch all these shows. if you watch the fox and newsmax and you watch cnn and c isn't -- and msnbc, you think you are living in two different worlds. we are the united states of
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america with $35 trillion in debt. i talked to normal people all the time. i am a door to door milkmen and anna talk to people all the time. people are hurting. they are bent. there are real-life issues that are hurting him, not this stuff. this is all hollywood and people trying to get the ratings up. god bless america. i hope people pay attention to what's going on this country. our gates are wide open and we are broke. i wish someone would explain to me. however press conference and asking real questions. host: u.s. debt, over $34 trillion for the national debt. nnings, louisiana, republican, good morning. caller: good morning and may god bless america. we are really in a bad way. it's no coincidence that these
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charges resulted from things that happen seven or eight years ago. the facts are only because he's running against biden who appears to be mentally incompetent. he's not willing to answer any questions. how can politicians when they start their turn as millionaires and then in four years, the in-depth being four times worth more than they are? something is wrong with this picture. and yet we allow these politicians to and up becoming filthy rich as a result of being a politician. this country has been devastated since biden has taken over.
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they allow the illegals to come in the way they do violates the lawsnothing can be done about i. come allah who was supposed to be the czar has never truly gone down to the border but that appears to be ok with the biden administration. i'm no authority but i believe that an appeal will take place that will cover so many things that the judge did was done improperly. if politicians can do this to this man who is a former president, can you imagine what they can do to us? host: oklahoma for democrats, good morning. caller: good morning.
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i'm so pleased to call in today because i've been waiting for this for quite some time. donald john trump is a convicted felon as of yesterday. it's the 30th day of may. the traditional memorial day. i think we should all remember that this is a very memorable occasion and we should celebrate the memorial day, may 30 this conviction. citizens of new york, the jurors said that he was guilty on 34 counts. i want to know whether or not anyone can tell us if trump will still receive his pension as a convicted felon. the other thing i want to know about is whether or not trump will actually debate on june 27
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now. i don't believe he will. that's all i have to say. host: you mentioned the jurors. in the wall street journal today, they have a column, meet the 12 new yorkers who decided trump's fate. it was a jury of five women and seven men. here are some of the information we do know about those jurors.
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that's a wrap up of what we know about the 12 people who came to that unanimous decision on all 34 counts announced yesterday. marie in michigan, republican, good morning. caller: good morning. i have a comment and then a question. my comment is yesterday was a sad day for america as a nation. i think our constitution is on trial and i think the jury got this horrendously wrong. i think new york got it wrong. do we know on the jury how many were democrats and how many were republicans by chance? host: what i just read is what we know about these folks. re if there was a specific question about political party. i have not seen that. caller: and then i had a quick
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statement for the gentleman calling in a better military. my son was deployed to the border two years ago. ■fhe was ambushed by some gang members and he was within a millisecond of losing his life. the altercation ended in him taking a life. the border is a disaster. our military has been down there under trump rebuilding and working hard but it upends everything. we have millions and millions of people pouring in. it's just insane. my son is being deployed to the middle east in february. i fear for his safety. i' just disgraced with joe biden hass done to our country. you can say would you want about trump but trump was for our
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country and for our military and for our economics. i hope he gets this overturned and back in service soon, thank you. host: this is jack in trenton, missouri, independent. caller: good morning. good morning. i am a little confused. on how someone can be convicted when thetate of limitations has run out. wt he was charged with. the only thing i have to say is i'm worried about our country. with everything that's going o and the people that have come over the border, they are not ingetted and everyone in country knows that there are terrorists that come ro the border.
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i'm very fearf tre will be otr terrorist attack that' going to outweigh what happened on i worry about my grandchildren and what kind of country they ll be left to live i i don't think we can surviv another four years of what's going on now if president biden gets back in. i'm not really a trump fan either. it seems le everything in this country isne-sided and it's for the democrats and of it happenagn, there will be nothing left of this country. host: the previous caller was asking about democrats or republicans remembers. the associated press did a story about what questions jurors were allowed to ask and noted that
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the judge in this case did not allow the lawyers to ask specifically whether potential jurors could be asked as to who they voted for but if they gave money to a political cause. that question was out of bounds so that's why we don't know the answer to that question. brooklyn, new york, democrat, good morning. caller: good morning. i am no fan of trump but i think this case about trump sleeping with an adult film star and paying money to cover it up from his wife and the american people is a personal matter. i think most republicans agree the republican presidential candidate who slept with an adult film star and covered up from his wife and american people is as american as apple pie.
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the presence living with up orange store -- two americans, it's highly american. host: we got your point. this is sean and marilyn, independent, good morning. caller: good day to you. i have not voted since obama and i wish i didn't vote for him. i don't like either party but let me say this -- what trump is going through is horrible. that kangaroo court in new york city, there are so many kangaroos in that court, you should call it australia. this is ridiculous. this is ridiculous and horrible. people talk about this is a good day, laugh now and cry later because he is getting so much momentum. people are galvanized and let me
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remind the democrats, remember clinton and how the republicans went after clinton? i was a senior in iceland and watched all that. clinton got more popular. youocrats, your -- you biden lovers, you're making trumst: as time? caller: absolutely and i voted for trump. the brother in fort lauderdale said, i'm not a trump fan but i made so much money under trump and let me tell you, as a black man, biden did one good thing for black people. he showed how the democrats don't care about black people. the democrats hate like people. one thing i can say about
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republicans, the white folks keep it real. look at what they are doing with the border. people coming in and democrats will say we will get you reparations. no and guess what these illegals, they give them all the money. they give them all the resources. at least republicans will tell black people i won't give you reparations. thank you for being honest. that's why i say i respect trump, i'm not a fan of his but i respect the white folks in the republican party because they keep it real unlike the democrats and the leftists who say we will give you reparations and do this all for you. they didn't give us the hate bill. they're giving the illegals all this money and they claim they want to give black folks money but they are not giving us squat. host: mark is in zachary, louisiana, republican, good
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morning. i'm no fan of trump.r having me. i did vote for him but i'm no fan. what trump committed was a misdemeanor just like jaywalking. what did hillary clinton do? she destroyed classified documents which is a felony. ■gthey didn't prosecute her. it's amazing, here's trump -- african-americans commit a misdemeanor and it turns into a more serious crime across the country every day. what happened to trump happens to african-americans every single day. i lost my parents to covid a week apart. my dad picked crops in the 50's and he says you can respect others in the field my dad taught me the meaning of being a worker and those americans were
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workers. they wanted them in that field. what's happening now would biden, is not showing respect to african-americans. that's how you help them prosper. you can donate to baseball teams to go on trips in your school. there is no set up where you can have a benefit. we don't try to help african-americans this country. we just give them lip. it's sad, really is sad. host: in california, angela, independent. caller: good morning and thank you for taking my call. i want everyone to know my mom was born on a plantation in louisiana. i came to california in 67 as a young girl born in 1960.
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one thing my grandmother used to always say -- behavior is kitchen table learned. the democrats are blue and the republicans are red and that's like the crips and bloods in california. i don't know what country i'm in. i was born in this country but if the civil war breaks out in this country, who will protect us? host: do you think it's almost to that point? caller: yes and this is my other point -- all other countries, israel, iran, china, korea make their kids go into the military and served for four years. this country does not do that. this country as boys between
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13-35 which is military age. host: bring me to the trump guilty verdict yesterday. caller: that's where going. the verdict for trump, black people are convicted every day of that, tax evasion, al capone. he was convicted on tax evasion not robbing banks and killing people. are we going back to the ages of an eye for a night, a tooth for a tooth? i'm wondering where are we going in this country. politicians are in a public service job and now they are unionized. people are making more money than the president of the united states in a public servant job. host: coming up on 8:45 a.m. on the east coast and taking your phone calls. a reminder that we will have a brief pro forma session at 9:30
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a.m. and about 45 minutes. -- in about 45 minutes. we will continue your phone calls after that so stick around because it's only a couple of minutes. it's usually just the pledge of allegiance and a few pro forma items. here are the phone number to call i (2) 748-8000 for democrats, (202) 748-8001 four republicans, independents (202) 748-8002. donald trump found guilty on all 34 felony counts yesterday by a new york jy. the witness in that case for the prosecution donald trump's former fixer michael cohen. he was on msnbc yesterday after the verdict and this is what he had to say. [video clip] >> how are you? >> i guess the word is relieved. this has been six years in the making. remember, the very first time
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that i met with the district attorney's office, we talked about it when i was on your show. the very first time i met with the district attorney's office was while i was an inmate in otis phil and they came up to see me on three separate occasions. this is the six year process for accountability to finally be had. >> were you surprised by the verdict? >> no, i was not. i've been on so many shows. i've told you all along that the facts speak of themselves. the documents speak for themselves. i've listed -- i've listened to so many pundits including some of the hosts talking about this. they couldn't be further from the truth. i would have a conversation with my lawyer on a regular basis. i would say i don't understand it. how come they don't see the same things that we are seeing?
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i understand it makes great headlines and so on but the facts are the facts and at the end of the day, the facts are what prevailed here. >> you mentioned the timeframe and what it's been for you. tonight, there was this criminal scheme that had been described by prosecutors to influence the election with payments to benefit the campaign. they were laundered through the trump organization. it's been described by multiple prosecutors but before tonight, there was exactly one person who got in trouble for this scheme. only one, it was you. you were the only person who had been in trouble for it. the national enquirer got immunity but you ended up in jail. trump's attorney general bill barr toldfdny to stop the investigation after you were in prison, after you had gotten the sharp end of that stick and get trump's name out of it. it'fi
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down the road from these alleged crimes. you said how you feel about the verdict but that's justice delayed. is justice delayed, justice denied? >> clearly not in this case. 34 counts, one after the other after the other after the other of guilty. it's accountability, it's exactly what america needs right now. host: michael: on msnbc yesterday in the wake of that verdict that new york jury. we are taking your phone calls and john is next in ventura, california, republican, good morning. caller: good morning, john. thank you for taking my call. i am retired so i h the luxury of listening to a lot of the ial. i listened to cnn because i thought they were the hardt trump.
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what i drilledowon was stormy daniels'testimony. and how that whole thing went down. shetified that she and trump had dinner and they talked about her going on the apprentice and trump said she was not going to go on the apprentice because the networks wouldt allow a poor and start to go on the networks. th dinner was about her being on the apprentice. what she didn't testified to was there were no romantic overtures. shwe up to his hotel room and went to the bathroom and th came out of the bathroom and he was in his underwear. if they did have an encounter then, why wasn't she paid then?
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a prosecutor -- a prostitute usually gets paid for services rendered ath time and she wasn'no did she bring up y type of charge at that time againstrump that he had had th aair. i really question whether or not it was just a he said she said and whether that really happened. host: the testimony of stormy daniels, one of the key moments in this trial and usa today gets into several of the key moments that we witnessed over the previous weeks. donald trump's defense attorney requested a mistrial after stormy daniels testified.
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that's the wrap up of the key moments if you want to read that usa today as we hear from jasper in georgia, democrat, good morning. caller: good morning. i was looking atheews yesterday and i saw the verdict. i really don't careonald trumdee honest with you but i think the american people were calling in who say it's ludicrous and wrong, we
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have a process in that process. let's not look at it as doing something wrong. what we need to do is focus on who's the bestandidate. the republicans put donald trp on the ticket. there are many others who could han on the ticket. i don't thinld should ever have been on the ticket. he was in ofceor four years and i don't think you did a ole lot. he covedp stuff. he is found guilty. that's all i have to say. donald trump found guilty yesterday and this is what he said to members of the media and the american publics after coming out of the courtroom. [video clip] >> this was a disgrace. this was a rigged trial by a conflicted justice who was corrupt. it's a rigged trial and a
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disgrace. they wouldn't give is a venue change. we were at five or 6% in the district in this area. this was a rigged, disgraceful trial. the real verdict will be november 5 by the people. they know what happened here and everybody knows what happened here. a george soros back to da and the whole thing. we didn't do a thing wrong. i am an innocent man. it's ok, i'm fighting for our country and our constitution.thg rigged right now. this was done by the biden administra in or to hurt a political opponent. i think it's just a disgrace and we will fight to the end then we will because our country has gone to hell we don't have the same country anymore. we have a divided mass.
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we are a nation in decline. there are millions of people pouring into our country now from prisons and mental institutions, terrorists and they are taking over our country. we have a country that's in big trouble. but this is a rate decision right from d one with a conflicted judge who have never been allowed to try this case, never. we will fight for our constitution. thank you very much. host: former president donald trump yesterday and we will hear more from the former president today. he is scheduled at a news conference in new york city at 11:00 a.m. eastern. you can watch it live here on c-span, and on the free c-span now mobile app. back to your calls, texas, democrat, good morning. caller: hi, i'm out here in texas. i hear all these people talking about the border.
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i remember when trump was in office, he said he wuild a wall. and mexico is going to pay for it and all our border problems would be completely gone. guess what? he did absolutely nothing. he built a little t a wall an cutting through that little tiny wall and coming through anyway. host: take tyesterday's jury decision. caller: he went to court. i am a paralegal and iseto do criminal law. that was a righteous jury.that man has been ripping people off for years. i went up to new york i2003. they talked about how he took advantage o anybody and he didn't have the money h once he screwed them over, then he would say go ahead and sue me. he knew they didn't have the
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money to sue him so anybody who didn't have any money, he was trying to get their life together and they got pummeled by this guy. new york hates him3.i'm from chicago originally. we lincoln because we were so proud we had a president fr■ illinois. they don't ve trump on their license plates. they do't like him. this man at 60 years old had a 27-year-old girl he asked to go to lunch. when she came out of the bathroomh's in his underwear or pajamas or something. ia creep, he is an absolute creep. e guy wants to know why he didn't pay her like she was a prostitute. she never said she was a prostitute. she said she was a foreign movie star. -- porn movieta host: this is
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ller: she was not a prostitute she w extortionist. her andreepy employer created this extortionecause the people in charge wanted them to create this extortion. we have a novel trial in the reason you call it novel i because it's never been done before. ey sent their number three to resurrect ■lit's one ofheost of undercover's that worked for the deep state to come out anli whistleblower we could not tell his name during the impeachment.
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■bit is furtheron of the constitund without it which is a social contract between citizens, why do we follow the law at all? but when you break the constitution and don't follow it we don't have any laws. that's ok if you are in power because the law only touches those who are under it. it's not that trump was above the law. it's just that he was below the law. people who walked around the capital were below the law. host: this is joanne in bridgeport, cneicut, a
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republican. caller: stormy daniels had nothing to do with the paper did not affect the econ. what didilclinton do wh polly jones? $750,000? this is a sad day inmerica. we lost the rule of law in o country something that is the bedrock of our constitio what the democrats have done is horrible. i listen to alan dershowitz, a libe day and i do believe that the democrats have ve president donald trump to be the
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47th president because people don't like the unfairness. this judge was conflicted, his daughter. a guy from the doj and put them the hell out of police officers d ey gave the middle finger to the camer this is whathe bread and butter is? no one has ever been charged with such a thing and there was this was a trihistory and sjoe . an hour left in washington
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journal and we are getting your reaction to the story that is the banner headline story in most american newspapers this morning. trump convicted is the headline in wall street. guilty, first president to become felon plans to appeal and usa today trump guilty, historic verdict. showing you reactions from new york and d.c. are phone numbers to call in (202) 748-8000 for democrats, for republan (202) 748-8001, for indendts (2) 748-8002. pat is next. n york who have had to put
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up with this for two months. thank the jury who has had to put up with this for two months. and probably for theesof their lives and going after citizens because they don't like them doing theirutas americans is as un-american a you can get. there is difference between a patriot and a pond, a tool. i don't understand how so many people can wchhe same thing and get tally different outlooks. my family fought in the civil war and it was not for the good side. now they want us to fight an i want to know who is pulling thehost: who is they?
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caller: howll of these republicans can bowed to trump, prudent in all of these dictators? are they getting paid directly or doesn't ill come through the nra liket ed to? host:■ sammy isn hope mills, north carolina. er: just wanted to say i am so disappointed in the justice system. trump from day wind that he was cted has been accused of that. i could care less. i do care about when it affects the people that want to vote for
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a person in all these charges get brought up during the election. president biden, i don't care for him and he hasn't done anything for our country. trump doesn't takehat he did wis career in wall street you can't convict a man on hearsay or you can't convict a man that values what we value, i guess i'm part of the cult of trump.
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it's supposed to be a freedom to vote for who you want in office. it is been taken away, is been slandered, we've been slandered. is a victim here. i am going to vote for trump the selection. i don't care what the democrats have to say. i have not seen biden do anything for us. he denies there is a problem at the border. he denied that they were having them flown and across the border.■d he denied anything about the voting rights they are trying to give illegals. and they are illegals.
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he's not getting charged with anything but i do believe he has broken a lot of laws. host: scott in bowie, maryland. caller: i'm originally from new york. it is still confusing to me how a person who lost their home state because the home state knows he is a crook and hired illegal immigrants in order to further their empire. he's a convicted felon. that's why we decided not to vote for trump. host: you are?
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-- you are a new yorker originally? caller: yes. that guy is the same guy who started as a democrat before becoming republican to get on the ballot and further his cause. what i think is happening we are being forced into a decision to pick the worst of two candidates ordates. what we really need is third party that could help advance this country. we do have issues with the economy andwe just have to findr way to involve those coming into this country because of they wanted to close the borders they would have close them but the capitalists, those who depend on
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cheap labor a.k.a. president trump. they don't want to ose the border. as for biden people talking about black people, they are to being you. we only make up 10% of the population. the majority which is not black americans, white americans, you have the opportunity to do what is right for this country. if you don't want to do that, say that. it's no one else's fault. host: you mention presidents who did not win their home state, the previous one who did not win their home stat nixon. next from new jersey, and independent. caller: i'm going make this quick.
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trump is a prostitute and a chart and he will do whatever they tell him because he wants more money. he is not well bred which is why he is not eloquent and only uses language that's on the tell of proctor -- teleprompter. that he is a predator is the biggest issue. let the people be honest. did donald trump raise our consciousness or has he sent us backwards? he also panders to the black community because he needs them. i will never forget when he said president■( xi was a friend and they sent covet our way. -- covid this way.
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he is a tool to divide us and it makes me sick to my stomach. biden is trying to right the wrongs of his past. host: diane in louisiana, a republican. caller: i disagree with the verdict because it was outside the statute of limitation and the judge should have recused himself. whether trump did the election fraud we will never know. they just created the underdog. everyone reads for the underdog. they have not impeaci
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don't know why. it just doesn't make any sense. the thing i struggle with the most, if you are going to call somebody out like donald trump someone should be monitoring you and calling you out. he said the papers, different things. and frankly, he's too old. he went to england and he couldn't walk around on the grass and prince charles had to help them. chinese balloons gathered our data how does that happen in america? it's a sad thing that trump lost but the law did not do what it was supposed to do. host: it's coming up to 9:15, 15
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minutes until that brief pro forma session in the house. we have been showing you reactions, tweets and headlines from around the world. one of their tweets to show you, the washington post caught up with the crt room artist and thatork manhattan court. sheas showing her final sketch of donald trump's trial. she was one of three artist granted access to depic trial. sheed to keep the final piece for herself and find a ece of it for her home. you probably saw her sketches through various newspapers. gwen, birmingham, alabamaa democrat. caller: i am so sick of ageism
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in america. we are all going to d. thank god for allowing us to get older. nothing is wrong with getting old. said joe biden could not walk on the grass. that's a lie. he is walking around by himself. if you need a walker or wheelchair, so what? aging is beautiful. everybody has called in to. joe biden passed the infrastructure act that trump could he gave 16 billion to
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hbcu, forgave gave student loan debt. in the supreme court said he could not do it. ho do you think he is more likely to be elected in the wake of what happened yesterday? caller: i'm not going to say that. that's up to the american people. let me say this about donald trump. he was guilty. that is a jury of your peers. stop diminishing insurers. this is supposed to be the land of the free. we are supposed to have rice and this country. black people, our people have been arrested, locked up. how many people has has been
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locked up the first time? they give donald trump a chance. let me say this about joe biden he put the first black woman on the supreme court. joe biden got more black women on the court than anyone else. host: from florida, steve, a republican. caller: i am a discouraged republican simply because of the fact that the republican party has changed and i happen to be older than our president.
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i don't feel that is a deterrent even though i do feel that there should be a maximum age for the supreme court of the presidency. i think the trial of trump was long in coming. i don't think he has done well for the republican party. i am sorry he has a candidate coming out and consequently, i can't promise my vote for trump. it has nothing to do with the trial specific we that he has augmented the country. host: does that mean you will vote for joe biden. caller: that doesn't mean i will vote for joe biden. it bothers me that cohen went to
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prison for trump and only on his demands that he ended up in prison but i don't expect ex-president trump to do any prison time. it is only his underlings that get nailed to the wall and yet, they still take it andg to bow . they stopped the border that have been helped when biden was willing to close part of the border and trump said not tdo it because it will be a plus for biden 's candidacy. the s to be age limits and term limits on the supreme court anll forms of government.
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yo can only fly as a pilot for 65 years. there is a medical reason for that and i that applies to the government and the rest society. appreciate the time. host: in terms of what is next in terms of donald trump the sentencing hearing is set for july 11. he will have a probation about background which will help with the presentencing report. will trump go to jail. these are nonviolent class e felonies in their punishable by prison but it's unlikely at age 77 he will be incarcerated.
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other options include sentencing him to probation. he would need permission to travel outside of the state or could be with the requirement he stay out of trouble. those are the options there. are wrap questions from the washington post support. this is shane in florida, and independent. caller: first time caller. i know my dad listen to you guys all the time. for trump in these religious people. when it comes to the central
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five and discriminating against younger people in his earlier years. when people call land when trump was in office the gas prices were lower. should the president dictate the price of gas or farmers what to sell eggs for? do they realize we live in a capitalistic country? why do they want to blame the price increase on the president. if he does do anything to any company that would be considered socialism. is the president supposed to set prices in this country? host: myrtle in mississippi, a
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democrat. caller: i have heard about the republicans: and repeatlanguaged on about. just get a second source of information and rely on a guy who wants to turn this country into an autocratic state. he wants his own regime. educate yourself, your last two callers were wonderful. they have at least some source of trump information other than donald trump trump. if trump is the victim why didn't he get up on the stand to defend himself? you know why? he would've perjured himself he can't say a word without it
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being a lie. he had every opportunity to do it he bragged about it but it could not do it because he can't tell the truth. all of these people are pending on an habitual liar for their information. i pray something happens to him to prevent him from becoming president. host: carol in west virginia. caller: i'm disheartened about the way the country is headed. i won't last the jury they did their job. they followed the instructions they were given in the way the judge gave instruction was pretty much a guilty verdict.
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i read all the transactions made public. i have been following since 2016 when com d the attorney general's job and he could not find any charges for hillary. he oversteis lane. if you read thecripts, thereon issues that i had with this trial. everybody else, obama he was fine. hillarylinton, she was fined.
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every pers w has ever r for public office has campaiance problems and they've been fine. donald trump was the only one charge but no one knowshahe was charged for. host: you're talking campaign-finance contribution but this was -- these are two different things. these are not campaign-finance violations. caller: in new york, has an account in 90% of them of lawyers on standby.
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when they say here is the invoice accountant. the lawyer said, don't worry i'll take care of it. if i hire a lawyer and the lawyer says i will take care of it. just let me how much i owe you. the federal department did not see anything and they did not charge. the state also looked at it and did not pass it up. even bragg himself looked at it and did not charge. what happened? host: the house will come in for a brief pro forma and we will take your calls until that session. kyle, a republican. caller: good morning, thank you
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for having me. last caller was getting to the point. everyone is high on emotion. the fact of the trial i guess we could start with michael cohen who is a known perjurer. i don't understand how they could use his testimony against trump in the federal election committee should have looked into it his dealings and they did not come up with anything. as far as the outcome of the election, there are two sides that are pretty radicalized. it's gonna come down to the people in the middle and anyone in the middle can look at this trial and see it was one-sided
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and basically a joke. host: how big is the middle right now? caller: that's a good question. 15%, 20% may be? i know there are a lot of third-party people and it's interesting to see what happensg involved in the debates are not. we have to look and see if trump is going to be in jail but any commonsense person will look at this trial and see how obvious it was that they are jumping through hoops to get to the sky. just because he is a crook you still have to commit a crime to be guilty. the way they are going about it
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is pretty obvious as gymnastics. host: do you talk to many people in the middle? caller: sure, everyone has folks in the middle. if you listen to any new story people are questioning this trial. people are out to get trump. i'm been ended there because the house is about to come in for the pro formas session.
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adrian smith to act as mr. speakerrer pro temp on this day. signed, mike johnson, speaker of the house of representatives. the speaker pro tempore: the prayer will be offered by guest chaplain, monsignor stephen j. rossetti of catholic university of america in washington, d.c. the chaplain: good and gracious god. we trust that you are very, very close to us. visiting us each day in many
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ways. may we be open to your coming, welcome you into our lives and come to know your profound peace. may this peace spread throughout our lives, throughout this congress. may it pour out into our country and eventually spread throughout the world. our world desperately needs this peace. the peace that only you can give. visit us today, bring us your peace. we pray all this in thy holy name. amen. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to section 3-z of house resolution 5, the journal of the last day's proceedings is approved. the chair will lead the house in the pledge of allegiance. please join me. i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. the chair lays before the house a communication.
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the clerk: the honorable the speaker, house of representatives. sir, pursuant to the permission granted in clause 2-h of rule 2 of the rules of the u.s. house of represents, the clerk■g received the following message from the secretary of the senate on may 30, 2024, at 10:50 a.m. that the senate passed senate 138. that the senate passed, without amendment, h.r. 2365. appointment, senate delegation to the british american interparliamentary group. signed, sincerely, kevin f. mccumber, acting clerk. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to section-z of house resolution 5 the house stands adjourned until noon on monday, 3, 2024, for morning hour debate, and 2:00 p.m. for legislative business.
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we have been getting your reaction all morning long since yesterday's new. donald trump guilty on all 34 counts. this is the front page of the chicago sun-times commander-in-chief to convicted felon. out of taxes, trump found guilty. we are showing you headlines from around the country. we want to hear your reactions, one calls. (202) 748-8000 for democrats, for republicans (202) 74800, for independents (202) 748002.
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wting and coldwater, chigan. thk you for waiting. caller: good morning. this has been a bad travesty. i don't know how it can exist in this world. i know our court system is corrupt and has been corrupt for a long time. my main question is, no one has prosecuted george soros? he canince protesting going onn ourountry and allowed to have judges intimidated in layers. how was nowhy is he allowed to e can do to our country? host: what do you mean by attacking?
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ller: george soros is attacking our government to destroy our government and its all about a one world government. tha's what democrats are doing. host: sheila in twin lakes, michigan. caller: hi john, how are you today? host: i'm doing well. caller: the gentlanrom saint augustine i would love to sit down i have a conversation with him. we are on the same page. i am glad i can say that that there is one person that feels like i do but we are on two sides of the spectrum. am all about fair. i am all about listening to the facts.
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people don't seem to realize what it takes to even get a case the courtroom. there is lg process and grand jury involved, an investigation there are so many different stubs. when i hear of a kangaroo court, you can't do that, it doesn't work that way. we a n a third wld country. it doesn't work that way. the only reason it took so long is because of bill barr. he w t one who stop the process. because he was working for trump. people can say it took long but that's because of trump's
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administration not biden. he has nothing to do with this and i'm tired of people saying it. as i go backo agree with the gentleman from saint augustine. there should be term limits. there should be a big luck into gerrymandering. just look at jim jordan's district. bring it up on a map it looks like for crooked letters put together. that is gerrymandered you can see it. i wish people would use their common sense like the jurors did yesterday and looked at the facts. we have a country that is so divided they they will see facts
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-- they do not see facts. i am a character phone or iphone on the character of the person and i could never vote for donald trump. my mother died in 1998 and she would be rolling in her grave if he became president. host: virginia, this is connie, a republican. caller: hi, how are you? i feel like trump winds of this trial after already being found guilty. the judge was with biden. he was already guilty when he walked in. i do not believe the biden has
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done a good job. i feel like he has been up puppet. the man has shown signs of not knowing where he is. there are pictures of him on tv falling asleep with the minister. trump was a good president and will be a good president again. our economy under joe biden has gone down. the orders are broken with all these illegals coming in. nothing has gone well since he took over. we are going to become a communist country if this continues. host:enee, florida, a democrat. caller: first of all i want to thank you.
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i learned a lot about state mottos. i am calling from the sunshine state. about the trial. i would've liked to see it on tv especially since it was so important. i want to see stuff for myself not from pendants. -- pundits. the people i saw were reading from court transcripts and you can tell who these people have been listening to. donald trump was defendant number one and michael cohen was defendant number two and went to prison for two years for helping his cause. and then bill barr tried to keep him in jail longer because he
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was going to write a book. he hadement. that's crazy. you assess lady what makes you think this will be a civil war? it was on your channel the last election when they tried to overtake the building. what do you think is going to happen next time if trump isn't voted in? caller: it is scary to think about. he is already whipping up people now. he has followers come in and taken over. that's what i think it's going to happen. you have a great day and i appreciate you letting me get my two cents in. host: sally from rhode island,
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the republican line. caller: good morning. i just want to say this trial it looks like a state-sponsored coup. they did this with trump before they had january 6, mar-a-lago grade, it just doesn't stop. everyone is jaded and involved it looks like we could have a rico case. they are all meeting in d.c. the plan this out. i think we have treason in this country and they tried to get rid of our president for six years. people talk about assassination and i hope it doesn't come to that. host: keith in riverdale, maryland. caller:
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republicans wanting to have their cake and eat it too. no one has a problem with delaying the documents case but whury of 12, a jury vte by the den. they come back with the unanimous verdict. ■ask republicans, he won't get y jail time. he gets deferential treatment that obama would not get. inot being prosecuted like a black man. he is programming the maga crowd and trying to prograblock people. he does not care about y o pass laws that improve your life. biden rying to improve the average middle-class life.
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yes, i hope you closes the border but he's trying to help the middle class person but trump isn't just wants the fat cats to get by on tax. host: the headline from the washington post, the jury has spoken and next up, the voters. even the most privileged remain subject to the same legal procedures. if you want to read that in the washington post. one comment from rich of massacs. >> trump steam wanted to question everyand they chose not to do that. his own defense and he chose not to do it. the verdict was reached by
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ordinary citizens. we will continue to get your reaction to yesterday's verdict and a reminder we are said to hear from donald trump again today at a press conference scheduled in trump tower at 11:00 a.m.. that will be aired here on look on the c-span network for continued reactions as well. for the next 15 minutes it is your reaction. caller: good morning and thk you for taking my call. i just wanted to say i am a firm believer in the separation of powers of my faith in the judicial system was restored yesterday. i watched as the capital was
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eached on c-span. i have watched a country that i love become divided and it makes me sad. we need to stop referring to the case as a hush money case and referred to it as what it was, and election interference case. the judicial process worked and i'm thankful for that. we are in the united states of america and we need to start acting that way. host: before yesterday did you think the judicial process did not work? caller: i have been nervous about it. host: was there a specific case you would point to confidence ik it did not work? were there cases that made you think it didn't work? caller: the supreme court is
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making me have that shakiness in our judicial system. the state courts are doing a s3fabulous job. the supreme court with justice thomas and alito make me nervous right. host: i think you are referring to the chief justice john roberts declining the request for a meeting about samuel■q alo and his ethics problems they told the senate committee that the request was out of the norm and he would not meet with them over those recusal issues that dick durbin and others have called for. caller: it feels as if the
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supreme court is becoming politicized. there is a reason that there is a separation of powers in the justice system is pposed to be blind. that was shown yesterday by a unanimous jury. i am so thankful for that. that's all i wanted to say. i want us to remember that we are the united states of america. host: this is richard in massachusetts, and independent. caller: good morning and thank you for taking my call. justice was served. the judicial system worked perfectly fine. we don't live in a banana
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republic. it was not a kangaroo court and if you were to believe what they were there are millions of conspirators against the guy who did this to himself. nobody else said donald j trump, do those. he did it and he was found guilty by his peers. host: from the sunshine state business loan, a republican. caller: good morning. i don't know where my republican is gone. the first person i was able to vote for was reagan and that was a party that stood for things. this party now stands for nothing. here is a man who has been found guilty of sexual assault.
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f nearly a billion in fraud and now has been found guilty of 34 counts of a felony. they stand for nothing anymore. this man does not believe in the peaceful transfer of power. he doesn't believe in fair elections. he does not believe in free press, the first amendment of the constitution. he goes after minority people like transgender and gaz. ays. he went after women's right and took away our right to have adjudication over our own bodies. i wish man and see exactly what he is. he wants to be a dictator.
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these are all the signs of an thdictator. it's a cult of personality. i wish my republican colleagues would wake up and just stopped. stop with help you in any way. he only helps the bridge. i'm not happy with both of the choices of the presidency. not one.but if there is a choicn trump and biden i will vote for because i believe with biden i will have another vote but with trump all he wants his retribution and go after people. thus the second term of this present need to help himself and no one else.
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i guess they are looking at me as if i'm they need to the redcoats and become americans again and look at what this man is doing to this country. he wants to stop nato? open your eyes. host: this is the hill newspaper , related toof banco trump is st publicly for the first time since her father was found guilty on all charges. the 42-year-old daughter who served us in senior advisor posted an instagram story saying i love you dad with a throwback photo with the eldest daughter
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nodding to her father. after he became the first former president convicted with a felony. eight minutes left and we are taking your phone calls. this is sally. you for taking my call. i watched the entire trial, mostly on c-span. i have never seen a jury as intent as it was. host: what do you mean you watch the trial? caller: i listen to the trial. i listen to the commentators and heard the description of the jury in rapt attention. they really did deliberate and did their job. i'm very proud of the jurors.
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and for the rule of law to have prevailed. host: here's the description of the moment that the 34 guilty counts were bred we get the description from reporters and this is the lead story into the washington post. >> features look solemn and all eyeser the jury's foreman as he rose to speak to deliver their findings. after he repeated guilty 34 times they were polled by the clerk of the clerk that they were unanimous. trump watched them frowning. the judge think the jurors for their work and also told them they were free to discuss the case but did not have to. they filed out of the courtroom walking one time in front of
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donald trump without looking directly at the president. caller: good morning. when trump was president i notice we didn't have 300 people waiting in line. i am a disabled vet from vietnam. back then, they were drafting people. and maybe they should start doing that again. and maybe our country was straightened out and they would have more respect. look at the college kids they are worse than the hippies? host: what is you think about the verdict yesterday? caller: i thought the whole thing was phony anyway.
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the judge, the jurors. it's ridiculous. i am ashamed to be an american nowadays. i really am. host: there are four cases to federal and two states cases against the former president are all four of them ridiculous? caller: yeah, they are all ridiculous. as a railroad job. host: we will stay in self dakota, carrie. caller: good morning. we have a couple of minutes left. i thought there verdict was wrong and i disagreed with everything all of the callers said.
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i believe they have a myopic focus on mainstream media is all propaganda and it all sounded like they were following right along. 90% of us out here you can go on rumple, duck,.co. you can hear the world's uncensored they need to find different sources of information for what they are believing and thinking. but they are falling in line. host: are there new sites that you go to? caller: the main news size is everyone who got banned off of television. we have bongino, tucker everyone band off regular tv has gone to the alternative media.
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they have podcasts and we can keep up with free news and the whole world is uncensored. you can choose the censored station and listen to what they want you to think. then you can go to a free source and you will see the full picture. host: one more call, sharon, dade city florida. people are trying to twist themselves into pretzels for what trump is on. we will raise the next generation to take no accountability. you can have thought.
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instead of feeling sorry for him they should wake up to the fact that he has been taking advantage of people's weaknesses. they have fears and people in congress want to stay in power and people has been able to capitalize on that. he is good at it. the court case yesterday was just -- there was overwhelming evidence when they asked to see the transcript of michael cohen's testimony. people that were in the meeting along with donald trump he's finally getting his comeuppance. if it was joe biden will feel tame way. our justice system did its job. i'm proud of that.
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thank you for taking my call. host: our last color in today's washington journal. we will be back here tomorrow morning at 7:00 a.m. eastern, 4:00 pacific. in the meantime, have a great friday. ♪ >> looking ahead to our live coverage on c-span, former president donald trump will hold a press conference after being found guilty on 34 felony charges for falsifying business records in relation to the lead up to the 2016m presidential election. live coverage from trump tower in new york at 11:00 a.m.
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eastern. nasa officials will hold a prelaunch news conference on the first boeing crew staffed launch, star liner. the first crewed flight to the international space station from boeing. much from the kennedy space center at 1:00 p.m. eastern live on c-span. you can watch on the c-span now mobile app or online at >> tune into c-span's live coverage of the national political convention starting with republican four-day event in milwaukee july 15. next, the democrats as they convene in chicago on august 19. stay connected to c-span for an uninterrupted unfiltered glimpse of democracy at work. watch the republican and democratic national convention live on c-span, c-span now our free mobile video app, and online at


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