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tv   Washington Journal Open Phones  CSPAN  May 31, 2024 10:02am-11:05am EDT

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prelaunch news conference on the first boeing crew staffed launch, star liner. the first crewed flight to the international space station from boeing. much from the kennedy space center at 1:00 p.m. eastern live on c-span. you can watch on the c-span now mobile app or online at >> tune into c-span's live coverage of the national political convention starting with republican four-day event in milwaukee july 15. next, the democrats as they convene in chicago on august 19. stay connected to c-span for an uninterrupted unfiltered glimpse of democracy at work. watch the republican and democratic national convention live on c-span, c-span now our free mobile video app, and online at
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c-span, your unfiltered view of politics powered by cable. announcer: c-span is your unfiltered view of government funded by these television companies and more. >> the greatest town on earth is the place you call home. right now we are all facing our greatest challenge. that is when sparklight is working around the clock to keep you connected. we are doing our parts was a little easier to announcer: do yours. announcer:sparklight supports c-span as a public service along with these other television providers, giving you a front row seat to democracy. host: we will start in the new york tabloids. from the daily news thing will with the banner headline, guilty. "the new york post," the headline, injustice,
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the front page of the new york times this morning, the headline is also guilty. one of the top headlines, the first ex-president to become a felon plans to appeal. the paper in washington, d.c. this morning, starting with the washington times, also the banner headline come guilty on all counts. the verdict likely to electrify the base and attract independents. the washington post in washington, d.c., trump found guilty. readying the scripts of martyrdom is one of the sub headlines. "the detroit free press," here is the headline, trump guilty on all counts. "the arizona daily star," with convicted. and then "the las vegas review journal," guilty, this is long from over, a quote from the former president, who spoke briefly to a large number of reporters gathered at the courthouse on thursday after the
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guilty counts were read. this was the president from yesterday. [video clip] former presidentrace. this was a rigged trial by conflicted judge who is corrupt. this was a rigged trial, a disgrace, they would not give us a venue change. we were at 5% or 6% in this district, in this area. this was a rigged, disgraceful and the real verdict is going to be november 5 by the people, and they know what happens here, and everybody knows what happens here. we did not do anything wrong. you have a very innocent man, and it is ok. i'm fighting for our country and constitution. our whole country is being rigged right now. this was done by the biden
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administration, a political opponent, and i think it is just a disgrace, and we will fight until the end and when because our country has gone to hell. we don't have the same country anymore. we have a divided mass. we are a nation in serious decline with millions pouring into our country right now, from prisons and mental institutions, terrorists, and then taking over our country, we have a country in big trouble, but this is a rigged decision from day one with the conflicted judge who should never have been allowed to try the case, never. and we will fight for our constitution. this is long from over. thank you very much. [end video clip] host: plenty more reaction and headlines to go through to show you this morning from papers in the u.s. and around the world, and we would like to hear fromd.
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republican, (202)-748-8001. independent, (202)-748-8002. colleen in on this topic for all three hours of "the washington journal" today with a brief house pro forma session at 9:30. those never last long. stick with us through the and we will continue the program through 10:00 a.m. eastern. starting in newark, new jersey, like the democrats. robert. caller: i cannot believe i got through. host: your reaction. caller: it is sad, but it is well-deserved. he was guilty. it is sad to see how the republicans have responded to what is going on. because he deserves it.ime he asked for it, he gets it. host: you say it is sad to see
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the republican response. what are yerring to specifically? em.ler: to it marco there is nothing rigyou had sevn tting on a jury, and they found him guilty on all counts. that is just how it is. you cannot do the time, do not do the crime. host: that is robert and you tioning marco rubio. this is a tweet from yesterday, the biden leftists in new york made mkery of our justice system. americans severs trump over $50 million since the travesty, talking about the fundraising by the trump campaign yesterday i the wake of the verdict. it came down at about a little after 5:00 p.m. eastern time,
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and the reaction has been fast and furious since then. savannah, georgia, richard, republican. good morning. caller: good morning, john. i feel like we have a city run by democrats. we have a judge who is very conflicted. his daughter raised over $93 million, the judges life works for letitia james, so we have more or less a 100% democrat run city in new york, from just it sounds like a banana republic to me. i just wish that people would wake up. this will be really bad for our country. i think biden got his you are a convicted felon campaign slogan that will probably backfire, and
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i just wish -- i would not want biden to go into a 100% red state, city, jury, da, judge, and stand trial. it just seems like this is all going the wrong way, and i wish things were different. i wish america good luck, and also, c-span. i don't know that guy from cnn you hired, but you are turning into a cnn, and i hate that. host: richard, i hope you keep watching and we continue to prove to you that we will do what we always do and hear from folks all day long, allow your reactions, and allow you to express your opinion. this is very and billings, independent. good morning. caller: thank you for taking my call. if the foreign government wanted to destroy an enemy country, with they would want to do is to
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ge the countries and get people to stop trusting ience because science is the y of fact. so we need to use artif utopia, ere are nine the earth a possible planetary tipping points. st: bring me to yesterday's conviction of former president nald trump. that is what a lot of people are caller: yeah, well, that is just one human beio when they fart -- good morning. go to maryland, caller: i think this isat day for america. convicted, and with all these trump supporters out here, d you think he would've had the same treatment?
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this man has gotay for years with all the cases, the definitions, everything, but the case i'm waiting on is the january 6 case because we all know he is guilty. he is a crookt the election coming up, i will say this again, you cannot win with just 20, 20 5% of the base, even with this electoral college we are in, he is not going to win, and he is scared because he isñb running for president to sy out of jail. host: you mentioned the january 6 case, do you think that case will move forward before the election? caller: you know what, john? i will say this, i think the supreme court, i think the only
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way this country is going to progress, i think the court -- either the supreme court has to get abolished and reformed, or needs to be expanded because donald trump basically said i have my supreme court justices and they are not going to let me or they are not going to try and delay and delay the case, and we will see what happens now. so, people, come out and vote. i don't think he's going to win. host: maryland, from "usa today," one of the sub headlines, asking more trials, who knows, pointing to the january 6 case, the federal case that donald trump is facing, that case was delayed when the supreme court agreed to hear the former president's claim that he should be and you. the court expected to roll around the start of july and it
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could mean a trial before election day, perhaps in the middle of the fall campaign season. we do not know at this point. don in california, republican. good morning. caller: good morning. i was happy for the result because i am a disgruntled republican. one thing about donald trump, he doesn't accept responsibility for anything. it is just disgusting when they don't look at the facts. when donald trump signs his name on fraudulent checks that he then uses tax deductions to get the company, come on, look at the facts and question them. i'm sorry, these republicans who have especially falling in -- fallen into donald trump and then call americans communists, i'm tired of them dividing them.
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i will blame you, the media, especially c-span. al capone, a murderer, was convicted of tax evasion. you sit there and have al capone on an interview and talk about how he is innocent? not one reporter has said, you are found guilty. period. you, they media, you keep promoting him, especially c-span, you show his trump rallies. he is a convicted felon. are you going to keep showing his rallies? why are you promoting a criminal? host: the presumed republican nominee for president this cycle , do you think there is any weight -- way he will not be seen? you think there should be a media blackout for the person who is one of the major parties in this country and nominated in the run for president? caller: he can announce it, but you are promoting a felon, a criminal. think about that. host: that is don in california.
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these are images of some of the checks that don referred to, some of the evidence introduced into trial. uncle cohen paid via check, nine of which carry donald trump's distinctive signature on it, key evidence in that case, 34 counts , 34 convictions, and there were no cameras in the courtroom to see what happened, but reporters in the crtroom describe the scene. this firm "the washington post," jurors looked solemn as they piled into the jury box to reveal their verdict. all eyes were on the foreman as he rose from the seat to deliver their foundations -- findings held by cal. -- held by the court. trump watched them, his hands resting on his lap. hanked the jurors for their work, saying they had a
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very stressful and difficult cast, and he told them that they we fto discuss the case but did not have to. he filed out of the courtroom a short time later, walking one final time in front of donald trump. they look forward not directly at him, the jury deliberated for 11 hours across two days with time spent hearing testimony and instructions from the judge, on thursday. host: tom, florida, independent. caller: good morning, c-span. i wanted to say this isn't about america, this is about the republican party. i listened the other day to all these banana republicans, and there is a law and theory that their candidate for the white house could have gotten on the stand and testified and told the truth. he was too scared and weak. he would have had to have lied if he went on the stand. that is who they are supporting,
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and i would like to see one comment about the supreme court, it took them one month to make their verdict about the immunity ■aclaim, which they rejected. it has been over a month, are these appeals courts judges smarter than the supreme court judges? they can make their verdict and still get their checks from charles koch. thank you. host: robert, texas, democrat. caller: yes, i think it was a good day yesterday when trump was found guilty because anytime he then sits there and goes through 60 courts, and for three years, he is still saying the election was stolen from him. host: anything else you would like to add? caller: yes, when it comes to politicians, believing things that trump says, and he is only
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looking out for trump. it is about when he, power, and putin. -- it is all about money, power, and putin. strom chuck schumer, saying that nobody is above thlaand the vdict speaks for itself. hakeem jeffries, america is built on a rule of law, the jury has carefully rendered a decision. it requires the verdict to be respected. mitch mcconnell, saying the chargers never should have been brought in the first place. i expected to be overturned upon peal. jim jordan, the chair of the judiciary commite the house, it is a travesty of justice. he said the manhattan kangaroo court shows what happens when our jti system is weaponized bipartisan prosecutors in front of a biased judge with an unfair process. trying to keep president trump off the campaign trail. archery taylor green -- marjorie
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taylor greene posting and upside down american flag. this is elizabeth, seduces, republican. caller: good morning -- this is elizabeth, massachusetts, republican. good morning. caller: good morning. i spent most of my life in oklahoma, colorado and the west as an educator, and i have never voted for trump. my who are republicans, have never voted for trump, but that isn't my biggest concern. i'm glad he was convicted because i think people have an instinct, not that anybody should be convicd but when someg you the truth, and i'm very
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concerned about our country for the gentleman talking about election interference not too long ago, and how little they put into this, and the conviction will divide us further. i wish there was a lot more programming about just political science, our country, how things are supposed to work because i'm terrified that the people that are still following mr. trump, especially our republican leaders, just repeating these fallacies, if he had been in another jurisdiction, he would have gotten a better trial. well, i mean, you are in your own town where everybody knows you. one would there isn't a better place to be. either way, there will always be, if this had happened, he would have been innocent. if this had been a different judge, he would have been innocent.
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it is ludicrous. it is a jury. i wish you could undo this cultlike following of this man, which seems to be based on sports like instinct of winning and losing as opposed to really looking at issues and what people are specifically promising you that are running for office, and try to get our country back to where we are not letting foreign entities put stuff all over the internet so that people can just feed their predetermined opinion and get back to where we are having thoughts of discussions -- thoughtful discussions with each other instead of taking these quitter like statements just to get everybody riled up on your team. it isn't healthy. host: elizabeth in massachusetts. the former president donald trump making statements yesterday.
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his political strategist tweeting out their statements with more coming from the former president today at 11:00 a.m. eastern, holding a news conference in new york city, and we will show it to you live on c-span, and the free c-span now video app. lynn in virginia, democrat. good morning. you are next. caller: good morning. i agreed with the decision that the jury made, and i celebrated the fact that we had a justice system that worked like it was supposed to. the most troubling thing to me is the opposition, the republicans, and their continual , you know, criticism of our
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justice systems. we have to have a justice system that all americans, immigrants and republicans, believe -- democrats and republicans, believe in, and we need to come together under that. that is what keeps our country free and fair. i also think that the bigger picture regarding trump is his mental state. it is obvious in the way he spoke after court that the man is delusional, and should he be placed behind bars for whatever amount of time? i think we need to have professionals, psychiatrists, evaluate him. host: you think you will serve time behind bars? four years is
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what these chargesld of expectan his past, the fact that these were not violent crimes but financial, he is likely to not see time behind bars. caller: well, i don't believe he will spend four years for a recount behind bars, that i think some sort of prison confinement is in order. host: why is that? why do think he needs to be in jail? caller: well, because, i think it would give some professionals time to evaluate him psychologically. i think that is donald trump's biggest problem. he is delusional.
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and a normal man just does not do that. host: "the washington post," with a little more on the question of if donald trump would go to jail, noting that he headed previously been convicted of a crime, and the financial aspect, they also note that other options for the judge in the case include sentencing the former president's probation, each means he would need approval from a parole officer to travel to campaign for president. he could also be fined or granted additional discharge, with the requirement to stay out of further legal trouble. so there are various options for the sentencing hearing for july now. this is kevin, connecticut, independent. caller: good morning. my thoughts go up to the state trooper who lost his life yesterday in connecticut.
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had a fair trial.ay that trump this jud bt over backwards for trump. he is not going to see no jail time. he could have flapp mouth in the witness box, but he did not. and no bones against trump. the jurors came up with the decision. we have menendez, if he is found guilty, that guy should lose his job and all of tha we have had politicians in the past, and the way that fox news is ping the court trial as a hack job is unbelievable. host: five women, seven men made up the jury of 12 that convicted former president donald trump. in "the washington post," in praise of the jurors, saying
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that they are a vivid that in this stress test to democracy, ordinary people still matter and they still wield significant clout. they had the capacity to digest complicated documents and consider the complexity of human nature and remained unbound by titles and grandiosity. they can be brave, and it took a level of courage to sit in this jury box at times. these men and women did not emerge from the court each day like the defendant did, and they did not talk about any frustration they felt or inconveniences which was they had to reckon. if they were cold and uncomfortable in the courtroom, as trump proclaimed to be, dated their job swiftly, and they rendered their verdict, and they asked for little in return. mike, texas, republican. good morning. caller: good morning.
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how are you? host: i'm doing well. caller: yes, i was wondering about the trial. it was just a sham trial, just all politics, and, also, if biden were on the next term, if he has already led in 50 million people in, how many more could he let in? that is all i had. host: you said this is a sham trial, this was one of four cases moving forward against the former president. do you think they are all shams? caller: yes, i do. it is all politics. they are afraid of him. host: that is mike in texas. robert, california, independent. caller: hello.
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trump does not know how to act in the court of law. when you are in a courthouse, you were not supposed to say nothing. and the judge should have put him in the jail somewhere, and the juries did their job, all 12 of them. trump picked those juries, and he says this is a scam? trump is a scam. the american people ought to go vote on whatever day it is, a better make sure to put down the right person to be the president because right now, america is coming up 7:38 on the east coast spending all three hours getting your reaction to yesterday's convictions on 34 counts of the former president to be the first
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convicted felon. it brought by da bragg and he made comments in the wake of the jury's decision. [video clip] >> i want to thank the jury for their service. it is a fundamental duty and their services the cornerstone of our judicial system. we should all be thankful for the careful attention that the jury paid to the evidence and law in a time and commitment over the past several weeks. 12 every day new yorkers and ■ alternates heard testimony frm 22 witnesses including former and current employees, media executives, book publishers, custodians of records and
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others. they review text messages, emails, recordings, checks, invoices, bank statements. this type of white-collar prosecution is core to what we do at the manhattan district attorney's office. in the 1930's, da thomas dewey ushered in the modern independent prosecutor. for nearly 90 years, dedicated professionals have built upon that tradition. a major part of our practice during those 90 years has been public integrity work. including cases involving the tourists, local and state electives and others. i wanted think this phenomenal
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prosecution team embodying the finest traditions of this office . professionalism, integrity, dedication and service. they are model public serva nts and i am proud to serve side-by-side with them. the 12 every day jurors failed to make a decision based on evidence and the law and the evidence in the law alone. their deliberations led them to a conclusion beyond a reasonable doubt that donald j. trump is guilty of 34 counts of falsify business records to conceal his scheme to corrupt the 2016 election.
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while this defendant may be unlike any other in american history, we arrived at this trial in today's verdict in the same manner as any other case that arrives at the court doors by following the facts and the law and doing so without fear or favor. host: manhattan da alvi bragg. we are getting yr reaction to donald trump being found guilty on all c. the lines are on you screen as we hear from robert from miouri. caller: good morning, it's a wonderful day. donald trumpesves everything he is getting. he is the devil of the country and why republicans back him i have no idea. 't know one democrat that
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can be put in jail because they haven't done nothing that wasn't an insurrection it was terrorist attack and they kn what bin laden did after that. host: we have juliet in arizona, caller: thank you for taking my call. i would like to say hhowbed down to allow everything to happen, to happen. i don't know how a seven-year charges became federal charges brought by a district aory. host: what do you mean a federal case this is new york. caller:ëbragg and his statements
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study he had a federal charge. you don't have jurisdiction over the federal. everyone can believe what they i just pray for this country. believe whatever they are told. they don' any research. how qutheyorgot about andci. hw does this man make more money than the president? his wife wor the who and he will make money until he dies and his estate will makeey off of covid. they tried to kill us.
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i grew up in el paso. it's not mexicans as the rest of the countries that are co host: you mentioned anthony felt she who was said to release a new book next month and the title of the book is on call a doctors journey in public. there is what the cover of the book looks like. we go to joe in poughkeepsie, new york. caller: with all the rhetoric coming from trump and his supporters how does the system work? if it's political, it may be where mr. brock started the
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investigation but after that, it's all citizens that do the investigation, presented to a grand jury. whether a person should be indictnd go to trial. from that point, it becomes a matter of citizens making a decision. citizens like us making decision on what is presented. host: what would you say the trum statement that he would never get a fair trial in new york. you are from poughkeepsie, what would you say? caller: it's nothing but political rhetoric. that's all it is. allcial media out there that men anything. invariably, when you get into a court of law there are only two
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things that matter. facts and the law and every time mr. has been in the courtroom whether that be trump university . whether that be the trump foundation, the charitable foundation. whether that be e jean caroll he loses because facts are the only thing that matters. host: this is abigail from the virgin islands. a republican. caller: from the very beginning when trump came down the escalator, hillary haddad it out for him. -- hillary had it out for him.
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■he was vindicated blaming him for doing stuff. congress vindicated him. they way and they just kept going and going. the democrats run the place at this point. they need to find out and show it because if they don't we might have a civil war. this is got to stop. we don't operate america. the judge handled the case and did what he had to do but he did
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not do it on this own. his daughter, with all the money that she collected from donors. is reaping the benefits and they don't like it again. they got more jealous. when this is going to end? if they thought they could bring jesus down from heaven they can't do it, he will come when he wants to come. jews and palestinians out of place. they think they can kill jesus all over again by killing the jews. host: abigail and the virgin islands. susan from inverness, florida. >>b a little bit of irony is i
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believe in the state of florida, convicted felons are not allowed to vote. i am wondering if mr. trump is going to move back to new york so he can reregister. but he doesn't want to live in new york because of the taxes. convicted felons are not allowed to vote in florida. host: donald in raleigh, north carolina, a republican. caller: thank you for taking my call. i would like to save president trump should just admit that he lost the election in 2020 and he also needs to ask president biden to give him a pardon.
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all these republicans support this man. he is so ignorant to be that rich. he has had 4000 cases go to court. i am glad he got convicted and i'd be glad to see him in jail. host: you think joe biden should pardon him? would he pardon him? caller: i'm sorry would because he is a a good man. -- host: a little bit of a clarification of donald trump would be able to vote for himself of lord.
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the associated press picked this up yesterday after the conviction he may be convicted of a felony in florida. but he can still vote as long as he stays out of prison in new york state because florida refers to other states of disenfranchise rules so florida only removes the right when they are incarcerated. and questions of whether he would even serve time or be given time behind bars ahead of e michael dixon, tennessee, and independent. caller: i was riveted to this
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child that mr. trump hide. you have to look at the beginning of his term where he said make america great again. he is presenting to this country roe v. wade, it's all the political thing designated for a certain amount of people. the rich. it's all based on what they wanted to do this country. this country is built on the law. it is been presented, it is been passed and he has been convicted in this country could go a tter way if everyone join together and understand what the a regular citizen would have been convicted and go to jail but he was alledo leave. candidate should
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detand what "allow" is. host: what do you make of the term lawfa a how the legal system is involved in politics? caller: it's system that should not be done. the purposes you are one-sided. you work for only one person. we know that he is rich and has moy. the law should be based on erne, he is not above the law. it should be presented in a way th are convicted.its a host: michael von what this means for the law. this is the editorial board of the wall street journal writing we don't doubt the sincerity of
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the manhatta but many jurors would digest this and conclude that while mr. trump is a cad it would not prevent him from serving a second term. what if mr. trump loses the election and vindicated on appeal? imagine how many more might complain next year? they accuse the president of using legal cases to knock out political opponents. he has failed to return the qvaxfavor if democrats felt like cheering patient think again. mr. bragg may have been opening a new destabilizing era of politics. host: this is debbie, and bert lee. caller: i used to be debbie
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from flint and i haven't called in the year. host: welcome back debbie. caller: i wanted to call for my mom. she passed away a year ago this week. host: i'm very sorry about that. caller: she was a never trump er. when big groups would get together at my parents and everybody with talk this out the only thing my mom would say is we need to get him in front of a jury. let me tell you. lawfare is a republican word it's kind of like rino and all these words they are coining. i
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don't know anyone who has less of republican than donald trump but he coined that word against. in regards to the courts i am a retired paralegal. for 26 years in county government. a lot of people hired and is democrats and every supervisor i had was a republican. any profession where people move up the ladder and make more money they are bound to jump over to republicans because they look at their paycheck. host: bring me back to the trial. caller: i think the verdict shows the guide. host: this is derek and
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virginia, a republican. caller: it was a sad day for our country yesterday. i think where we are going awry is the justice system. we are supposed to be the party of law, justice. i hate that this has transpired with our candidate. mr. trump did the crimes in the state of new york and he had to stand up for the beyond that, if we truly believe in our justice system we have to understand is the fairness therein. i hate that itthis way but justice was served and i truly understand and now i have an obligation to our party but i can't go against my most integral part and that's the truth.
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i am a god-fearing man and i understand the role politics plays. but in this instance i have to go with the justice system. that is a part of why we have our justice system. if we can accept the facts therein, we are headed for self-destruction. host: did you accept the testimony of michael:, a big part of the defense that he put up that michael: was a convicted liar and the district attorney is building his case on the case of the gloat, greatest liar of all time. caller: he said he was a liar and a cheater but my problem is
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mr. trump getting in bed with all of these individuals. if you get back close of the fire you're gonna get burned. the true sets you free. i think he spoke to said that. i can convict and ridicule cohen and everyone involved. my problem is with our candidate in the way he is aligning himself with these issues. host: that was derek speaking of michael cohen. sending a tweet out yesterdayaf. today is an important day for accountability and the rule law. while it has been a difficult journey the truth always matters. he thought his attorney for all of her guidance and support.
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one other interesting twitter or x exchange came from the former governor of maryland, larry hogan who is running for senate. heout a tweet and this was down. before the verdict came regardless of the result i urged americans to respect the verdict moment, leaders must not poor fuel on the fire with partisanship. the verdict was not right until after 5:00. the reaction to larry hogan's tweets was the reaction of this political strategist for donald trump.
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he tweeted out larry hogan with his tweet just ended your campaign referring to his campaign for senator in maryland. he is a key part of trump's 2024 campaign. this is roderick in florida, a democrat. go ahead roderick. caller: good morning. host what's your reaction to the verdict? caller: i am a democrat and voted for president biden and i don't agree with the verdict. from the beginning they went after that man from the beginning. as someone who went through the justice system when they went after that man hard like god and
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that came out. --hard like that. under trump i had an apartment for 1200 and now is 2500. the water bills are 300, 400 and inflation is out of control and as a black american i'm looking at it. you have migrants coming in and migrants taking over. in our neighborhoods we are fighting for affordable housing becaus of foreigners are getting all of affordable housing. host: you said you have been through the justice system, in what way and how did that color what you
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that whole thing was unfair. everybody from everywhere came after that man. anybody can see that. this is an election year. they could have set this off■ after the election. they didn't want to do it. they wanted to rush it through the election so this man could not be stronger than president biden. president biden looks like he is 90 years old. he can barely walk through. president trump is the stronger candidate. they know that. what they're doing is going after him this way so that that can lessen his chances. host: roger in fort lauderdale.
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this is trump attorney todd blanche on cnn last night giving his reaction to the trial. here's what he had to say. [video clip] >> i don't know what people president trump was saying that too, but in our view we were fighting to win the case of course, but a hung jury would have been as close to a win as we could have gotten. we were prepared for a conviction. i think that was expected. >> i think a lot of people are curious. we hear from a lot of former trump attorneys. what is it like to be a trump attorney? how has it been for the last seven weeks? >> i hear former trump attorneys talk on tv as well. i have found the last several weeks -- i don't want to use cliches, but it has been everything i would expect and want out of a client, out of someone who has -- is really putting their life in your
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hands. it has been challenging. it has been rewarding. trump, the persona people have about him, is completely wrong. the persona is right in some ways, too. in many people's lives the hardest thing you'll do is go through a criminal trial. i was impressed, especially today, at the way that he carried and handled himself. >> i court multiple times. there were moments when you would see you and the other attorneys and trump would tap you on the arm and you would object or he was clearly writing you notes. who was ultimately in charge of the defense strategy? ald trump? >> both of us. if there is a lawyer who comes in and says they are in charge of the defense they are not doing justice to their client. every decision we made as a team. not just trump and myself, but
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the whole team. every defendant, everybody who has their life on the line in history will tap their lawyer every once in a while and say, what about this, what about that? we not only did along during the trial, but we trial, but we wern the same page about strategy and about what we should be doing and not doing. the one thing i left with today is he impressed everyone in the neighborhood that got through what happened today. 34 terms of guilty, the way he handled himself as the republican nomineeg. i was with him and i have no complaints about it. host: donald trump attorney todd blanche.
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by the president side. he would often appear at those impromptu press stops. it is coming up on 8:00sg easte. taking your phone calls about yesterday's guilty verdict from the jurors. 34onvictions. danielle is in brooklyn, maryland. independent. caller: how are you? i was just giving a call. i am a little frustrated with the whole thione is so stuck on this. even the lawyer just said they were expecting a guilty verdict, which 90% of america i am sure was expecting the same thing. i think now that we have it we need to move forward. there are more important things that need to be discussed and taken care of■j other than this spectacle.
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host:■v what are those more important things? caller: the gentleman who just called prior talking about inflation. there is something we need taken care of. we will not get into what is going on in the middle east. that needs to be addressed. just taxes, it is insane. not to go too deep, b t startede got up to 3%.rty because we pay 40% in taxes. that is ridiculous. i make too much money working where i worked and i cannot afford anything and that is absurd for us to just be focused on one who we knew was going to be guilty. host: that is danielle in brooklyn, maryland. today the focus of all major u.s. papers and papers around
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the world is the trump guilty, the conviction, it is the headline in usa today, calling it a historic the first former president convicted in a criminal case. all 34 counts, 34 guilty verdic. there is the■+ front page of the wall street journal. "trump convicted." york jury finds trump guilty on all counts, making him the first former president to be convicted of a felony. here's the globe and mail out of canada. the jury finds trump guilty there. out of mexico, trump is guilty is the headline. the united kingdom's daily mail, "trump guilty." this case making international headlines and we are talking about at all three hours. phone lines.
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this is alan in arkansas. independent. good morning. caller: i am so fortunate to get to talk to you again on the phone. it worked out. i've been looking forward to this call for a numb of days. i am a retired american history teacher and had a radio talkshow 50 years ago, i can hardly believe that is true, but there it is. i was a three-year year high school debate guy and three more in college and i won a national tournament my time with my brilliant partner who was the guy who won them all. i say that as i have said to students countless times, stop
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arguing with people. i am good at i and i have never won an argument in my life. that is the truth. all of this arguing needs to stop. i always emphasize george washington. you are using his name every day. "washington journal" and all he carries and the weight of his influence. he said "no" to these political parties. i call as an independent saying it needs to stop. for crying out loud. this political division phone calling that you're doing, change it to regions, married or unmarried, all sorts of different choices. host: we do that often for specific topics and sments. caller: i know you do.


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