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tv   President Biden Delivers Remarks on the Middle East  CSPAN  May 31, 2024 1:28pm-1:46pm EDT

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challenges. you cannot prosecute martin because the that state are already functioning and handling his case. >> lucy, we will go to you in new york. >> i don't know how they could not find netanyahu guilty. he is starving children. starvation is a horrible way to die. he went to a scripture from the bible that said basically he can kill these people. the other thing is if they indicted putin, netanyahu is doing the same thing, killing people and taking their don't iy don't indict him, this is a kangaroo court. >> i know plenty of people that would say the opposite that if they do indict him, it is a kangaroo court. the technical term is a warrant of arrest. the challenge in any of these cases will be these internet connected bodies of law --.
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these interconnected bodies of law when you talk to israeli officials and look at press statements from israel, they will say here all the things we are doing to facilitate humanitarian aid but we are doing it in the middle of an armed conflict and an armed conflict -- pres. biden: just checking it is afternoon. good afternoon. before i begin my remarks, i want to say a few words about what happened yesterday in new york city. the american principal that no one is above the law was reaffirmed. donald trump was given every opportunity to defend himself. it was a state case, not a federal case. it was heard by a jury of 12 citizens. 12 americans, 12 people like you. millions of americans who served on juries, this jury was
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chosen the same way every jury is chosen. was a process donald trump's attorney was a part of. the jury heard five weeks of evidence. five weeks. after careful deliberation, the jury reached a unanimous verdict. they found on trump guilty on all 34 felony■v counts. now will be given the opportunity as he should to appeal that decision as evthat m of justice works. it is dangerous, it is irresponsible for anyone to say this was rigged just because they don't like the verdict. our justice system has endured for nearly 250 years. it is a cornerstone of america. our justice system. the justice system should be respected. we should never allow anyone to tear it down.
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it is as simple as that. that is america. that is who we are. that is who we will always be god willing. now to another issue. i want to give an update on my efforts to end the crisis in gaza. r the past several months, my negotiators of the foreign-policy intelligence community and the like have been rely mostly focused not just on the cease-fire that would inevitably be fragile and temporary but on a durable end to the that is the focus, a durable end to the war. when that brings all the hostages home, ensures israel's security, creates a better day after in gaza without hamas in power and sets the stage for a political settlement that provides a better future for israelis and palestinians alike. after intensive diplomacy,
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carried out by my team, my many conversations with leaders of israel, qatar, egypt and other middle eastern countries, israel has offered a comprehensive new proposal. it is a roadmap to an enduring cease-fire and the release of all hostages. this proposal has been transmitted by qatar to hamas. today i want to lay out its terms for an american citizen and the world. the new proposal has three phases. the first phase would last for six weeks. here is what it would include. a full and complete cease-fire. a withdrawal of israeli forces from all populated areas of gaza. release of a number of hostages including women, the elderly, the wounded and an exchange release of hundreds of palestinian prisoners.
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there are american hostages would be released at this stage and we want them home. additional some remains of hostages who have been killed would be returned to their families bring some degree of closure to the terrible grief. palestinians would return to their homes. and neighborhoods and all areas of gaza including in the north. humanitarian assistance would surge with 600 trucks carrying aid into gaza every single day. with the cease-fire, that aid could be safely and effectively distributed to all who need it. hundreds of thousands of temporary shelters including housing units would be delivered by the international community. all of that and more would begin immediately. immediately. during the six weeks of phase one, israel and hamas would negotiate the necessary
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arrangements to get to phase two which is a permanent end to hostilities. i will be straight with you. there are number of need tales to negotiate to move from phase one to phase two. -- of details negotiate to move from phase one to phase two. israel was to make sure its interests are protected. proposal says if negotiations take longer than six weeks for phase one, the cease-fire will still continue as long as negotiations continue. the united states, egypt and qatar would work to ensure negotiations keep going. all agreements, all agreements, until all the agreements are reached in phase two is able to begin. then phase two. the exchange for the release of all remaining living hostages. including maleers, israeli forces would withdrawal from gaza. as long as hamas lives up to its commitments, the temporary cease-fire in the words of the
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israeli proposal. . cessation of hostilities permanently. cessation of hostilities permanently. finally in phase 3, a major reconstruction plan for gaza would commence. and any final remains of hostages who have been killed would be returned to their families. that is the offer that is now on the table. what we have been asking for. it is what we need to people of his -- it is what we need. people of israel should know they can make this offer without any further risk to their own security because they have devastated hamas forces over the past eight months. at this point hamas no longer is capable of carrying out another october 7 which is one of israel's main objectives of this war and quite frankly a righteous one. there are those in israel who will not agree with this plan and will call for the war to
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continue indefinitely. some are even in the government coalition and they have made it clear they want to occupy gaza. they want to keep fighting for years and the hostages are not a priority to them. i have urged leadership in israel to stand behind this deal despite whatever pressure comes. and the people of israel, let me say this. as someone who has had a lifelong commitment to israel, is the only american president was going to israel in time of war, as someone who sent the u.s. forces to directly defend israel when it was attacked by iran, i ask you to take a step back and think what will happen if this moment is lost. you cannot lose this moment. indefinite war in pursuit of an unidentified notion of total victory will not bring -- will
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only bog down israel and gaza. drain the economic, military and human resources and further israel's isolation in the world. that will not bring hostages home. that will not bring an enduring defeat of hamas. that will not bring israel lasting security but a comprehensive approach starts with this deal will bring hostages home and will lead to more secure israel and once a cease-fire and hostage deal are concluded, it unlocks the possibility of a great deal more progress including column along israel's northern border with lebanon. united states help forge a diplomatic resolution, one that ensures israel's security and allows people to safely return to their home without fear of being attacked. with a deal of rebuilding gaza
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will begin. arab nations and the international community along with palestinian and israeli leaders to get it done in a manner that does not allow hamas to rearm. united states will work with our partners to rebuild homes, schools and hospitals in gaza. communities that were destroyed in the chaos of war. with this deal, israel could become more deeply integrated in the region including it is no surprise to you all including -- agreement with saudi arabia. israel could be part of a regional security network to counter the threat posed by iran. all of this progress would make israel more secure with israeli families no longer living in the shadow of a terrorist attack and all of this would create the conditions for a different future.
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a better future for the palestinian people. one of self-determination, dignity, security and freedom. this path is available. once the deal is struck. israel will always have the right to defend itself against threats to security and to bring those responsible for october 7 to justice. . united states will always ensure israel has what it needs to defend itself. if hamas fails to fulfill commitments in the deal come israel can resume military operations. the united states will help ensure israel lives up to their obligations as well. that is what this deal says. we wil. this is truly a decisive moment. israel has made their proposal. ■h■hamas says it once a cease-f.
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this deal is an opportunity to prove whether they mean it. hamas needs to take the deal. for mohs people all over the world have called for cease-fire. now it is time to raise your voices and demand hamas come to the table and agrees to this deal and end this war they began. of course there will be differences on the specific details that need to be worked out. that isural. hamas coming to negotiate, is really negotiations must be given a'k mandate with the necessary flexibility to close that deal. the past eight months have marked heartbreaking pain. pain of those who were slaughtered by hamas terrorist on october 7. hostages and families waiting in
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anguish. ordinary israelis whose lives were forever marked by the shattering event of hamas sexual violence and ruthless brutality. the palestinian people have du sheer hell in this war. too many innocent people have been killed. far too many have been badly wounded. we also all the terrible images from the deadly fire in rafah earlier this week following the israeli strike against targeting hamas. even as we work to serve assistance to gaza with 1800 trucks delivering supplies these last five days, 1800, the military crisis still remains. i know this is a subject on which people in this country field deep passionate convictions but so do i. been one of the hardest most complicated problems in the world. there is nothing easy about this. nothing easy about it. through it all, the united
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states has worked relentlessly to support is really security, to g unitarian supplies into gaza, to get a cease-fire and a hostage deal that will bring this war to an end. yesterday, with this new initiative, we have taken an important step in that direction. i want to level with you as to where we are and what might be possible. but i need your help. everyone who wants peace now must raise their voices and let the leaders know they should take this deal. work to make it real. make it lasting. and forge a better futur the tragic terror attack and war. it is time to begin this new stage. the hostages come home. for israel to be secure. for the suffering to stop. it is time for this war to end.
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and for the day after to begin. thank you very much. >> [indiscernible] >> we would love to hear your thoughts, sir. ♪ >> today, watch c-span's 2024 campaign trail, a weekly round up of c-span's campaign coverage providing a one-stop shop to discover what the candidates across the country are saying to voters along with first-hand accounts from political reporters, updated poll numbers, fundraising data and campaign acts. watch c-span's 2024 campaign trail at 7:30 p.m. eastern on
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online at or download as a podcast at c-span now, our free mobile app or wherever you get your podcasts. c-span, your unfiltered view of politics. >> congress returns next week following their memori d holiday recess. the house is back on monday when california republican congressman ncfong is expected to be sworn in. he will serve o t remainder of former house speaker republican congressman kevin mccarthy's term which lasts unl e end of the year. later in theeethe house will consider its first federal spending bl for 2025 funding for military construction projects in the veteransffrs department. the senate also returns from recess on monday at 3:00 p.m. eastern. next week senate lawmakers will consider several exeti nominations for the nuclear regularyommission and u.s. representative to the african union. eyre expected to take up
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